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Photography has that special ability to capture the moment. At Tales you can find photo books, which did that to perfection, whether the camera was pointing towards fashion, design, humans, animals, nature or your favorite city. Photography can also be art in itself, when pushing the boundaries of the medium, experimenting with light, colours and perspective showing new sides of the world and of life itself. If you are a photographer yourself or just a photo enthusiast, get ready to be inspired by some of the greatest photo artists. There is a whole new world of photography waiting just for you, and we all know that a photo says more than a thousand words.
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  • by J Cooksey

    The vest pocket Kodak & The First World War tells the story of the first compact camera and its significance in documenting the Great War. The first half of the book sets the technology and timeline of the camera against those of the war. The second half presents a commemorative album of images taken with the camera.

  • by MENDO

    Photographs of world-renowned New York landmarks and attractions like the Empire State Building, Brooklyn Bridge, and World Trade Center Transportation Hub are interspersed with pictures of New York's hidden treasures. Text in English, German and French.

  • - Manchester and Salford in the 1960s
    by Shirley Baker

    Compelling street photography from Manchester and Salford during the slum clearances of the 60s

  • by Paciorek Andrew L. Paciorek
    £11.49 - 27.49

  • - A Land of Prayer: A Photo Travel Experience
    by Andrey Vlasov

  • - Memories of Growing Up in Britain
    by Lee Shulman

    Anonymous family photos from Britain in the 50s to 80s provide an emotional glimpse of past lives.

  • by Walter Guadagnini

    The mysterious and contemplative work by Dutch photographer Erwin Olaf, among the most renowned authors of contemporary portraiture. Text in English and Italian.

  • - En krigsfotografs erindringer
    by Jakob Fälling & Jan Grarup
    £12.99 - 10.99

    Gennem mere end 30 år har Jan Grarup rejst verden rundt til krigs- og katastrofeområder for at dokumentere ødelæggelserne og de konsekvenser, der rammer uskyldige mennesker. I HVOR JERNKORSENE GROR fortæller han sine barske og gruopvækkende beretninger fra bl.a. Rwanda, Rumænien, Irak, Haiti, Somalia, Sudan og Balkan. De mange rejser og fotografier har åbnet verdens øjne for brutale konflikter, sikret Jan Grarup et hav af nationale og internationale priser og gjort ham til en af verdens bedste fotografer. Men i denne bog fortæller han også om de hårde personlige omkostninger, et liv i skudlinjen har haft; om alkohol- og narkomisbrug, skilsmisser og posttraumatisk stress og om menneskeskæbner, han aldrig kan slippe igen. Bogen er illustreret med især Jan Grarups egne fotografier, heriblandt aldrig tidligere viste billeder.


    The Helmut Newton SUMO was a titanic book that towered above anything previously attempted. Twenty years later, we celebrate the legacy of this publishing venture in an XL edition, the result of a project conceived by Helmut Newton and revised by his wife June. Gathering 464 images and a new booklet that takes us through the making of the SUMO,...

  • - Slower Ways to See the World
    by John Burns

    The next book in the highly successful Kinfolk series, exploring the art of travel across five continents.

  • - The World as You've Never Seen It Before
    by Patricia Schultz

    A photo-driven, deluxe gift-book edition of the bestselling travel book of all time, Patricia Schultz's #1 New York Times bestseller 1,000 Places to See Before You Die.

  • by René Staud

    New Edition at a special price - Rene Stauds bestseller re-released as a small flexicover edition for an inexpensive price

  • - Inspiration for Your Quiet Place Somewhere
    by Zach Klein & Steven Leckart

    Offers a collection of photography of rural escapes and inspiring stories of people who've created their dream home. This book is an invitation to slow down, take a deep breath, and enjoy the beauty and serenity that happens when nature meets simple craft.


    Since the 1980s, Dutch master Anton Corbijn's timeless and brooding aesthetic has cemented Depeche Mode's reputation as effortlessly cool. With over 500 images from Corbijn's personal archives, some never seen before, as well as Corbijn's handwritten captions, and an in-depth interview with the artist, this is the eagerly anticipated, wallet...

  • by Yann Arthus-Bertrand

    The Earth has changed... A new edition of this classic book, with 100 new photographs by Yann-Arthus Bertrand.

  • by Jurgen Tautz

    A stunning photographic record of endangered honey bees in their wild, forest habitat, with images from world-renowned nature photographer Ingo Arndt.

  • by Brandon Stanton

    The thrilling book that brings people all around the world together by the creator of Humans of New York

  • by Christopher Herwig

    Photographer Christopher Herwig has covered more than 30,000km by car, bike, bus and taxi in 13 former Soviet countries discovering and documenting these unexpected treasures of modern art. From the shores of the Black Sea to the endless Kazakh steppe, these bus stops show the range of public art from the Soviet era and give a rare glimpse into the creative minds of the time. The book represents the most comprehensive and diverse collection of Soviet bus stop design ever assembled from: Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Moldova, Armenia, Abkhazia, Georgia, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. With a foreword by writer, critic and television presenter Jonathan Meades.

  • - Styrken i fortællende journalistik
    by Line Vaaben

    Vi har fortalt historier til hinanden i alle tider og samfund. Men fortællingen er mere nødvendig end nogensinde. Og verden over har medierne fået øjnene op for at lange, velfortalte historier, der er en efterspurgt vare, frem for korte nyheder og clickbait. Tiden kalder på gode fortællinger og i en fragmenteret verden tilbyder fortællende journalistik læserne forståelse og fordybelse. I Fortællingernes tid tager Line Vaaben læseren med ind i nogle af verdens bedste journalister, redaktører og fotografers værksted og præsenterer nøje udvalgte eksempler på nyere fortællende journalistik fra både den amerikanske tradition og den fremvoksende og særlige skandinaviske fortælletradition. Line Vaaben (f. 1972) er fortællende journalist på Dagbladet Information og fellow ved Syddansk Universitet 2018/19

  • by Kristen Lubben

    An extraordinary record of great photographs being captured, edited and made, reissued to mark Magnum's 70th anniversary.

  • - 225 of the World's Most Amazing Places
    by National Geographic

    NatGeo takes you on a photographic tour of the world's most spectacular destinations, inspiring tangible ideas for your next trip. Travel to hundreds of the most breathtaking localesboth natural and man-madeillustrated with vivid images taken by the organization's world-class photographers. These images, coupled with evocative text, feature a plethora of visual wonders: ancient monoliths, scenic islands, stunning artwork, electric cityscapes, white-sand seashores, rain forests, ancient cobbled streets, and both classic and innovative architecture. Loaded with hard service information for each location, Destinations of a Lifetime has it all: when to go, where to eat, where to stay, and what to do to ensure the most enriching and authentic experience.

  • by Charlie Porter

  • by Serge Ramelli

    The metropolis of Paris, presented with Serge Ramelli's dramatic vision A fabulous and fascinating tour of the city in an incomparable light Film and photography meld into a black-and-white work of art


    Wolfgang Tillmans has explored the medium of photo-imaging with greater range than any other artist of his generation. From early portraits of his friends to abstract images made in a darkroom without a camera or works made with a photocopier, he has pushed the photographic process to its outer limits in myriad ways. For this collection of...

  • - Erindringsglimt 1947-1977
    by Jacob Holdt
    £16.99 - 20.49

    I sine erindringer fortæller Jacob Holdt levende, underholdende og med stor sans for sjove og tankevækkende detaljer om de vilde år, der gjorde ham berømt langt ud over landets grænser og kom til at definere hans liv. Alle kender Jacob Holdt og hans Amerikanske billeder. Et værk, som ikke blot redefinerede opfattelsen af underklassen i USA, men også blev synonym med Jacob Holdts eget liv som langskægget provokatør, fotograf og aktivist. Men hvorfra kommer hans nysgerrighed, hans uforbeholdne møde med andre mennesker og hans filosofi om at sige ja til alle, han møder på sin vej? Hvad er han selv rundet af? I sine erindringer fortæller Jacob Holdt levende, underholdende og med stor sans for sjove og tankevækkende detaljer om sin opvækst i en præstegård i den vestjyske landsby Fåborg. Det er en barndom, der er fuld af eventyr og frihed, men den er også påvirket af hans psykisk uberegnelige mor og fraværende præstefar. Efter en turbulent ungdom og et oprør mod sin far ’flygter’ Jacob Holdt til USA, hvor han som 23-årig indleder fem års blaffertur. Da han vender hjem igen, er det ikke blot med uforglemmelige indtryk og erfaringer fra de mere end 220.000 kilometer som vagabond på de amerikanske landeveje. I rygsækken har han også de mange tusind fotografier, han har taget af især fattige sorte, og som i 1977 bliver til den banebrydende bog Amerikanske billeder. Udgivelsen af bogen bliver startskuddet til et liv på landevejene, som har varet siden da. Bogen er rigt illustreret – både med Jacob Holdts private fotos samt fotos fra den allerførste tur gennem USA.

  • by Richard B. Woodward
    £12.99 - 30.99

    Created in collaboration with the Andy Warhol Foundation, this book reveals hundreds of the artist's instant pictures, many seen here for the first time. From self-portraits to still lives, anonymous nudes to New York high society, from Cabbage Patch dolls to portraits of Mick Jagger and Debbie Harry, these impromptu images offer a unique...

  • by Nick Cave

    A Sunday Times top ten bestseller. A journey in images and words into the creative world of musician, storyteller and cultural icon Nick Cave

  • - Generation Wealth
    by Lauren Greenfield

    A highly anticipated monograph from the internationally acclaimed documentary photographer and filmmaker

  • - Techniques to Flatter Everyone
    by Lindsay Adler

    When photographing people, you can have a great composition, perfect light, and the right camera settings, but if your subject doesn't look right-if the pose is off-the shot will not be a keeper. Posing is truly a crucial skill that photographers need to have in order to create great photographs. If you're looking to improve your ability to pose your subjects-whether they're men, women, couples, or groups-best-selling author and photographer Lindsay Adler's The Photographer's Guide to Posing: Techniques to Flatter Everyone is the perfect resource for you.In the first half of The Photographer's Guide to Posing, Lindsay discusses how the camera sees, and thus how camera angle, lens choice, and perspective all affect the appearance of your subject. Lindsay then covers the five most important things that ruin a pose-such as placement of the hands, and your subject's expression and posture. If you can look out for and avoid these five things, your skills (and your images) will quickly improve. Next, Lindsay dives into "e;posing essentials,"e; outlining her approach to start with a "e;base pose,"e; then build on that to create endless posing opportunities. She also discusses posing the face-with specific sections dedicated to the chin, jaw, eyes, and forehead-as well as posing hands.In the second half of the book, Lindsay dedicates entire chapters to posing specific subject matter: women, men, couples, curvy women, families and small groups, and large groups. In each chapter, Lindsay addresses that subject matter's specific challenges, provides five "e;go-to poses"e; you can always use, and covers how to train the eye to determine the best pose for your subject(s). In the final chapter of the book, Lindsay brings it all together as she teaches you how to analyze a pose so that you can create endless posing opportunities and continuously improve your work

  • by Henrik Hildebrandt

    Fotograf Henrik Hildebrandt dokumenterer i Kongehuset i det nye årtusind det royale liv i perioden fra 2000-2018. Bogen mindes rent visuelt de mange store begivenheder, der fandt sted i kongehuset i de år: Runde fødselsdage, bryllup, barnefødsler, jubilæer samt besøg af udenlandske statsledere og repræsentanter fra de øvrige europæiskekongehuse. Kongehuset i det nye årtusind har dedikeret et særligt fotoalbum til afdøde prins Henrik, hvor der ses tilbage på hans senere år. Bogen sætter punktum med en perlerække af billeder taget under festlighederne i anledning af kronprins Frederiks 50-årsfødselsdag i maj 2018.

The best thing about photography is its ability to capture the moment - and its ability to do it in so many ways. Each individual takes their own kind of photos. We have our own characteristic which comes to the surface when photographing. Although another amazing thing about photography is its universality. You don’t have to speak the same language in order to understand a photo taken by another nationality, even though you should remember the cultural differences.  
When taking a photo we give something of ourselves. A photo shows how we as individuals see the world; the way we use colors, light and shadow, perspective and not least the motive we choose to capture. It shows our interpretation of the world, and it is a product of what we find meaningful, although it can be difficult to go from idea to reality as an amateur photographer taking a photo. The photography does not always end up as we planned. It can be challenging when the importance of well taken and well produced photography and visual media has increased in recent years, especially after the rise of photo sharing social media sites such as Instagram and Pinterest. In Tales’ selection of photography books online you can find help to get started yourself. The selection of photo books guide you to all the basics of lights, backgrounds, perspectives and lenses making you the next master of photography. Who knows maybe you will end up with your own photography book or more followers on social media? If not, you can get inspired by the works of some of the greatest photographers now and then giving their different interpretations of the world and of life itself. 

Popular photo books
In Tales’ selection of photo books online you will find some of the most popular photography books at the market. The books contain works of some of the biggest photo artists in modern history. Photography can be its own form of art, especially when the camera is in the hands of a talented photographer, and that is why some of our most popular books are photography art books.
One of the most popular photo books right now is the collection of Helmuth Newton’s photo art in the special anniversary edition of his famous art book SUMO. Helmuth Newton has a whole museum dedicated to him and his works in the German capital Berlin. Newton is one of the biggest names in modern photography art and you have the chance of getting lost in 464 of his greatest photos. Newton works in the cross field between art and fashion and some of his photos are quite provocative. We recommend you to dive into the works of Helmuth Newton together with other photography art books.
Another one among our most popular photo books is the bestselling Humans of New York by Brandon Stanton. Through amazing visual portraits Stanton tells the story of everyday life in New York seen through the eyes of the ordinary new yorker, while at the same time showing all the diversity of the Big Apple. Stantons’ photos focus on the individual and the story of that individual, which comes to life in his photo book. All the individual photos come together and form a poetic and authentic portrait of modern New York.

Coffee table books
We all know the feeling of getting lost for words, especially in situations when not convenient. With one or two photography books on your coffee table you never have to experience that again. With a photo book you always have something to show your guests. A photo book gives them something to look at and converse about. There is nothing so inspiring as a good photo book. Coffee table books also add that final touch to your interior and show your interest in photography and art, making even more room for conversation. The photography books look good both in and out, and make your furnishing even more stylish, while giving you a touch of inspiration every day. 

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