The Primer presents the premise's validation by identifying the six-emotions syndromal order and the four relational modalities examining samples of the creative process in three realms: First, the art exhibits of the Museum of the Creative Process; Second, case studies utilizing a creativity-generating self-assessment, and Third, examining religions as discoveries of the alternative ways of resolving conflicts. These validations confirm the unconscious as a measurable, graphically portrayable, conflict resolution entity that spiritualizes psychology, while demystifying religions. The Primer presents the new conceptualization as the integrative paradigm revamping psychology's disciplines of epistemology, diagnosis and therapy, assessment, and morality. It does so in four segments examining each of the four disciplines, while also integrating them into the Science of Conflict Resolution, the Moral Science. This scientific knowledge and related technologies are deliverable as Creativity and Power Management, a concise program of emotional education. Its curriculum combines learning about the science, viewing art exhibits, using a self-assessment leading to self-discovery and optimization of relating, and by clarifying moral values as the principles of conflict resolution. As such this program is suitable for delivery in the classroom, for psychotherapy, for the training of professionals and the general public. Thus, the Moral Science Primer introducing the unconscious as a scientific and moral order phenomenon contributes a conceptual revolution, radically revamping psychology, psycho-diagnosis, psychotherapy, psycho-assessment, morality in the handling of personal, interpersonal and cultural conflicts.
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