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Fagre nye verden handler om bagsiden af vore drømmes mål: romanen skildrer med bidende ironi fremskridtstankens endestation. Den foregår i London, 632 år efter Ford, og det er et rationelt og tilsyneladende humant samfund, der beskrives. Genmanipulation og mental kontrol sikrer borgerne og samfundet mod overraskelser. Og mod ethvert optræk til vildskab, enhver form for spontanitet og naturlighed. I Fagre nye verden skildrer Huxley, hvorledes mennesket i et totalitært samfund kun har protesten tilbage – protesten mod mennesket selv. Nutidens muligheder for elektronisk overvågning og genmanipulering bekræfter de udviklingstendenser, Huxley forudså i sin dystre fremtidsforestilling, som er mindst lige så aktuel at diskutere i dag, som da den udkom."Nogle få af de bøger, der handler om fremtiden, ender som klassikere. Det er dem, der på en eller anden måde får ret i deres forudsigelser." – Jacob Jonia, fra forordet til Fagre nye verden"Lige så vibrerende frisk og forunderligt chokerende som da jeg læste den første gang." – Margaret Atwood, Guardian
In 1953, in the presence of an investigator, Aldous Huxley took four-tenths of a gramme of mescalin, sat down and waited to see what would happen. When he opened his eyes everything, from the flowers in a vase to the creases in his trousers, was transformed.
Far in the future, the World Controllers have created the ideal society. Through clever use of genetic engineering, brainwashing and recreational sex and drugs all its members are happy consumers. A visit to one of the few remaining Savage Reservations where the old, imperfect life still continues, may be the cure for his distress...
WITH INTRODUCTIONS BY MARGARET ATWOOD AND DAVID BRADSHAWFar in the future, the World Controllers have created the ideal society.Huxley's ingenious fantasy of the future sheds a blazing light on the present and is considered to be his most enduring masterpiece.
For over a hundred years the Pacific island of Pala has been the scene of a unique experiment in civilisation.
In his 1932 classic dystopian novel, Brave New World, Aldous Huxley depicted a future society in thrall to science and regulated by sophisticated methods of social control.
""Fagre nye verden", Aldous Huxleys roman fra 1932, er en af de få bøger som næsten alle kender, - i hvert fald titlen. "Fagre nye verden" er blevet en normal betegnelse for et teknisk avanceret fremtidssamfund, hvori menneskets frihed umærkeligt er afskaffet. Da handlingen i romanen er henlagt til år "632 efter Ford", dvs. til ca. 2500, gav Huxley verden rigelig tid til at besinde sig og søge en anden kurs. Men da Huxley i 1958 tog sit fremtidsperspektiv op til fornyet overvejelse, måtte han konstatere at fremtiden allerede var begyndt, og at tiden til at forebygge denne fremtid altså var knap." – Introduktion af Villy Sørensen"Gensyn med fagre nye verden" er Aldous Huxleys fremtidssamfund set i lyset af 2. verdenskrigs rædsler og de enorme tekniske fremskridt – værst af alle, atombomben – som krigen havde vist mulige. Pludselig var frygten for den "fagre nye verden" kommet tættere på, da det ikke længere bare var ens fjerne efterkommere, der risikerede at blive udsat for den snigende frihedsberøvelse, men ens egen livsførelse var på spil.Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) var en engelsk forfatter og filosof, der er bedst kendt for sin dystopiske roman "Fagre nye verden" og essayet "Erkendelsens døre", som fortæller om hans personlige oplevelser med psykedeliske stoffer. Aldous Huxley interesserede sig for forskellige emner som etik, politik og mysticisme og skrev både romaner, noveller, digte, rejseskildringer, essays, prosa og filmmanuskripter.
Touching on themes of control, humanity, technology, and influence, Aldous Huxley's enduring classic is a reflection and a warning of the age in which it was written, yet remains frighteningly relevant today. With its surreal imagery and otherworldly backdrop, Brave New World adapts beautifully to the graphic novel form.
WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY DAVID BRADSHAWAnthony Beavis is a man inclined to recoil from life. Realising that his determined detachment from the world has been motivated not by intellectual honesty but by moral cowardice, Anthony attempts to find a new way to live.
WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY MALCOLM BRADBURYDenis Stone, a naive young poet, is invited to stay at Crome, a country house renowned for its gatherings of 'bright young things'.
In 1953, in the presence of an investigator, Aldous Huxley took four-tenths of a gramme of mescalin, sat down and waited to see what would happen. When he opened his eyes everything, from the flowers in a vase to the creases in his trousers, was transformed. In this book, he gives an account of his experience, and his vision for psychedelics.
WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY DAVID BRADSHAWThe dilettantes who frequent Lady Tantamount's society parties are determined to push forward the moral frontiers of the age. As they all engage in dazzling and witty conversation, the din of the age - its ideas and idiocies - grows deafening.
"Jeg tog min pille kl. 11. Halvanden time senere sad jeg i mit arbejdsværelse og så intenst på en lille glasvase. I vasen var der kun tre blomster – en fuldmoden skønhed af en lyserød portugalrose, en stor magenta- og flødefarvet nellike og en svagt purpurfarvet iris. Tilfældig og midlertidig, som den lille buket var, brød den alle regler for traditionel god smag.Ved morgenmåltidet havde dens farvers levende dissonans gjort indtryk på mig. Men det var ikke længere det væsentlige. Nu så jeg ikke længere på et usædvanligt blomsterarrangement, men på det, som Adam havde set straks efter sin skabelse – øjeblik for øjeblik så jeg den nøgne tilværelses mirakel."I Aldous Huxleys kultklassiker "Erkendelsens døre" fortæller han om sine oplevelser med det kraftige hallucinogen mescalin og de erkendelser, han opnåede under indtagelse af stoffet. Aldous Huxley bevæger sig ud i uudforskede områder af sin egen bevidsthed og beriger læseren med sine opdagelser fra landet på den anden side af bevidstheden.Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) var en engelsk forfatter og filosof, der er bedst kendt for sin dystopiske roman "Fagre nye verden" og essayet "Erkendelsens døre", som fortæller om hans personlige oplevelser med psykedeliske stoffer. Aldous Huxley interesserede sig for forskellige emner som etik, politik og mysticisme og skrev både romaner, noveller, digte, rejseskildringer, essays, prosa og filmmanuskripter.
Crome Yellow (1921) is a novel by English author Aldous Huxley. Inspired by his stay at Garsington Manor with members of the Bloomsbury Group, Crome Yellow, Huxley¿s debut novel, satirizes the society of England¿s intellectual and political elite. In addition to its autobiographical content, the novel investigates such themes as spirituality, the nature and composition of art, and the fear of a dystopian future.Invited to spend part of the summer at Crome, a country estate owned by Priscilla and Henry Wimbush, Denis Stone arrives by train carrying a draft of his first novel, which he intends to complete during his stay. There, he is introduced as a poet, and quickly falls in love with the young Anne Wimbush, herself enthralled with the painter Gombauld. Faced with disillusionment and disappointment, Stone struggles to write while being subjected to pseudointellectual conversations, lengthy public readings, and devastating characterizations by the guests and hosts of Crome. Memorable characters include Mary Bracegirdle, an adventurous and amorous flapper; Mr. Barbecue-Smith, a hack writer; and Mr. Scogan, a doomsayer with an elaborate dystopian vision. Crome Yellow, a biting work of satire, has earned comparisons to The Great Gatsby continues to be recognized as an important early work from one of England¿s most visionary writers.With a beautifully designed cover and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of Aldous Huxley¿s Crome Yellow is a classic of English literature reimagined for modern readers.
The Burning Wheel (1916) is a collection of poems by English author Aldous Huxley. Published when the poet was only twenty-two, The Burning Wheel captures the mind of an artist at its earliest fertile stage, enthralled with a world either blooming with change or wilting with all-out war. Although Huxley is known foremost as a novelist, his poetry exhibits a mastery of language and an uncommon sense of the music inherent to words.¿The Burning Wheel¿ opens the collection with a kaleidoscopic vision of life and creation, illuminating the poet¿s debt to the French Symbolists. ¿Weary of its own turning,¿ the burning wheel slows for a moment¿s rest. This wheel, both machine and pure, wild flame, is the poet compelled to create, the mind that ¿[w]akes from the sleep of its quiet brightness / And burns with a darkening passion and pain.¿ In ¿Quotidian Vision,¿ Huxley returns to earth to remark: ¿There is a sadness in the street / And sullenly the folk I meet / Droop their heads as they walk along.¿ In these simple, rhyming couplets, the poet channels the verse and vision of William Blake to see, despite the ¿mist of cold and muffling grey,¿ a ¿dead world move for him once more / With beauty for its living core.¿ The Burning Wheel is a compelling collection from an artist whose poetry is no less remarkable for having gone mostly unnoticed.With a beautifully designed cover and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of Aldous Huxley¿s The Burning Wheel is a classic of English literature reimagined for modern readers.
The Defeat of Youth and Other Poems (1918) is a collection of poems by English author Aldous Huxley. Although Huxley is known foremost as a novelist, his poetry exhibits a mastery of language and an uncommon sense of the music inherent to words. The Defeat of Youth and Other Poems is his third poetry collection."The Defeat of Youth" is a moving sonnet sequence on the passage of innocence to experience, on familiar transformation of love into lust. Capturing the experience of youthful attraction, Huxley imagines the moment in which the beloved "leans, and there is laughter in the face / She turns toward him; and it seems a door / Suddenly opened on some desolate place / With a burst of light and music." As the young man awakens to the life of another, his vision turns tragically pure, molding an image of "immanence divine," a face "in a flash of laughter" and a "young body with an inward flame." As the poem unfolds, however, he feels only shame to have touched "things deadly to be desired." Throughout this collection, Huxley explores the poet's tendency to sing and to praise the world's fleeting beauty while "[o]ther young men have been battling with the days / And others have been kissing the beautiful women." The Defeat of Youth and Other Poems is the work of a poet uncertain of his visionary gift, doubtful of his art's worth or purpose, yet sure of the power of language.With a beautifully designed cover and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of Aldous Huxley's The Defeat of Youth and Other Poems is a classic of English literature reimagined for modern readers.
Limbo (1920) is a collection of short fiction by English author Aldous Huxley. Mostly satirical, Huxley's novella, play, and four short stories show a promising writer at the very beginning of his career.In the novella "The Farcical History of Richard Greenow," Huxley satirizes the lives of his friends and acquaintances at Eton and Oxford. Richard Greenow, a young writer, spends his days as a politically engaged academic. At night, however, he writes fiction for women, crafting stories and serialized novels he sells to a prominent women's magazine. Finding success, he realizes there is a woman inside him, a writer named Pearl Bellairs who is as much a part of his identity as Richard Greenow is. When war breaks out, however, he must choose between his principled pacifism and his fear of prison, a decision that pits his two unique identities against one another. "Happily Ever After," a story set during the First World War, follows Peter Jacobsen, " a man with no nationality and no prejudices," as he travels across the Atlantic to visit Pemberton, his old friend from Oxford and a renowned scholar of philosophy. As friends and family converge on the stately Petherton home, a classic comedy of manners ensues. Limbo is an early collection of fiction from Aldous Huxley, presaging his satirical and dystopian novels with their abundant wit and unsparing, unmatched ire.With a beautifully designed cover and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of Aldous Huxley's Limbo is a classic of English literature reimagined for modern readers.
Mortal Coils is the famous book of short stories (and a play) by Aldous Huxley. Mortal Coils includes the following stories: The Gioconda Smile Permutations Among the Nightingales The Tillotson Banquet Green Tunnels Nuns at Luncheon Enjoy this wonderful book Mortal Coils by Aldous Huxley today!
Aldous Huxley''s classic comedy novel, set in post-World War I London. Sometimes called a novel of ideas, the book explores societal excesses, elitism, and cultural substance. The novel follows the exploits of Theodore Gumbril, a shy inventor who meets women while disguised and affecting a false persona.Criticized for its discussion of sex following release, the book was banned in some areas and burned in others.
Crome Yellow (1921) is a novel by English author Aldous Huxley. Inspired by his stay at Garsington Manor with members of the Bloomsbury Group, Crome Yellow, Huxley''s debut novel, satirizes the society of England''s intellectual and political elite. In addition to its autobiographical content, the novel investigates such themes as spirituality, the nature and composition of art, and the fear of a dystopian future. Invited to spend part of the summer at Crome, a country estate owned by Priscilla and Henry Wimbush, Denis Stone arrives by train carrying a draft of his first novel, which he intends to complete during his stay. There, he is introduced as a poet, and quickly falls in love with the young Anne Wimbush, herself enthralled with the painter Gombauld. Faced with disillusionment and disappointment, Stone struggles to write while being subjected to pseudointellectual conversations, lengthy public readings, and devastating characterizations by the guests and hosts of Crome. Memorable characters include Mary Bracegirdle, an adventurous and amorous flapper; Mr. Barbecue-Smith, a hack writer; and Mr. Scogan, a doomsayer with an elaborate dystopian vision. Crome Yellow, a biting work of satire, has earned comparisons to The Great Gatsby continues to be recognized as an important early work from one of England''s most visionary writers. With a beautifully designed cover and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of Aldous Huxley''s Crome Yellow is a classic of English literature reimagined for modern readers.
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