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  • Save 34%
    by Anne Schjoldager, Henrik Gottlieb & Ida Klitgård

    The aim of this book is to help you gain an in-depth understanding of the phenomenon of translation and to provide you with a conceptual framework for the analysis of various aspects of translation. Intended readers are students of translation and languages, especially those working with Danish and English, but it will also be relevant for other people who are interested in the theory and practice of translation. The book is designed as a textbook for introductory courses on translation studies - including the theory and practice of interpreting, literary translation and screen translation. It may also function as a handbook and should allow readers to zoom in on aspects and topics that are of particular interest.

  • Save 42%
    - Norse Clothing Patterns
    by Lilli Fransen et.al.

    Short introduction to the amazing finds of garments from the Norse settlement of Herjolfnes in Greenland by Else Østergård. Chapters on technique: production of the tread, dyeing, weaving techniques, cutting and sewing by Anna Nørgaard. Measurements and drawing of garments, hoods, and stockings with sewing instructions by Lilli Frandsen. A practical guide to making your own Norse Viking garment!

  • Save 13%
    by Kirsten Ahlburg

    Mia elsker søndage, for her har hun tid til sin hest. I dag vil hun ride en tur i det dejlige solskin. Hun rider ud i skoven.Hun hører en lyd. Mon det er en kat? En ræv? Eller noget helt andet? Det lyder nærmest som én, der græder. Inde mellem træerne får hun øje på en kasse. Det er her, lyden kommer fra. Mia er lidt bange, hjertet hamrer i brystet, hun er jo helt alene. Alligevel går hun hen og åbner kassen.Cafe-serien er niveaumæssigt opdelt i en rød (lix 8-10) og en lidt sværere blå (lix 12-15) serie. Indholdsmæssigt er bøgerne til en vis grad opdelt i tøse- og knejteemner med temaer hentet fra de unges hverdag: fester, pc, chat, mobiler osv.

  • Save 43%
    - Textiles from Norse Greenland
    by Else Østergård

    Erik den Rødes efterkommere, de norrøne grøn­lændere, beboede det sydvestlige Grønland i et halvt årtusinde indtil midten af 1400-årene, hvor de sidste nordboere af endnu uopklarede grunde forsvandt.Den grønlandske jord har bevaret den unikke kulturarv efter nordboerne, og "Woven into the Earth" præsenterer et fuldstændigt katalog over de norrøne tekstilfund fra 28 lokaliteter udgravet af danske arkæologer igennem de sidste par hundrede år.I 1921 blev der på Herjolfsnæs Kirke­gård gjort unikke fund af nordbodragter. Resultaterne af de arkæologiske udgravninger ved Herjolfs­næs/Ikigaat gav genlyd i hele verden.Årsagen til den store opmærksomhed var det ene­stående fund af velbevarede dragtdele fra middel­alderen: I stedet for i kister var mange døde blevet grav­lagt indsvøbt i aflagte klæder. Kjoler til voksne og børn, hatte og kalotter, strudhætter og hoser, som man hidtil kun havde kendt fra af­bild­ninger fra Vest­europas middelalder, blev bragt til Dan­mark, og de velbevarede dragter hører i dag til blandt National­museets skatte.Forfatteren har i mange år forsket i nord­boernes tøj - og nytolker i denne bog Herjolfs­næsdragterne og ana­lyserer desuden alle senere fund af nordbo­tekstiler i Grønland.Dette er en engelsk udgave af bogen "Som syet til jorden", der udkom i 2003.

  • Save 36%
    by Robert Ibsen

    Good negotiation skills are increasingly relevant and important in all types of positions and professions including sales and marketing, purchasing, project management, HRM activities, supply chain management, service management, and much more.Real Negotiations focuses on must-have competences and knowledge, such as:selecting the right negotiation strategy and what drives that choicetactics at the negotiation table a hands-on approach to the negotiation processintercultural and communication issuesthe role of personality and cognitive biasesethics and trust as value driverstools for preparing and evaluating negotiations Real Negotiations is written with students in mind, but is equally useful for current professionals

  • Save 25%
    - diversity as a strategic resource
    by Lisbeth Clausen

    This book addresses team dynamics and diversity in business management in multinationals in Japan.Japan provides an important place for studying teams, particularly in light of its contributions to management history. The Japanese are ubiquitously known for their teamwork with attention to detail, efficiency and work philosophy of continuous improvement lean.Teams in Tokyo based multinationals provide a useful platform for studying the Japanese government's recent initiatives of including international talent and not least the female workforce as assets in the Japanese drive for economic progress.Penetrating the Japanese market provides substantial challenges for international companies and setting the right teams are of utmost importance towards reaching this goal. The participating corporations are Bang & Olufsen, Ecco, Coloplast, Novo Nordisk, Microsoft, Sony and Huawei. The Danish companies are outstanding in their advanced values of work-life balance, American companies have explicit and elaborate diversity policies, and Chinese corporations inspire with an unforeseen drive for results and straightforward pragmatic business ways.The book is targeted at bachelor, master and MBA students in management studies with focus on organization, communication and competence. Business professionals will also find inspiration and insights applicable to their own organizations concerning high performing team dynamics and cross cultural management.

  • Save 25%
    by Tupaarnaq Rosing Olsen

    OBS! ENGLISHTakanna betyder Værs’go på grønlandsk. Grønlands natur er rig på friske og rene råvarer – rensdyr, moskusokse, lam, sæler, hvaler, fugle og fisk, svampe, bær og mange andre planter. Takanna er klassikeren blandt grønlandske kogebøger, og her får du inspiration til at tilberede de lækre råvarer til hverdag og fest – eller mindes kulinariske oplevelser fra Grønland, hvis råvarerne ikke lige er ved hånden. Kunstneren Nina Spore Kreutzmann har gennemillustreret bogen med tegninger i farveblyant af dyr og planter.”Man æder side efter side, alt imens tænderne løber i vand.” Arktiske Anmeldelser

  • Save 45%
    - Advanced Studies
    by Erik Højsgaard

    In Rhythm. Advanced Studies, Erik Højsgaard, composer and professor of aural training at the Royal Danish Academy of Music, provides a detailed guide to reading and understanding advanced use of rhythm. The 451 exercises and their corresponding notes allow those professionally involved with music to further develop their technical and practical skills in this specific area. The book also includes exercises aimed at developing modern composition techniques. Danish professor and composer Per Nørgård writes: The many aspects of aural training in this book by Erik Højsgaard have been inspired by his deep insight into western music and its thousand-year-old traditions. Written with clarity that allows for rhythm and polyphony to be presented in an understandable form, Højsgaard's book is both musical and entertaining. There is no doubt that one gains new insights and musical joys after working through the book's exercises.

  • Save 30%
    by Alexander Kielland

    Essays om hunde og katte, præster og kunstudstillinger. Indfald, betragtninger, skitser og humoresker.

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    by Christian Krohg

    "Albertine" om den fattige og ærbare sypige, der bliver voldtaget og ender som luder, er i lange passager skrevet som bevidsthedsstrøm, så vi følger med i Albertines tanker. På den måde foregriber den fyrre år før Virginia Woolf og James Joyce.Wikipedia skriver om bogen:Albertine er en tendensroman fra 1886 som ble skrevet av kunstmaleren Christian Krohg (1852–1925). Allerede dagen etter utgivelsen ble den forbudt av de norske myndighetene. Krohg har blitt stående i norsk kultur som «den sosialbevisste kunstneren» og boken Albertine var ment for å ryste og refse.Boken handler om en ung Kristiania-pike ved navn Albertine. Hun strever dagen lang som sypike hjemme hos sin mor. De er svært fattige og broren hennes, Edvard, er veldig syk. Albertine sitter inne hele tiden og vil ikke gå ut ettersom hun ikke har noe fint å ha på seg. Svært mye tid går med til å tenke på sin søster Oline. Oline har en fin regnfrakk som Albertine kunne trenge dersom hun skulle bevege seg utenfor døren, men den vil hun definitivt ikke låne. Tidligere var Oline nemlig å finne på horestrøket i byen. En gang hadde Albertine sett henne gå inn døra til et det offentlige prostitusjonsbygget. Oline hadde den gang smilt til henne, og hun klarer ikke å glemme det smilet. Gang på gang tenker hun på det hele.Ikke kan hun begripe at Oline til slutt fikk lov til å gå oppover kirkegulvet med en eldre veletablert herre, hun som hadde vært slik en gatetøs. Uforståelig var det også hvordan folk kunne se på henne som en fullverdig kvinne.Etter hvert gir hun seg og bestemmer seg for å låne regnfrakken likevel. Sammen med en venninne ved navn Jossa blir hun med på byen. Hun får smaken på utelivet og forelsker seg etter hvert i en herre ved navn Helgesen, men ham får hun dessverre ikke. I stedet får hun innkallelse til politifullmektig Winther. Han serverer henne noe å drikke, og hun faller i søvn og våkner ikke før hun merker at hun blir voldtatt av mannen. Dette får henne helt på skråplanet og er en av mange grunner til at hun selv ender som en gatetøs – akkurat slik som sin søster.

  • Save 20%
    by Marie-Louise Wallin

    Unn är 13 år och bor på en ridskola som hennes pappa driver. Unns föräldrar har skilt sig. Trots att hon älskar att rida saknar hon sin mamma och lillebror, att ha en riktig familj. En dag får Unn veta något om sin pappa som gör att hon känner sig åsidosatt.Marie-Louise Wallin (f. 1933) är lärare, författare och journalist. Hon har skrivit böcker för både barn och vuxna. Hennes debutbok Tovan blev en succé och översattes till flera språk.

  • Save 17%
    - A humorous guide for foreigners and their Danish friends
    by Kay Xander Mellish

    An updated version of the popular book based on the "How to Live in Denmark" podcast, with 8 new chapters. In this fun, easy-to-read book, Kay draws on her own experience as a foreigner in Denmark in when it comes to learning Danish, trying to find a job in Denmark, and looking for a place to live in Copenhagen. She also touches on dating in Denmark, Danish drinking culture, Danish childraising, and how you can guess a Danish person's age from their first name alone. This entertaining look at life as an outsider in Denmark draws on gentle humor and can be enjoyed by both foreigners and their Danish friends.

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    - A Compact Guide to the 1980 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
    by Joseph Lookofsky

    The 1980 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) regulates the rights of buyers and sellers in international sales. The Convention is the first sales law treaty to win acceptance on a worldwide scale, and the impressive list of some 85 CISG ‘Contracting States’ already accounts for more than three-fourths of all world trade. The importance of the CISG in the international arena is underlined by thousands of reported decisions where the CISG has been held to apply, thus evidencing the conduct of countless international traders who – by default or by express choice – regularly subject their sales contracts to the Convention. The CISG has also impacted on sales legislation at national and regional (e.g., EU) levels.The CISG treaty demands an international interpretation, and this fully updated Fifth (Worldwide) Edition draws upon the full range of primary as well as secondary sources of CISG law, including worldwide case law and scholarly opinion. Concrete examples are provided throughout.With this book as their guide, lawyers and students who need to understand international sales contracts and sales contract disputes will confidently navigate topic areas such as the following:• determining when the CISG applies;• freedom of contract under Article 6;• interpretation of the Convention and of CISG contracts;• sales contract formation, validity, defenses to enforcement;• obligations of the parties, including conforming delivery and payment;• remedies for breach, including specific performance, damages and avoidance;• liability exemptions; and• key reservations under Articles 92–96.Co-published by Wolters Kluwer.

  • Save 41%
    - How to save the media and democracy with journalism of tomorrow
    by Ulrik Haagerup

    Negative stories make the news. Drama and conflicts, victims and villains are our modern world. Or are they?This revised second edtion on constructive news challenges the traditional concepts and thinking of the news media. It shows the consequences media negativity has on the audience, public discourse, the press and democracy as a whole.The book also explores ways to change old news habits and provides hands-on guidelines on how to do so. Moreover, the book presents numerous examples from the author's ten-year tenure as executive director of news at the Danish Broadcasting Corporation where he led a successful paradigm shift in news production."Constructive News" is a wake-up call for a media world that struggles for a future, as well as an inspirational handbook on the next megatrend in journalism.

  • Save 20%
    by Frances Hodgson Burnett

    Efter att ha förlorat båda sina föräldrar i en koleraepidemi i Indien tvingas den bortskämda Mary Lennox flytta in i sin farbrors stora, ensliga hus i England. Marys nya hem är både mystiskt och skrämmande med många hemliga rum och låsta dörrar. Men snart träffar hon på en sängliggande kusin som hon inte visste fanns och en pojke som kan tala med djur.Med hjälp av en gammal nyckel hittar Mary en hemlig trädgård där ingen har varit på tio år. Tillsammans med sina nya vänner upptäcker hon trädgårdens förtrollande värld.Frances Hodgson Burnett (1849-1924) var en brittisk-amerikansk författare som gjort sig känd för sina klassiska berättelser för och om barn. Hennes berättelser, som En liten prinsessa och Den hemliga trädgården, har trollbundit både barn och vuxna i över hundra år, och har gjorts till film flera gånger.

  • - A guide to therapy and self-treatment
    by Anne Marie Jensen

    Why does muscle tension, pain, scar tissue and reduced joint mobility decrease your chances of becoming pregnant? How is your stress level, working posture, stance, and exercise routines affecting your fertility? Do you exercise too little or maybe too much? Why is laser therapy particularly effective in treating age-related infertility and low sperm count?”Fertility and Physical Therapy offers a ground-breaking ap- proach to treating infertility that provides the reader with natural ways to help “cultivate the soil” and optimize their fertility, whether they are trying to conceive naturally or using assisted reproductive technology (ART) such as IVF.” Dr. Lorne BrownB.Sc., CPA, Dr.TCM, FABORM, CHtClinical Director, Acubalance Wellness Centre Vancouver BC, Canada This book is first and foremost dedicated to all the women and couples who are struggling to conceive. It provides a thorough instruction on how you can more than triple your chances of conceiving and carrying your pregnancy to full term by following simple physical exercise and treatment protocols. The book includes an exercise program, a massage program for self-treatment of scar tissue, as well as guidelines to daily exercise routines most beneficial for your fertility. It also offers new insight into why and how laser therapy can increase your pregnancy chances.The content of the book is based on extensive scientific research, as well as the author’s own clinical experience with treating more than 300 women. On that background, it can serve as clinical inspiration for healthcare professionals, who work with couples struggling to conceive.

  • Save 42%
    - Danish Archaeological Investigations in Abu Dhabi 1961-1971
    by Bo Madsen

    The Early Bronze Age Tombs of Jebel Hafit fremlægger halvtreds gravhøje, der blev udgravet af Moesgaard Museum i perioden 1961-1971 i emiratet Abu Dhabi ved den Arabiske Golf. Disse udgravninger var de første arkæologiske undersøgelser overhovedet i denne del af verden, og de kastede det første lys over begyndelsen af bronzealderen på Omanhalvøen. Gravene repræsenterer en fundamental transformation af forholdet mellem mennesker og landskab i regionen, der går forud for opkomsten af det første oaseagerbrug. Gravene indeholder de første genstande af kobber fra regionen og viser, at udnyttelsen af kobbermalm fra Omanbjergene var begyndt. Gravene fra Jebel Hafit er indskrevet på UNESCOs Verdensarvsliste. Publikationen er resultatet af et samarbejde mellem Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority og Moesgaard Museum.

  • Save 17%
    by Peter C. Gøtzsche

    This book will help you navigate in the bewildering and often contradictory flood of information about vaccines.There is substantial misinformation about vaccines on the Internet, particularly from those who reject all vaccines, but also from official sources, which are expected to be neutral and objective. The book is based on the best available evidence, and Professor Gøtzsche explains when and why we should not have confidence in the science and official recommendations.Some vaccines are so beneficial - and have saved millions of lives – that we should all get them; some are so poor that many healthcare professionals do not use them for themselves or their families; and some are in-between.We must evaluate carefully each vaccine, one by one, assessing the balance between its benefits and harms, just as we do for other drugs, and then form an opinion about whether we think the vaccine is worth getting or recommending to other people.The book focuses on measles, influenza and HPV but discusses also childhood vaccination programmes and whether mandatory vaccination can be justified. Raising critical questions to vaccines is essential because there are still many unresolved issues. For example, we know virtually nothing about what happens when we use many vaccines and what the long-term effects are on the immune system.

  • Save 19%
    - eSports’ incredible journey from dingy basements to sold-out arenas
    by Markus Bernsen & Danny ‘zonic’ Sørensen

    Danny "zonic" Sørensen is head coach of Astralis and one of the most winning Counter-Strike gamers of all-time. In ‘Zonic’ he shares the incredible story about how esports went from dingy internet cafés to become a Billion-Dollar industry of sold-out arenas, fanatical fans and greedy money men. Zonic has played a key role on the journey. With Astralis, he helped build a professional organization where psychologists, dietitians and physiotherapists coach and develop the players. With four Major wins, Astralis is the most winning team in the history of Counter-Strike, and esports teams all over the world are now copying their methods. Danny Sørensen did not take an easy road to the top of professional gaming. Growing up in a run-down area south of Copenhagen, computer games were his way out of crime, and he later had to fight his way past scammers, rivalling gaming clans, Russian oligarchs, teammates' betrayal and charges of cheating to get to the dominant position Astralis now holds. 'Zonic' is also the first behind-the-scenes look at the inner workings of a major esports brand. We hear about the players’ intense training schedule, huge cash prizes, internal strife, rivalry with other teams and the many power struggles in the rapidly growing market for esports.

  • Save 22%
    by Joseph Conrad

    Adolf Verlof runs a sex shop in 1880’s London, but his real profession is even shadier. He’s a so-called "agent provocateur" for the Embassy, whose mission it is to infiltrate and spy on a relatively harmless group of anarchists. His employers are impatiently waiting for the group to do something radical enough that they can use it as an excuse to harden their actions against the many socialist and anarchistic groups that are sprouting up around the country. To move things along, they order Verlof to get the group to plant a bomb at Greenwich Observatory, a place that symboles world order. Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) was a Polish-born author who left Poland in his teens to avoid enlistment in the Russian Army. He learned English aboard British ships and started writing in that language after settling in England. His most famous novel is "Heart of Darkness" (1899), which was inspired by his experiences on the open sea.

  • Save 35%
    by Jonathan Hodgers, Rita Felski, Alastair Morrison, et al.

    Bob Dylan’s songs have been the subject of countless interpretations. In fact, Dylan’s work is one of the fastest-growing research areas within the humanities, and the interest has increased dramatically since Dylan’s receipt of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2016.There is a distinguished history of scholarly work on Dylan. Textual scholars focus on Dylan’s lyrics, parsing out their verbal artistry and identifying their numerous and farflung sources.Historians and biographers try to clarify the details of Dylan’s life and the chronologies that link him with other notable figures and movements. Social scientists have focused on the cultures inspired by Dylan, the institutions and communities of fandom and appreciation which surround him.NEW APPROACHES TO BOB DYLAN break down the disciplinary silos that have kept these lines of work separate, to think about how lyrics, performances, personal history, and mass movements all coincide and shape one another.NEW APPROACHES TO BOB DYLAN is edited by Anne-Marie Mai and contains 16 essays and an interview with Horace Engdahl, The Swedish Academy. Among the contributors are Stephen Greenblatt, Sean Latham, Nina Goss, Johnathan Hodgers, Michael Gray and Gisle Selnes.

  • - IEC 61131-3 and best practice ST programming
    by Tom Mejer Antonsen

    This book gives an introduction to the programming language Structured Text (ST) which is used in Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC).The book can be used for all types of PLC brands including Siemens Structured Control Language (SCL) and Programmable Automation Controllers (PAC).This 3rd edition has been updated and expanded with many of the suggestions and questions that readers and students have come up with, including the desire for many more illustrations and program examples.CONTENTS:- Background, benefits and challenges of ST programming- Syntax, data types, best practice and basic ST programming- IF-THEN-ELSE, CASE, FOR, CTU, TON, STRUCT, ENUM, ARRAY, STRING- Guide for best practice naming, troubleshooting, test and program structure- Sequencer and code split-up into functions and function blocks- FIFO, RND, sorting, scaling, toggle, simulation signals and digital filter- Tank controls, conveyor belts, adaptive pump algorithm and robot control- PLC program structure for pumping stations, 3D car park and car wash - Examples: From Ladder Diagram to ST programmingThe book contains more than 150 PLC code examples with a focus on learning how to write robust, readable, and structured code.The book systematically describes basic programming, including advice and practical examples based on the author´s extensive industrial experience.The author is Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (B.Sc.E.E.) and has 25 years´ experience in specification, development, programming and supplying complex control solutions and supervision systems. The author is Assistant Professor and teaches PLC programming at Dania Academy, a higher education institution in Randers, Denmark.

  • - muligheder og faldgruber
    by Dorte Riskjær Larsen, Luise Guldbæk Larsen & Erik Werlauff

    Aktietilbagekøb og selvfinansierede aktiekøb behandler de nye muligheder, der efter selskabsreformen 2009/10 er opstået med hensyn til• selskaber tilbagekøb af egne aktier, hvor den tidligere grænse på 10 pct. af aktiekapitalen er bortfaldet, og• selskabers mulighed for at yde finansiering gennem lån, sikkerhed mv. for køb af aktier i selskabet, eventuelt for køb af hele selskabet eller majoriteten i dette.Begge situationer er udtryk for, at selskabets frie reserver udbetales til nogen, enten til en aktionær som vederlag for selskabets tilbagekøb af egne aktier eller til en aktiekøber som øremærket låneprovenu til dennes finansiering af køb af aktier i selskabet.Aktietilbagekøb og selvfinansierede aktiekøb giver en indgående indføring i de muligheder og faldgruber som selskabsreformen har medført. Og den giver klar besked om, hvad selskaberne kan gøre med hensyn til tilbagekøb af egne aktier og til finansiering af køb af aktieposter i selskabet. Bogen vil derfor være af stor værdi for firmajurister, advokater, revisorer og andre praktikere samt for forskere og studerende.Cand. merc. jur. Luise Guldbæk Larsen er legal adviser i Nordea Invest Fund Management A/S. Hun arbejder med investeringsforeninger og beskæftiger sig ligeledes med selskabsret samt børs- og kapitalmarkedsret.Cand. merc. jur. Dorte Riskjær Larsen er erhvervsjuridisk konsulent hos Finansrådet. Hun arbejder særligt med området for betalingsformidling, pengeoverførsel mv.Professor, dr. jur. Erik Werlauff forsker og underviser ved Aalborg Universitet. Han rådgiver virksomheder i juridiske spørgsmål og er jævnligt dommer i voldgiftssager.

  • Save 30%
    by Carsten Jensen

    Marstal, en flække på en ø i Østersøen, et fjernt sted i en lille nation.En historie om mod, hensynsløshed, vold, lidenskab og tab.I 1800-tallet bliver Marstal hjemsted for nye generationer af mænd, der drevet af udlængsel sætter sig for at krydse verdenshavene. Det er mænd, der lever i et evigt opgør: med havet, med hinanden og med de kvinder, de elsker, men først og fremmest med deres egne mørke sider.Havet kræver sin pris af mænd som den fandenivoldske Laurids, der efter et tabt søslag aldrig bliver den samme igen. Og sønnen Albert, der på Stillehavet leder efter sin forsvundne far, men i stedet kommer hjem med et skrumpehoved. Og Knud Erik, som med hovedet fuldt af Alberts skrøner bliver stillet over for et moralsk umuligt valg i Anden Verdenskrig. Også familierne bliver havets ofre; de fædreløse børn, de druknedes enker - og Klara, Marstals dødsengel.Fra Newfoundlands klippekyster til Samoas plantager, fra Tasmaniens lyssky barer til det nordlige Ruslands ødemark er Vi, de druknede en episk beretning om fire generationer af mænd fra Marstal, deres længsel efter fjerne horisonter og kampen for at vende hjem.

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    - Samtaler i pædagogisk arbejde
    by Susanne Idun Mørch

    Forfatteren fokuserer på den professionelle samtale og pædagogens særlige rolle og position heri. Bogen relaterer sig til pædagogers hverdagspraksis både på teoretisk og praktisk niveau. Pointen er, at samtaler i det pædagogiske arbejde aldrig må blive rutineprægede og lette, men til stadighed må involvere pædagogens samlede opmærksomhedsfelt. Pædagogen må oparbejde kulturel opmærksomhed på og bevidsthed om kommunikationskultur

  • Save 25%
    by Sara Blædel

    En tidlig morgen får en lystfisker øje på et kindelig i vandet ud for Tuse Næs. Da liget er bjerget, bliver Holbæk Politi enige om at tilkalde Rejseholdet, for ikke bare har afdøde en flise bundet om livet, så der med sikkerhed er tale om drab, men det viser sig også at være en ung pige af anden etnisk afstamning. Da Louise Rick, kriminalassistent i Drabsafdelingen på Københavns Politigård, samme morgen møder på arbejde, får hun besked på straks at køre til Holbæk. Hun er indtil videre udlånt til Rejseholdet i en sag, som viser sig at handle om store følelser og knuste drømme og om splittelsen mellem to kulturer.

  • Save 35%
    - Science, technology, society
    by Peter Lauritsen, Claus Bossen, Casper Bruun Jensen, et al.

    Science Technology Society-studier (STS) forsøger at afdække og beskrive de ofte meget brogede relationer mellem mennesker, ting, videnskab, teknologi og organisation. Der er tale om en forholdsvis ny videnskabelig strømning, der går på tværs af en række traditionelle skillelinjer. Fællesnævneren er, at der ikke sættes skarpe skel mellem videnskab, teknologi og samfund. STS-studier bliver således mere og mere aktuelle i en tid, hvor blandt andet it, bioteknologi og nye organisationsformer ændrer vores måde at opfatte verden på.Introduktion til STS er den første danske grundbog om dette nye felt. Bogen giver en pædagogisk introduktion til STS-studier og den forskelligartede og ofte vanskelige primærlitteratur, der kendetegner feltet. Forfatterne præsenterer blandt andet socialkonstruktivistiske tilgange til videnskab og teknologi, gennemgår aktør-netværksteori og beskriver etnometodologiske, feministiske og posthumanistiske perspektiver på STS-studier.Introduktion til STS henvender sig til undervisere og studerende inden for en bred vifte af fag - fra ingeniør- og sundhedsuddannelserne over sociologi og samfundsfag til filosofi, psykologi og kulturstudierne på universitetet.

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    by Sara Blædel

    I en skov tæt på hvalsø finder en skovarbejder liget af en kvinde, men hvem er hun? Ifølge retsmedicinerne har hun ligget i skoven et døgns tid, og et stort ar over den ene side af ansigtet burde gøre det nemt at identificere hende. Men ingen har meldt hende savnet, og hun matcher heller ikke nogen på politiets liste over efterlyste personer. Efter fire dage er kriminalassistent Louise Rick - nu leder af Den Særlige Eftersøgningstjeneste - stadig på bar bund. Først da hun beslutter at offentliggøre et foto af kvinden, får hun et spor at gå efter: En ældre dame mener, at det må være Lisemette, som hun for mange år siden passede på en af Åndssvageforsorgens institutioner. Men da Louise opsøger den nu nedlagte institution for at tjekke journalerne, venter der hende en overraskelse. For fortiden viser sig at have en uventet forbindelse til nutiden, og Louise får travlt med at optrevle, hvad der er sket, før det er for sent. Opklaringsarbejdet ripper op i gamle sår – også for Louise, der konfronteres med begivenheder, hun har gjort alt for at glemme.

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    by Ildefonso Falcones

    Havets katedral giver en fascinerende og levende beskrivelse af Barcelonas storhedstid som livlig søfartsby prøvet af religiøs intolerance, krig, pest, enorme klasseforskelle og materiel stræben. En gribende historie om ukuelig frihedstrang og undertrykkelse, om venskab og svigt og om grænseløs kærlighed.

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