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New York Times bestselling author Alex Kava returns with another action-packed thriller featuring special agent Maggie O'Dell, who is on the hunt for a 'truck stop' serial killer.
Flere katolske præster bliver myrdet rundt om i USA – rituelle mord født af hævn og had. Mordene fortsætter, og det står snart klart for specialagent Maggie O’Dell fra FBI, at der må være tale om mere end én gerningsmand. Under sin efterforskning støder hun på et foruroligende rollespil i cyberspace, hvor deltagerne er unge mennesker, der har ligget under for dominerende mænd i deres liv – blandt andet katolske præster. I de seneste fire år har det pint hende, at hun endnu ikke har været i stand til at fange fader Michael Keller, hvis brutale ugerninger hun aldrig vil være i stand til at glemme. Den mentalt forstyrrede præst synes at være sporløst forsvundet, men nu vil skæbnens ironi, at han selv er blevet mål for en morder. Så da fader Keller tilbyder at hjælpe Maggie med at opklare mordene til gengæld for immunitet, har hun intet andet valg end at alliere sig med den forsvundne barnemorder – et menneske hun hader med næsten religiøs fanatisme. Maggie ved, at denne aftale er et nødvendigt onde … som muligvis vil komme til at koste blod …
I den gravkammerlignende stilhed i et forladt stenbrud forsøger en skygge at skjule sin beskidte, lille hemmelighed. En hemmelighed, der dog snart vil blive afsløret. FBI-agenten Maggie O'Dell har lige fået en velfortjent ferie, da hun bliver ringet op af sin veninde, psykologen Gwen Patterson. En af Gwens patienter er forsvundet på en tur til Connecticut. Kunne Maggie ikke lige se på det? Det kan jo ikke være rigtigt, at Joan Begley bare er forsvundet ud i den blå luft, vel? Først afviser Maggie Gwens bekymring. Men da liget af en kvinde dukker op i et forladt stenbrud i Connecticut, sætter Maggie kursen mod den lille by, helt uofficielt. Snart kommer den chokerende nyhed, at der er blevet fundet flere lig. Og Maggie bliver pludselig viklet ind i en sag, der forvirrer både de lokale lovhåndhævere og en erfaren agent som hende, der ellers er specialist i profilering af kriminelle. Men hvor er Joan Begley? Er hun rent faktisk den kvinde, der blev fundet begravet i stenbruddet? Eller er hun en ufrivillig gæst hos en sindssyg morder, der er besat af at få en ufattelig skat af sine ofre?
Profilekspert Maggie O’Dell og vicedirektør Cunningham fra FBI troede, at truslen var rettet mod Quantico. Rettet mod dem. En dødbringende virus – stort set umulig at opdage, før den medfører en voldsom og blodig død. Ofrene virker tilfældige. Men Maggie har en mistanke om, at motivet er hævn. En passioneret fan af nutidige mordere bruger lidt af hvert fra deres forbrydelser – Beltway-snigskytternes sætninger, Una-bombemandens fingerpeg, Anthrax-morderens leveringsmetode. Maggie kender alt til farlige forbrydere. Men denne nye modstander må hun tackle i isolation og nøje overvåget af militærlæger, mens hun venter på at se, om døden allerede formerer sig i hendes krop. Hun er bare bange for, at hendes måske sidste sag kan ende med, at den mest intelligente morder, hun nogen sinde har stået over for, eskalerer fra mord … til epidemi.
Es war ein langer, zermürbender Einsatz, bis die FBI-Profilerin Maggie O‘Dell den Serienkiller Albert Stucky überführen konnte – jetzt ist er geflohen und setzt seine Bluttaten grausam fort: Frauen werden ermordet und entsetzlich verstümmelt. Als Maggie bei ihrem Boss endlich erreicht, dass sie wieder den Fall übernimmt, scheint Stucky gewonnen zu haben. Denn es gehört zu seinem durchtriebenen Plan, sich ausschließlich Opfer zu suchen, die Maggie kannte. In einem Psychokampf, in dem Maggie zu zerbrechen droht, will Stucky ihr zeigen, wie leicht die Grenze zwischen kühlem Verstand und Besessenheit überschritten werden kann. Es beginnt ein Wettkampf mit der Zeit, in dem Stucky ihr stets einen blutigen Schritt voraus ist. Immer deutlicher tritt zutage, dass Stucky ein ganz bestimmtes Ziel verfolgt. „Das Grauen" ist ein spannender und nervenaufreibender Thriller.x
"It's impossible not to care about and root for the human and canine heroes in Kava's series." -Tracie Hotchner, the Radio Pet Lady Network(TM)"Every time an Alex Kava novel ends, I can't wait for the next one." -Jathan & are exposed and Ryder Creed's life hangs in the balance in the riveting sixth installment of the award-winning Alex Kava Ryder Creed K-9 mysteriesNOTHING STAYS HIDDEN FOREVER...During a training exercise, Creed's scent dog, Grace, is drawn off course and discovers a shallow grave. The body was never meant to be found, hidden deep in an isolated part of Florida's Blackwater River State Forest. The remote area has no easy access in or out. The killer obviously hoped his secret would be scattered and swallowed up by the forces of nature.When Creed's dogs continue to find more remains, investigators quickly realize they're dealing with someone who knows the forest intimately and has been using it to hide his handiwork for years. Soon they'll also discover just how far he's willing to go to stop them and keep his secrets hidden forever.
Meet Ryder Creed, ex-marine turned K9 rescue dog trainer, in an explosive series from New York Times bestselling author Alex Kava.
In the new edge-of-your seat thriller from New York Times-bestselling author Alex Kava, Ryder Creed, his K9 search-and-rescue dogs and FBI agent Maggie O'Dell find themselves at the centre of a dire and mysterious case. In Chicago, a young man jumps from his thirtieth-storey hotel room; along the Missouri river, a hunter and his son find a lake whose surface is littered with snow geese, all of them dead; and in Southern Alabama, Ryder Creed and his search-and-rescue dog Grace find the body of a young woman who went missing in the Conecuh National Forest . . . and it appears she filled her pockets with rocks and walked into the river. Before long Ryder Creed and FBI profiler Maggie O'Dell will discover the ominous connection between these mysterious deaths. What they find may be the most prolific killer the United States has ever known . . .
Most of them were asleep in their beds when the ground gave way. . . . When Ryder Creed responds to a devastating mudslide in North Carolina, he knows the difference between finding survivors and the dead - is time. Heedless of the dangers, Creed and his best search-and-rescue dog Bolo frantically wade through the chaos of twisted tree limbs, crumbled cement, and unrecognizable debris, when a second slide catches up with Ryder. And he is buried alive. Bolo makes it out, though, and leads the heroic rescue of his master. But what they get when they pull Ryder from the mud is much more than they bargained for. This dramatic incident reveals secrets that run deep, pointing to a possible serial killer and unexpectedly dredging up painful, hushed-up pieces of Creed's own past. The mysteries unearthed will bring Ryder Creed face-to-face with his past loyalties, deeply embedded survivor's guilt, and a powerful figure from his past. He'll have to rely on his dogs if he wants to make it through alive...
Ryder Creed and his dogs have been making national headlines after intercepting several major drug stashes being smuggled through Atlanta's airport. But their newfound celebrity has also garnered some unwanted attention.When Creed and one of his dogs are called in to search a commercial fishing vessel, they discover a secret compartment. But the Colombian cartels' latest shipment isn't drugs. This time, its cargo is human. To make matters worse, Creed helps one of the cartel's drug mules escape - a fourteen-year-old girl who reminds him of his younger sister who disappeared fifteen years ago. Meanwhile, FBI agent Maggie O'Dell is investigating a series of murders - the victims tortured, killed, and dumped in the Potomac River. Maggie suspects they are the work of a cunning and brutal assassin. But by the time she uncovers a hit list with Creed's name on it, it might be too late...
When a building bursts into flames on a cold winter night in Washington, DC, investigators see a resemblance to a string of recent fires in the area. There is one difference, however: this one has a human casualty. The local team insists they're looking for a young white male, suffering from an uncontrollable impulse to act out his anger or sexual aggression. But when FBI special agent Maggie O'Dell is called in, everything she sees leads her to believe that this is the work of a calculating and controlled criminal.Jeffery Cole, a reporter looking for his big break, is at the scene of the crime and decides to make Maggie part of his news piece, digging up aspects of her past that she would rather forget. As the fires continue to light up around the city, Maggie also crosses paths with her brother Patrick, now back in DC and working as a fire-fighter.As the acts of arson become more brazen Maggie's professional and personal worlds are set on a dangerous collision course. Little does she realise that the killer may be closer than she imagines...
Special Agent Maggie O'Dell has seen a lot in her career, and amidst the killers, psychos and criminals she has hunted, she's delved deep into the darkest, most shockingly evil recesses of the human mind. But when a cool box filled with body parts washes up on the shore of Florida's Pensacola Beach, even Maggie isn't prepared for what she is about to get into. While across the state, people brace themselves against the onslaught of a hurricane advancing across the Gulf of Mexico, Maggie begins the laborious process of tracking down the cooler's origins. Tracing the butchered corpse back to a missing persons case weeks earlier, Maggie uncovers the gruesome network of an underground cadaver trade. Little does she know that things are about to take an even darker turn...
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