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Ende des 9. Jahrhunderts droht England ein Thronfolgekrieg. Während der alte König Alfred mit dem Tode ringt, versucht sein Sohn Edward seine Nachfolge anzutreten. Doch da tauchen andere Anwärter für die Krone auf. Wird Uhtred dem schwachen Edward helfen oder geht er nach Norden, um sein eigenes Land zurückzuerobern? An Edward bindet ihn kein Eid ...
Der Frieden in England ist zerbrechlich. Nachdem Æthelflæd, die Tochter König Alfreds, nun über Mercien herrscht und ihr und Vasall und Geliebter Uhtred dessen nördliche Grenze hütet, scheint das Reich gesichert. Doch dann rückt eine mächtige Streitmacht aus verbündeten Iren und Nordmännern vor. Ihr Anführer ist der ebenso furchtbare wie furchtlose Ragnall Iverson. Ragnalls Bruder jedoch ist Uhtreds Schwiegersohn, und so kommt der Krieger in einen persönlichen Konflikt. Was wiegt schwerer: DieTreue eines Lehnsmannes oder die zur eigenen Familie?Bernard Cornwell wurde von Historikern als "König des Historienromans" geadelt. Seine erfolgreichen Romanreihen wie die "Uhtred-Saga" haben sichmillionenfach verkauft. Die "Uhtred-Saga" wurde in der Netflix-Serie "The Last Kingdom" verfilmt. Cornwell lebt und schreibt in den USA.
Nach König Alfreds Tod hat sein Sohn Edward den Thron bestiegen. Seit zehn Jahren herrscht Frieden in England. Doch nun droht ein Krieg, der das Ende des sächsischen Reiches bedeuten könnte: Der berüchtigte Däne Cnut Langschwert will die Macht über Mercien und Wessex; er will ein heidnisches "Daneland" erschaffen. Nur einer wäre in der Lage, ihn aufzuhalten ... die Christen aber haben Uhtred verstoßen und er segelt nach Norden, um zurückzuerobern, was ihm gehört: Bebbanburg.
König Alfred von Wessex ist ernsthaft erkrankt. Gerade jetzt greifen die Dänen an. Sie werden von dem grausamen Krieger Harald Bluthaar geführt. Doch Uhtred weiß um eine Schwäche des Feindes. Harald ist der Zauberin Skade verfallen – ihre Gefangennahme bringt den Sieg in einer historischen Schlacht. Skade aber verflucht Uhtred und seine Unbesieg barkeit scheint dahin, als er erfährt, daß seine geliebte Gisela im Kindbett gestorben ist. Und über das Land zieht wieder der Rauch brennender Dörfer ...
Der Winter 1595 ist kalt, das merkt auch die Theatergruppe um William Shakespeare. Halbseidenes Gesindel sind diese Schauspieler, immer verfolgt von Obrigkeit und Geistlichkeit. Aber die Königin liebt die Bühne. Zur Hochzeit einer hohen Adeligen soll das Ensemble eine neue Komödie auf die Bühne bringen: »Der Sommernachtstraum«. Auch Shakespeares jünger Bruder Richard spielt mit, dabei sind sich die beiden gar nicht grün. Dann geschieht eine Katastrophe: Eine rivalisierende Gruppe lässt das Stück stehlen. Aber Richard weiß, wie die Premiere zu retten ist: Er wird das Stück zurückstehlen und damit William dazu bringen, ihn endlich zu akzeptieren und ihm eine männliche Rolle zu geben – und dann fehlt ihm zum Glück nur die Hand der schönen Sylvia... Ein ungeheuer spannender und farbiger historischer Roman über Eifersucht, Verrat, Liebe und die Kunst, wie ihn nur Bernard Cornwell schreiben kann.Bernard Cornwell wurde von Historikern als "König des Historienromans" geadelt. Seine erfolgreichen Romanreihen wie die "Uhtred-Saga" haben sichmillionenfach verkauft. Die "Uhtred-Saga" wurde in der Netflix-Serie "The Last Kingdom" verfilmt. Cornwell lebt und schreibt in den USA.
Ein König liegt im Sterben, und er beschließt, sein kaum geeintes Reich unter den beiden Söhnen aufzuteilen. Doch jeder der Halbbrüder beansprucht das ganze England für sich. Uhtred, der Krieger, verlässt seine Heimat im Norden, um dem Älteren, Æthelstan, beizustehen. Ein Eid bindet ihn, dabei ahnt er, dass beide verfeindeten Brüder davon träumen, auch sein geliebtes Northumbrien dem Reich anzuschließen. Der Kampf um die englische Krone wird in London entschieden. Und dann erleidet Uhtred die größte Niederlage seines Lebens: Er wird gefangengenommen und verliert Schlangenhauch, das Schwert, das ihn in allen Schlachten begleitet hat ...Bernard Cornwell wurde von Historikern als "König des Historienromans" geadelt. Seine erfolgreichen Romanreihen wie die "Uhtred-Saga" haben sichmillionenfach verkauft. Die "Uhtred-Saga" wurde in der Netflix-Serie "The Last Kingdom" verfilmt. Cornwell lebt und schreibt in den USA.
Efter i årevis at have kæmpet for at genvinde sit retmæssige hjem er Uthred af Bebbanburg vendt tilbage til Northumbrien. Med sine loyale krigere og en ny kvinde ved sin side er hans husstand sikret, men på den anden side af hans uigennemtrængelige fæstning raser en kamp om magt. Mod syd har kong Æthelstan forenet de tre kongeriger Wessex, Mercia og East Anglia og har nu blikket låst fast på et større mål. Mod nord søger kong Constantin og andre skotske og irske ledere at udvide deres herredømme. Uthred er fanget i orkanens øje. Han føler sig truet og forsøgt bestukket fra alle sider og står over for et umuligt valg. Skal han holde sig ude af stridighederne og risikere sin frihed, eller skal han gå ind i den mest omfattende og grusomme kamp, Britannien nogensinde har stået overfor? Kun skæbnen kan afgøre udfaldet"Krigsherre" er den storslåede finale i serien om Uthred, loyalitet, blodige slag og kampen for et forenet England."Bernard Cornwell skriver de bedste kampscener, jeg nogensinde har læst." – George R.R. Martin, forfatter til Game of Thrones"Cornwell er en mester i historisk akkuratesse. Han har en unik evne til med få linjer at tegne et landskab, og hans slagscener er berømte." – Anne Knudsen, Weekendavisen"Krigsherre" er trettende og sidste bog i vikingeserien om Uthred og sakserne. Tidligere er udgivet "Det sidste kongerige", "Den danske rytter", "Nordens herrer", "Sværdsang", "Det brændende land", "En konges død", "Den hedenske herre", "Den tomme trone", "Stormens krigere", "Flammebæreren", "Ulvekrigen" og "Kongernes sværd".Bernard Cornwell (f. 1944) er englænder og bosat i USA. Han er af Washington Post blevet kaldt en af nutidens største forfattere af historiske romaner. Tv-serien "The Last Kingdom" er baseret på Cornwells vikingeserie.
"Kongernes sværd" er tolvte bog i vikingeserien om Uthred og sakserne.Et løfte bandt Uthred af Bebbanburg til kong Alfred. Ligesom et løfte bandt ham til Æthelflaed. Nu tvinger et løfte ham væk fra hans fædrene hjem, som han har kæmpet så hårdt for at genvinde. For Uthred har svoret, at når kong Edward dør, vil han slå to mænd ihjel. Og nu ligger Edward for døden.Sammen med en lille gruppe krigere rejser Uthred mod syd og direkte ind i skiftende alliancer og kampen om kongedømmet, hvor han får brug for al sin styrke for at overvinde den stærkeste kriger af dem alle.Banen er kridtet op med to kæmpende konger og deres hære på hver side, og skæbnen har ført Uthred til London, hvor han endnu en gang skal stå forrest i kampen, der vil efterlade en konge sejrrig og en anden død."Bernard Cornwell skriver de bedste kampscener, jeg nogensinde har læst." – George R.R. Martin, forfatter til Game of Thrones"Cornwell er en mester i historisk akkuratesse. Han har en unik evne til med få linjer at tegne et landskab, og hans slagscener er berømte." – Anne Knudsen, Weekendavisen"Kongernes sværd" er tolvte bog i serien. Tidligere er udgivet "Det sidste kongerige", "Den danske rytter", "Nordens herrer", "Sværdsang", "Det brændende land", "En konges død", "Den hedenske herre", "Den tomme trone", "Stormens krigere", "Flammebæreren" og "Ulvekrigen".Bernard Cornwell (f. 1944) er englænder og bosat i USA. Han er af Washington Post blevet kaldt en af nutidens største forfattere af historiske romaner. Tv-serien "The Last Kingdom" er baseret på Cornwells vikingeserie.
Uhtred af Bebbanburg har generobret sit fædrene hjem. Det er dog ikke længe, han kan nyde sin sejr, da han bliver truet fra alle sider af både nye og gamle fjender. I Mercia er der oprør i luften, da kong Edward forsøger at få kontrol. I Wessex prøver rivaliserende parter at finde den næste konge. Og over hele landet fortsætter invasionen af nordboerne. Igennem årtier har Uhtred stået midt mellem hedninge og kristne, mellem sakserne og vikingerne, mellem den gamle verden, han blev født ind i, og den nye verden, han voksede op i. I takt med at forandringens vinde blæser, vokser presset endnu mere på Uhtred som far, som politiker og som kriger."Bernard Cornwell skriver de bedste kampscener, jeg nogensinde har læst." – George R.R. Martin, forfatter til Game of Thrones"Cornwell er en mester i historisk akkuratesse. Han har en unik evne til med få linjer at tegne et landskab, og hans slagscener er berømte." – Anne Knudsen, Weekendavisen"Ulvekrigen" er ellevte bog i vikingeserien om Uhtred og sakserne.Bernard Cornwell (f. 1944) er englænder og bosat i USA. Han er af Washington Post blevet kaldt en af nutidens største forfattere af historiske romaner. Tv-serien "The Last Kingdom" er baseret på Cornwells vikingeserie.
In the battle for power, two enemies will collide! Lord Uhtred of Bebbanburg knows that peace is far from reach. Though he has won the battle for his ancestral home, rebellion looms in Mercia and invading Norsemen appear at every turn. With the country in turmoil, Uhtred comes face-to-face with King Skoll, a violent Norseman leading an army of ulfhedinn, or wolf warriors, hellbent on seizing a kingdom - and killing any in his path. Surrounded and outnumbered by new enemies, Uhtred must call on all his skill and courage to survive, and prevent his beloved Northumbria from falling to the Viking hoards.
A lost legacy puts one of England's great families in mortal peril ...Lazen Castle, home to the much-envied Lazender family, is a house under siege. The heir is abroad, pursuing his own adventures, so the family estates fall under the control of his sister, Campion. Meanwhile, The Fallen Angels, a powerful and dangerous secret society in Europe, need the Lazender fortune to bring their rebellion to England.Surrounded by deceit, Campion draws ever closer to a subtle trap that has been laid for her, her only hope being Gypsy - her brother's aloof horse-master, whose loyalties have always been uncertain.In this powerful blend of passion, adventure and intrigue, the second chronicle of the great Lazender family comes to life.
In a country at war, a secret inheritance reveals a dark conspiracy ...On a sunlit afternoon in seventeenth-century Dorset, a young girl falls in love with a stranger.But when her Puritan brother tries to force her into an unbearable marriage she flees, taking with her only the gift left to her by her unknown father, a gold pendant sealed by an engraving of an axe, and the words: St Matthew.One of four intricately wrought seals - each holding a secret within - it can, when combined with the other three, bring great wealth and power. This power is her true inheritance - but it's a perilous legacy others will kill for ...
The Sunday Times Number 1 Bestseller `A fabulous story, superbly told ... cannot be bettered' Max Hastings `Some battles change nothing. Waterloo changed almost everything.'
Bernard Cornwell's brilliant novel, reissued for fans to find out the story behind the stones. This is the tale of three brothers and of their rivalry that created this great temple.
The seventh novel in Bernard Cornwell's number one bestselling series on the making of England and the fate of his great hero, Uhtred of Bebbanburg.
The brand new novel in Bernard Cornwell's number one bestselling series on the making of England and the fate of his great hero, Uhtred of Bebbanburg. BBC2's major TV show THE LAST KINGDOM is based on the first two books in the series.
A gripping story of rivalry and ambition, loyalty and love! In the heart of Elizabethan England, young Richard Shakespeare dreams of a glittering career in the London playhouses, dominated by his older brother, William. But as a penniless actor with a silver tongue, Richard's onetime gratitude begins to sour, as does his family loyalty. So it is that Richard falls under suspicion when a priceless manuscript goes missing, forcing him into a high-stakes game of duplicity and betrayal, and through the darkest alleyways of the city. In this richly portrayed tour de force, Fools and Mortals takes you among the streets and palaces, scandals and rivalries, and lets you stand side-by-side with the men and women of Bernard Cornwell's masterful Elizabethan London.
In muddy waters, even heroes drownTrouble at sea for an ex-war hero ...His father in prison for fraud, his ex-wife bleeding him dry and his spine shattered by a bullet, Falklands war hero Nick Sandman, VC, has no money and no prospects. Only his boat - Sycorax -and his dream of sailing her away from his troubles is keeping him alive.But Sycorax is as crippled as Nick. To rebuild his wrecked and stranded dream, Nick is forced into a devil's bargain with egomaniacal TV star Tony Bannister. Bannister is the owner of Wildtrack, an ocean racer, and he wants Nick to be part of the crew that will sail the ship to victory.Bannister, though, has made some powerful enemies who are out for revenge, leaving Nick caught in the middle. Can he keep Wildtrack and his dreams of escape aboard Sycorax afloat?Wildtrack is a gripping thriller from the international bestselling author of the Sharpe novels.
Major Sharpe, in the bitter winter, must attempt a desperate rescue and face his most implacable enemy.Newly promoted, he is given the task of rescuing a group of well-born women, held hostage high in the mountains by a rabble of deserters. And one of the renegades is Sergeant Hakeswill, Sharpe's bitter enemy.Sharpe has only the support of his own company and the new Rocket Troop - the last word in military incompetence - but he cannot afford to contemplate defeat. For to surrender or to fail would mean the end of the war for the Allied armies...Soldier, hero, rogue - Sharpe is the man you always want on your side. Born in poverty, he joined the army to escape jail and climbed the ranks by sheer brutal courage. He knows no other family than the regiment of the 95th Rifles whose green jacket he proudly wears.
The thirteenth novel in the popular Sharpe series. Once more Sharpe's career is on the line, following a disastrous attack by an elite French unit. To save his honour Sharpe must lead his men to glory in one of the bitterest battles of the Peninsular War.In the spring of 1811, while quartered in the crumbling Portuguese fort of San Isidro, Richard Sharpe and his men are attacked by an elite French unit commanded by the formidable Brigadier Loup, and suffer heavy losses. Sharpe has already clashed once with Loup, and the Frenchman has sworn to have his revenge.After the attack, Sharpe is faced with the ruin of his career and reputation, as the army's high command tries to blame him for the disaster. With thousands of French troops massing at a tiny village nearby, Sharpe's only hope is to redeem himself on the battlefield. To save his honour, Sharpe must lead his men to glory in the narrow streets of Fuentes de Onoro.The Complete Sharpe Collectionwith a new introduction by the author
The audiobook of the long-awaited twenty-first novel in the number one bestselling series featuring Richard Sharpe.In the winter of 1811 the war seemed lost. All Spain has fallen to the French, except for Cadiz which is now the Spanish capital and is under siege. Wellington and his British army are in Portugal, waiting for spring to spark the war to life again.Richard Sharpe and his company are part of a small expeditionary force sent to break a bridge across the River Guadiana. What begins as a brilliant piece of soldiering turns into disaster, thanks to the brutal savagery of the French Colonel Vandal who is leading his battalion to join the siege of Cadiz. Sharpe extricates a handful of men from the debacle and is driven south into the threatened city.There, in Cadiz, he discovers more than one enemy. Many Spaniards doubt Britain's motives and believe their future would be brighter if they made peace with the French, and one of them, a baleful priest, secures a powerful weapon to break the British alliance. He will use a beautiful whore and the letters she received from a wealthy man. The priest will use blackmail, and Sharpe must defeat him in a sinister war of knife and treachery in the dark alleys of the city.Yet the alliance will only survive if the French siege can be lifted. An allied army marches from the city to take on the more powerful French and, once again, a brilliant piece of soldiering turns to disaster, this time because the Spanish refuse to fight. A small British force is trapped by a French army, and the only hope now lies with the outnumbered redcoats who, on a hill beside the sea, refuse to admit defeat. And there, in the sweltering horror of Barossa, Sharpe finds Colonel Vandal again.Sharpe's Fury is based on the real events of the winter of 1811 that led to the extraordinary victory of Barossa, the battle which saw the British capture the first French eagle of the Napoleonic Wars.
1820s Britain: after the wars with France, when unemployment was high and soldiers could be paid off, when the government was desperately afraid of social unrest, any crime was drastically punished and thousands were hung. But one could petition the King and an investigation might ensue...The man in the dark cell in Newgate Prison was due to hang in a week. He had been found guilty of murdering the aristocrat whose portrait he was painting. He claimed to be innocent - but then the hangman had never hung a guilty man, he said. But even in 1820, the Home Secretary could occasionally use his powers to grant mercy if his investigator found cause and Rider Sandman, once of the First Foot Guards, is given the job.Rider Sandman, a hero of Waterloo, has family debts to repay but when his first steps in the investigations produce a sizeable bribe to look the other way, this only arouses his smouldering anger over the condition of England, a country which he and others in Wellington's army had fought to preserve. Stepping between gentlemen's clubs and taverns, talking to aristocrats, fashionable painters, their models, and their mistresses, dodging professional cut-throats and deceptive swordsmen, Sandman uncovers a conspiracy of silence, a group whose proudest boast was that they would do anything for any one of them.Sandman is a wonderful character, as yet undaunted by the sleazy streets, dank jails or the looming scaffold, and uncorrupted by politicians, sneering gentlemen or frightening bruisers, an investigator in the making and a brilliant, but very different, hero for all Bernard Cornwell fans.
Lieutenant Richard Sharpe and a detachment of riflemen join the assault of a strong French force holding the Holy City of Santiago de Compostela.Cut off from the rest of the army and surrounded, their only hope of escape is to accept the help of the Spanish, but this assistance comes at a price: to join the assault on the holy city of Santiago de Compostela, held by a strong French force. There is little Sharpe would enjoy more.Soldier, hero, rogue - Sharpe is the man you always want on your side. Born in poverty, he joined the army to escape jail and climbed the ranks by sheer brutal courage. He knows no other family than the regiment of the 95th Rifles whose green jacket he proudly wears.
The dreams of an idle life in the paradise of the Bahamas are shattered when the discovery of a derelict, bullet-ridden yacht brings in the local police and the drug-runners. Nick Breakspear, desperate to escape his famous parentage, invalided out of the Marines, was heading only for peace, but the quixotic impulse makes him take up a challenge - and a lucrative offer - and he allows himself to be hired, for a private war, by a smooth-talking US presidential candidate. And it is the skills drawn from his depised father's world that will enable him to survive.
From THE BESTSELLING author Bernard Cornwell comes Redcoat . . . NOW AT THIS SPECIAL EBOOK PRICEPhiladelphia in 1777 is a city at war - not just between American troops and the British army, but within itself. For an occupied city throws together loyalist and patriot, soldier and civilian, man and woman; divides families and breeds treachery.Here ruthless Captain Kit Vane and beautiful Martha Crowl, passionate patriot Caroline and her idealist young lover Jonathon, unscrupulous Ezra Woollard and the brutal Sergeant Scammell, forge and break shifting allegiances that drive them to dangerous lengths. And caught between them Private Sam Gilpin, seduced into war by a dare and a red coat, must learn the bitter lessons of love, loss and the real meaning of loyalty.
A dramatic contemporary thriller focussing on the blind passion of an obsessive dream. STORMCHILD is the story of a quest, of a man's search for his missing daughter - and to prove his daughter's innocence from involvement in her mother's murder. And he is no ordinary man - for he is famous as a world-class yachtsman, but the strength of the storms he has to face at sea are nothing compared to the violence of the political campaigners who hold his daughter.
A splendid thriller of skullduggery and smuggling, politics and passion, in the Carribean waters, with a twentieth-century Sharpe at the helm.
'Captivate, kill or destroy the whole force of the enemy' was the order given to the American soldiers.THE FORT is the blistering novel from worldwide bestseller Bernard Cornwell.Summer 1779.Seven hundred and fifty British soldiers and three small ships of the Royal Navy. Their orders: to build a fort above a harbour to create a base from which to control the New England seaboard.Forty-one American ships and over nine hundred men. Their orders: to expel the British.The battle that followed was a classic example of how the best-laid plans can be disrupted by personality and politics, and of how warfare can bring out both the best and worst in men. It is a timeless tale of men at war, written by a master storyteller.
A unique novel, looking at one the greatest battles, a battle that was a turning point in history, from many points of view, by a master storyteller.Bernard Cornwell has been thinking about this subject for years. He has long wanted to write a book about a single battle, the events that lead up to it, the actual days in the battle and the aftermath from multiple viewpoints.Agincourt, fought on October 25th 1415, on St Crispin's Day, is one of the best known battles, in part through the brilliant depiction of it in Shakespeare's Henry V, in part because it was a brilliant and unexpected English victory and in part because it was the first battle won by the use of the longbow. This was a weapon developed in this form only by the English - parishes were forced to train boys from as young as eight daily - and enabled them to dominate the European battlefields for the rest of the century.Lively historical characters abound on all sides but in Bernard Cornwell's hands the fictional characters, horsemen, archers, nobles, peasants are authentic and vivid, and the hour by hour view of the battle is dramatic and gripping.
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