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Books by Bill Johnson

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  • by Bill Johnson

    This book is a faith builder. It challenges every believer to walk in supernatural signs and wonders as a natural part of everyday life. ---John ArnottAnyone can walk in the miraculous---even you! If you've ever wanted to live and walk in the supernatural power of God, here's your chance! It is truly possible for human people to walk in the divine, and Christ came to show us the way. It is by rediscovering our true identity in Him that we can begin to move into the promises of God regarding the miraculous.Bill Johnson not only teaches the supernatural, he imparts it by changing the way we think. If you are not walking in the miraculous, you're living far below your birthright! By laying a carefully constructed biblical foundation for walking in the supernatural power of God, When Heaven Invades Earth provides all the equipment you need to experience miracles every day.

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    by Bill Johnson

    Parents have the privilege and responsibility to partner with God to release their children's divine destiny. Biblical wisdom, God's promises, and the passionate prayers of caretakers of children are change agents in the lives of these young giant-killers.From Bethel Church leaders and parents Bill and Beni Johnson comes this practical 31-day prayer resource for those who want to receive God's passionate heart for their children, pray daily for them, and model prayer with them.Each day includes· an insightful, instructive reading to inspire Spirit-led parenting· relevant Bible promises for meditation and declaration· a related Scripture-based prayer· activations to do with your child, including a question to discuss, a short prayer to pray, a decree to declare together, and a practical action step of faithGod places children in families for a reason--so parents can fan into flame all their children are to become. Your child has big battles to face. This book will help equip you to be the strength and encouragement your child needs. 

  • - He's Better Than You Think
    by Bill Johnson

  • - Sustaining a Supernatural Environment
    by Danny Silk & Bill Johnson

  • by Bill Johnson, Kris Vallotton & Beni Johnson

    Selecting 40 invigorating excerpts from their exciting and popular books, Pastor Bill Johnson and his Bethel Church associates have created an excellent blend of rich, generous, fortifying spiritual inspiration. Take a deep whiff of what Bill, his wife Beni, and their friends Kris Vallotton, Danny Silk, Kevin Dedmon, and Banning Liebscher have brewed specially for you. Step 1: Select an espresso-size chapter.Step 2: Sit back and relax in God's presence.Step 3: Learn to listen to His voice.Step 4: Follow His directions. God will take you into supernatural new territory, and your explorations will not end until you are fully walking in His perfect plan for your life. Each time you enjoy a few more sips, you will be warmed and energized to step out into your world with renewed Kingdom effectiveness. May each sip of every chapter be spiritual java for your soul.

  • by Bill Johnson

  • - By Living Anchored in the Goodness of God
    by Bill Johnson

    Jesus is your model and example on how to deal with every crisis and circumstance.You were never created to react to your circumstances! It's easy to do, and we all fall prey to that mindset. Whether it's personally or globally, we want to immediately react in knee-jerk fashion to the crises we are experiencing. The problem is we start to pray from a place of crisis, fear, and anxiety. When you know who the Father is and what He says about what you are going through, you can pray from a place of confidence. You can stand strong, even when everything seems to be shaking around you.Pastor Bill Johnson delivers a timely reminder that we are called to respond to disaster by first, knowing who Father God is, and then, responding to Him in the midst of what we are going through.Discover: How to be unshakably rooted in who the Father is. How a revelation of Jesus reveals the Father's heart, will, and voice. How to respond to your every problem like Jesus would, from disease to money to possessions. How to know the difference between God being in control and God being in charge. How to disarm the powers of hell with thanksgiving.Prepare your heart for a fresh encounter with the goodness of God. In the midst of disaster and crisis, settle your mind in the unchangeable truths of who God is, what Jesus revealed about the Good Father, and how Jesus dealt with the circumstances He faced while walking the Earth. After all, Jesus is your model and example!Featuring Material Adapted from "God is Good" and "Strengthen Yourself in the Lord"

  • by Bill Johnson

    An indispensable pocket guide for anyone planning an offshore passage or ocean crossing, as well as those studying for the RYA Ocean Yachtmaster qualification.

  • by Bill Johnson

    Your Key to Unlocking a Supernatural LifestyleMany Christians believe in miracles, but they are not accessing the supernatural as a normal way of life. Is this you? Are you ready to experience the miraculous lifestyle that Jesus made available to you because of the Cross?In Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind, Pastor Bill Johnson delivers powerful and practical teaching, revealing how you were designed to bring heaven to Earth and how it all starts with your thought life.You will learn how to: Enjoy complete forgiveness from sin and let go of guilt Access the open heaven over your life and start living as God's dwelling place Position yourself for future breakthrough by studying and remembering God's miraclesYour access to a lifestyle of signs, wonders, and miracles starts by changing the way you think.When your mind is transformed, heaven becomes more than a place you go to one day¿becomes the supernatural power that you release wherever you go today!"This book is needed in this hour as a wake-up call to the 'greater things than these shall you do' promise of Jesus." - Randy Clark

  • by Bill Johnson

    Can the Supernatural Become Natural? Bill Johnson, respected pastor, bestselling author, and senior leader of Bethel Church, lives in a culture of the miraculous. In this expanded edition of his groundbreaking book, The Way of Life, he shares not as a theological spectator, but as an active participant in a historic move of God that has been sweeping the nations.From over 40 years of personal experience with the Holy Spirit, Bill mentors you on how to: Create a supernatural "greenhouse effect" that impacts the world around us through practicing Kingdom values. Sustain a flow of God's supernatural power in your life, your family, and your church community. Develop a culture that values wholeness-body, soul, and spirit-where the Kingdom has tangible impact on every area of our lives. Build supernatural relationships through honor and seeing the significance of every person. Walk in the completed work of the Cross because you are grounded in an "It is Finished" theology. Partner with the Presence of the Holy Spirit to transform the everyday places where God leads you. Run towards impossible situations and release the supernatural solutions of Jesus.Learn how you can move in the signs, wonders, and supernatural power that the Bible says are available!Includes a brand new chapter on how to steward the glory of God, while pressing on for and anticipating an increase of His supernatural movement in our lives.

  • by Bill Johnson

    Tell your story to everyone and release the power of Jesus!…For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy (Revelation 19:10).Telling others about the miracles in your life makes God more real to them. As people hear about God's supernatural acts, they start to expect and see the extraordinary happen in their own lives. As you share your miracle stories, you actually release the spirit of prophecy and declare into the atmosphere, "The Jesus Who transformed my circumstance will do the same for you!"In this timely repackaged edition of Release the Power of Jesus, Pastor Bill Johnson shows you how to: Release God's power wherever you go by simply talking about His miracles Build a supernatural heritage by sharing stories of God's acts Create an atmosphere of faith and expectancy for the healing power of Jesus Activate everything you have received from God through inheritance Your spiritual birthright is to experience and release the power of Jesus. Share your miracle stories and watch these prophecies of God's power set your world on fire today!

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    - How His Wisdom Can Transform Our World
    by Bill Johnson

    How do believers answer the world's cries for help in a way that reflects God's heart of compassion? Bill Johnson offers keys straight from Scripture to help believers understand the long-term strategy of God's wisdom and the immediacy of his miracle-working power, so that we can have eternal impact and live with significance in the here and now.

  • by Kris Vallotton & Bill Johnson

    Your Identity Unlocks Your Inheritance!To experience the full inheritance that Jesus purchased at the cross, you must understand your royal identity. In this classic bestseller, Kris Vallotton and Bill Johnson denounce those strongholds of thought that have kept many Christians from enjoying their supernatural inheritance. They lovingly...

  • - Life Lessons from Grandpa Grumps
    by Bill Johnson
    £12.49 - 18.99

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    - Equipping All Christians to Pray for the Sick
    by Bill Johnson

    The ministry of healing is not reserved for a select few. Through study questions and practical application, this workbook, when used with The Essential Guide to Healing, will help you become a powerful conduit of God's healing power in a hurting world.

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    - Simple Ways to Unleash Heaven's Power on Earth
    by Bill Johnson

    Unleash the Power of Heaven in Your LifeWe all face difficulties in life, situations that seem hopeless and detour us away from our dreams. Weighed down by the impossible, we forget that we have the power of heaven within our grasp--power that can change any situation and overcome every problem.With insight and passion, Bill Johnson shows how you can access this divine power through the Holy Spirit--and how the Spirit will endow you with the three supernatural gifts of 1 Corinthians 13: faith, hope and love. He reveals simple, practical ideas about these three aspects of Jesus' grace that will not only transform the way you think, act and love, but will transform the very atmosphere around you--and will unleash heaven's power in your world. Get Ready to Experience the Impossible!

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    by Bill Johnson

    From the basic principles through to more in-depth expertise, Essential Boat Radar is your no-nonsense introduction to radar.

  • by Bill Johnson

    The Reeds Crew Handbook equips new and aspiring crew with all the essential knowledge they need to undertake the tasks traditionally handled by crew aboard any size of yacht. It is the ideal primer or aide-memoire for anyone going on a flotilla or charter holiday, or sailing aboard a friend's yacht for the weekend.

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    - Equipping All Christians to Pray for the Sick
    by Bill Johnson & Randy Clark

    Premier Renewal Leaders Present Complete, Accessible Guide to Healing MinistryThe Bible is full of accounts of miraculous healing. And God is moving as amazingly today as he was back then. Thousands are being healed all over the world--and his children are part of it.For the first time, premier renewal leaders Bill Johnson and Randy Clark team up to equip Christians to minister healing. Grounded from start to finish in Scripture, Johnson and Clark lay out the rich theological and historical foundation for healing in the church today. Full of inspiring stories, this book offers practical, proven, step-by-step guidance to ministering healing, including how to• understand the authority of the believer in healing• create an atmosphere of faith• receive words of knowledge• implement the five-step model of healing prayer The ministry of healing is not reserved for a select few. God's miraculous healing is part of the Good News--and every believer can become a conduit for his healing power.

  • by Bill Johnson

    Tag med på en rejse, og mød mange af Det Gamle Testamentes store profeter og konger, der var kendetegnet ved, at Guds nærvær hvilede over dem – mennesker, som Gud med Johnsons ord ”gerne ville være sammen med.” I denne kompakte og stærke bog ansporer Johnson dig til at søge Guds nærvær mere end noget andet.I denne bog vil du opdage: Hvordan du bliver bevidst om Helligånden og reagerer på ham. Hvordan Helligånden manifesterer sig. Bibelske skikkelser, som tørstede efter mere af Guds ånd og lærte at give ham plads. Beretninger om kendte kristne lederes oplevelser med Guds nærvær.Bill Johnson skriver: ”Vi er i partnerskab med Gud, for at hans rige må komme her på jorden! Guds nærvær i os vil reformere mennesker omkring os – fordi de møder en kærlig Gud!”Giv mere plads for ham i dag!

  • by Bill Johnson

    Du er kaldet til at leve et overnaturligt kristenliv!Komme dit rige, ske din vilje som i himlen således også på jorden.- Mattæusevangeliet 6,10Nu er Bill Johnsons moderne klassiker endelig udkommet på dansk. Han kalder alle kristne til at acceptere deres identitet som mennesker, der er fyldt af Helligånden og bemyndiget til at udløse Guds rige på jorden, som det er i Himlen. Denne identitet er karakteriseret af en livsstil, hvor det overnaturlige er naturligt, og mirakler er normen, ikke undtagelsen.Undervisning, eksempler og oplæg til egen refleksionBogen indeholder 200 siders undervisning med eksempler og derefter 120 sider med andagter - én til hver dag i 40 dage. Hver andagt er på 3 sider og indeholder et bibelvers, et lille oplæg, nogle spørgsmål og så en kort tekst refleksion. Disse andagtsstykker er også velegnet til grupper, som oplæg til dele liv, diskussion og bønMenneskeheden har desperat brug for det, som enhver genfødt troende bærer på - Jesu overnaturlige kraft. Denne bog viser dig, hvordan du kan: Acceptere din identitet som borger i Guds rige Udøve din autoritet som barn af Gud Anvende din arv - så mirakler bliver en del af dit normale kristenliv

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