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Books by Brad Steiger

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    - The Complete Dossier
    by Brad Steiger & Sherry Steiger
    £17.99 - 40.99

    The invisible world of influence and power revealed. Hidden agendas uncovered. Examines 250 current and historical conspiracies, secret cabals and powerful groups.Startling allegations. Suppressed evidence. Missing witnesses. Assassinations. Cover-ups and threats. Documented connections to even deeper intrigue. Allusions to the New World Order. Coincidences? Too many to be mere coincidence? American history is replete with warnings of hidden plots by the Illuminati, the Freemasons, the Zionists, the Roman Catholics, the Communists, World Bankers, the Secret Government, and Extra-Terrestrial Invaders, to name a few. Separating fact from fiction, this compelling work provides gripping details and presents the information without bias, including hundreds of individuals, organizations, and events where official claims and standard explanations of actions and events remain shrouded in mystery. Conspiracies and Secret Societies: The Complete Dossier examines the most common subjects among conspiracy theorists, probing and thoroughly examining cases of conspiracies and dark doings of secret societies. Bring yourself up-to-date with the latest research and findings into historical topics plus current issues, including:Historical riddles-the Ark of the Covenant, the Holy Grail, Noah's Ark, the Sphinx, alchemy, the true relationship between Jesus and Mary Magdalene, and the churches dedicated to the Black Madonna. Classified background on U.S. Presidents-Lincoln, Kennedy, Eisenhower, Obama, Reagan, their advisers, and more. Powerful secret societies and groups-the Knights Templar, Freemasons, Illuminati, the Triads, the Rosicrucians, the Skull and Bones Society, Scientology, the Falun Gong, the New World Order, and Lightning from the East. Government cover-ups-electronic spying, MKUltra, the John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. assassinations, Area 51, extraterrestrial invaders, black helicopters, satellite snooping, FEMA, the Global Bank, and the Trilateral Commission. Terrible secrets-the BP oil spill, Unit 731 and germ experiments, the 2011 tsunami in Japan, and Hurricane Katrina. Science mysteries-biochip implants, genetic manipulation, weather control, mad cow disease, AIDS/HIV, West Nile virus, and the bizarre Morgellons disease. The only way to crush these secret plots is to bring the facts to light. Don't let history repeat itself! Knowledge is our best weapon against these people, groups, and their nefarious schemes.

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    by Brad Steiger

    Featuring 30 chilling stories of real-life zombie encounters, this comprehensive and unsettling study draws upon traditions found throughout the world to dispel common depictions of zombies as lurching, flesh-eating automatons made popular by countless movies and books. This fascinating collection includes the stories of the Devil Baby of Bourbon Street, a monstrous creature complete with horns and tail that still lurks in the shadows of the Big Easy; Black Mama Courteaux and the great zombie war, involving hundreds of zombie soldiers battling for the supremacy of their queen; and the swamp child of Mama Cree, who still roams the bayous of Louisiana. In addition to the stories, a variety of zombie-related facts are explored, including ceremonies and initiations, zombies throughout history, sacred zombie and voodoo-related sites, and zombies and monsters of the Bible.

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    by Brad Steiger

    Focusing news articles, historical accounts, and first-person interviews, this title presents a chronicle of human interactions with monsters.

  • - Playing the Reality Game
    by Brad Steiger & John (Institute of Education University of London UK) White

  • by Brad Steiger

  • by Brad Steiger

  • Save 21%
    by Sherry Hansen Steiger & Brad Steiger

    Are we alone or are there intelligent life-forms out there? Or are they already amongst us? Can we even know the Truth? Exploring the myths, stories, history, and facts of documented encounters, mysterious experiences, and unexplained visitors, Real Visitors, Voices from Beyond, and Parallel Dimensions by Brad Steiger and Sherry Hansen Steiger examines the other forms, entities and beings inhabiting our universe.Building on their decades of research into the paranormal, mystical, and supernatural, the Steigers analyze the influences and theories behind these mysterious visitors, whether they appear as aliens, ghosts, spirits, angels, demons, monsters, or some other form. The visitors have been called metaterrestrial, extradimensional, interdimensional, ultraterrestrial, and supraphysical intelligences, but regardless of the label, these inscrutable existences have left their mark on the people they've metand a host of weird, wondrous, and horrifying stories. There are more than 200 thought-provoking stories that make you wonder about the Truth, including stories on UFOs, angels, spirits, ghosts, out-of-body experiences, time-travel, strange energies, dreams, meditation, unidentified terrestrial life forms, and more.Tracing the perplexing and lasting effects of these otherworldly beings, Real Visitors, Voices from Beyond, and Parallel Dimensions exposes their power and reach throughout centuries of legends, myths, and today's world.

  • - Haunted Lovers, Phantom Spouses, and Sexual Molesters from the Shadow World
    by Brad Steiger

  • - True Encounters with Beings from the Darkside
    by Brad Steiger

  • by Brad Steiger

  • by Brad Steiger

    In The Healing Power of Love, internationally known researcher and healer Brad Steiger shows you how to harness this fundamental energy and utilize it to treat yourself and others - even over long distances. Steiger includes techniques of Native American tribes, the Kahunas of Hawaii, astral healing, mind-body control, the power of prayer, laughter, and many more. These step-by-step processes are easy to perform and amazingly powerful, and have been used successfully to cure such debilitating diseases as multiple sclerosis, cancer, and tuberculosis. According to Steiger, love is an expression of God that enables us to work miracles. It is the greatest power in the Universe - and it is available to everyone. The Healing Power of Love is your spiritual first-aid kit.

  • by Brad Steiger

    According to Brad Steiger, we can predict the future by understanding the cycles of history and the cycles of weather. History really does repeat itself. That is, cycles of time repeat themselves with astonishing accuracy. Find out why business booms, scientific and technical advancements take place in cold periods, or why dictatorships come to power and wars occur during warm periods. The examples are numerous, covering a broad range of social, political and economic issues and events. In addition, Steiger includes exercises in "meditation" and "creative visualization" to help you envision your own future. These exercises will allow you to create a positive attitude about tomorrow, help you master your challenges and literally open the doors of the future.

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    by Brad Steiger

    Experts on the unexplained and paranormal research, Brad and Sherry Steiger turn their unique and remarkable talents to the bold storytelling of encounters with the unknown from throughout the ages. From mysterious strangers and unpredictable beings to weird behavior and paranormal phenomena, they investigate claims of visits from ghastly ghosts, otherworldly creatures, aliens living among us, phantoms, spirits, and other accounts of encounters with the unexplained. Over 130 astounding accounts of Real Encounters, Different Dimensions and Otherworldy Beings with the supernatural such as: Visitors from other worlds who have had Earth under surveillance for centuries, conducting their activities in secret-even abducting humans for their own research and undeclared ends. Members of secret societies who developed advanced technology centuries ago which has been kept hidden in underground or undersea cities. Time Travelers from the Future. Beings who claim to be our descendants from the future who are returning to study the true destiny of humankind. Ghosts that haunt people, places, and things--and poltergeists that create havoc. Beasties and monsters found in everyone's worst nightmares--and sometimes in their campsites, fields, and yards. Other Dimensional Visitors, Beings, Creatures, or Entities that come not from a faraway world in our solar system or any other, but from an adjacent space-time continuum existing on another vibrational/dimensional frequency or level. Previously unknown, unidentified terrestrial life-forms, such beings as "sky-critters," "sky fish," "rods," and "orbs." As yet unknown physical energies that may be activated by the psyche, the unconscious level of the human mind. Archetypal creatures and entities of the collective unconscious that are the result of energies that are accessible through dreams, meditations, and other states of altered consciousness. Interactions with beings that have been dubbed elves, fairies, devas throughout the centuries. The marvelous, creative facet of dreams. Out-of-body mind-traveling through Time and Space. Majestic beings who are described in the scriptures of many world religions as angels or demons.

  • Save 16%
    by Brad Steiger

    Discover the secrets of animal totems and their sacred, transformative powers.Among traditional Native Americans and other tribal peoples, totems are the enduring animal symbols that allow these peoples to explore the mysteries of life and the spirit world. from the graceful Antelope to the aggressive Cougarto the wise and peaceful Turtle, each animal embodies certain strengths and attributes that the spiritual seeker can embrace and follow on the path of self -exploration. Now, Totems offers each of us the tools we need to tap into thepower of sacred animal totems by finding our own personal symbol and experiencing its energy firsthand.Drawing upon his long association with native teachers, as well as guidance from his own spirit helper, author Brad Steiger has created a fascinating, informative, and thorough guide to this ancient Spiritual practice. Filled with the wisdom of many different tribes and cultures, Totems provides exercises and techniques for:choosing your own animal totem from the American Indian Zodiacreceiving dream and vision teachings using animal totemsembarking on a spirit journeylearning the healing powers of totemscalling on your spiritual helpers in times of need

  • Save 22%
    - Second Edition
    by Brad Steiger

    A frightening collection of true ghost stories, which will turn skeptics and nonbelievers into people who sleep with one eye open! Ancient philosophers suggested that the appearance of spirits is evidence that we are part of a larger community of intelligences, a universe of interrelated species, both physical and nonphysical. Master ghost hunter and best-selling author Brad Steiger invites you to join him as he explores the many dark and nightmarish pathways leading to this shadowy world of spirits and hauntings. Real Ghosts, Restless Spirits, and Haunted Places is the defining work on spirit phenomena. It is a comprehensive classification of the spirit world touching on every possibility from time travel to parallel universes, presenting the full range of ghostly manifestations and haunted locations. A major work sure to be heralded by paranormal enthusiasts (whatever their corporeal state). Do you know the difference between poltergeists and spirits of the dead? The differences between spirits residue, spirit parasites and spirit masqueraders? With its 30 topical chapters, Real Ghosts, covers those differences and many more: Spirits Seen at Death Beds and Funerals Haunted Churches, Cemeteries, and Burial Grounds Phantoms on Roads and Highways Battlefields Where Phantom Armies Eternally Wage War Speaking to Spirits: The Mystery of Mediumship Animal Ghosts-Domesticated and Wild Spirit Parasites That Possessed Apparitions of Religious Figures Haunted Hotels, Motels, and Inns Did you know that ghosts still haunt Ohio's State Reformatory, otherwise known as Shawshank? Or that the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel is home to some of the most famous ghosts in the world? With Real Ghosts, you'll discover that Abe Lincoln regularly consulted "spooks" and mediums, Rudolph Valentino haunts his old mansion, and the ghosts of Anne Boleyn, Henry VIII, Katharine Howard, Jane Seymour, Elizabeth I, and King George III all still haunt some of England's most famous castles. You'll also learn how to perform a cleansing ritual to rid your home of unwanted spectral visitors. More than a collection of true ghost stories, this book plunks you square into the middle of the eerie action with captivating stories that would be at home at any midnight campfire. The only difference is these stories aren't urban legends employing hooks, needles, or long, metal fingernails for their scare. These stories exist outside of the mind and live right next door to every one of us. Real Ghosts shouldn't be read when you are home alone and the lights begin to flicker!

  • Save 17%
    - The Encyclopedia of Shape-Shifting Beings
    by Brad Steiger
    £14.99 - 22.99

    When Darkness Reigns and the Full Moon Glows, Terror Emerges to Stalk the UnsuspectingFrom lycanthropic creatures found on television and film such as Teen Wolf, Twilight, and True Blood to the earliest folklore of shape-shifting creatures, The Werewolf Book: The Encyclopedia of Shapeshifting Beings is an eye-opening, blood-pounding tour through the ages of monsters with the most amazing camouflage capabilitiesthey hide among us! Along the way, youll land at the doorstep of creatures like hirsute mass-murderer Albert Fish, and Fritz Haarman, who slaughtered and ate his victimsselling the leftovers as steaks and roasts in his butcher shopas well as visits to mythical shamans, sirens, and skin walkers.Covering 140,000 years of legend, mythology, and fact, The Werewolf Book provides hair-raising evidence of strange and obsessional behavior through the centuries. Learn the basics of becoming a werewolf and the intricacies of slaying the beast. A true homage to werewolves and other full moon beasts, it includes topics such as Bear, tiger, coyote, and other shape-shifting people Classic and modern werewolf movies Gargoyles, totem poles, and Internet depictions Serial killers and sadistic rulers Sorcery, spells, and talismans Television shows, songs, and computer games

  • Save 20%
    by Brad Steiger

    A chilling chronicle of the often ignored history of vampirism as it has surfaced repeatedly in news articles, historical accounts, and first person interviews, this shocking account of occultist rituals and the inhuman forces that influence them shines a light on the horrifying truth. Revealing that real vampires are not immortal, do not have fangs or sleep in coffins, and have no fear of sunlight or crucifixes, the examination dispels many myths but also confirms the truth behind several traits of real vampires, such as the insatiable thirst for blood and the dream of an eternal soul. Complete with 30 spinetingling tales of the hideous wraiths and creatures that lurk in shadow, this fascinating collection includes the stories of the Mexican prostitute who mesmerized an entire village, convincing them she was an Incan goddess who required human sacrifice for her magic; the three teenagers who left a trail across the South as they conducted blooddrinking rituals with animals; and the mysterious Lady in Black who draws psychic energy from men who dare approach her as she wanders through city streets and parks.

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    by Brad Steiger

    Including over 200 true stories, this collection provides a glimpse into the world of unexplained phenomena and survival against overwhelming odds. It covers a wide range of topics and circumstances, including angelic interventions, medical miracles, amazing sea rescues, miracles on the highway, and near-death experiences.

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