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Books by Captivating History

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  • - A Captivating Guide to Taiwanese History and the Relationship with the People's Republic of China
    by Captivating History

    If you want to discover the captivating history of Taiwan, then keep reading...The history of Taiwan is astonishing. Politically, Taiwan- was a warlord culture. The Portuguese, when passing by the island in the mid-1540s, called the island "Ilha Formosa," which means "Beautiful Island."Then the Dutch came in the 1620s, searching for a base of operations for the Dutch East India Company.Then the Han Chinese came in the 17th century. Many of these Han Chinese were refugees from the wars in China. This influx caused an explosive reaction.And then came the Japanese in 1894! Taiwan was subjugated to a Japanese program of inculcation. All the people of Taiwan had to learn Japanese, and Shinto shrines cropped up everywhere.Then came Chiang Kai-shek in 1949. He awakened the conflict between the vestiges of Japanese influences and the Republic of China.Having been inflicted with so many cultural and political invasions, a new breed of Taiwanese people rose up, and they wanted freedom from the oppression they had faced for decades, although there were some who wanted socialism and communism. Taiwan is not even recognized as an independent sovereign by every country in the world today.Read Taiwan's story-a story of an island that walks a tightrope searching for its identity, balance, and fate.In History of Taiwan: A Captivating Guide to Taiwanese History and the Relationship with the People's Republic of China, you will discover topics such as Formosa: Beautiful Island The Arrival of the Chinese and Their Religion The Dutch Trading Years The Ming, The Qing, and Japan: The War Years Japanese Taiwan The Sino-Japanese War & World War II Taiwan After World War II And much, much more!So if you want to learn more about the history of Taiwan, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!

  • - A Captivating Guide to the Union of Smaller Kingdoms That Started During the Early Middle Ages and Dissolved During the Napoleonic Wars
    by Captivating History

    If you want to discover the captivating history of the Holy Roman Empire, then keep reading...Beginning with Charlemagne, the great and educated king who would serve as an inspiration for world leaders from Frederick II to Adolf Hitler, the Holy Roman Empire's intricate ties with the Roman Catholic Church would provide for plenty of excitement and drama in its early years. However, as the empire staggered through the Middle Ages and into the Renaissance, it would eventually be forced to declare its allegiance with a new way of thinking: Protestantism.Throughout the story of the Holy Roman Empire, a wealth of fascinating tales from interesting people proliferates. Monks and emperors will clash, poets sing the praises of kings, and the pope rides blind and bareback on a frightened donkey through the streets of Rome. The mightiest monarch in all of the world walks barefoot in the snow in repentance for his angry deeds, and two rival families stand toe-to-toe for the monarchy. Crusades are lost in war and won in diplomacy, while kings are held ransom, revolts are suppressed, and antipopes crowned. And this incredible tale spanning a full millennium is ready and waiting for you to turn the next page.In The Holy Roman Empire: A Captivating Guide to the Union of Smaller Kingdoms That Started During the Early Middle Ages and Dissolved During the Napoleonic Wars, you will discover topics such as The First Roman Empire The Carolingians A Formal Emperor The Caligula of Christianity Antipope The Walk to Canossa The Hohenstaufen Dynasty Begins The Red-Bearded Warrior King Captor of the Lionheart Stupor Mundi The Great Interregnum The King of Peace The Rise of the Habsburgs The Reformation Eight Million Dead The Dissolution And much, much more!So if you want to learn more about the history of the Holy Roman Empire, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!

  • - A Captivating Guide to the History of Christianity, Kings of Israel and Judah, and Queen of Sheba
    by Captivating History

    If you want to discover the captivating history of Christianity, then keep reading...Three captivating manuscripts in one book: History of Christianity: A Captivating Guide to Crucial Moments in Christian History, Including Events Such as the Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ, the Early Church, and the Reformation The Kings of Israel and Judah: A Captivating Guide to the Ancient Jewish Kingdom of David and Solomon, the Divided Monarchy, and the Assyrian and Babylonian Conquests of Samaria and Jerusalem Queen of Sheba: A Captivating Guide to a Mysterious Queen Mentioned in the Bible and Her Relationship with King SolomonWho would have thought that from its humble beginnings as a small group of followers of a Jewish man called Jesus that Christianity would become, less than two thousand years later, the most widespread religion on Earth?Christianity's birth and development is a vast, complex story filled with setbacks and contradictions but also with triumphs. It is intricately entwined with the world's development over the last two thousand years, encompassing entire societies, helping to build and destroy empires, and molding the spiritual lives of people of all races and cultures. This book will reveal the main aspects surrounding this fascinating saga.Some of the topics covered in part 1 of this book include: Prophecies with an Announced birth Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ Early Church Christianity Spreads Throughout the World Radical Changes Within the Church Christianity Nowadays And much, much more!Some of the topics covered in part 2 of this book include: The Last Judges Give Us a King A Boy from Bethlehem Saul Has a Rival King David David's Downfall The Horrors King Solomon Divided Monarchy The Kings of the Divided Monarchy Until the Fall of Israel Ten Lost Tribes: The Destruction and Fall of Israel Judah's Resistance and Reforms The Fall of Jerusalem and the End of the Kingdom of Judah And much, much more!Some of the topics covered in part 3 of this book include: Sheba Before the Queen A Questioning Queen Word of the Wise King A Journey to Israel Encountering Solomon A Forbidden Union Joy on the Journey Home A New King And much, much more!So if you want to learn more about the history of Christianity, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!

  • - A Captivating Guide to the Carolingian Dynasty and Their Large Empire That Covered Most of Western Europe During the Reign of Charlemagne
    by Captivating History

    If you want to discover the captivating history of the Carolingian Empire, then keep reading...One of the few names to emerge from the Dark Ages to live on today is that of Charlemagne. After the fall of Rome, Western Europe was in almost complete disarray for several centuries, with different tribes and factions running different parts of the continent. Then in 768 CE, Charles the Great, more commonly known as Charlemagne, became the ruler of the Franks. In The Carolingian Empire: A Captivating Guide to the Carolingian Dynasty and Their Large Empire That Covered Most of Western Europe During the Reign of Charlemagne, you will discover topics such as A Quick Overview The World After Rome Ending a Dynasty - Pepin, Charles, and Carloman The Conquests of Charles In the Name of Religion Pope Leo III and the Founding of an Empire The Carolingian Renaissance - The Empire under Charlemagne The Rule of Louis the Pious Familial Strife and the Decay of the Empire The Division Effectively Ending the Empire Echoes of the Roman Empire - How Outside Forces Picked Apart the Carolingian Empire Lasting Effects and Hope of Reunification And much, much more!So if you want to learn more about the history of The Carolingian Empire, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!

  • - A Captivating Guide to Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, John Jay, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and James Monroe
    by Captivating History

  • - Una guia fascinante de la antigua Grecia y Roma y como estas civilizaciones influyeron en Europa, el norte de Africa y Asia occidental
    by Captivating History

    Si quiere descubrir la fascinante historia de la antigüedad clásica, siga leyendo ...Desde aproximadamente el siglo IX hasta el siglo V antes de Cristo, la población de Grecia creció sin precedentes, expandiéndose de aproximadamente 800.000 a 13 millones. Cerca de un cuarto de millón de estos vivían en Atenas. El tamaño promedio de los hogares urbanos durante este período creció considerablemente, un hecho que sugiere que los alimentos estuvieron repentinamente disponibles en excesos suficientes para mantener a las familias más grandes sanas y vivas mucho más eficazmente que solo un milenio antes. Las familias más grandes entrañaban ejércitos más grandes y comunidades más grandes que eventualmente crecerían en las metrópolis de la Grecia clásica. Este increíble periodo de tiempo se llama antigüedad clásica; la época en que la civilización occidental se dio cuenta por primera vez de su potencial y lugar en el mundo. La era trajo grandes cambios para todos los pueblos del Mediterráneo. Gracias a los nuevos métodos agrícolas, la tecnología marítima y el comercio, grandes civilizaciones surgieron alrededor del mar, construyendo grandes centros urbanos llenos de artistas, comerciantes, pensadores políticos, científicos y filósofos. A medida que la cultura grecorromana creció, las relaciones entre cada ciudad y reino también evolucionaron y cambiaron. En la antigüedad clásica: una guía fascinante de la antigua Grecia y Roma y cómo estas civilizaciones influyeron en Europa, el norte de África y Asia occidental, usted descubrirá temas como: Un poeta ciego de Jonia Pitágoras Atenas, Grecia El panteón griego La expulsión de los persas La esclavitud La edad de oro de Atenas Pericles en Guerra El método socrático Platón Alejandro el Grande El período helenístico De Grecia a Roma La República romana Los dioses prestados de Roma Los romanos clásicos Los gladiadores Julio César, Parte Julius Caesar, Part 2 El imperio romano La ciudad de Pompeya Antonino y la peste Cipriana Britania y Londinium Restos de la antigüedad clásica ¡Y mucho, mucho más!¡Obtenga este libro ahora para aprender más sobre la antigüedad clásica!

  • - Una guia fascinante de la batalla mas larga y extensa de la Primera Guerra Mundial que tuvo lugar en el frente occidental entre Alemania y Francia
    by Captivating History

    Si quiere descubrir la fascinante historia de la Batalla de Verdún, siga leyendo...Hoy en día, el paisaje está marcado por cráteres causados por bombas, fortines y trincheras vacías. La madre naturaleza ha tratado de recuperar el terreno; los árboles han vuelto a crecer y el suelo está cubierto por una exuberante hierba verde, pero a pesar de sus mejores esfuerzos, las cicatrices en el paisaje aún permanecen, un recordatorio constante de la devastación y la miseria que se vivieron aquí hace más de un siglo.Y así debería ser, porque el mundo nunca debería olvidar lo que sucedió en este pequeño rincón de Francia. Las cicatrices de batalla en el paisaje de Verdún son un testimonio de los horrores de una guerra que perdurará en la memoria colectiva de una nación para siempre, pero también son un recordatorio a los valientes hombres que lucharon y murieron en los campos fangosos defendiendo a su país y a sus compatriotas de un invasor extranjero. Pero Verdún no era solo una batalla; Fue un momento crucial en la historia francesa. Esta es la batalla que define la Primera Guerra Mundial para Francia, pero no se puede ver de forma aislada. Es parte de una historia mucho mayor, influenciada por los muchos eventos y batallas que tuvieron lugar durante este sangriento momento en la historia de Europa. En La Batalla de Verdún: una guía cautivadora de la batalla más larga y extensa de la Primera Guerra Mundial que tuvo lugar en el frente occidental entre Alemania y Francia, usted descubrirá temas como El camino a Verdún La Ciudadela de Verdún El significado de Verdún La primera fase de la batalla de Verdún La batalla de Verdún se atasca en las trincheras Un verano en el infierno ¡Y mucho, mucho más!¡Obtenga este libro ahora para aprender más sobre la batalla de Verdún!

  • - A Captivating Guide to an American Founding Father Who Wrote the Majority of The Federalist Papers
    by Captivating History

    If you want to discover the captivating life of Alexander Hamilton, then keep reading...Alexander Hamilton, unlike many of the other Founding Fathers of the United States, was born outside of wedlock and was an orphan at the age of thirteen after his mother died. He was thrown into the world, depending on the charity of friends and neighbors. That perhaps is one of the reasons why Alexander Hamilton was fiscally sensitive and always anxious about funding and finance, not only for himself but for the new nation of the United States, where he emigrated when he was in his late teens. It is no wonder then that he became the first Secretary of the Treasury of the United States and that he even saved banks from financial collapse.Hamilton had a brilliant mind. Although the law was his calling, he was blessed with charisma that could persuade even the stoniest of hearts. As a prolific writer, he never shied from presenting his legal (and personal) opinions regarding the political issues of the day. In Alexander Hamilton: A Captivating Guide to an American Founding Father Who Wrote the Majority of The Federalist Papers, you will discover topics such as From Nevis to Boston From Pen to Sword Onset of Hamilton's Political Career Economy and the First National Bank The Time the Troubles Start Empowerment of Political Parties The Bitterly Fought Elections Bottom of the Curve And much, much more!So if you want to learn more about Alexander Hamilton, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!

  • - A Captivating Guide to the First True Multinational Corporation and Its Impact on the Dutch War of Independence from Spain
    by Captivating History

  • - A Captivating Guide to the Hunt and Trials of People Accused of Witchcraft in Colonial Massachusetts
    by Captivating History

    If you want to discover the captivating history of the Salem Witch Hunt, then keep reading...Decades after witch-hunting had begun to die down in Europe, North America was about to witness its bloodiest witch hunt in history. The Massachusetts of 1692 was a very different one to the state we know today. Populated by colonists, many of them a generation or less from life in an England bathed in religious turmoil, Massachusetts was not the safe haven that the fleeing Puritans had hoped it would be. Persecuted for their faith in Europe, the Puritans had pictured a kind of utopia founded on biblical principles. They saw the New World as a new beginning, a kind of second chance for humanity. It would be only 72 years after the arrival of the Mayflower that the events in Salem would make it blatantly obvious that humanity had already blown it again.This is not the story of the trials. This is the story of its people. This is not an attempt to explain the events of 1692. It is an attempt to bring to life the victims who died so unjustly. In this book, we will walk side by side with the destitute Sarah Good as she realizes that after having lost all she owns, her reputation, her baby, and even her life will still be taken from her. We stand at the bar with Rebecca Nurse, a sweet little old lady who is sentenced to hang for what she must have perceived to be the most heinous of crimes. We witness George Burroughs at the gallows, a former minister now condemned to die for his supposed alliance with Satan, as he delivers a speech so stirring that it takes quick thinking from his enemies to prevent the crowd from rushing forth to cut him down. We feel our own breaths catching as we watch the cruel and greedy Sheriff George Corwin piling rocks onto the fragile eighty-year-old body of Giles Corey, who is determined to die without entering a plea so that his sons will still get the inheritance he promised them.We will walk through this history in the footprints of those who suffered the hardest in it. The Salem witch hunt and trials killed many and ruined the lives of countless others. And this is their story.In The Salem Witch Hunt: A Captivating Guide to the Hunt and Trials of People Accused of Witchcraft in Colonial Massachusetts, you will discover topics such as Witches in Europe Salem Strange Afflictions The Affliction of Elizabeth Hubbard The Confession of Tituba Fuel on the Fire The Madness Intensifies The Reverend in League with the Devil The First Casualty Hanging A Bid for Mercy The Reverend Hangs Crushed Eight Innocent Firebrands Glimmers of Sense Not Guilty The Last Casualty Life After the Trials The Second Salem Remembering Salem And much, much more!So if you want to learn more about the Salem Witch Hunt, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!

  • - A Captivating Guide to Crucial Moments in Christian History, Including Events Such as the Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ, the Early Church, and the Reformation
    by Captivating History

    If you want to discover the captivating history of Christianity, then keep reading...Who would have thought that from its humble beginnings as a small group of followers of a Jewish man called Jesus that Christianity would become, less than two thousand years later, the most widespread religion on Earth?Christianity's birth and development is a vast, complex story filled with setbacks and contradictions but also with triumphs. It is intricately entwined with the world's development over the last two thousand years, encompassing entire societies, helping to build and destroy empires, and molding the spiritual lives of people of all races and cultures. This book will reveal the main aspects surrounding this fascinating saga.In History of Christianity: A Captivating Guide to Crucial Moments in Christian History, Including Events Such as the Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ, the Early Church, and the Reformation, you will discover topics such as Prophecies with an Announced birth Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ Early Church Christianity Spreads Throughout the World Radical Changes Within the Church Christianity Nowadays And much, much more!So if you want to learn more about the history of Christianity, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!

  • - A Captivating Guide to the Age of Reason, Including the Lives of Isaac Newton, Francis Bacon, John Locke, and Mary Somerville
    by Captivating History

    If you want to discover the captivating history of the Age of Enlightenment, then keep reading...The life of an eminent scientist during the Scientific Revolution and the ensuing Enlightenment was not easy. Ambitious people were killed in the name of the Catholic Church for their scientific and philosophical works, which were often viewed as heretical. As time went on, however, and the truths of scientific research and exploration showed themselves time and time again, the collective perspective of the population began to shift away from religious dogma toward the logical scientific method.The Enlightenment gained traction in the 17th century, and more emphasis was given to scientific techniques in the schools, as well as to the separation of religious and scientific data. Religious philosophies also became less rooted in the exact words of the Catholic Church, as papal authority gave way in many European countries to splinter groups of Christianity, such as the Calvinists, Lutherans, and other types of Protestants.Major figures of the Enlightenment period include Voltaire, Isaac Newton, John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, David Hume, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Adam Smith, Immanuel Kant, and Thomas Jefferson. These and many other great thinkers of the era influenced mass social upheaval in pursuit of equality and human rights, and many historians consider the culmination of these efforts to have been the French Revolution of 1789.In Age of Enlightenment: A Captivating Guide to the Age of Reason, Including the Lives of Isaac Newton, Francis Bacon, John Locke, and Mary Somerville, you will discover topics such as The Republic of Letters Michel de Montaigne Francis Bacon Marie de Gournay René Descartes Bathsua Makin Anna Maria Van Schurman Dorothy Moore Princess Elisabeth of Bohemia Robert Boyle John Locke Isaac Newton England's Civil War The Royal Society of London Marie du Moulin Conflict in the Royal Society Charles-Louis de Secondat (Montesquieu) Benjamin Franklin David Hume Adam Smith The Boston Tea Party Thomas Paine The American Revolution François-Marie Arouet (Voltaire) Mary Sommerville And much, much more!So if you want to learn more about the Age of Enlightenment, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!

  • - A Captivating Guide to the War Between the United States of America and Spain along with The Philippine-American War that Followed
    by Captivating History

  • - A Captivating Guide to a Period in European History with Events Such as The Thirty Years War and The Salem Witch Hunts and Political Powers Such as England and The Ottoman Empire
    by Captivating History

    Explore the Captivating History of Early Modern EuropeThe beginning of modern Europe was a time of confusion, excitement, suspicion, hope, despair, and ideas. It was a time of a lot of change spread out over just a few hundred years, but the end result was a completely different world than the one that had come before it.This book includes details of the transition from the Middle Ages to the early modern era, where Europe saw significant shifts across the continent in phases. The years following the 30 Years War until the 1800s are treated as a transition between the early and current modern eras. The unrest that started at the end of the Middle Ages exploded following the Thirty Years’ War, and it marked the change to many of the thought processes widely accepted as true today.In Early modern Europe: A Captivating Guide to a Period in European History with Events Such as The Thirty Years War and The Salem Witch Hunts and Political Powers Such as England and The Ottoman Empire, you will discover topics such asThe World Leading to the Modern EraThe European Power DynamicThe Age of DiscoverySanctioned Piracy – Ruling the High SeasReligious Corruption and UpheavalThe InquisitionThe Protestant ReformationThe Thirty Years’ WarWitch Hunts – Including the Infamous Salem Witch TrialsThe Italian RenaissanceJohannes Gutenberg – One Invention to Change the WorldThe Slow Transition to TodayAnd much, much more!So if you want to learn more about Early Modern Europe, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!

  • - A Captivating Guide to an American Statesman, Patriot, Diplomat, Governor of New York, the First Chief Justice, and One of the Founding Fathers of the United States of America
    by Captivating History

    If you want to discover the captivating life of John Jay, then keep reading...John Jay was a master statesman and strategic diplomat who associated with all the great men of his day in the mid-18th century. However, his contemporaries said that he was modest and humble. They indicated that they could be at a party or gathering and guests had to coax him into discussing his role during the American Revolution or as the first Supreme Court justice of the new nation.When he became the first chief justice of America, he established the groundwork for fairness and neutrality in decision-making. Many of the principles he established in the 19th century are practiced today by this high court. His foresight was extremely acute, and leaders of America sought out his opinions even during his retirement. He was a role model for patience and fairness, and he manifested these qualities in his roles as a jurist, the governor of New York, and the ambassador to Spain, France, and England. None of his positions were easy ones. Every issue he confronted in his political life was a negotiation, and he was expected to referee various opposing factions. Almost magically he developed practical results that were “win-win solutions.”John Jay is a Founding Father who is often overlooked, and few people realize the extent and impact of his contributions to the new nation. He might not have been a part of the Constitutional Convention, but he passionately argued for a more powerful, yet balanced, centralized form of government which eventually led to the passing of the U.S. Constitution. John Jay’s work provided for the expression of liberty and justice in a viable society, and he designed a functional and dynamic process that still works today.In John Jay: A Captivating Guide to an American Statesman, Patriot, Diplomat, Governor of New York, the First Chief Justice, and One of the Founding Fathers of the United States of America, you will discover topics such asFrom Tyranny to FreedomYearning to Be FreeFreedom Is ExpensiveNew York in CrisisJohn Jay in the Midst of the American RevolutionTreaty of Paris and RepercussionsConstitution and CourtJohn Jay, Chief Justice and Gubernatorial CandidateThe Jay Treaty and John Jay as GovernorJohn Jay During His Initial RetirementJohn Jay: The Final YearsAnd much, much more!

  • - A Captivating Guide to the People Who Inhabited Great Britain from the Early Middle Ages to the Norman Conquest of England
    by Captivating History

    If you want to discover the captivating history of the Anglo-Saxons, then keep reading...There was a time before England was united. This was a time before William the Bastard decided to prove to his contemporaries that his bastard moniker would be erased with a swift conquest of the biggest island northwest of Europe. A time before the Battle of Hastings and the year 1066. A time when many petty kingdoms ruled, conquered, and were liberated, time and time again, by a specific people group. A people group that is, in fact, a blend of many and that authors of later dates would collectively call the Anglo-Saxons.With this book, we want to let our readers know how vibrant and lively (as well as deadly) life in Britain was during the perhaps wrongly-titled “Dark Ages.” With the end of the Roman Empire, the local Britons were left to their devices, and it would be several people groups from a peninsula in Central Europe that would come to dominate the island, making sure their presence was known through a series of kingdoms, battles, clashes, victories, and defeats.But the Anglo-Saxons have a lot more to offer us history buffs. We can learn about their day-to-day life: how they dressed, what they ate and drank, how they waged war or had fun, how they buried their dead, and how they worshiped their gods. We can also learn about their art, their amazing metal and clay pieces, stunning bits of tapestries, and dozens of well-illuminated manuscripts. And if we lack any information on what they thought of the world around them, we can be happy that they were willing to tell us that themselves, all through hundreds of written texts of both religious and secular nature.The Anglo-Saxons were, indeed, an odd group of people to take control of Britain. But they didn’t do it all at once, and just like any other people in history, they had a period of adjustment, growth, reconstruction, and eventual rise to prominence.In Anglo-Saxons: A Captivating Guide to the People Who Inhabited Great Britain from the Early Middle Ages to the Norman Conquest of England, you will discover topics such asAnglo-Saxons ArriveEarly Anglo-Saxons: Origins and Pre-Settlement HistoryThe Culture of Anglo-Saxons: Religion, Customs, Social Hierarchy, Early ChristianityEveryday Life of Anglo-Saxon England: Jobs and Division of Labor, Food and Drink, Clothes, Architecture, Travel, Wars, Gender and Age Norms, Art, Written WorksAnglo-Saxon KingdomsAnglo-Saxon LegacyAnd much, much more!So if you want to learn more about the history of the Anglo-Saxons, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!

  • - A Captivating Guide to One of the Greatest Battles in Ancient History Between the Spartans and Persians
    by Captivating History

    If you want to discover the captivating history of the Battle of Thermopylae, then keep reading...The Battle of Thermopylae is one of the most famous battles in human history. It featured two of the ancient world’s most prominent cultures, the Achaemenid-led Persian Empire and the fragmented yet culturally advanced Greeks. It also included some of history’s most famous leaders, such as the Persian king Xerxes and the Spartan king and military general Leonidas.This glorification is apt only because the battle was indeed an important moment in the much larger conflict known as the Greco-Persian Wars. However, the Greeks lost this battle. In fact, it was a slaughter. Had it not been for some good fortune as well as an advantage in terms of equipment and fighting techniques, the Battle of Thermopylae could have gone down in history as the beginning of the end for one of the world’s great civilizations.That these soldiers were more willing to die than to surrender to the evil Persians is part of the reason why this battle has become so famous. It serves as a symbol of what people will do to protect their freedom and their homeland. Sure, much of our memory of the Battle of Thermopylae is glorified untruth, but no one can deny that the Greeks and the Persians, in late August or early September of 480 BCE, fought one of the most important battles in one of the most important wars of the ancient era.In The Battle of Thermopylae: A Captivating Guide to One of the Greatest Battles in Ancient History Between the Spartans and Persians, you will discover topics such asLeading up to The Battle of ThermopylaeThe Main Characters of the Battle of ThermopylaeGreece and Persia Prepare for BattleThe Battle of Thermopylae: Seven Days to Last the Test of TimeMeanwhile, at ArtemisiumAfter the Battle of ThermopylaeThe Greek and Persian ArmiesAnd much, much more!So if you want to learn more about the Battle of Thermopylae, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!

  • - A Captivating Guide to the Spartans, Greco-Persian Wars, Battle of Thermopylae, and Peloponnesian War
    by Captivating History

    If you want to discover the captivating history of Sparta, then keep reading...Four captivating manuscripts in one book:Spartans: A Captivating Guide to the Fierce Warriors of Ancient Greece, Including Spartan Military Tactics, the Battle of Thermopylae, How Sparta Was Ruled, and MoreThe Greco-Persian Wars: A Captivating Guide to the Conflicts Between the Achaemenid Empire and the Greek City-States, Including the Battle of Marathon, Thermopylae, Salamis, Plataea, and MoreThe Battle of Thermopylae: A Captivating Guide to One of the Greatest Battles in Ancient History Between the Spartans and PersiansThe Peloponnesian War: A Captivating Guide to the Ancient Greek War Between the Two Leading City-States in Ancient Greece — Athens and SpartaSparta is one of the first names that comes to mind when we think about the ancient world. And this is for good reason. After its founding sometime in the 10th century BCE, Sparta soon rose to be one of the most powerful city-states in not only the Greek but the entire ancient world.Perhaps the most significant achievement in all of Spartan history, though, was their defeat of the Athenians in the Peloponnesian War. This conflict, which lasted roughly 30 years, put the two greatest Greek city-states of the time, Athens and Sparta, up against one another, and the result, a Spartan victory, helped to reshape the entire ancient world. It ushered in a period of Spartan hegemony which was radically different than when the Athenians sat atop the Greek world.Some of the topics covered in part 1 of this book include:Who Were the SpartansThe Growth of Spartan Power: The Messenian WarsA Growing Rivalry with Athens: The Greco-Persian WarsVictory over Athens: The Birth of the Spartan EmpireSpartan Hegemony, the Corinthian War, and Sparta’s DeclineSpartan Government, Military, and SocietyAnd much, much more!Some of the topics covered in part 2 of this book include:On the Eve of WarThe Ionian RevoltDarius I Marches on Greece: The Battle of MarathonThe Interwar Years: Greece and Persia Prepare to Meet AgainThe Invasion of Xerxes Part 1: The Battles of Thermopylae and ArtemisiumThe Invasion of Xerxes Part 2: The Battles of Salamis and PlataeaThe Delian League WarsThe Aftermath of the WarThe Greek MilitaryThe Persian MilitaryAnd much, much more!Some of the topics covered in part 3 of this book include:Leading up to The Battle of ThermopylaeThe Main Characters of the Battle of ThermopylaeGreece and Persia Prepare for BattleThe Battle of Thermopylae: Seven Days to Last the Test of TimeMeanwhile, at ArtemisiumAfter the Battle of ThermopylaeThe Greek and Persian ArmiesAnd much, much more!Some of the topics covered in part 4 of this book include:Understanding PeloponneseThe Peloponnesian and Delian LeaguesRising Tensions Between Athens and Sparta: The First Peloponnesian War to the Thirty Years’ PeaceThe Archidamian War to the Peace of NiciasThe Attack of Syracuse Brings More WarThe Ionian War and the Fall of AthensFighting in an Ancient Greek ArmyThe War’s Impact on Greek CulturePhilosophy During War: SocratesAnd much, much more!So if you want to learn more about the history of Sparta, click the "add to cart" button!

  • - A Captivating Guide to the Etruscan Civilization of Ancient Italy That Preceded the Roman Republic
    by Captivating History

    If you want to discover the captivating history of the Etruscans, then keep reading...The importance of the Etruscans can be traced back to Rome. The Roman Republic, and later the Roman Empire, was an unusual conqueror because it would absorb and assimilate elements of the cultures it dominated. A standing practice was to allow the defeated to continue practicing their culture and religion so long as they paid their taxes on time. Such a procedure was part of why Christianity would seep into the Roman Empire around the 1st century CE, for example. For the Etruscans, this meant they influenced aspects of Roman civilization, one of the most powerful cultures in the history of the Western world.The word “Rome” is Etruscan in origin as are the names of its mythological founders “Remus” and “Romulus.” Several of the Roman creation myths centered on branches of the Etruscans breaking off to found Rome, and Rome itself used to be a part of Etruscan civilization before it broke away and started to develop its own society. When the Etruscans were absorbed, elements of their culture, language, and religion would seep into Roman practice. Before their assimilation, the Etruscans gifted Rome with much of its political science and technology. Through the Etruscans, the Romans developed monarchy, walls, drainage systems, and the powerful forum.The Etruscans shouldn’t only be studied as the influencer of Rome, but it is the connection through which most individuals have heard of their illustrious civilization. Other interesting developments of the Etruscans were their flamboyant fashion, complex political structure, urban planning, and fatalistic religion. As the reader of this volume, check and see where the Etruscans sound similar to the Romans but also interpret what made the Etruscans unique, what rings of assimilation of other cultures like the Greeks, and determine whether it was possible for the Etruscans to avoid their fate against the Romans during the 1st century BCE.In The Etruscans: A Captivating Guide to the Etruscan Civilization of Ancient Italy That Preceded the Roman Republic, you will discover topics such asPolitics, Government, and Social StructureHow an Individual LivedThe Origin of the EtruscansThe Etruscan Orientation, c. 600-400 BCEThe Roman Conquest, c. 400-20 BCEMythology and ReligionArt and MusicThe Etruscan Language and WritingArchitectureSurviving Text and LiteratureAnd much, much more!So if you want to learn more about the Etruscans, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!

  • - A Captivating Guide to the First Emperor of Rome and How He Ruled the Roman Empire
    by Captivating History
    £14.99 - 27.49

  • - A Captivating Guide to the Life of Ancient Rome's Second Emperor and How He Ruled the Roman Empire
    by Captivating History
    £14.99 - 27.49

  • - Una Guia Fascinante sobre una de las batallas mas grandes de la Historia Antigua entre los espartanos y los persas
    by Captivating History

    Si usted quiere descubrir la fascinante historia de la Batalla de las Termópilas, siga leyendo...La batalla de las Termópilas es una de las batallas más famosas de la historia humana. Representa dos de las culturas más prominentes del mundo antiguo, el Imperio persa liderado por los aqueménidas y los griegos fragmentados, pero con un gran progreso cultural. También incluyó a algunos de los líderes más famosos de la historia, como el rey persa Jerjes y el rey y general espartano Leónidas.Esta glorificación es apta solo porque la batalla, fue de hecho un momento importante en un conflicto mucho más grande conocido como las guerras greco-persas. Sin embargo, los griegos perdieron esta batalla. De hecho, fue una matanza. Si no hubiera sido por una buena fortuna, así como por una ventaja en términos de equipamiento y técnicas de combate, la batalla de las Termópilas podría haber pasado a la historia como el principio del fin para una de las civilizaciones más grandes del mundo.Una de las razones por las cuales esta batalla es tan famosa, es que estos soldados estaban más dispuestos a morir que a rendirse a los malvados. Esta batalla es como un símbolo de lo que la gente haría para proteger su libertad y su tierra natal. Claro, gran parte de nuestro recuerdo glorificado de la batalla de las Termópilas es considerado como falso, pero nadie puede negar que los griegos y los persas, a fines de agosto o principios de septiembre de 480 a. C., libraron una de las batallas más relevantes en una de las guerras más importantes de la era antigua.In En La batalla de las Termópilas: una guía fascinante sobre una de las mejores batallas de la historia antigua entre espartanos y persas, usted descubrirá temas como:Antes de la batalla de las TermópilasLos personajes principales de la batalla de las TermópilasGrecia y Persia se preparan para la batallaLa batalla de las Termópilas: La Prueba de los Siete díasMientras tanto, en ArtemisioDespués de la batalla de las Termópilas.Los ejércitos griegos y persas¡Y mucho, mucho más!¡Compre este libro ahora para aprender más sobre la batalla de las Termópilas!

  • - Una Fascinante Guia acerca de los Temibles Guerreros de la antigua Grecia, que incluye Tacticas Militares Espartanas, la Batalla de las Termopilas, Como Goberno Esparta y Mas
    by Captivating History

    Si desea descubrir la fascinante historia de Esparta, continúe leyendo...Esparta es uno de los primeros nombres que nos viene a la mente cuando pensamos en el mundo antiguo. Y esto es debido a una importante razón. Después de su fundación en algún momento del siglo X a. C., Esparta pronto se convirtió en una de las ciudades-estado más poderosas no solo en el mundo griego sino también en el mundo antiguo.Su gobierno único, que contó con dos reyes y un senado electo, le ayudó a lograr una relativa estabilidad política al principio de su historia, y los líderes espartanos lograron aprovecharlo para expandir su poder e influencia en la región que rodea a Esparta, así como al resto de la península del Peloponeso.Sin embargo, quizás el logro más significativo en toda la historia espartana fue la derrota de los atenienses en la Guerra del Peloponeso. Este conflicto, que duró aproximadamente 30 años, enfrentó a las dos ciudades-estado griegas más grandes de la época, Atenas y Esparta, y el resultado, la victoria espartana, ayudó a remodelar todo el mundo antiguo. Este fue el comienzo de un período de hegemonía espartana que fue radicalmente diferente de cuando los atenienses se establecieron en la cima del mundo griego.Pero, desafortunadamente para los espartanos, su tiempo como líderes del mundo griego sería de corta duración. Realizaron alianzas entre enemigos recientes y pasados, y estas coaliciones lograron abrumar a los espartanos y obligarlos a rendirse. Después de esto, Esparta decaería, pero continuaría siendo relevante cuando los romanos tomaran el control de la mayor parte del Mediterráneo y el occidente de Asia.Sin embargo, no debemos considerar el hecho de que Esparta finalmente decayó como una señal de que su tiempo no fue excepcional. Un deseo intermitente por la colaboración ayudó a producir una forma de gobierno verdaderamente única, y una precisa comprensión de lo que hace grande a un ejército ayudó a Esparta a crecer de un conjunto de cinco reducidas poblaciones al comienzo del último milenio antes de Cristo en una próspera polis griega que podría destacarse encima del mundo griego.In En Espartanos: Una Fascinante Guía acerca de los Temibles Guerreros de la antigua Grecia, que incluye Tácticas Militares Espartanas, la Batalla de las Termópilas, Cómo Gobernó Esparta y Más, descubrirá temas como:Quiénes Fueron los EspartanosEl Crecimiento del Poder Espartano: Las Guerras MeseniasLa Creciente Rivalidad con Atenas: Las Guerras Greco-PersasVictoria sobre Atenas: El Nacimiento del Imperio EspartanoLa Hegemonía Espartana, la Guerra de Corinto, y el Declive de EspartaGobierno Espartano, Militar, y Sociedad¡Y mucho, mucho más!¡Obtenga ahora este libro para aprender más sobre los espartanos!

  • - A Captivating Guide to Japanese History, Including Events Such as the Genpei War, Mongol Invasions, Battle of Tsushima, and Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    by Captivating History

    If you want to discover the captivating history of Japan, then keep reading...Japan is one of the most adaptable countries in the world. It is capable of very rapid change, even after crises that would halt the progress of other nations. When the shogunates collapsed in the 17th century, the feudal system disintegrated. Within a year’s time, though, railroads replaced ox carts. During World War I, a first-rate economy sprung up on deserted farmlands. During World War II, the modest islands of Japan burgeoned into an empire with one of the most powerful navies in the world. After the devastation of that world war, Japan emerged as one of the most modern countries in the world. The Japanese have survived frequent earthquakes and tsunamis and rebuilt their cities using enviable technologies.The Japanese progressed throughout the eras because of the emperor, but they also progressed despite him. These are people who never let go of their sacred history, and their story is told and retold in art, film, literature, and even graphic novels across the entire world. Terms such as shoguns, samurai, haiku, anime, and manga are familiar to many in the Western world today. Westerners also learn flower arranging, martial arts, meditation, and enjoy a variety of visual and digital art forms because of the unique culture of Japan.In History of Japan: A Captivating Guide to Japanese History, Including Events Such as the Genpei War, Mongol Invasions, Battle of Tsushima, and Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, you will discover topics such asChildren of the SunWarring ClansThe Two Imperial CourtsEdo Japan: Part One-1603 to 1638Edo Period: Part Two-1638 to 1868The Meiji RestorationForeign RelationsThe Taisho EraThe Showa EraJapan in World War II and Its AftermathHeisei EraAnd much, much more!So if you want to learn more about the History of Japan, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!

  • - A Captivating Guide to the Normans and the Invasion of England by William the Conqueror, Including Events Such as the Battle of Stamford Bridge and the Battle of Hastings
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  • - A Captivating Guide to Ancient Civilizations of Asia Minor, Including the Hittite Empire, Arameans, Luwians, Neo-Assyrian Empire, Cimmerians, Scythians, Persians, Romans, and More
    by Captivating History
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  • - A Captivating Guide to the Armed Conflict Between the United States of America and Spain That Took Place after the U.S. Intervened in the Cuban War of Independence
    by Captivating History

  • - A Captivating Guide to the Emergence of Modern Science During the Early Modern Period and the Life of Galileo Galilei
    by Captivating History

    If you want to discover the captivating history of the Scientific Revolution, then keep reading...Two captivating manuscripts in one book: The Scientific Revolution: A Captivating Guide to the Emergence of Modern Science During the Early Modern Period, Including Stories of Thinkers Such as Isaac Newton and René Descartes Galileo Galilei: A Captivating Guide to an Italian Astronomer, Physicist, and Engineer and His Impact on the History of ScienceAncient cultures have been looking up at the stars for thousands of years, wondering about their place in the universe. What were those glowing spots in the black cover of night? Just how far away was the moon? These and other questions hounded humanity through the millennia until, finally, relative economic stability allowed for a number of people to examine their world more closely. Slowly, knowledge and understanding accumulated generation by generation until the conditions were ideal enough for a revolution to occur in thinking, experimentation, worldview, and natural philosophy.It was the Scientific Revolution, the time period when Western theologians had more and better tools to measure and make sense of the things around them. With careful measurements, precise data collection, and an unwavering sense of curiosity, humankind stepped into the future. The truly magnificent feature of this time period, besides, of course, the scientific discoveries themselves, was the kinship between philosophers, scientists, and experimental hobbyists throughout Europe. Hundreds, if not thousands, of letters between great intellectuals such as Isaac Newton, Johannes Kepler, Robert Hooke, and Tycho Brahe have been preserved, demonstrating how these men (and a few women) worked in cooperation with one another in order to better their own research.Some of the topics covered in part 1 of this book include: Science: A Definition and Brief Prehistory The Early Western Sciences Paracelsus Nicolaus Copernicus Luigi Anguillara Andreas Vesalius Ignazio Danti Tycho and Sophia Brahe Paul Wittich Sethus Calvisius Joseph Goedenhuyze Giordano Bruno Conrad Gessner Johannes Kepler Daniel Sennert Galileo Galilei William Harvey René Descartes Robert Boyle Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Isaac Newton Robert Hooke Maria Sibylla Merian Maria Winckelmann-Kirch William and Caroline Herschel Mary Somerville And much, much more!Some of the topics covered in part 2 of this book include: A Stargazer Is Born Galileo Studies with Florentine Monks The University of Pisa Galileo Calculates the Location of Hell Professor at the University of Pisa University of Padua The Catholic Inquisition Kepler's Star Galileo and Johannes Kepler The Starry Messenger Galileo Meets Pope Paul V The Inquisition Visits Again Discourse on the Tides A Meeting with Pope Urban VIII The Assayer Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems Trial and Imprisonment Final Work and Death And much, much more!So if you want to learn more about the Scientific Revolution and Galileo Galilei, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!

  • - A Captivating Guide to an Italian Astronomer, Physicist, and Engineer and His Impact on the History of Science
    by Captivating History

    If you want to discover the captivating life of Galileo Galilei, then keep reading...Galileo Galilei's contributions to modern science were so fundamental to a variety of fields that even though he died almost 400 years ago, his name retains international acclaim. This 17th-century natural philosopher is often credited with the invention of the telescope thanks to his many discoveries using that specific instrument, and though he was not, in fact, its inventor, the myth still persists. Indeed, Galileo was responsible for a series of upgrades to astronomy's brand-new tool during the early part of the 1600s, and it was largely his innovative techniques that changed a somewhat mediocre magnifying glass into a revolutionary device.He was also the first to use his powerful telescope to look at the Moon, planets, and stars and discover just how much there truly was out there beyond the realm of ocean, land, and clouds. His observations of the solar system were the first of their kind, and they helped cement a theory that had been appearing and disappearing from European philosophy for centuries: that the Earth was not the center of the universe.Galileo published his theories regardless of the danger and struggled to deal with the repercussions of doing so. His amazing career was characterized by a tenuous balance between publishing the truth of his discoveries and maintaining good relationships with the people in power. Like so many other great people of that age, Galileo was born not far from Florence, Italy, making him a product of the continent's foremost trendsetter during the Renaissance and Scientific Revolution.In Galileo Galilei: A Captivating Guide to an Italian Astronomer, Physicist, and Engineer and His Impact on the History of Science, you will discover topics such as A Stargazer Is Born Galileo Studies with Florentine Monks The University of Pisa Galileo Calculates the Location of Hell Professor at the University of Pisa University of Padua The Catholic Inquisition Kepler's Star Galileo and Johannes Kepler The Starry Messenger Galileo Meets Pope Paul V The Inquisition Visits Again Discourse on the Tides A Meeting with Pope Urban VIII The Assayer Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems Trial and Imprisonment Final Work and Death And much, much more!So if you want to learn more about Galileo Galilei, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!

  • - A Captivating Guide to the American Indian Wars, Battle of Little Bighorn and Wounded Knee Massacre
    by Captivating History

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