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Books by Charles Perrault

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  • by Hans Christian Andersen, Charles Perrault & Brothers Grimm

    We have collected for you the most beautiful love stories fairy tales ever written. This collection begins with tales from Hans Christian Andersen and Charles Perrault, two absolute masters of the genre, whose stories have been universally read ever since, and by tales collected by the Brothers Grimm, who compiled ancestral folktales known for their beauty and wisdom. Let children develop their imagination and sensitivity with these touching tales of love: Cinderilla by Charles Perrault; The Frog Prince, by the Brothers Grimm; Beauty and the Beast; Blue Beard; Sleeping Beauty in the Wood; The Brave Tin Soldier, by Hans Christian Andersen; and Rapunzel, by the Brothers Grimm.

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    by Charles Perrault

    Gåsemors eventyr er en samling af fortællinger, som den franske hofmand og forfatter nedskrev efter - fortrinsvis - bretonske - folkeeventyr og sagn i slutningen af 1600-tallet. Hans udgaver er vel egentlig skrevet til damerne ved Ludvig den Fjortendes hof, men flere af dem hører nu til dags til den vestlige verdens mest elskede børnefortællinger, som findes i adskillige versioner op gennem tiden, enten det så er bearbejdelser af Perrault eller andre indsamleres udgaver af de overleverede historier.Indhold:Den lille RødhætteTommelidenTorneroseAskepotDen bestøvlede katRiquet med hårtoppenÆselskindFeerneBlåskægIllustreret med et udvalg af stik efter Gustave Doré.

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    by Charles Perrault
    £3.49 - 4.49

    Det kendte eventyr om den bestøvlede kat genfortalt så den er velegnet til de mindste.Bogen er udgivet i serien Ælle-Bælle med hyggelig historier velegnet til oplæsning eller letlæsning. Alle bøgerne er illustreret med de oprindelige tegninger, som mange kender og elsker fra deres egen barndom.

  • by Hans Christian Andersen, Frères Grimm & Charles Perrault

    Un tour d'horizon des plus beaux contes pour enfants, sous le signe du rêve et de l'évasion. Des contes des Mille et une nuits à ceux d'Andersen, les essentiels et les plus rares, de Barbe Bleue à Tom Pouce, les petits poètes en herbe y trouveront de quoi s'évader tout en permettant à leurs parents de retrouver les contes préférés de leur enfance.

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    by Hans Christian Andersen & Charles Perrault

    Les plus beaux contes pour enfants, de Charles Perrault et Christian Andersen : Le petit chaperon rouge, Barbe Bleue, Cendrillon, Le petit poucet, Le chat botté, La belle au bois dormant, Le crapaud, la malle volante, Le vilain petit canard, Hans le Balourd.

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    by Charles Perrault

    From Disney's animated version from 1950 to the 2021 live-action adaptation starring Camila Cabello, ´Cinderella´ is the beloved fairy tale of a young woman turned princess overnight.When her father dies, Cinderella becomes the servant of her stepmother and her two stepsisters.Her dream is to go to the ball given by the prince. With the help of her fairy aunt, she finds herself wonderfully dressed and can attend the ball until midnight.However, when the second chime of the clock rings out, Cinderella rushes off, leaving behind a slipper and an enamoured prince.There are many maidens in the kingdom. Will the prince manage to find the foot that fits the slipper?´Cinderella´ is perfect for fans of ´A Cinderella Story´ starring Hilary Duff and ´The Princess Diaries´ starring Anne Hathaway.Charles Perrault (1628-1703) was a famous and influential French author and one of the most well-known authors of fairy tales. Perrault is often credited as one of the early adopters of the literary genre, even setting the stage for authors such as the Brothers Grimm a century later.Other famous fairy tales written by Charles Perrault include ´The Little Red Riding Hood´, ´Bluebeard´, ´Puss in Boots´, and ´The Sleeping Beauty´. Igniting the imagination of children from all over the world, Perrault's tales continue to entertain people today.

  • by Charles Perrault

    From evil stepsisters and big bad wolves to anthropomorphic cats and murderous noblemen, this collection offers a selection of the best fairy tales by the iconic french author Charles Perrault.Enter into Perrault's magical world in this wondrous collection which includes the five following tales: ´Little Red Riding Hood´, ´Cinderella´, ´Puss in Boots´, ´Sleeping Beauty´, and ´Bluebeard´.Relive some of your favourite fairy tales with this timeless collection that will delight fans of H.C. Andersen and the Brothers Grimm.Charles Perrault (1628-1703) was a famous and influential French author and one of the most well-known authors of fairy tales. Perrault is often credited as one of the early adopters of the literary genre, even setting the stage for authors such as the Brothers Grimm a century later.Famous fairy tales written by Charles Perrault include ´Cinderella´, ´The Little Red Riding Hood´, ´Bluebeard´, ´Puss in Boots´, and ´The Sleeping Beauty´. Igniting the imagination of children from all over the world, Perrault's tales continue to entertain people today.

  • by Charles Perrault

    Plus de 5 heures d'écoute pour redécouvrir et faire découvrir aux enfants les plus beaux contes de notre enfance. Barbe Bleue (12 min) ; Blanche neige (15 min) ; Cendrillon (14 min) ; Hansel et Gretel (18 min) ; La Belle au bois dormant (20 min) ; La Belle et la bête (31 min) ; La Malle volante (13 min) ; La Petite fille aux allumettes (6 min) ; La Petite sirène (20 min - adaptation) ; Le Chat botté (11 min) ; Le Crapaud (15 min) ; Le Loup et les 7 chevreaux (8 min) ; Le Petit chaperon rouge (6min) ; Le Petit poucet (21 min) ; Le Rossignol et L'empereur (24 min) ; Le Vilain petit canard (19 min) ; Les 3 petits Cochons (5 min) ; Peau d'âne (17 min - adaptation) ; Pinocchio (18 min) ; Tom Pouce (14 min)

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    by Hans Christian Andersen, Frères Grimm & Charles Perrault

    Dix contes spécialement choisis pour les 3-6 ans : de quoi développer leur imagination et leur faculté d'attention, leur offrir de belles histoires pour s'endormir et leur permettre de partager la culture qui nous a façonnés. Lue par Fabienne Prost, cette sélection rassemble des contes classiques de Charles Perrault, des frères Grimm et d'Andersen : Boucle d'Or et les trois ours, Raiponce, le Maître chat ou le chat botté, Cendrillon, La plus belle rose du monde (Andersen), Le petit chaperon rouge, La princesse et le porcher (Andersen), Les lutins (Grimm), Le loup et les sept chevreaux (Grimm), Les fées (Perrault).

  • by Charles Perrault

    "À son décès, un vieux meunier laisse à ses trois fils l'intégralité de ses biens. L'aîné hérite du moulin, le cadet de l'âne, et le benjamin du chat. Sans un sou en poche et ne sachant que faire d'un tel cadeau, ce dernier songe à le manger. Mais le chat, à la plus grande surprise de son nouveau maître, s'avère doué de parole. Contre un sac et une paire de bottes, avec beaucoup de ruse, l'animal va faire passer le jeune homme pour un puissant gentilhomme, le marquis de Carabas, et lui permettre d'épouser la princesse du royaume. Un conte qui démontre que l'on peut aussi bien atteindre des objectifs par la ruse, que grâce à ses bonnes actions !"

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    by Brothers Grimm, Hans Christian Andersen & Charles Perrault

    Little children need tales and stories, for they play an essential part in their development by awakening their imagination, introducing them to symbolic imagery, and bringing forth emotions in a healthy, constructive way. Our audiobook collection brings together the fairy tales, stories, myths and legends which have fed the children of many generations in the years when the imagination is awakening and craving stimulus and material to work upon. This compilation is specially designed for small children and includes classic tales narrated in a warm and lively way: The Fox and the Cat; The Mouse and the Sausage; The Three Bears; The Little Shepherd Boy; The Sweet Soup; The Three Little Pigs; The Wren and the Bear; The Three Brothers; Why the Bear has a Stumpy Tail; The Straw, the Coal, and the Bean; The Rats and their Son-in-law; The Story of Pretty Goldilocks.

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    by Hans Christian Andersen, Frères Grimm & Charles Perrault

    Dix histoires pour rêver, sélectionnés parmi les plus beaux contes qui emportent l'imagination, et permettent aux enfants de s'évader dans des mondes où les héros inspirent et les conclusions édifient. Parents et enfants y découvriront ou redécouvriront avec plaisir la gemme des Mille et une Nuits, Ali-Baba ; La belle au bois dormant, de Perrault ; La fille du roi et la grenouille, des frères Grimm ; La petite sirène, de Perrault ; La princesse et le porcher, de Hans-Christian Andersen ; Le Maître chat ou le chat botté, de Perrault ; Les fées, de Perrault ; Les lutins, des frères Grimm ; Raiponce, et Tom Pouce, des mêmes Grimm, lus par Fabienne Prost.

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    by Charles Perrault

    Hop-o'-My-Thumb (Hop-on-My-Thumb), or Hop o' My Thumb, also known as Little Thumbling or Little Poucet is one of the eight fairytales published by Charles Perrault in Histoires ou Contes du temps passé (1697). Hop-o'-My-Thumb is the youngest of seven children in a poor woodcutter's family, and his greater wisdom compensates for his smallness of size. When the children are abandoned by their parents, he finds a variety of means to save his life and the lives of his brothers, eventually confronting a scary ogre. This tale has its origins in French medieval folklore and is now world-renowned thanks to Perrault and Robert Samber's translation; it is here brought to life by Katie Haigh.

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    by Hans Christian Andersen, Charles Perrault & Brothers Grimm

    A good story takes us in a new, fantastic world; the pleasure is all the greater if it keeps us inside for long enough. We have carefully selected for you ten long stories, for you to enjoy the craft of the writer as much as the opportunity of evasion good stories bring to us; they will make perfect bedtime stories, to accompany young children as long as they need to get into a peaceful sleep. Enjoy these tales by Charles Perrault, Hans Christian Andersen, and from the Arabian Nights (or One Thousand and One Nights), narrated in a warm and lively way: Beauty and the Beast, Cinderilla, Donkeyskin, The Sleeping Beauty in the Woods, The Story of the Youth who went forth to learn what Fear was, The Nightingale, The Ugly Duckling, Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, Sinbad the Sailor, and an ancient Japanese tale, the Jellyfish and the Monkey.

  • by Charles Perrault

    Charles Perrault est un homme de lettres français, célèbre pour ses Contes de ma mère l'Oye. L'essentiel de son travail consiste en la collecte et la retranscription de contes issus de la tradition orale française. Voici ces 11 contes merveilleux : La Belle au bois dormant, Le Petit Chaperon rouge, La Barbe bleue, Le Maître chat ou le Chat botté, Les Fées, Cendrillon ou la Petite Pantoufle de verre, Riquet à la houppe, Le Petit Poucet, La Marquise de Salusses ou la Patience de Griselidis, Les Souhaits ridicules et Peau d'âne.

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    by Charles Perrault

    La Marquise de Salusses ou la Patience de Griselidis est une nouvelle en vers de Charles Perrault. À travers ce conte, Perrault nous offre un miroir de son époque et en particulier de la haute société. Griselidis raconte l'histoire d'un prince qui épouse une bergère après en être tombé follement amoureux. Cependant, il ne peut s'empêcher de tester sa patience et son amour en la mettant à l'épreuve. Pleine de qualités, elle subira tout jusqu'à ce qu'il la couronne de ses efforts...La trame est tirée de Boccace (Griselda dans le Décaméron).

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    by Hans Christian Andersen, Frères Grimm & Charles Perrault

    Un florilège de contes pour enfants et de chansons traditionnelles pour leur faire découvrir l'amour de la littérature, à travers les contes d'Andersen, les histoires traditionnelles, les fables de la Fontaine, et les plus belles comptines de notre enfance. De quoi permettre l'évasion tout en retrouvant un lien essentiel entre les générations.

  • by Charles Perrault, Frères Grimm & Hans Christian Andersen

    Les plus belles longues histoires pour les enfants, une sélection de contes pour développer son attention et prendre le temps de s'évader dans un monde imaginaire. Tous lus par Fabienne Prost, ces contes sont à partager avec toute la famille : Grand Claus et Petit Claus, de Hans-Chistian Andersen, Le vaillant petit tailleur, de Grimm, La petite sirène, dans la version de Charles Perrault, La reine des neiges, d'Andersen, et Peau d'âne de Perrault.

  • by Hans Christian Andersen, Charles Perrault & Brothers Grimm

    We have collected for you the best folktales ever written, from medieval English stories to the French fairy tales of Charles Perrault and the elegant Danish stories by Hans Christian Andersen. Enjoy these timeless gems, which had been handed down for centuries before being collected in writing, and shared for their wit, inventiveness and educational value. The Three Sillies, Thom Thumb, The Three Little Pigs, The Snow Man, The Fox and the Cat, Teeny Tiny, The Story of Pretty Goldilocks, The Little Shepherd Boy, The Mouse and the Sausage, The Sweet Soup, The Three Brothers, Bluebeard, The Ugly Duckling, The Wolf and the Fox, and the Story of Caliph Stork.

  • by Hans Christian Andersen, Charles Perrault & Brothers Grimm

    If children's tales are sometimes a little scary, it is because children need imagery to conjure and get rid of their fears in a symbolic, healthy way. Stories are all the more pleasurable if they add an element of horror; children are fascinated, as horror stories provide a healthy way of taking into account intense emotions and making sense of them. This compilation includes folk tales, classic tales by Charles Perrault and Hans Christian Andersen, and stories from the Arabian Nights. These stories all have in common the fact that they impress children in a healthy way, igniting the imagination and bringing healing emotions into light; but still, they are suitable for the youngest children, as their teachings are always brought up in a symbolic way. This audiobook presents you with the most famous and inspiring stories, narrated in a warm and lively way: Bluebeard, Jack the Giant Killer, The Three Little Pigs, Little Red Riding Hood, Snowdrop and the Seven Dwarves, Donkeyskin, Beauty and the Beast, The Little Match Seller, The Wolf and the Fox, The Frog Prince, and Hansel and Gretel.

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    by Hans Christian Andersen, Frères Grimm & Charles Perrault

    Retrouvez les plus beaux contes et les plus belles histoires pour enfants ! Ces merveilleux contes qui font rire, qui font peur et qui font rêver les enfants, filles ou garçons depuis des générations entières, sont réunis içi dans une très belle collection thématique. Les contes permettent un apprentissage moral et ludique pour les enfants, au travers de personnages auxquels ils peuvent s'identifier. Dans ce titre, vous retrouverez les histoires suivantes : Cendrillon, Blanche neige, la malle volante, la belle et la bête, La belle au bois dormant, La petite fille aux allumettes, la bergère et le ramoneur, La fée du sureau, la cigale et la fourmi, les 3 petits cochons, le chêne et le roseau, la petite sirène, et plusieurs chansons : le petit roi d'Angleterre, j'ai des pommes à vendre, La boulangère a des écus, la légende de Saint Nicolas, Le roi Dagobert, Zim zim carillon, c'est demain dimanche, un berger dans le pré, Petrouchka, Allons Bergère, Dodo, Un petit cochon, etc

  • by Hans Christian Andersen, Charles Perrault & Brothers Grimm

    We have collected for you the best fables and fairy tales ever written. This collection begins with tales from Hans Christian Andersen and Charles Perrault, two absolute masters of the genre, whose stories have been universally read ever since: Beauty and the Beast, Cinderilla, The Fairies, and Hansel and Gretel. As for the fables, Jean de la Fontaine is the most famous French fabulist ever; he was recognized as one of the foremost men of letters of France, and his Fables are still learned by every child as an essential part of moral culture. Rendered in elegant translation, enjoy the most famous fables of La Fontaine, along with lesser-known but most interesting ones. Here is a list of our compilation: The City rat and the Country rat; the Frog that wished to be as big as the ox; the Council held by the Rats; the Raven and the Fox; the Dog and the Cat; the Two mules; the Wolf and the Dog, the Swallow and the little birds; the Cat and the Thrush; the Wolf and the Lamb; the Dragon with many heads; The eagle and the beetle; the Lion and the Rat; the Lion grown old; The little Fish and the Fisher; The Lion going to War; the Sick Lion and the Fox.

  • by Charles Perrault

    Blue beard (French: La Barbe bleue) is a very famous classic fairy tale written by Charles Perrault. Bluebeard is a wealthy aristocrat, feared and shunned because of his ugly, blue beard. He has been married several times, but no one knows what became of his wives. He is therefore avoided by the local girls. When Bluebeard visits one of his neighbours and asks to marry one of his two daughters, the girls are terrified, and each tries to pass him on to the other. Eventually he talks the younger daughter into visiting him, and after hosting a wonderful banquet, he persuades her to marry him. After the ceremony, she goes to live with him in his castle. Very shortly after, Bluebeard announces that he must leave the country for a while; he gives all the keys of the château to his new wife, telling her they open the doors to rooms which contain his treasures. He tells her to use the keys freely and enjoy herself whilst he is away. However, he also gives her the key to one small room beneath the castle, stressing to her that she must not enter this room under any circumstances. She vows she will never enter the room. He then goes away and leaves the house in her hands. Immediately, she is overcome with the desire to see what the forbidden room holds; and, despite warnings from her visiting sister, Anne, the girl abandons her guests during a house party and takes the key to the room...

  • by Hans Christian Andersen, Charles Perrault & Brothers Grimm

    Classic fairy tales and stories are an essential part of children's development. This collection brings together rare fairy tales, stories, myths and legends, to feed the intelligence and imagination of children in their years of development. This compilation includes folk tales, classic tales by Charles Perrault and Hans Christian Andersen, and stories from the Arabian Nights, narrated in a warm and lively way: Donkey Skin; Riquet with the Tuft; the Ridiculous Wishes, by Charles Perrault; The Three Sillies; The Little Shepherd Boy; The Three Bears; The Elves and the Shoe Maker, by Andersen; The Red Shoes, by Andersen; Urashimataro and the Turtle, a classic Japanese legend; The Jellyfish and the Monkey, an ancient Japanese tale; The Maiden who loved a fish, an American Indian story; the Emperor's New Clothes, by Andersen; and the Surprizing Adventures of Baron Münchausen.

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    by Charles Perrault

    Donkeyskin (French: Peau d'Âne) is a French literary fairytale written in verse by Charles Perrault.A king had a beautiful wife and a rich castle, including a marvelous donkey whose droppings were gold. One day his wife died, after making him promise not to marry except to a woman whose beauty and attributes equaled hers. The king grieved, but was, in time, persuaded to seek another wife. It became clear that the only woman who would fit the promise was his own daughter. She went to her fairy godmother who advised her to make impossible demands as a condition of her consent: a dress the color of the sky, a dress the color of the moon, a dress as bright as the sun, and finally, the hide of his marvelous donkey. Such was the king's desire to marry her that he granted all of them. The fairy godmother gave her a marvelous chest to contain all she owned and told her that the donkeyskin would make an excellent disguise. The princess fled and eventually found a royal farm where they let her work in the kitchen, despite her ugliness in the donkeyskin. On feast days, she would dress herself in the fine gowns her father had given her, and one such day, the prince came by her room and peeped through the keyhole. He fell in love at once, fell ill with his longing, and declared that nothing would cure him but a cake baked by Donkeyskin, and nothing they could say of what a dirty creature she was dissuaded him...

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    by Charles Perrault

    Riquet with the Tuft (French: Riquet à la Houppe), also known as "Ricky of the Tuft", is a very famous folktale / fable / fairy tale written by Charles Perrault. A fairy gives an ugly prince named Ricky the gift of conferring wit upon the one he loves the best. Prince Ricky of the Tuft comes to a kingdom with two princesses. The elder one is beautiful but unintelligent and the younger one is intelligent but ugly. The elder princess is saddened that her ugly but smart sister receives more attention than her. One day as the elder princess was going for a walk in the forest to ease her sorrow, she is approached by Ricky who had fallen in love with her after seeing portraits of her that circulated. Ricky asks how a person so beautiful as she can be so sad, to which she responds that she is sad because she is beautiful but lacks intelligence. Ricky then bestows the gift of intelligence on the elder princess for a promise of marriage. A year later, Ricky comes to marry her. She refuses on grounds that he cannot hold her to a promise made before she gained her wisdom. The princess then tells him that she was gifted at birth with the power to transform her lover into a beautiful person by the same fairy who helped him...

  • by Charles Perrault

    Discover fundamentals of French culture with the best fairy tales by Charles Perrault and a selection of fables by Jean de la Fontaine. Perrault is credited with some of the most famous fairy tales ever written: Beauty and the Beast, Cinderilla, Little Red Riding Hood, The Fairies, The Master Cat or Puss in Boots, The Ridiculous Wishes, Sleeping Beauty in the Woods, and Blue Beard. Jean de la Fontaine is the most famous French fabulist ever; he was recognized as one of the foremost men of letters of France, and his Fables are still learned by every child as an essential part of moral culture. We have selected for you six of the best Fables, rendered in elegant English translation: The City Rat and the Country Rat, The Dragon with Many Heads; The Wolf and the Lamb; The Frog that wished to be as big as the Ox; The Council held by the Rats; the Raven and the Fox.

  • by Hans Christian Andersen, Charles Perrault & Brothers Grimm

    Fables and stories play an fundamental part in children's development. They use powerful imagery and symbols to entertain while conveying essential moral teachings; the stories ignite imagination, taking a firm root in children's minds, and gently initiate them to the essential moral principles of life. These moral tales and stories have been carefully selected for their wisdom and power of evocation: tales by Charles Perrault, Hans Christian Andersen, and various folktales for their elegance and morality, and fables by Jean de la Fontaine, the famous French poet, for their straight-to-the-point criticism of errors and the clarity of their teachings. Discover or rediscover, narrated in a warm and lively way, the following stories: The Frog Prince, The Emperor's New Clothes, The Ugly Duckling, Bluebeard, The master Cat or Puss in Boots, Beauty and the Beast, Little Red Riding Hood, The Three Sillies, The Toad, The Tale of Peter Rabbit, and The Ridiculous Wishes; by La Fontaine, The Council held by the Rats, The Frog that wished to be as big as the Ox, The City Rat and the Country Rat, The Raven and the Fox.

  • by Hans Christian Andersen, Charles Perrault & Brothers Grimm

    Enjoy this collection of the best tales, fairy tales and stories with an animal cast, gathered for the entertainment and education of children of all age. From ancient Japanese legends to classic tales by Perrault and Andersen, through medieval folktales, you will discover many sides of culture. The Fables of La Fontaine also use animals, behaving as men to bring forth moral teachings and considerations about society. Jean de la Fontaine is the most famous French fabulist ever; he was recognized as one of the foremost men of letters of France, and his Fables are still learned by every child as an essential part of moral culture. Along with the other classic stories, we have collected for you a selection of his most striking fables, narrated by the best storytellers, for you to enjoy this compilation of the best animal tales and stories ever produced.

  • by Hans Christian Andersen, Charles Perrault & Brothers Grimm

    Expand your horizons with three stories from far-away countries, tales of timeless wisdom and a window to the soul of other cultures. These three stories are from the most different parts of the world, but all are food for thought and use powerful imagery to help children develop their intelligence and imagination. The first story is from India: the Alligator and the Jackal is a tale of cleverness, about which will defeat the other in a battle of wits. Sinbad the Sailor is taken from the Arabian Nights, or One Thousand and One Nights, as told by the great Scheherazade, and tells about the fantastic journeys of the folkloric hero. The White Stone Canoe is an American Indian legend, about the making of a ruler from the Iroquois tribe. All are narrated in a warm and lively manner, making it perfect for bedtime stories or entertainment at any hour.

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