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Books by Charlotte Bronte

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    by Charlotte Bronte

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    - (Barnes & Noble Collectible Classics: Flexi Edition)
    by Charlotte Bronte

    Jane Eyre finds fulfilment in her duties as a governess and the love of her life in her employer Edward Rochester. But when a dark secret from Rochester's past comes to light, Jane must make the most difficult decision of her life.

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    by Charlotte Bronte

  • by Charlotte Bronte
    £7.99 - 14.99

    'The masterwork of a great genius' William Makepeace ThackerayA novel of intense emotional power, heightened atmosphere and fierce intelligence, Jane Eyre dazzled and shocked readers with its passionate depiction of a woman's search for equality and freedom on her own terms. Its heroine Jane endures loneliness and cruelty in the home of her heartless aunt and the cold charity of Lowood School. Her natural independence and spirit prove necessary when she takes a position as governess at Thornfield Hall. But when she finds love with her sardonic employer, Rochester, the discovery of a shameful secret forces her to make a terrible choice. Edited with an Introduction and notes by STEVIE DAVIES

  • by Charlotte Bronte

    Based on the author's personal experience as a teacher in Brussels, this work presents a tale of repressed feelings and subjection to cruel circumstance and position, borne with heroic fortitude.

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    by Charlotte Brontë

    "Selvbiografisk" roman om den forældreløse Jane, der vokser op hos sin tante, der mest opfatter hende som en sten om halsen, og senere på pigekostskolen Lowood. Efter skolen søger hun en stilling som guvernante for den lille kokette Adele, en datter eller plejedatter af den rige Edward Rochester på herregården Thornfield. Både mr. Rochester og hans hus er rigt på mysterier, ikke mindst den sindssyge kvinde, der er gemt bort på et loftrum.Rochester og Jane forelsker sig i hinanden og vil gifte sig trods standsforskellen, men i det øjeblik, de står foran alteret, indfinder en advokat sig fra London og afslører en af Rochesters hemmeligheder. Jane flygter og finder husly hos den overspændte præst St. John Rivers og hans to søstre.Udgaven er baseret på den første, komplette danske oversættelse fra 1850.

  • by Charlotte Brontë

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    by Charlotte Bronte

    Little treasures, the FLAME TREE COLLECTABLE CLASSICS are chosen to create a delightful and timeless home library. Each stunning, gift edition features deluxe cover treatments, ribbon markers, luxury endpapers and gilded edges. The unabridged text is accompanied by a Glossary of Victorian and Literary terms produced for the modern reader.

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    by Charlotte Bronte

    The orphaned Jane Eyre is no beauty but her plain appearance belies an indomitable spirit, sharp wit and great courage. As a child she suffers under cruel guardians, harsh schooling and a rigid social order but when she goes to Thornfield Hall to work as a governess for the mysterious Mr Rochester, the stage is set for one of literature's most enduring romances. A beloved classic and undisputed masterpiece, Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre explores class, society, love and religion through the eyes of one of fiction's most unique and memorable female protagonists.This beautiful Macmillan Collector's Library edition features an afterword by Sam Gilpin.Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure.

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    by Charlotte Bronte
    £7.99 - 287.49

    A new edition of this classic from one of the greatest writers of the nineteenth century. Features the definitive Clarendon edition of Villette which is sourced from the earliest printings of Bronte's great work. The text is supplemented with a newly commissioned introduction, which gives a thorough and in depth analysis of the context of this fine example of the nineteenth century novel.

  • by Charlotte Bronte

    Shirley is a woman of independent means; her friend Caroline is not. Both struggle with what a woman's role is and can be. Their male counterparts - Louis, the powerless tutor, and Robert, his cloth-manufacturing brother - also stand at odds to society's expectations.

  • by Charlotte Bronte
    £4.99 - 11.99

    Ranked as one of the greatest and most perennially popular works of English fiction, this title portrays the heroine, who although poor and of plain appearance, possesses an indomitable spirit, a sharp wit and great courage. She is forced to battle against the exigencies of a cruel guardian, a harsh employer and a rigid social order.

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    by Charlotte Bronte

    Efter en ikke nærmere angivet familietragedie rejser hovedpersonen, den unge kvinde Lucy Snowe, fra England til den fiktive franske by Villette for der at finde arbejde som lærerinde på en pigeskole. Her inddrages hun i gentagne eventyr, forviklinger og romancer. Charlotte Brontë var den mest produktive og den længstlevende af de tre berømte Brontë-søstre; hun udgav foruden ”Villette” romanerne ”Jane Eyre” (1847), ”Shirley” (1849) og ”The Professor” (udgivet posthumt 1857). Også søstrene Emily og Anne udgav romaner, der i dag er selvskrevne blandt verdenslitteraturens klassikere. "Villette er en endnu mere vidunderlig bog end Jane Eyre. Der er noget næsten overnaturligt i dens styrke" – George Eliot

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    - Bind 1
    by Charlotte Bronte

    Ny oversættelseJane Eyre er den victorianske askepot-historie om den forladte pige, der vokser op som udstødt først hos sin tante – siden på en kostskole for forældreløse piger. Men Jane Eyre er andet og mere end det; kreativ, videbegærlig og ambitiøs, som hun er, får hun arbejde som guvernante på et gods tilhørende den vilde og sprudlende mr. Rochester med de mere ”mørke” sider. Jane er derimod følelsesmæssigt et ubeskrevet blad, da hun møder Rochester, men sammen med ham lærer hun gradvist sine følelser og lidenskaber at kende. Et universelt og nuanceret portræt af en selvstændig kvindes udvikling og selvrealisation.Denne nye oversættelse af Charlotte Brontës evige klassiker om Jane Eyre består af to bind. Dette er det første.Den engelske romanforfatter Charlotte Brontë (1816-1855) er især kendt for Jane Eyre, der føjede nye og mere realistiske nuancer til victoriansk fiktion. Hun var den ældste og mest produktive af de tre Brontësøstre, hvor Emily Brontë er mest kendt for Stormfulde højder, og Anne Brontë for Agnes Grey.Jane Eyre (1845) var Charlotte Brontës første roman og skulle blive et af de allermest kendte og berømmede værker fra den klassiske engelske victoriatid. Genfærd, mystiske hændelser, låste værelser, afdøde personer, der får markant indflydelse på romanernes handling – dette var emner, den såkaldte gotiske roman tog op, godt inspireret af samtidens store interesse for det overnaturlige – og for det spirende psykologiske. Også i Jane Eyre findes disse virkemidler, og tilbage står man med en roman, som hensætter læsereni gys og spænding.De gotiske romaner skulle over én kam komme til at skabe inspiration for meget senere litteratur og danne grobund for mange især kvindelige forfattere, der i de tre Brontë-søstre fandt stærke forbilleder. Brontë-søstrene skabte værker, der i dag stadig står som varige fyrtårne i den klassiske litteratur. Charlotte Brontës roman om Jane Eyre er et af dem.

  • by Charlotte Bronte

    Scritto da Charlotte Bronte all'età di 17 anni, "Il trovatello" è un racconto fantastico ambientato nel regno immaginario di Verdopolis. Abbandonato dai genitori alla nascita, il piccolo Edward Sydney viene preso sotto l'ala protettiva del signor Hasleden, un ricco proprietario terriero che fin da subito si prende cura del bambino come fosse suo. Passano gli anni e Edward cresce nella convinzione che Hasleden sia suo padre, scoprendo solo alla morte di quest'ultimo le circostanze della sua nascita. Spinto dalla curiosità riguardo alle sue vere origini parte quindi per un viaggio nel mitico regno di Verdopolis, dove incontrerà e si innamorerà della nobile Lady Julia, promessa sposa ad un altro. Tra magie, misteri e inaspettate rivelazioni, riuscirà Edward a far luce sulle proprie radici e a conquistare la mano di Lady Julia?Questo audiolibro è stato realizzato in collaborazione con Edizioni Clichy.Charlotte Brontë (1816 – 1855) è stata una scrittrice britannica dell'età vittoriana nonché la maggiore delle tre sorelle Brontë, nota soprattutto per il suo romanzo "Jane Eyre". Nel maggio 1846 le tre sorelle pubblicarono una raccolta di poesie sotto gli pseudonimi di Currer, Ellis e Acton Bell, ma vendettero solo due copie. Malgrado lo scarso interesse suscitato decisero comunque di continuare nella loro produzione e dettero inizio ai loro primi romanzi, dove Charlotte continuò a usare lo pseudonimo di Currer Bell.

  • by Charlotte Bronte

    Quando il neonato marchese di Almeida viene dichiarato morto, i regni di Wellingtonsland e Angria vengono privati ​​del loro erede. Preoccupati per la futura sicurezza delle due nazioni, i consiglieri del re Zamorna, afflitto da un misterioso malanno, lo supplicano di nominare un successore. La strana imperturbabilità di Zamorna diventa fonte di confusione e intrighi politici, mentre le persone più vicine al Re iniziano a chiedersi cosa sappia esattamente e chi, di preciso, siano i misteriosi individui che lo circondano.Questo audiolibro è stato realizzato in collaborazione con Edizioni Clichy.Charlotte Brontë (1816-1855) nasce a Thornton, figlia di un pastore protestante e di un’insegnante. È la terzogenita di sei figli: le due sorelle minori Emily ed Anne saranno a loro volta scrittrici (autrici, rispettivamente, di "Cime tempestose" e "Agnes Grey"). Nel corso della sua vita assisterà alla morte di ogni membro della famiglia, con l’esclusione del padre. Nel 1842, dopo aver lavorato come insegnante ed istitutrice privata, si reca con la sorella Emily a Bruxelles, con l’intento di studiare il francese. Fra il 1847 e il 1853 dà alle stampe i suoi capolavori ("Jane Eyre" "Shirley" e "Villette"), per poi assecondare il volere paterno e sposare il reverendo Nicholls (1854). Muore poco dopo, a causa di complicazioni legate alla prima gravidanza.

  • by Charlotte Bronte

    William, uomo sensibile e letterato, decide di scappare da un lavoro pesante e competitivo nella zona industriale dello Yorkshire. Si trasferisce così in Belgio per insegnare in un istituto femminile, dove fa la conoscenza di Frances Henri, studentessa bisognosa e particolarmente intelligente, della quale un po’ per volta si innamora, e dalla quale sarà corrisposto. I due innamorati però non avranno vita facile: saranno infatti numerose le sventure che la coppia dovrà affrontare – a cominciare dall'aperta avversione della scaltra direttrice della scuola – prima di riuscire a coronare il loro amore.Charlotte Brontë (1816-1855) nasce a Thornton, figlia di un pastore protestante e di un’insegnante. È la terzogenita di sei figli: le due sorelle minori Emily ed Anne saranno a loro volta scrittrici (autrici, rispettivamente, di "Cime tempestose" e "Agnes Grey"). Nel corso della sua vita assisterà alla morte di ogni membro della famiglia, con l’esclusione del padre. Nel 1842, dopo aver lavorato come insegnante ed istitutrice privata, si reca con la sorella Emily a Bruxelles, con l’intento di studiare il francese. Fra il 1847 e il 1853 dà alle stampe i suoi capolavori ("Jane Eyre" "Shirley" e "Villette"), per poi assecondare il volere paterno e sposare il reverendo Nicholls (1854). Muore poco dopo, a causa di complicazioni legate alla prima gravidanza.

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    by Charlotte Bronte

    Introducing the 'Jane Eyre (Painted Edition)', a captivating novel by the renowned author, Charlotte Brontë. This book, published in 2022, is a masterpiece that transcends the boundaries of its genre. It's a compelling read that takes you on a journey through the life of its titular character, Jane Eyre, exploring themes of love, morality, and social class. This fresh edition, published by HarperCollins Focus, adds a fresh perspective to the classic tale, making it a must-read for both long-time fans of Brontë and new readers alike. Don't miss out on this beautifully crafted edition of a timeless classic.

  • by Charlotte Bronte

    The Professor (1857) is English writer Charlotte Brontë's first novel. Rejected by several publishing houses, Brontë shelved the novel in order to write her masterpiece Jane Eyre (1847). After her death, The Professor was edited by Brontë's widower, Arthur Bell Nichols, who saw that the novel was published posthumously. Based on Brontë's experience as a student and teacher in Brussels-which similarly inspired her novel Villette-The Professor is an underappreciated early work from one of English literature's most important writers.After rejecting a life as a clergyman, William Crimsworth goes to work as a clerk for his brother Edward, a successful businessman. Although he excels, his brother grows jealous of his ability and intelligence, abusing and belittling him until he is forced to quit. Disappointed, he accepts a job at a boarding school in Belgium where, mentored by the kind Monsieur Pelet, William flourishes as a professor. When news of his work reaches Mademoiselle Reuter, a local headmistress at a school for girls, she offers him a position, and William joins her staff. He begins to grow suspicious, however, when he overhears Reuter speaking about him with Pelet and discovers that the pair are engaged to be married. As he begins to second-guess their kindness, he falls in love with Frances, a young teacher-in-training. Harboring her own secret affection for William, Mademoiselle Reuter decides she must dismiss Frances if she is to maintain her control of the young Englishman. Charlotte Brontë's The Professor is a novel of romance, jealousy, and gothic mystery, an early and promising work by one of Victorian England's most prominent writers.With a beautifully designed cover and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of Charlotte Brontë's The Professor is a classic of English literature reimagined for modern readers.

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    by Charlotte Bronte

    "Revolutionary...Brontë's most feminist novel."-Lyndall Gordon "Charlotte Brontë has us by the hand, forces us along her road, makes us sense what she sees, never leaves us for a moment or allows us to forget her."-Virginia Woolf Shirley, the second published novel from Charlotte Brontë, is a propulsive social narrative that exposes the discord between the sexes, classes, and economic structure of early 19th century England. Set in 1811-1812 during the strife of the industrial revolution, this classic novel is a story of love struggling against social unrest and the conventions of the roles of women.When Robert Moore, a struggling mill owner, decides to replace many of his employees with a new piece of machinery, a group of protesters destroys it before it is delivered. As the problems with his mill mount, he starts to become despondent. His cousin Caroline, a frequent visitor to the Moore home is infatuated with Robert, yet he also is inaccessible to her desires. When Caroline is eventually forbidden to visit the Moore home by her overbearing uncle, she is resolved to spend her life doing charitable work. Through her uncle, Caroline is introduced to Shirley Keeldar, a wealthy and independent woman who wants to donate her money to aid the poor. They become very close friends, and eventually Caroline is convinced that Shirley and Robert will marry. When the threats from laid-off mill workers increase, and soon after the mill is attacked, the conflicts of both love and class explode. With an eye-catching new cover, and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of Shirley is both modern and readable.

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    by Charlotte Bronte

    Villette (1853) is a novel by English writer Charlotte Brontë. It was the third and final novel she published in her lifetime, followed only by The Professor, her posthumously released first novel which was largely reconceived and rewritten as Villette. Inspired by Brontë's experience traveling and teaching English in Brussels, where she went at the age of 26 with her sister Emily before returning alone the following year, Villette is the story of an Englishwoman abroad and contains the themes of loneliness, secrecy, romance, and tragedy which circulate throughout much of her work.Following a family tragedy, Lucy Snowe becomes employed as a caregiver by an elderly woman named Miss Marchmont, who treats her kindly and shares stories of life and lost love. When Miss Marchmont dies, Lucy-now without family, home, or employment-decides to leave England for Labassecour, a fictional country based on Brontë's experience of Belgium. She is hired to teach English at a boarding school in the city of Villette, where she meets a strangely familiar English doctor and falls in love with M. Paul Emanuel, a local professor. Although he is a widower, M. Paul faces pressure from family members and religious authorities alike, and is forced to choose between a life of social acceptance and a life with the woman he loves. Amidst these circumstances, and haunted by repeated encounters with a nun rumored to be a ghost, Lucy Snowe must rely on her wits and courage as she suffers through not only intense loneliness, but a lack of control over the events which shape her life.Charlotte Brontë's Villette is a compelling gothic novel which explores the psychological effects of a lack of agency on its protagonist while illuminating the horrors which loom over everyday life.With a beautifully designed cover and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of Charlotte Brontë's Villette is a classic of English literature reimagined for modern readers.

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    by Charlotte Bronte

    "At the end we are steeped through and through with the genius, the vehemence, the indignation of Charlotte Brontë'"-Virginia Woolf"Given the action of Jane Eyre, which is in every sense dramatic, there is a pull, all the same, between action and consciousness.-Raymond Williams"Teaching the true strength of character for generations."-The GuardianJane Eyre, (1847) the first novel from Charlotte Brontë, originally published under the pen name "Currer Bell" was an immediate commercial and literary success. This classic work was unprecedented in its forthright reproach towards Victorian social norms, moral duty, and gender inequality; It is likewise one of the most extraordinary stories of love and freedom in the English language.Jane Eyre, which follows a young woman's passageway into adulthood and the unfolding of her interior emotional states, is a singular work of genre-defying fiction. Its story begins as the eponymous heroine is orphaned and under the care of her aunt, Mrs. Reed, a well-to-do yet heartless guardian. Jane is unfairly punished, and locked into "the red room", where she collapses in fright after an encounter with the apparent ghost of her deceased Uncle Reed. Following the incident, Jane's aunt sends her away to "Lowood", an oppressive school run by the abusive and fraudulent headmaster, Mr. Brocklehurst. After an outbreak of typhoid devastates the school, a new kindly administration is installed. Jane's life finally turns around; she remains at the school for six years and eventually becomes an instructor. After teaching for several years, Jane takes a position as a governess at Thornfield, the residence of the unbridled yet elegant Edward Rochester. As Jane embraces her duties at the estate, she begins to fall in love with her employer, and much to her surprise he asks for her hand in marriage. On the wedding day it is revealed that Edward possesses deep and dark secrets, and Jane flees for the sake of her own emotional integrity. In the ensuing experiences of her retreat, Jane confronts the procession of experiences and the formidable trials of her new life with the command of her unyielding self-determination. A startling modern classic of pronto-feminism, Jane Eyre is one of the most ingenious romance novels ever written.Since our inception in 2020, Mint Editions has kept sustainability and innovation at the forefront of our mission. Each and every Mint Edition title gets a fresh, professionally typeset manuscript and a dazzling new cover, all while maintaining the integrity of the original book. With thousands of titles in our collection, we aim to spotlight diverse public domain works to help them find modern audiences. Mint Editions celebrates a breadth of literary works, curated from both canonical and overlooked classics from writers around the globe.

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    by Charlotte Bronte
    £10.99 - 13.99

  • by Charlotte Bronte

    Lucy Snowe wraca do podjetych rok wczesniej zobowiazan. U celu podrozy znow czeka na nia Zaklad Wychowawczy Madame Beck i posada nauczycielki jezyka angielskiego. Szara oraz nielatwa codziennosc przerywaja tajemnicze wydarzenia oraz zlozony watek milosny. Utwor zostal oparty na watkach autobiograficznych, powiesciowe Villette to Bruksela, gdzie Charlotte nieszczesliwie zakochala sie w zonatym mezczyznie.-

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    by Charlotte Bronte

    Jane po smierci obojga rodzicow trafia pod opieke wuja. Za sprawa jego zony szybko przenosi sie do szkoly dla sierot z internatem. Mimo surowych warunkow udaje jej sie zdobyc wyksztalcenie i znalezc prace guwernantki w posiadlosci Edwarda Rochestera. Kiedy wszystko wskazuje na to, ze w koncu znalazla bezpieczny schron, na jaw wychodza mroczne tajemnice..."e;Dziwne losy Jane Eyre"e; to najslynniejsza powiesc Charlotte Bronte, ktora do dzis utrzymuje nieslabnaca popularnosc. -

  • by Charlotte Bronte

    Narratorka powiesci, Lucy, mieszka w Bretton. Uczestniczy tu w spokojnym zyciu rodzinnym, jest swiadkiem przybycia malej Polly, polsieroty rozpaczliwie teskniacej za ojcem. Po opuszczeniu Bretton mloda kobieta jest zdana tylko na siebie. Zostaje zatem opiekunka sedziwej i bogatej panny Marchmont, a po jej smierci postanawia wyruszyc do Londynu.-

  • Save 13%
    by Charlotte Bronte

    The Professor (1857) is English writer Charlotte Brontë¿s first novel. Rejected by several publishing houses, Brontë shelved the novel in order to write her masterpiece Jane Eyre (1847). After her death, The Professor was edited by Brontë¿s widower, Arthur Bell Nichols, who saw that the novel was published posthumously. Based on Brontë¿s experience as a student and teacher in Brussels¿which similarly inspired her novel Villette¿The Professor is an underappreciated early work from one of English literature¿s most important writers.After rejecting a life as a clergyman, William Crimsworth goes to work as a clerk for his brother Edward, a successful businessman. Although he excels, his brother grows jealous of his ability and intelligence, abusing and belittling him until he is forced to quit. Disappointed, he accepts a job at a boarding school in Belgium where, mentored by the kind Monsieur Pelet, William flourishes as a professor. When news of his work reaches Mademoiselle Reuter, a local headmistress at a school for girls, she offers him a position, and William joins her staff. He begins to grow suspicious, however, when he overhears Reuter speaking about him with Pelet and discovers that the pair are engaged to be married. As he begins to second-guess their kindness, he falls in love with Frances, a young teacher-in-training. Harboring her own secret affection for William, Mademoiselle Reuter decides she must dismiss Frances if she is to maintain her control of the young Englishman. Charlotte Brontë¿s The Professor is a novel of romance, jealousy, and gothic mystery, an early and promising work by one of Victorian England¿s most prominent writers.With a beautifully designed cover and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of Charlotte Brontë¿s The Professor is a classic of English literature reimagined for modern readers.

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