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Josh Harding er på mission i Afghanistan for at eliminere en af al-Qaedas 5 topledere. Tre måneder senere vågner han op i et ukendt hus i USA med skudsår og hukommelsestab. Lidt efter lidt finder Josh ud af, at han er endt der, fordi han var på en mission for at fange to unge fyre, der havde formået at hacke sig ind på USAs største leverandør af den software, der styrer al elektricitet i landet, og derefter afpressede leverandøren for en masse penge.Al-Qaeda er selvfølgelig meget interesseret i at "tale" med disse to unge genier, så nu er spørgsmålet, om Josh når at få fat i dem først.
Nick Scott er tidligere SAS-soldat. Han var med i den første golfkrig, men blev fanget og tortureret og er nu en nedbrudt mand.Nicks datter, Sarah Scott, er en smuk ung videnskabskvinde, der har fundet svaret på en af videnskabsverdenens største hemmeligheder – og nu er hun forsvundet.Sarahs kæreste, Jed Bradley, er en af SAS's sejeste unge agenter. Han bliver sendt ind bag fjendens linjer for at finde sandheden om Saddam Husseins masseødelæggelsesvåben.Fanget i en global magtkamp må Nick og Jed kæmpe sig vej gennem det krigshærgede Irak, mens Saddam Husseins regime kollapser omkring dem, i et desperat kapløb for at finde den kvinde, de begge elsker, og for at afsløre hemmeligheden om Det Ultimative Våben ...
Nothing had prepared them for the vicious cold of the desert winter, and after a blizzard and a desperate search for food, Chris Ryan found himself the last man standing. Left on his own, Ryan narrowly escaped an Iraqi attack and set out alone, trying to reach the border through some of the most lethal country in the world.
I Beirut er den unge og smukke tv-journalist Katie Dartmouth blevet kidnappet af en gruppe skruppelløse Hizbollah-terrorister. De truer med at henrette hende direkte på tv, med mindre de britiske tropper bliver trukket ud af Irak. En hel nation holder vejret, og den engelske regering vakler og er på randen af kollaps.John Porter, psykisk nedbrudt og hjemløs SAS-veteran, og Peregrine Collinson, Englands højest dekorerede militærhelt, mener, at de kan redde Katie, men kun én af dem kan komme i kontakt med hende.For over 17 år siden var de to mænd på mission sammen, en mission der endte katastrofalt. Nu står de ansigt til ansigt igen, og hævnens time er kommet ...
En giftig snigmorder fra al-Qaeda myrder to højtstående britiske diplomater i Riyadh. Den britiske udenrigsminister har store problemer med at forklare, hvordan det kunne lade sig gøre, og MI6 får til opgave at ramme terrororganisationen hvor det virkelig gør ondt - på pengene.Matt Browning er lige trådt ud af SAS og har store økonomiske problemer. Men løsningen på hans finansielle problemer kommer, da han får tilbudt opgaven om at samle et team af tidligere SAS-soldater, som skal opsnappe en al-Qaeda transport af diamanter og guld på vej over middelhavet. De skal dræbe alle om bord og værdierne må de selv beholde.Sammenholdet blandt deltagerne bliver sat på prøve fra starten, da en af dem bliver udsat for et attentat. Alle bliver mistænkelige og tror, at der er en forræder iblandt dem. Kuppet bliver gennemført, men kort efter begynder drabene. To af deltagerne bliver udryddet - den ene med hele sin familie. Og Matt ved, at han er den næste på listen ...Chris Ryan er et pseudonym for en tidligere soldat inden for de britiske specialstyrker. Han blev kendt for at være den eneste ud af ottemands-holdet Bravo Two Zero, der undgik tilfangetagning i Irak under den første golfkrig. Under sin flugt (300 km gennem Irak til den Syriske grænse) drak Ryan vand forurenet med atomaffald og var efterfølgende ude af stand til at vende tilbage til aktiv tjeneste.
Geordie Sharp sendes til Rusland for at træne elitetropperne til kampen mod den tjetjenske mafias omsiggribende kriminalitet, men samtidig skal han hemmeligt anbringe to atombomber, som kan detoneres ved en eventuel magtforskydning i landet.Chris Ryan er et pseudonym for en tidligere soldat inden for de britiske specialstyrker. Han blev kendt for at være den eneste ud af ottemands-holdet Bravo Two Zero, der undgik tilfangetagning i Irak under den første golfkrig. Under sin flugt (300 km gennem Irak til den Syriske grænse) drak Ryan vand forurenet med atomaffald og var efterfølgende ude af stand til at vende tilbage til aktiv tjeneste.
En ukendt morder myrder officerer fra MI5. SAS-kaptajnen Alex Temple bliver sat på sagen, og han finder frem til, at morderen er en tidligere agent med kodenavnet Vagtmanden, og en mareridtsagtig forfølgelse begynder.Chris Ryan er et pseudonym for en tidligere soldat inden for de britiske specialstyrker. Han blev kendt for at være den eneste ud af ottemands-holdet Bravo Two Zero, der undgik tilfangetagning i Irak under den første golfkrig. Under sin flugt (300 km gennem Irak til den Syriske grænse) drak Ryan vand forurenet med atomaffald og var efterfølgende ude af stand til at vende tilbage til aktiv tjeneste.Debutbogen ‘Ham der slap væk’ fortæller historien om Bravo Two Zeros mission og Chris Ryans flugt.Ryan har lavet flere tv-shows om at overleve i farlige situationer og arbejder desuden som bodyguard.
Will Jackson, SAS-soldat med operationer i Afghanistan, Irak, Sudan og Pakistan, går helt i hundene, da han mister sin kone og datter i et bombeattentat, og forlader efterfølgende regimentet som en slagen mand.To år senere bliver han hyret af MI5 og CIA til at opspore Faisal Ahmed, manden der stod bag terrorangrebet. Planen er, at Will med et hold SAS-drenge skal til Afghanistan og befri Faisals søster, der holdes som gidsel af Taliban. Derefter skal hun bruges til at lokke Faisal ud fra sit gemmested.Alt går som planlagt – lige indtil Faisal afslører, at det slet ikke er ham, men CIA der står bag terrorangrebet, som de har iscenesat, for at få den Engelske regering til at tro, at der er en reel terrortrussel, og dermed vil stå last og brast med USA, i alle deres planer for at bekæmpe terrorismen.Så nu er Will ikke kun gal på Faisal, men også på den chef for CIA, der førte ham bag lyset, for at få ham til at opspore Faisal. Det hele ender i et stort opgør mellem de tre – og den eneste der kommer levende derfra er Will.
Darius, son of an escaped Iranian scientist, is a pupil at an exclusive Swiss school, but his father's former bosses want him back and have no regard for the boy's LIFE or his FREEDOM. Pursued by their enemies, can the cadets triumph and SURVIVE the deadly natural HAZARDS of the alpine winter?
From the bestselling author of STRIKE BACK, Chris Ryan returns with a new action-packed series. Tough enough? Adults and children have been separated, the children incarcerated below decks while the hijackers pay attention to their adult hostages. The cadets infiltrate the vessel so that they can call in a rescue team.
The ghettos of Colombia are crawling with street kids. Their life expectancies are short, not least because the Colombian authorities allow paramilitaries to shoot them like rats. But it's with the street kids of Colombia that the cadets must become embedded.
The fifth book in the bestselling Strike Back series by SAS hero Chris Ryan.
Tasked with storming mountain strongholds in the desert. Trained to hunt down the world's most wanted terrorists. This is the extraordinary story of 22 SAS.
Hundreds of young people are being forced into lives of slavery by an international trafficking ring based in the jungles of central Africa. It will take all their skills to get themselves to safety - and to bring the traffickers tojustice.
Strike Back legend John Porter and ex-SAS anti-hero John Bald join forces to take on their deadliest enemy yet: the Russian war machine.
So the cadets form part of a young pioneers tour to the North Korean capital. When a local teenager they befriend betrays his suspicions to the North Korean secret police, the young cadets must use all their skill to escape the authorities and the country.
Jack will require all his skills just to stay alive as a Special Forces Cadet... A top-secret government programme needs a crack team of undercover military operators. Which is what happens when Jack Silver, Lukas Channing, Abby Asher and Sami Hakim are sent into an armed siege in an inner-city school .
In today's increasingly hostile climate people are anxious about how to keep themselves safe. Chris Ryan served in the SAS for seven years and in several war zones throughout the world. During this time he was the Regiment's top striker and in 1991 during the infamous Bravo Two Zero mission behind Iraqi lines he was the only member of the team to evade capture and fight his way to safety, for which he was awarded the Military Medal - his CO said he had 'made Regiment history'. He is the author of bestselling fiction based on his own experiences and is an expert in dangerous situations. Here he tells you how to keep yourself and your family safe from the perils of modern urban life. He leads you through a variety of situations including what to do if:- You are walking down the street and think you are being followed- You find yourself confronted by a threatening group of people or a gang- You find yourself caught in the middle of a riot- You hear gunfire or explosions in a crowed place (e.g. shopping centre)- You hear on the radio that Russia has launched nuclear missiles that will land in the centre of London in two hours.
When the SAS takes on the Narcos there can be only one winner.
If you love the Strikeback series, pre-order the thrilling new book, Red Strike, now. Coming February 2019.Held up by rebel forces in a brutal siege, John Porter is tested to the limit in the African jungle. Strikeback hero John Porter is sent on a mission with Regimental scallywag John Bald. Where Porter plays it by the book, Bald will always want to break the rules.They are sent to Sierra Leone to extract Ronald Soames, a former CO of the Regiment and now right-hand man to the President. But when Porter and Bald arrive the Englishman has disappeared, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake. Rebels are threatening to take over the country and its diamond mines - and to massacre all foreigners.Porter and Bald find themselves fighting shoulder to shoulder with the Regiment psychopath who is already embedded in the country.But it soon becomes clear that the Firm has lied to them about the true nature of the mission.What seems at first to be a battle to control Sierra Leone's diamond mines will turn out to about a much greater evil - and with a trail that leads back to both Westminster and the Kremlin.
'first rate set operational pieces' - Sunday TimesA migrant boat battles through the rough Mediterranean. Its passengers are desperate, starving and scared.They are also being ruthlessly targeted by the SAS.Islamic State militants are smuggling themselves into Europe using these boats. Only by locating such men before they make it into the UK can the Regiment stop them committing their acts of terror on British soil.When one of these migrants reveals plans for a sickening Christmas Day atrocity in London, SAS operative Danny Black is tasked with infiltrating the most dangerous theatre of war in the world: Islamic State heartland. There, he and his team must lift a brutal IS commander - the only man who knows all the details of the London attack. The commander surrounds himself with vicious militants and a harem of sex slaves whom he treats in the most sadistic ways imaginable. And his jihadi wife is, if possible, even more abominable than him.As Danny pits himself against the violent thugs of the Islamic State, he learns that it is not just the UK that is under threat. His very presence on the mission has put at risk the safety of those closest to him. And he discovers that there are greater forces at work here, who do not care if the innocent live or die.Now there is nothing Danny will not do, no line he will not cross, to protect his family. Whether that makes him a good soldier or a bad soldier he neither knows nor cares. Because as he is fast learning, it is sometimes impossible to tell the difference between the two.And as every SAS soldier is trained to understand, the worst threats often come from the most unexpected places...
If you love the Strikeback series, pre-order the thrilling new book, Red Strike, now. Coming February 2019.John Porter, hero of the original Strikeback novel and TV series returns in an exciting adventure, when old enemies attack the SAS. 1999. A bitterly cold morning in the Brecon Beacons, and the soldiers trying out for SAS Selection are preparing to face their toughest test yet. Overseeing the soldiers is John Porter: once a promising young Blade, now a broken man and a drunk, seeing out his days in the Regiment Training Wing. But before the Fan Dance can begin, six masked gunmen carry out a devastating attack. Dozens of soldiers are killed. In the aftermath of the massacre, and with a government desperate for action, Porter and another surviving operator, John Bald, are taken to a secretive briefing in London. Their orders - to hunt down and kill those responsible for the attack. What follows is a deadly game of kill or be killed as Bald and Porter lead a Strike Team across Europe on a blood-soaked mission of revenge. But as they draw closer to their ultimate target, the men discover that there is a greater threat - much closer to home...
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