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Books by C.S. Forester

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    - Discover the gripping naval thriller behind the major motion picture starring Tom Hanks
    by C.S. Forester

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    by C.S. Forester

    Horatio Hornblower bliver gift med sin udlejers datter Maria, og selvom han fortryder giftermålet, inden ceremonien overhovedet er til ende, får han ikke tid til at dvæle ved det. Han bliver nemlig straks sendt af sted i nationens tjeneste i den britiske flåde. I kampen mod Napoleons overmagt og de franske tropper klarer han om bord på skibet "Hotspur" mange udfordrende situationer, men da skibet nærmer sig den franske flådebase Brest, ser det hele ud til at gå galt. Vil det virkelig ende med, at Hornblower bliver taget til fange af de forhadte franskmænd?"Hornblower går i aktion" er tredje bog i seriens indre kronologi.Serien om den engelske søofficer kaptajn Hornblower tager os med tilbage til Napoleonskrigene og fortæller historien om den søsyge matros, der ender med at blive en vaskeægte søhelt i den engelske flåde. Bøgerne er blevet filmatiseret flere gange og har opnået stor popularitet verden over.C.S. Forester (1899-1966) var pseudonymet for den britiske forfatter Cecil Louis Throughton Smith, der blev kendt for sine fortællinger om krig til søs. Hans bogserie om den royale søofficer Horatio Hornblower blev oversat til en lang række sprog og gjorde ham meget populær. I 1951 blev hans bog "The African Queen" filmatiseret med Katherine Hepburn og Humphrey Bogart i hovedrollerne.

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    by C.S. Forester

    Efter Hornblowers skib Sutherland blev skudt i sænk af franskmændene, blev han og hans besætning taget som krigsfanger. Nu er han på vej til Paris med to af sine bedste mænd, og ingen af dem har i sinde at lade franskmændene bestemme deres skæbne. Da fangevognen kører fast i en snestorm, ser de tre mænd deres snit til at stikke af. Hornblower ved, at han først er i sikkerhed, når han er hjemme i England, men han aner ikke, hvilken tragedie der venter ham, hvis han når frem.Andet bind af "Kommandør Hornblower" er ottende bog i seriens indre kronologi.Serien om den engelske søofficer kaptajn Hornblower tager os med tilbage til Napoleonskrigene og fortæller historien om den søsyge matros, der ender med at blive en vaskeægte søhelt i den engelske flåde. Bøgerne er blevet filmatiseret flere gange og har opnået stor popularitet verden over.C.S. Forester (1899-1966) var pseudonymet for den britiske forfatter Cecil Louis Throughton Smith, der blev kendt for sine fortællinger om krig til søs. Hans bogserie om den royale søofficer Horatio Hornblower blev oversat til en lang række sprog og gjorde ham meget populær. I 1951 blev hans bog "The African Queen" filmatiseret med Katherine Hepburn og Humphrey Bogart i hovedrollerne.

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    by C.S. Forester

    Chefen på skibet "Renown" er på det nærmeste sindssyg. Han vakler på grænsen til galskab, og det går ud over hans mandskab. Horatio Hornblower er den yngste løjtnant om bord, men han er alligevel med, da de øvre løjtnanter diskuterer, om de skal begå mytteri, fordi kaptajnens paranoia har taget overhånd.Da skibet nærmer sig de vestindiske farvande, står underofficererne også over for en ydre fjende. Spanierne er dem militært overlegne, men Hornblower og de andre har en mission, og de nægter at give op hverken over for den skøre kaptajn eller de spanske skibe."Løjtnant Hornblower" er den anden bog i seriens indre kronologi.Serien om den engelske søofficer kaptajn Hornblower tager os med tilbage til Napoleonskrigene og fortæller historien om den søsyge matros, der ender med at blive en vaskeægte søhelt i den engelske flåde. Bøgerne er blevet filmatiseret flere gange og har opnået stor popularitet verden over.C.S. Forester (1899-1966) var pseudonymet for den britiske forfatter Cecil Louis Throughton Smith, der blev kendt for sine fortællinger om krig til søs. Hans bogserie om den royale søofficer Horatio Hornblower blev oversat til en lang række sprog og gjorde ham meget populær. I 1951 blev hans bog "The African Queen" filmatiseret med Katherine Hepburn og Humphrey Bogart i hovedrollerne.

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    - 'Unbelievably good. Amazing tension, drama and atmosphere' James Holland
    by C.S. Forester

    THE GRIPPING NAVAL THRILLER, NOW A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE STARRING TOM HANKS _______ 1942. America enters the war and an untested officer receives his first wartime command . . . Ploughing through icy, submarine-infested North Atlantic seas is a convoy of thirty-seven merchant ships, carrying vital Allied supplies. In charge is Commander Krause, a grizzled but unproven veteran of the U.S. Navy. Over the next forty-eight hours he will stay on watch aboard the bridge of his destroyer as the convoy is hounded by a murderous wolf pack of German U-boats determined to sink every ship without trace. But armed with extraordinary courage and grit, Commander Krause will battle the U-boats, tiredness, self-doubt and self-reproach, as he desperately tries to protect the ships and lives under his command . . . This classic wartime novel is a thrillingly taut tale of bravery and determination against all odds, set during the darkest moments of the Second World War. _______ Praise for C. S. Forester ''Action, tension, tingling suspense . . . The greatest adventure story to come out of World War II'' Life Magazine ''I recommend Forester to every literate I know'' Ernest Hemingway ''I find Hornblower admirable, vastly entertaining'' Sir Winston Churchill

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    by C. S. Forester

    A humiliated and shipless captive of the French, Horatio Hornblower faces execution unless he can escape and make a triumphant return to England ...Forced to surrender his ship, HMS Sutherland, after a long and bloody battle, Captain Horatio Hornblower is held prisoner in a French fortress.

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    by C. S. Forester

    1793, the eve of the Napoleonic Wars, and Midshipman Horatio Hornblower receives his first command ...As a seventeen-year-old with a touch of sea sickness, young Horatio Hornblower hardly cuts a dash in His Majesty's navy. Yet from the moment he is ordered to board a French merchant ship in the Bay of Biscay.

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    by C.S. Forester
    £6.99 - 9.99

    I 1942 får den amerikanske søofficer Krause ansvaret for at eskortere en konvoj af skibe sikkert over Atlanterhavet uden at blive sprængt i stykker af de tyske ubåde. Krause har mange års erfaring i flåden, men dette er første gang, han er i krig, og han føler sig på mange punkter underlegen i forhold til sine underordnede kaptajner, der har været i krig i to år. Vi følger ham i løbet af 52 timer, hvor han kæmper for at træffe de rigtige beslutninger, alt imens han tvivler på sig selv og tænker tilbage på alt det, han har ofret for at nå til dette sted."Den gode hyrde" er både spændende som en krigsroman og som et psykologisk portræt af en amerikansk søofficer og det mindreværdskompleks, han trods sin store succes endnu kæmper med. Bogen er i 2020 blevet filmatiseret med Tom Hanks i hovedrollen under titlen "Greyhound".

  • Save 23%
    by C.S. Forester

    1930'ernes snavsede gyder i London danner kulisse for C.S. Foresters anden spændingsfyldte kriminalroman. På et stort reklamebureau planlægger tre mænd at myrde deres kollega i et desperat forsøg på ikke at blive afsløret i bestikkelse. Efter mordet vækkes en følelse af overmenneskelighed i gruppens koldblodige leder Mr. Morris, der har et talent for at dræbe. Trangen til at begå endnu en fatal forbrydelse vokser i ham - men han opdager snart, at den perfekte forbrydelse ikke eksisterer.C.S. Forester (1899-1966) var pseudonymet for den britiske forfatter Cecil Louis Throughton Smith, der blev kendt for sine fortællinger om krig til søs. Hans bogserie om den royale søofficer Horatio Hornblower blev oversat til en lang række sprog og gjorde ham meget populær. I 1951 blev hans bog "The African Queen" filmatiseret med Katherine Hepburn og Humphrey Bogart i hovedrollerne.

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    by C.S. Forester

    Netop som Mr. Marble tror han har ramt bunden, tilbyder den uventede kombination af en velhavende slægtning, en flaske cyanid og en skovl en en løsning på hans økonomiske kollaps. Den tilsyneladende perfekte plan viser sig dog kun at være begyndelsen på Marble-familiens problemer. Langsomt fanges familien i et kompliceret mønster af kriminelle aktiviteter, der kræver udspekuleret snilde at redde sig ud af.C.S. Forester (1899-1966) var pseudonymet for den britiske forfatter Cecil Louis Throughton Smith, der blev kendt for sine fortællinger om krig til søs. Hans bogserie om den royale søofficer Horatio Hornblower blev oversat til en lang række sprog og gjorde ham meget populær. I 1951 blev hans bog "The African Queen" filmatiseret med Katherine Hepburn og Humphrey Bogart i hovedrollerne.

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    by C. S. Forester

    Horatio Hornblower is in possession of confidential dispatches from Bonaparte after a vicious hand-to-hand encounter with a French brig. The admiralty rewards Hornblower by sending him on a dangerous espionage mission that will light the powder trail leading to the battle of Trafalgar ...

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    by C. S. Forester

    It's 1815, the Napoleonic Wars are over. Yet peace continues to elude Horatio Hornblower overseas ...As an admiral struggling to impose order in the chaotic aftermath of the French wars, Horatio Hornblower, Commander-in-chief of His Majesty's ships in the West Indies, must still face savage pirates, reckless revolutionaries and a hurricane.

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    by C. S. Forester

    It's 1813, and Horatio Hornblower is propelled toward the heart of the French Empire and his old enemy, Napoleon ...Sir Horatio Hornblower has received strict and highly confidential orders from the highest rank: he must embark upon a grave and perilous mission to recapture the Flame in the Bay of Seine.

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    by C. S. Forester

    It's 1812 and the fate of Europe lies in the hands of newly appointed Commodore Hornblower ...Dispatched to northern waters to protect Britain's Baltic interests, Horatio Hornblower must halt the advance of Napoleon's empire into Sweden and Russia. But first he must battle the terrible Baltic weather: fog, snow and icebound waterways.

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    by C. S. Forester

    It's May, 1810 - and thirty-nine-year-old Captain Horatio Hornblower has been handed his first ship of the line ...Though the seventy-four-gun HMS Sutherland is 'the ugliest and least desirable two-decker in the Navy' and a crew shortage means he must recruit two hundred and fifty landlubbers.

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    by C. S. Forester

    It's June, 1808 - and off the Coast of Nicaragua Captain Horatio Hornblower has his hands full ...Now in command of HMS Lydia, a thirty-six-gun frigate, Hornblower has instructions to form an alliance against the Spanish colonies with a mad and messianic revolutionary, El Supremo.

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    by C. S. Forester

    After near disaster on board a canal barge, Horatio Hornblower is given his first assignment as Captain, taking charge of the Atropos, a 22-gun sloop that will act as flagship for the funeral procession of Lord Nelson. Soon Captain Hornblower must execute a bold and daring salvage operation for buried treasure lying deep in Turk waters.

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    by C. S. Forester

    It's April 1803, and the Peace of Amiens is failing as Horatio Hornblower takes a three-master on a vital reconnaissance mission ...On the day of his marriage to Maria, Hornblower is ordered to take the Hotspur and head for Brest - war is coming and Napoleon will not catch His Majesty's navy with its britches round its ankles.

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    by C. S. Forester

    The nineteenth century dawns and the Napoleonic Wars rage as Horatio Hornblower faces the fury of the French and Spanish fleets combined. This title chronicles the adventures of C S Forester's inimitable nautical hero, Horatio Hornblower.

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    by C.S. Forester

    Marjorie had never seen a dead body until she got home one tranquil summer evening and found her sister Dot lying on the kitchen floor in a pretty dress, with her head in the oven. She looked peaceful, as if she was asleep. Their mother suspects, however, that Dot's death was far from natural. What's more, she knows who the killer is - and she is determined to make him suffer. So slowly and meticulously, she plots her revenge. After all, who would suspect a neatly dressed, grey-haired widow of anything? And what could possibly go wrong?The Pursued, C. S. Forester's dark, twisted tale of murder, lust and retribution, was written in 1935, but its typescript manuscript was lost. More than seven decades later, it has now been rediscovered and is published for the first time. It is a novel years ahead of its time; rewriting the traditions of crime fiction to create a gripping psychological portrayal of obsession, jealousy, torment and the grim underside of suburban London life.

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    by C.S. Forester

    One vital convoy can break Mussolini s stranglehold on Malta but it is intercepted in the Mediterranean by enemy warships Five light British cruisers are left to beat back the armed might of the Italian battle fleet and C.S. Forester creator of Horatio Hornblower takes us aboard HMS Artemis as she steams into battle against overwhelming odds. We get inside the heads of Artemis s men, from the Captain on his bridge down to the lowest engine room rating, as they struggle over one long and terrifying afternoon to do their duty. C.S. Forester brilliantly recounts life aboard a British warship during some of the darkest days of the Second World War: capturing the urgency of the blazing guns, the thunderous rupturing of deck plates, the screams of pain and the shouts of triumph.

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    by C.S. Forester

    At the Universal Advertising Agency on the Strand, London, a murder is being planned. Three men have been discovered taking bribes and face the grim prospect of the dole queue, unless they can get rid of the person who caught them. Their ringleader, thick-set and vicious Mr Morris, soon discovers that killing is far easier than he thought - and that he even has a talent for it. He might, he feels, be superhuman. But as he will discover, there is no such thing as the perfect crime, and no deed goes unpunished.Taking us into a 1930s London of grimy back streets, smoky cafes and shabby rooms, Plain Murder, C. S. Forester's second crime novel, is a brilliantly atmospheric and gripping portrayal of the dark heart of a killer.

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    - Flying Colours, The Commodore, Lord Hornblower, Hornblower in the West Indies
    by C.S. Forester

    An omnibus edition compromising of four C S Forester's classic seafaring tales about Horatio Hornblower, namely: Flying Colours, The Commodore, Lord Hornblower and Hornblower in the West Indies.

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    by C. S. Forester
    £10.99 - 13.49

    The seventeen year old Hornblower became infamous as soon as he stepped on board ship as the midshipman who was seasick in the Spithead, but things were soon to change. Amid battle, action and adventure he proves himself time and time again - courageous in danger, resourceful in moments of difficulty and decisive in times of trouble.

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    - Hornblower and the 'Atropos', The Happy Return, A Ship of the Line
    by C.S. Forester

    Follow the thrilling and exciting adventures of Horatio Hornblower's life at sea in the Royal Navy, in these three classic stories. Hornblower and the AtroposSkippering the flagship for Nelson's funeral on the Thames is not Hornblower's idea of thrilling action. But soon his orders come, and he sets sail for the Mediterranean in the Atropos. Battle, storm, shipwreck, disease - what were the chances that he would never come back again?The Happy ReturnHornblower sails the South American waters and comes face to face with a mad, messianic revolutionary in this gripping adventure. A Ship of the Line Commando raids, hurricanes at sea, the glowering menace of Napoleon's onshore gun batteries - Hornblower must deal with them all as he sails his ship to the Spanish station.

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