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Books by D. H. Lawrence

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    by D H Lawrence

    From early, rhyming work in Love Poems and Others (1913) to the groundbreaking exploration of free verse in Birds, Beast and Flowers (1923), the poems of D.H Lawrence challenged convention and inspired later poets. This voloume includes extensive selections from these and other editions, and contains some of his most famous poems, such as 'Piano', a nostalgic reflection on lost youth and love for his mother; ' Snake' , exploring human fear of the natural world; the short, cutting commment of sexual politics of 'Can't be Borne'; and the quiet philosophical resignation of 'Basta!'. Using the revised poems, but in the order in which they appear in their original collections, this selection offers a fresh perspective that revals an innovative poet who gave voice to his most intense emotions. In his introduction, James Fenton dicusses the early publication and critical reception of Lawrence's poems, his develpoments as a poet and his use of free verse. This edition also includes a chronology, further reading and appendices, including Lawrence's comments on the work of Walt Whitman.

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    by D. H. Lawrence

    D. H. Lawrence's classic novel about a passionate love affair.

  • by D. H. Lawrence

    Aaron Sisson lives a humble life in the English Midlands. He works as a union official for the coal mines, but his real passion is music. As an amateur, but very talented flautist, Aaron dreams of a big career as a beloved musician. Though, with his small community and unglamorous job at the coal mine, this dream seems unattainable. Trapped in an unhappy marriage, and unsatisfied at work, Aaron becomes more and more frustrated with his life. Finally, when he feels that he cannot take it any longer, Aaron abandons his two kids and wife to run away to Italy. As he begins his journey Aaron feels hopeful for the first time in a long time. However, the journey proves to be more trouble than Aaron expected. When he falls ill, he befriends Rawdon Lilly, a cynical writer. After Rawdon nurses Aaron through his sickness, Aaron is free to continue on to Florence. Upon entering a social circle of intellectuals and artists, he experiences a higher level of conversation-discussions about politics, leadership, and expression. Feeling liberated, Aaron has an affair with an aristocratic woman, excited at all the new pleasures he is experiencing. Of course, it comes at a cost. In a city struggling in the aftermath of a war that wiped out generations, talks of revolution and change echo in the streets, and Aaron's eyes are opened to social and political problems he had never considered. With complicated characters and beautifully written prose, Aaron's Rod by the prolific author, D.H Lawrence, is a unique perspective on how World War ¿ affected the individual. Looking beyond just the death toll of the war, Aaron's Rod examines those who were left behind, the political turmoil that followed, and the emotional plight of the individual. With allusions to the bible and complicated questions on both the battle and partnership between art and intellect, Aaron's Rod poses thought-provoking questions about all levels of Western society. This edition of Aaron's Rod by D.H Lawrence is now presented in an easy-to-read font and features a unique and eye-catching new cover design. With these accommodations, Aaron's Rod is restored to its original genius while being updated to modern standards.

  • by D. H. Lawrence

    HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics.LADY CHATTERLEY'S LOVER was banned on its publication in 1928, creating a storm of controversy. Lawrence tells the story of Constance Chatterley's marriage to Sir Clifford, an aristocratic and an intellectual who is paralyzed from the waist down after the First World War. Desperate for an heir and embarrassed by his inability to satisfy his wife, Clifford suggests that she have an affair. Constance, troubled by her husband's words, finds herself involved in a passionate relationship with their gamekeeper, Oliver Mellors. Lawrence's vitriolic denunciations of industrialism and class division come together in his vivid depiction of the profound emotional and physical connection between a couple otherwise divided by station and society.

  • by D. H. Lawrence

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    by D. H. Lawrence

    D.H. Lawrences erotiske roman Lady Chatterleys elsker betegnes som en klassiker. Lady Chatterley lever sit pæne, isolerede og kedelige engelske overklasseliv med sin lamme mand Clifford. I hendes søgen efter at udleve sit seksuelle begær og finde sin lyst, møder hun skytten Mellors, der viser hende andre sider af livet. I elskoven opnår de ”at komme sammen”, men vil de to elskende kunne fortrænge klasseskel og andres fordomme...Lady Chatterleys elsker er skrevet som en samtidsroman af D.H. Lawrence og viser datidens sociale normer, hvor eksempelvis status, penge, titler og renommé spillede en væsentlig rolle, og hvor man ikke nødvendigvis fik den man elskede. D.H. Lawrence formår på fornemste vis at fremvise disse holdninger både sjovt og pinligt. Denne version er oversat af Hans Peter Andersen.God læselyst.

  • by D. H. Lawrence

    Lady Chatterleys elsker er en berømt klassisk engelsk kærlighedsroman skrevet at D. H. Lawrence, der med sine erotiske scener skabte stor opstandelse ved udgivelsen. Constance har giftet sig med Clifford Chatterley, som er baron på herregården Wragby Hall og et typisk eksemplar på den engelske overklasse. Da Clifford er invalideret, søger Constance sin lyst og frihed udlevet gennem mødet med Oliver Mellors, som er typisk engelsk arbejderklasse og ansat som skytte på herregården. Men kan Constance frigøre sig og nyde sin begærlige seksuelle lyst og undslippe sin egen begrænsning? Kan hun som kvinde i overklassen indordne sig med en mand fra arbejderklassen – selvom det er i en seksuel henseende?D. H. Lawrence viser i Lady Chatterleys elsker kærligheden i engelske Midland i den tidlige industrielle tidsalder. Det er en samtidsroman, der giver et indblik i, hvordan man ser på kærlighed, seksuel lyst, penge og samfundets overordnede klasseopdeling. Lady Chatterleys elsker fremstår som et klassisk værk i engelsk litteratur.God fornøjelse.

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    by D. H. Lawrence

    "Kvinden som red bort" består af 21 af D.H. Lawrences bedste noveller udvalgt og oversat af Tom Kristensen. Fortællingerne varierer meget i både form og indhold, men dog er de alle knyttet sammen til en stor helhed ved D.H. Lawrences grundsyn på de udødelige spørgsmål, mand og kvinde imellem. Novellerne foregår i forskellige lande og handler om mænd, kvinder og børn fra vidt forskellige samfundslag.D.H. Lawrence (1885-1930) var en engelsk forfatter, digter, skuespilforfatter og essayist. Hele sit liv var D.H. Lawrence plaget af dårligt helbred, og hans bevidsthed om, at døden altid var nær, satte et særligt præg på hans forfatterskab. I mange år boede D.H. Lawrence i Sydeuropa, hvor han sluttede venskab med den berømte engelske forfatter Aldous Huxley.

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    by D. H. Lawrence

    Following the death of her parents, a young and innocent Fanny Hill travels to London to find work. She has barely arrived, however, when she is lured into a brothel and has a sexual experience with another woman. A costumer gets her out of there and becomes her lover, but a whole new world has opened to Fanny, who sets out to explore all the pleasures her body has in store for her.Considered the first prose pornography ‘Fanny Hill - Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure’ (1748) is one of the most prosecuted and banned books of all time. It has often been quoted in popular culture, in Tom Lehrer’s song "Smut" and in an episode of ‘Monty Python’s Flying Circis’ to name a couple.LUST Classics is a collection of erotic literary classics. Although some of their content can appear controversial, these titles have been selected due to their historical importance within the field of erotic literature.John Cleland (1709-1789) was an English writer, most famous for the erotic novel ‘Fanny Hill: or, the Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure’, which got him and is publisher arrested. For a hundred years, the novel could only be purchased illegally.

  • by D. H. Lawrence

  • by D. H. Lawrence

  • by D. H. Lawrence

    David Herbert Lawrence (1885¿1930) was an English writer and poet whose work famously examined the results of industrialisation on contemporary society. In his novels and poetry, Lawrence explored a variety of then-controversial issues including sexuality and emotional health, which led many to label his work pornography. Today, he is considered to be one of the most important and influential writers of his generation. Lawrence's 1928 novel ¿Lady Chatterley's Lover¿ is the story of the former Constance Reid (Lady Chatterley), a young woman married to an upper-class baronet who was left with lower body paralysis as a result of his participation in the Great War. Both physically and emotionally distant from her husband, Constance begins an extramarital affair with the gamekeeper. Following the Victory of the publisher Penguin Books in an obscenity trial in the United Kingdom, an uncensored version of the book was finally published and gained notoriety due to explicit descriptions of sex and its use of then-unprintable four-letter words. A revolutionary novel and a true classic of English literature, ¿Lady Chatterley's Lover¿ would make for a worthy addition to any bookshelf. Read & Co. Classics is proud to be republishing this seminal novel now in a brand new edition complete with a specially-commissioned new biography of the author.

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    - Travels Through Forgotten Italy
    by D. H. Lawrence

    The Etruscan civilisation, which flourished from the 8th until the 5th century BC in what is now Tuscany, is one of the most fascinating and mysterious in history. An uninhibited, elemental people, the Etruscans enthralled D.H. Lawrence, who craved their 'old wisdom', the secret of their vivacity and love of life. To him they represented the antithesis of everything he despised in the modern world, perhaps because their spontaneity and naturalness struck a chord with his own quest for personal and artistic freedom - so often censured or repressed. Lawrence approaches the enigmatic Etruscans as a poet, passionately and searchingly, and so the reader is swept up in his luminous descriptions of a utopian world where dancing and feasting, art and music were everything. The exhilaration of Lawrence in his Etruscan adventures stands in stark contrast to his intimations of the darkness of Mussolini's Italy - at a time when Europe was beginning its inexorable drift towards tragedy. The last of Lawrence's travel books, Etruscan Places is an ephemeral and vivid account, replete with hauntingly evocative descriptions of the way of life of this once great civilisation.

  • by D. H. Lawrence

    "He lifted her, and seemed to pour her into himself, like wine into a cup (...) So she relaxed, and seemed to melt, to flow into him, as if she were some infinitely warm and precious suffusion filling into his veins, like an intoxicant."The second novel about the Brangwen family, `Women in Love‘ (1920), narrows in on sisters Ursula and Gudrun, who, though very close, have a fiery relationship. As teachers at a grammar school they become involved with the school inspector, Rupert Birkin, and the wealthy son of a local colliery owner, Gerald Crich. What is not immediately apparent to them is the deep and complicated relationship between the two men.D.H. Lawrence wrote the character of Birking as a thinly disguised version of himself while author Katherine Mansfield was his inspiration behind the youngest sister Gudrun. In the well-received BBC miniseries from 2011, Gudrun was portrayed by award-winning actress Rosamund Pike.LUST Classics is a collection of erotic literary classics. Although some of their content can appear controversial, these titles have been selected due to their historical importance within the field of erotic literature.D.H. Lawrence (1885-1930) was an English writer, whose diverse work included novels, poems, literary criticisms and much more. His strong opinions on topics like human sexuality and emotional health earned him many enemies, and he spent the second half of his life traveling the world, never ceasing to write.

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    by D. H. Lawrence

    Ti noveller af den anerkendte engelske forfatter D.H. Lawrence, der med sin begrænsede længde rummer forfatterens stærke og sensuelle stil i endnu mere intens form. D.H. Lawrence bliver stadig i dag omtalt som en af de bedste novelleskrivere i litteraturhistorien. Den danske litteraturprofessor Elias Bredsdorff har udvalgt og oversat novellerne, der ikke før er udkommet på dansk.D.H. Lawrence (1885-1930) var en engelsk forfatter, digter, skuespilforfatter og essayist. Hele sit liv var D.H. Lawrence plaget af dårligt helbred, og hans bevidsthed om, at døden altid var nær, satte et særligt præg på hans forfatterskab. I mange år boede D.H. Lawrence i Sydeuropa, hvor han sluttede venskab med den berømte engelske forfatter Aldous Huxley.

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    by D. H. Lawrence

    In De regenboog volgen we drie generaties van de Engelse familie Brangwen, van halverwege de negentiende tot het begin van de twintigste eeuw. In deze periode zien we de familie veranderen van een klassiek boerengezin tot een moderne familie met dochters die gaan studeren en op vele fronten een grotere vrijheid genieten.De regenboog was in de tijd dat het verscheen erg omstreden vanwege de liberale omgang met het thema seksualiteit. Lawrence schrijft openhartig over lust en beschrijft zelfs een lesbische romance. Hierdoor was het boek in Engeland geruime tijd verboden. Lawrence schreef later nog een vervolg op De Regenboog, getiteld Women in Love.D.H. Lawrence (1885-1930) was een Britse romanschrijver die erom bekend stond controversiële onderwerpen in zijn romans niet uit de weg te gaan. Om die reden werd zijn werk met regelmaat verboden.Zijn bekendste werk, Lady Chatterley‘s lover, is in die zin geen uitzondering. Vanwege zijn liberale opvattingen over erotiek en seksualiteit werd het werk van Lawrence pas lang na zijn dood op waarde geschat.

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    - Essays Chosen and Introduced by Geoff Dyer
    by D H Lawrence

  • by D. H. Lawrence

  • by D. H. Lawrence

  • by D. H. Lawrence

    "Studier i klassisk amerikansk litteratur (1923)" er en samling af litteratur- og samfundskritiske essays, der tager deres udgangspunkt i en række amerikanske forfatterskaber fra det 18. og 19. århundrede. Blandt de behandlede forfattere er Benjamin Franklin, Fenimore Cooper, Edgar Allan Poe, Nathaniel Hawthorne og Herman Melville. Bogen forholder sig til den amerikanske kultur som den afspejles i værkerne, og fremhæver især forskellene mellem amerikansk og europæisk mentalitet, et emne, som ikke mindst i lyset af den seneste politiske udvikling i USA har fået fornyet aktualitet. Oversætteren, Viggo Hjørnager Pedersen (f. 1941), er dr. phil. og forhenværende lektor i engelsk ved Københavns Universitet. Han har skrevet en række bøger og artikler om litteratur og om oversættelsesvidenskab. Studier i klassisk amerikansk litteratur er oversat fra Studies in Classic American Literature, udg. 1923 i USA af Thomas Seltzer, og i Storbritannien 1924 af William Heinemann. Copyright for den danske oversættelse: Viggo Hjørnager Pedersen 2017.

  • by John Cleland, D. H. Lawrence & Leopold von Sacher-Masoch

    Over a century before 50 Shades of Grey, novels of feminine passions had been setting the stage and bending the morals laws which made erotica novels possible. Fanny Hill is an erotic novel by English novelist John Cleland. One of the most prosecuted and banned books in history, it has become a synonym for obscenity. Venus in Furs is a novella by the Austrian author Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, and the best known of his works. The novel draws themes, like female dominance and sadomasochism, and character inspiration heavily from Sacher-Masoch's own life. Lady Chatterley's Lover is a novel by D. H. Lawrence, The book soon became notorious for its story of the physical (and emotional) relationship between a working-class man and an upper-class woman, its explicit descriptions of sex, and its use of then-unprintable words. This edition is a collection of these three erotica classics, perfect for study or inspiration for your own writing muse.

  • by D. H. Lawrence
    £13.99 - 22.49

  • - Sons and Lovers, The Rainbow, Women in Love and Lady Chatterley's Lover
    by D. H. Lawrence

  • by D. H. Lawrence

    Studies in Classic American Literature [...] is at once a work of cultural criticism, a study and critique of American myths, a meditation on the relationship between the Old World and the New, a new theory of the self ... and one of the greatest covert autobiographies in world literature.

  • by D. H. Lawrence

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