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Books by David Lynch

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    by David Lynch & Kristine McKenna

    The extraordinary, highly anticipated memoir from visionary film-maker David Lynch, co-creator of Twin Peaks

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    by David Lynch

  • - A review of the blended learning literature.
    by David Lynch, Ken Sell, Australia) Yeigh & et al.

    How might schools harness technological innovation for classroom effects? In this book the authors seek to answer this question by introducing and investigating the concept of Blended Learning through a review of current research literature. In this book, the authors consolidate the current state of Blended Learning research, by defining what is meant by Blended Learning before discussing specific technologies used in Blended Learning, the professional development required of teachers and how to implement whole of school Blended Learning regimes in schools. The book includes descriptions of popular Blended Learning models with real-world examples of their implementation, addressing both student and teacher perspectives. This book will serve as a guide to hastening the progress of Blended Learning towards the improvement of student outcomes in a world of continuous technological innovation and social change.

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    by David Lynch & Kristine McKenna

    I denne unikke blanding af biografi og selvbiografi lukker filminstruktøren og kunstneren David Lynch os for første gang ind i sit liv. Vi hører om hans bestræbelser på at realisere sin kunstneriske vision og om de mange hjertekvaler og kampe, han har måttet igennem for at virkeliggøre sit uortodokse projekt. David Lynchs poetiske, fortrolige og ufiltrerede personlige overvejelser veksler som musikalske riff med de biografiske afsnit, skrevet af hans nære samarbejdspartner Kristine McKenna. Hun har skrevet på grundlag af flere end hundrede nye interview med overraskende åbenhjertlige ekshustruer, familiemedlemmer,skuespillere, agenter, musikere og kolleger på forskellige områder, som alle har deres egen opfattelse af Lynch som menneske og kunstner. Drømmerum er en skelsættende bog, der giver adgang til enenestående rundtur i en af de mest gådefulde og originale nulevende kunstneres liv og tanker.

  • by Richard Smith, Mike Howarth & David Lynch

    This book is about designing the effective classroom curriculum. The authors argue that an effective classroom curriculum should be the goal of every teacher in every classroom around the world: effective that is for every student, not just those who find school easy! But how does one go about designing a classroom curriculum that is effective? What are the essential ingredients and how should these ingredients be organised for teaching effect? What role does Technology play in such classroom plans? In this book Lynch, Smith and Howarth provide an insight into these questions by providing a text that focuses on classroom teaching diagnostic and design strategies. Their intent in writing such a book is to enable the classroom teacher to develop, teach and assess a classroom curriculum where learning success for all students is the central goal.This text is compulsive reading for the teacher who wants to make a difference in their classrooms.

  • by David Lynch, Ken Sell & Tina Doe

    Ken Sell, David Lynch and Tina Doe, three accomplished and published experts in the field of education, bring together leading education researchers and school leaders to create a collection of chapters which focus on key aspects of effective school leadership. The book explores a model for whole of school improvement and examines key concepts such as; readiness for change, approaches to leadership, how to use data, parental engagement, as well as providing insights into aspects of schooling and teaching into the future

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    by David Lynch

    Ideer er som fisk. Hvis man ønsker at fange de små fisk, kan man blive inde på det lave vand. Men hvis man vil fange de store fisk, skal man dykke længere ned. Helt ude på det dybe vand er fiskene stærkere og renere. De er enorme og abstrakte. Og de er meget smukke.At fange de store fisk består af en række korte tekster, der blandt andet beskriver David Lynchs overvejelser om meditationspraksis som grundlaget for at tænke kreativt, om det frisættende potentiale i at udvide ens bevidsthed, om at komme dybere ned og om at være lykkelig. Bogen afsluttes med to interviews med Paul McCartney og Ringo Star.Lynch beskriver blandt andet, hvordan han gør brug af en særlig meditationspraksis, der hjælper til at få gode ideer. Derfor er bogen også en generel inspiration til dem, der arbejder i de kreative erhverv.

  • by David Lynch

    It appears that teachers and teacher educators have fossilized in their resolve to continue doing what they've always done, despite calls for fundamental change. So, what does "a changed world" actually mean for teachers and teacher educators? How might society prepare teachers for this changed world and what are the new capabilities that such a program should focus on? What does fundamental change in teaching and teacher education actually look like? This book is about teacher education reform and seeks to answer these and other questions. More specifically the book aims to showcase a disruptive model in teacher education and answer some of the ponderings around what teacher education could be and how it could be organized differently for the different world in which teachers now have to operate.

  • by Richard Smith & David Lynch

    How does the effective teacher assess and report their classroom curriculum program? Building on the success of their previous book--- Designing the Classroom Curriculum in the Knowledge Age --- David Lynch and Richard Smith seek to answer this question by focusing their "teaching design" idea on classroom assessment and reporting. At the heart of their teaching design idea is the formulation of teaching strategies that enable all students to make the required learning gains. At its core, the book encourages the teacher to work towards becoming a different kind of teacher, a teacher who has a mindset attuned to the Knowledge Age and who embraces new knowledge sets that reflect research into effective teaching. More specifically, the book explores the theory and practice of "teaching design" from the perspective of assessment and reporting. The book examines these premises as context when assessing and reporting the classroom curriculum. A real how to assess and report book.

  • by Richard Smith & David Lynch

    From the people who turned teacher education on its ear in Australia in 2001 comes a text about preparing the next generation of teachers. Richard Smith and David Lynch, two of Australia's leading teacher education researchers and the architects of the acclaimed Bachelor of Learning Management program (BLM), take their previously published ideas about teaching and teacher education further to detail a new paradigm in the preparation of teachers. Drawing on 30 years of teacher education research and their own experiences in redeveloping teacher education in Australia, Smith and Lynch explore what it means to be a teacher in the 2000s, outlining a new vision for the preparation of teachers in a Knowledge Age.

  • by David Lynch & Dr Richard (Director Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure) Smith

    How do I plan my classroom curriculum so that all my students benefit? Where should I start? What are the important considerations? What should I be aiming for? How do I ensure that my teaching is effective? These are some of the questions teachers invariably ask? In the complex and challenging environment, that is the classroom in the Knowledge Age, having the personal capacity to design the classroom curriculum so that all students make the required learning gains is the today's benchmark for teaching success. The authors provide an insight into how to design the classroom curriculum so that all students make the required learning gains. The book provides a detailed understanding of the theory and practice of curriculum and programming and step by step instructions and design resources to enable an easy understanding of the classroom curriculum design process.The book is supported by the publisher's Book Resources Section.

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    by David Lynch

    David Lynch erupted onto the cinema landscape with Eraserhead, establishing himself as one of the most original, imaginative, and truly personal directors at work in contemporary film. In this career-length interview book, he speaks openly about the full breadth of his creative work.

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