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Books by Dion Rosser

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  • - A Guide on How to Live Off the Land and Become Self-Sufficient Through Homesteading
    by Dion Rosser

  • - An Essential Survival Guide for DIY Preppers Who Want to Be Self-Reliant When SHTF, Including Tips for Living Off the Grid, Homesteading, and Stockpiling Properly
    by Dion Rosser

  • - La guia definitiva sobre homesteading para cultivar su propia comida, criar pollos y construir una mini granja que le lleve a ser autosuficiente y a generar ingresos
    by Dion Rosser

  • - La guia definitiva para la conservacion y cuidado de las llamas, incluyendo consejos sobre como criar alpacas
    by Dion Rosser

  • - Una guia esencial para cultivar alimentos, criar pollos y crear una mini-granja para la autosuficiencia y el bienestar
    by Dion Rosser

  • - La guia definitiva para la cria, el entrenamiento y el cuidado de los caballos
    by Dion Rosser

  • - How You Can Live Off the Land and Become Self-Sufficient through Homesteading and a Backyard Guide to Raised Bed Gardening
    by Dion Rosser

  • - Lo que necesita saber para ser autosuficiente y sobrevivir, incluyendo consejos sobre como almacenar y cultivar sus propios alimentos y vivir sin electricidad
    by Dion Rosser

  • - An Essential Guide on How to Raise Sheep in Your Backyard or on a Small Farm
    by Dion Rosser

  • - An Essential Guide to Raising Cows, Calves, Bulls, Steers and Heifers in Your Backyard or on a Small Farm
    by Dion Rosser

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    - La guia definitiva para convertir su jardin en una mini granja y crear un jardin organico autosuficiente
    by Dion Rosser

  • - La Guia Completa de Agricultura Familiar para la Autosuficiencia, la Cria de Pollos en Casa y la Mini Agricultura, con Consejos de Jardineria y Practicas para Cultivar sus Alimentos
    by Dion Rosser

  • - Lo que necesita saber para empezar su propia pequena granja y una guia de apicultura de patio trasero para principiantes
    by Dion Rosser

  • - The Ultimate Guide to Pig Raising on Your Homestead
    by Dion Rosser

  • - Una guia completa para la crianza de gallinas para principiantes, incluyendo consejos sobre la eleccion de la raza y la construccion del gallinero
    by Dion Rosser

    ¿Busca una guía sencilla para criar gallinas domésticas?¿Desea consejos simples y eficaces para encontrar las razas adecuadas para su bandada de traspatio?Si su respuesta es afirmativa, entonces este libro, Gallinas domésticas, es justo lo que ha estado buscando.Esta es una guía para principiantes que lo llevará a través de los fundamentos de la crianza de gallinas, incluyendo:Cosas que hay que considerar antes de criar gallinasDónde comprar sus gallinasQué razas son mejores para diferentes propósitosTiene consejos prácticos sobre qué buscar cuando se compran gallinas para su patio trasero.Hay mucha información sobre cómo identificar aves sanas para asegurar que solo compre las mejores existencias para su patio.Gallinas domésticas entra en todos los pequeños detalles que ayudarán a que su bandada de traspatio sea un éxito.Este libro le guiará en la preparación de su traspatio para su bandada, así como en la elección de la mejor ubicación en su patio trasero para un gallinero.Si no tiene ni idea de por dónde empezar a construir un gallinero, se le proporcionará un proceso paso a paso para que lo utilice cuando construya un simple gallinero.También hay información adicional sobre:Cuánto espacio necesitará para sus gallinasOrdenanzas y leyes locales sobre la cría de gallinas domésticas.Y cuánto le costará mantenerlos y conservarlosDesmitificamos los distintos tipos de alimento para gallinas y le damos toda la información necesaria sobre el mejor alimento para sus gallinas, cuándo alimentarlas, cómo alimentarlas e incluso con qué frecuencia debe hacerlo.Para el principiante que quiere criar gallinas para un propósito específico, no hay necesidad de preocuparse, este libro le llevará a través de:Cómo alimentar y cuidar a las gallinas y a los polluelosCómo alimentar y cuidar a las gallinas ponedorasCómo alimentar y cuidar a las gallinas de tipo broilerAdemás, todos los detalles que necesita saber cuándo se trata de las mejores prácticas de alimentaciónUna parte significativa de este libro está dedicada a guiarles en el mantenimiento y cuidado de sus gallinas.Hay herramientas útiles para ayudar a sus aves a hacer frente a las condiciones adversas, qué hacer durante el invierno, y cómo puede conseguir que sus ponedoras sean más productivas.Hay muchos consejos sobre la higiene, el mantenimiento de los gallineros limpios, y cómo detectar signos de mala salud en sus gallinas.Toda esta información está incluida en un paquete con prácticos consejos de bricolaje.Este libro tiene una sección entera dedicada a las enfermedades comunes de las aves de corral que afectan a las gallinas domésticas y cómo tratar estas condiciones.Si desea criar gallinas y no tiene ni idea de por dónde empezar, Gallinas domésticas es la guía definitiva para principiantes.Este libro es una guía práctica que tiene como objetivo equiparlo para comenzar su pasatiempo de criar gallinas domésticas, mantener gallinas felices y saludables, y obtener la mejor producción de sus gallinas.¡Obtenga este libro ahora para aprender más acerca de las gallinas domésticas!

  • - The Ultimate Guide to Llama Keeping and Caring, Including Tips on How to Raise Alpacas
    by Dion Rosser

    If you want to learn how to raise llamas, then keep reading...Have you recently heard a lot about llamas and alpacas? You might have learned that they make great pets and can fetch you a pretty penny.Do you want to know more about raising these cute, intelligent animals? This book answers every question you might have concerning these amazing animals.You will discover...The 7 Things You Should Know Before Buying your First Llama or AlpacaWhy You Should Start Raising LlamasHow to Understand and Handle Llama BehaviorHow to Identify the Various Breeds of Llamas and AlpacasSimple, Detailed Indoor and Outdoor Requirements for Housing LlamasHow to Manage Climate Changes in Your Llama Housing and FacilitiesWhy Does Your Llama Spit?Dangerous Diseases that Affect Llamas and AlpacasLearn What to Do when Your Llama is Giving BirthHow to Care for a Newborn Llama10 Helpful Tips for Your Llama Business JourneyAnd much more!With this book as your guide, you can have your herd of llamas or alpacas for utilitarian reasons (packing), keep them as pets, or use them in your fleece business venture. The instructions and advice contained in this book are clear, practical, and easy to follow. From your first purchase to cria birth, this book will be a handy companion.Get it now by clicking the "add to cart" button, and enjoy a smooth, profitable journey with llamas!

  • - The Backyard Gardening Guide to an Organic Vegetable Garden and the Best Way to Grow Herbs, Fruit Trees, and Flowers in Raised Beds
    by Dion Rosser

    If you want an easy way to a plentiful harvest while making the most of your space, then keep reading...Have you ever wondered if there''s a better way to do your gardening? Do you wish it could be a lot easier for you to plant the crops you love? Want ways to get rid of pesky pests? Would you like to beat the elements and give your plants a fighting chance to produce a maximum, healthy yield? This book will show you many powerful essentials on raised bed gardening for both seasoned gardeners and beginners. Here you will discover:16 styles for your raised bedThe best material for raised bed constructionGuidelines for seed selectionTree varieties and their propertiesStrategies for pest and weed controlHow to properly chart your progressThe best environments for your plantsAnd so much more...With this easy-to-use guidebook as your reference or starting point, you can get the head start that many gardeners wish they had. With detailed explanations of every concept, this book grounds you in a practice that has existed for centuries and make your raised bed gardening experience an easy, pleasurable one. Get this book now to read this all-encompassing guide.

  • - Una Guia Esencial para Sobrevivir a cualquier Escenario SHTF Con Consejos para Implementar su Propio Sistema de Suministros, ser Autosuficiente, y Aprovisionarse Adecuadamente
    by Dion Rosser

  • - The Ultimate Guide To Horse Breeding, Training And Care
    by Dion Rosser

  • - The Ultimate Guide to Donkey Selection, Caring, and Training, Including a Comparison of Standard and Miniature Donkeys
    by Dion Rosser

  • - What You Need to Know to Start Your Own Small Farm and a Guide to Backyard Beekeeping for Beginners
    by Dion Rosser

  • - What You Need to Know About Raising Bees and Creating a Profitable Honey Business
    by Dion Rosser

    If you want to discover how to best raise bees and perhaps even create a profitable honey business from it, then keep reading...Just diving into the world of bees?Have you wanted to start your own hive, but have been confused by the conflicting information on the Internet? Looking for an authoritative source on how to go about the business of bees and make money while you''re at it?Then Backyard Beekeeping: What You Need to Know About Raising Bees and Creating a Profitable Honey Business is the only book you need! In this book, you''re going to learn:The 10 start-up guidelinesHow to confidently identify the different breeds of honey beesHow to successfully put together your very own hive17 supplies every beekeeper must haveHow to create the most beautiful bee-friendly gardenThe best ways to tackle pests and diseases that most amateurs ignoreThe best plants to give your bees all the sweet nectar they need to thrive and moreThe role every bee plays in providing the best honey-and how to keep them producing honey for years to comeAn unbelievably easy way to understand bee behavior so you can give the buzzers what they needThe proper way to harvest your honey and beeswax, so there''s no waste, and it''s all high-quality productHow to market your epic, delicious honey, get back your investment, and then someWhere to find hot buyers that are ready and eager to buy your productAnd so much more!With this book, you will find that you have everything you need to know and then some. Many amateur beekeepers proceed with no confidence and get terrible advice from terrible sources. With this guide, you can start your beekeeping hobby or business, knowing that you''ve got all the info you need so you won''t miss a beat! Whether you''re new at this, or you''re a long-time beekeeper, there are amazing tips here to take your beekeeping to the next level. So, are you ready to step up your game? Of course you are! Click the "add to cart" button now.

  • - The Ultimate Guide to Remaking Your Backyard into a Mini Farm and Creating a Self-Sustaining Organic Garden
    by Dion Rosser

    Have you considered organic gardening but don''t know where to start?Are you interested in growing fruits and vegetables in your backyard?Do you have questions regarding what you can grow and how much space you need for it?Do you want to grow fresh produce in your backyard? If your answer to all or any of these questions is a yes, then you''re in the right place.Establishing a mini-farm in your backyard is an immensely beneficial and lucrative initiative.It will help you to become self-sufficient in terms of your food supply and also allow you to live a much more sustainable life.Regardless of how large or small your yard is, you can build a farm on it.The important thing is to plan well and efficiently execute your farm plans.This book will teach you everything you need to know about mini farming, from the planning stage right up to bringing in your first harvest.Being self-sustainable and growing your own food has many benefits that you can now reap.So, use the tips given here and start working on your garden.With a little effort and consistency on your part, you will soon see your plants give you healthy and delicious produce.In the course of this book, you will learn:How to get started with backyard farmingThe basics of growing an organic garden in your own yardCreating a layout and designing structures for the farmEverything you need to know about how to raise bees, livestock, and chickensHow to protect your garden from pests and diseasesHow to extend the growing season for your plantsHow to harvest and preserve your produceTips and tricks on how to maintain your farm throughout the different seasonsAnd much moreNow is your chance to learn how to grow an organic mini farm right in your own backyard.If you would like to acquire all this useful information to help you start your backyard farm, then scroll up and click the "add to cart" button. 

  • - The Ultimate Homesteading Guide to Growing Your Own Food, Raising Chickens, and Mini-Farming for Self Sufficiency and Profit
    by Dion Rosser

    How did people eat before giant corporations stocked grocery stores?It''s a complex question that many people are facing now more than ever. In recent years we''ve seen trends in panic buying, chemicals infiltrating our produce, and our foods being processed with artificial products. What''s happened to the food we eat? What purpose is the land in our backyard serving?Homesteading is having a new surge in popularity as people look for more ways to become self-sustaining. You can learn all the basics to start a backyard homestead. That means you need not go buy a plot of land; instead, you can homestead with the very foundation of it in mind, use what you have on hand, and cultivate for the future. In this book, you''ll discover:How to plan for a homestead that accommodates the size of your yard.7 of the best resources for new homesteaders or home farmers.How to select your chickens and build a coop.How to plan your garden throughout the year for a high yield.Top 10 perennial vegetables to grow year-round.How to make the most of your seeds and cultivars.Mistakes to avoid that can lead to low-yield or no-yield seasons.Cool tricks for growing your homestead without buying more property.Step by step monthly maintenance calendarHow to share your homesteading experience and skills to help build your community.And much, much more!When you have finished this guidebook, you''ll understand how to create and plan a homestead, and how to maintain it in the months and years to come. There''s no doubt that you can build the skill set necessary to cultivate the ground and develop your property into something that can sustain you and your family. Take your first steps to learn to live a self-sufficient life by getting this book now.You''ll be the envy of your friends and neighbors!So if you want to learn more about creating your own backyard homestead, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!

  • - A Comprehensive Guide to Raising Chickens for Beginners, Including Tips on Choosing a Breed and Building the Coop
    by Dion Rosser

    Are you looking for a simple guide to raising backyard chickens?Do you want simple and effective tips for finding the right breeds for your backyard flock?If your answer is yes then this book, Backyard Chickens, is just what you have been looking for.This is a beginner-friendly guide that will take you through the basics of raising chickens, including:Things to consider before getting chickensWhere to buy your chickensWhat breeds are best for different purposesIt has handy tips on what to look for when buying chicks for your backyard.There is plenty of information on how to identify healthy birds to ensure that you only buy the best stock for your backyard.Backyard Chickens goes into all the little details that will help make your backyard flock a success.This book will guide you on how to set up your backyard in readiness for your flock, as well as picking the best location in your backyard for a chicken coop.If you have no idea where to start when it comes to building a coop, you will be provided with a step by step process to use when building a simple backyard coop.There is also additional information on:How much space you will need for your chickensLocal ordinances and laws on keeping backyard chickensAnd how much it will cost you to keep and maintain themWe demystify the various types of chicken feed and give you all the information you need regarding the best feed to give your chickens, when to feed them, how to feed them, and even how often you should do it.For the beginner who wants to keep chickens for a specific purpose, no need to fret, this book will take you through:How to feed and take care of chicks and pulletsHow to feed and take care of layersHow to feed and take care of broilersPlus, all the details you need to know when it comes to best practices in feedingA significant part of this book is dedicated to guiding you on maintenance and caring for your chickens.There are handy tools for helping your birds cope with adverse conditions, what to do during winter, and how you can get your egg-layers to be more productive.There are plenty of tips on hygiene, keeping chicken coops clean, and how to spot signs of ill health in your chickens. All this information is packaged together with handy DIY tips. This book has an entire section that is dedicated to common poultry diseases that affect backyard chickens and how to treat these conditions.If you want to raise chickens and have no idea where to start, Backyard Chickens is the ultimate beginner''s guide. This book is a practical guide that is meant to equip you in starting your backyard chicken hobby, maintaining happy and healthy chickens, and getting the best production out of your chickens.Get this guide now to get started with your new backyard adventure!

  • - A Comprehensive Homestead Guide to Self-Sufficiency, Raising Backyard Chickens, and Mini Farming, Including Gardening Tips and Best Practices for Growing Your Own Food
    by Dion Rosser

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