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Books by Dr Jaerock Lee

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  • - Fulfillment of the Law
    by Dr Jaerock Lee

    "Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfillment of the law." (Romans 13:10) This work Love: Fulfillment of the Law will be teaching us about the spiritual love. In Part 1 "Significance of Love", it looks into various forms of love that are found between husband and wife, parents and children, and among friends and neighbors, thereby giving us an idea of the difference between fleshly love and spiritual love. Part 2 "Love as in the Love Chapter", categorizes 1 Corinthians 13 into three parts. The first part, 'The Kind of Love that God Desires' (1 Corinthians 13:1-3), is the introduction to the chapter that puts an emphasis on importance of spiritual love. The second part, 'Characteristics of Love' (1 Corinthians 13:4-7), is the main part of Love Chapter, and it tells us the 15 characteristics of spiritual love. The third part, 'Perfect Love', is the conclusion of the Love Chapter, which lets us know that faith and hope are needed temporarily while we are marching towards the kingdom of heaven during our lives on this earth, while love lasts eternally even in the kingdom of heaven.Part 3, 'Love is Fulfillment of the Law', explains what it is to fulfill the Law with love.

  • - Seven Churches (Spanish)
    by Dr Jaerock Lee

    Doy todo el agradecimiento y la gloria a Dios el Padre quien nos ha bendecido para publicar este libro titulado 'Las Siete Iglesias'. Este libro contiene el amor de Dios y el secreto de los últimos días. Yo había sufrido de muchas enfermedades durante siete años; esta fue una situación que no tenía salida. Pero por la gracia de Dios fui sanado de todas mis enfermedades y comencé a llevar una vida cristiana. En ese momento tuve un sueño. Quise convertirme en un excelente anciano de una iglesia que ayudara a los pobres y a los menos afortunados, y realizar la obra misionera para devolver la gracia de Dios. Sin embargo, Dios me llamó al pastorado y me dio la tarea de predicar el evangelio a todas las personas. Desde la apertura de la iglesia en 1982, he seguido el ejemplo de la iglesia primitiva que fue establecida por los apóstoles luego de la resurrección y ascensión del Señor. Me concentré en la oración y el evangelismo. Como resultado de ello, hay más de 120.000 miembros y 10.000 iglesias filiales por todo el mundo, las cuales están unidas como una con nuestra iglesia y predicando el evangelio a todos los rincones de la Tierra.Entre los discípulos y creyentes de la iglesia primitiva, hubo muchos que fueron testigos de señales y prodigios milagrosos; entre ellos la resurrección y ascensión del Señor Jesús. Ellos estuvieron llenos de la gracia, la verdad y el Espíritu, y llegaron a poseer una fe grandiosa. Se convirtieron en la piedra angular de la obra misionera, incluso bajo tan grande persecución. Finalmente, el cristianismo se convirtió en la religión oficial del Imperio Romano. El evangelio que comenzó en Israel se difundió a todo el mundo, y regresará a Israel una vez más. En la actualidad, incluso entre los creyentes, existen muchos que han perdido el primer amor. Su crecimiento espiritual crece hasta cierto punto, y tienen fe tibia. Existen muchos que en realidad no creen por completo en el Dios Todopoderoso. Ellos no reconocen a Jesús como el Cristo, y niegan las palabras del Espíritu Santo. A medida que pasan los días, hay más iglesias que abandonan el congregarse y se comprometen con el mundo.

  • - Seven Churches (Portuguese)
    by Dr Jaerock Lee

    As profundas mensagens do Senhor despertando os crentes e igrejas de seu sono espiritual, enviadas às sete igrejas de Apocalipse capítulos 2 e 3, que se referem a todas as igrejas do Senhor.

  • by Dr Jaerock Lee

    "There was a providence of God to let us understand relativity through the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and become His true and spiritual children who can feel His heart."This must-have book provides clear answers to questions often asked by Christians who are curious about things not directly addressed in the Bible. What was God the Creator like before the beginning of time? Why did God create man and let him live on this earth? Why did God place the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden? Why did God send His one and only Son as an atoning sacrifice? Why did God plan the providence of salvation through the rugged wooden cross? These questions and more are resolved by Dr. Jaerock Lee. The book consists of spirit-filled messages of hope and salvation for all who have questions about what God wants from the faithful. As preached by Dr. Lee, the knowledge provided in The Message of the Cross will enlighten you on the deep, wide, and great love God has for His creation.

  • by Dr Jaerock Lee

    Refer to the following site.http://www.urimbooks.com/en/books_view.asp?tp=01&cat=001056&num=108

  • - The Message of the Cross (Armenian)
    by Dr Jaerock Lee

  • - The Message of the Cross (Luganda)
    by Dr Jaerock Lee

  • - The Message of the Cross (Cebuano)
    by Dr Jaerock Lee

    Kining libro naghatag ug tin-aw nga mga tubag sa daghang mga pangutana nga nagpahibulong sa daghang mga Kristiyano: 'Unsa man ang Dios nga Mamumugna sa wala pa ang signugdanan?' 'Nganong gibuhat man sa Dios ang tawo ug gitugutan nga mabuhi niining kalibotan?'Nganong gibutang man sa Dios ang kahoy sa kahibalo sa maayo ug dautan sa Tanaman sa Eden? 'Nganong gipadala man sa Dios ang Iyahang usa ug bugtong nga Anak ingon sa usa ka pambayad-sala nga sakripisyo?' 'Nganong giplano man sa Dios ang kabubut-on sa kaluwasan paagi sa sagalsalon nga kahoy nga krus?' ug sa daghan pang mga pangutana, ug uban pa. Nasakop niining libro ang gipuno-sa-espiritu nga mga mensahe nga giwali ni Dr. Jaerock Lee ug gipahayag nimo nga mahibaw-an ug masabtan ang halawom, halapad, ug dako nga gugma sa Dios.

  • - The Message of the Cross (Georgian)
    by Dr Jaerock Lee

  • - The Message of the Cross (Slovak)
    by Dr Jaerock Lee

    Posolstvo Krí¿a vám uká¿e tajomnú Bo¿iu prozrete¿nos¿ ukrytú na krí¿i a pomô¿e vám polo¿i¿ pevné základy pravdivému a dobrému kres¿anskému ¿ivotu. Preto kädý, kto ¿íta túto knihu bude schopný pochopi¿ prozrete¿nos¿ a hlbokú lásku Boha, mä pravú vieru, zalo¿i¿ a vies¿ kres¿anský ¿ivot, ktorý je príjemný o¿iam Pána.

  • - My Father Will Give to You in My Name (Spanish)
    by Dr Jaerock Lee

    ¿Es Dios todavía fiel a las innumerables promesas que ha escrito en la Biblia?Los mensajes llenos de vida escritos en este libro permitirán al lector entender la ley del reino espiritual al recibir respuestas de parte de Dios quien ha prometido darnos todo lo que le pidamos en oración al testificar de Su fidelidad.

  • - The Message of the Cross (Turkish)
    by Dr Jaerock Lee

  • - The Message of the Cross (Serbian)
    by Dr Jaerock Lee

    Category SermonAuthor Dr. D¿erok LiPrint Length 238 PagesSnäna poruka büenja za sve ljude koji su duhovno zaspali! U ovoj knjizi ¿ete näi razlog zašto je Isus jedini Spasitelj i prava ljubav Boga.

  • - The Message of the Cross (Bosnian)
    by Dr Jaerock Lee

    Poruka sa Krsta vodila je bezbroj ljudi na putu spasenja od1986 god. i demonstrirala nebrojano mnogo djela Svetog Duhana mnogim evangelisti¿kim pohodima u instranstvu. Najzad,Bog Otac me je blagosiljao da je objavim. Svu zahvalnost i slavupripisujem Njemu.

  • by Dr Jaerock Lee

    "Just like lamps that shed light on the streets in the dark of night, the Word of God sheds light that tell us what to do in this complicated world and guides us to the right way." Lamp is a compilation of Dr. Jaerock Lee's column series that had appeared on Korea's major daily newspapers including The Chosun Ilbo, The Joong-Ang Daily, The Dong-A Ilbo, and The Hankook Ilbo. This book composed from a column series provides the reader with 7 "points of fulfillment' necessary to receive God's answers and blessings. These include but are certainly not limited to: love of God; mysteries of God's creation; solutions to various problems in human life; guidelines to reach eternal life; life of spreading the fragrance and light of the Christ; ways to receive wisdom from above; and hope for the kingdom of heaven.

  • - The Message of the Cross(Lithuanian)
    by Dr Jaerock Lee

    ¿inia apie Kry¿i¿ atskleis jums paslapting¿ Dievo plan¿, gl¿dint¿ kry¿iuje, ir pad¿s jums pad¿ti tvirt¿ tikro ir gero krikš¿ioniško tik¿jimo pamat¿. Tod¿l kiekvienas, kuris perskaitys ši¿ knyg¿, sugeb¿s suprasti did¿ Dievo plan¿ ir gili¿ meil¿, ¿gys tikr¿ tik¿jim¿, bei prad¿s ir t¿s tok¿ krikš¿ionišk¿ gyvenim¿, kuris patinka Dievui.

  • - The Message of the Cross (French)
    by Dr Jaerock Lee

    Le Message de la Croix vous montrera la providence secrète de Dieu, qui était cachée dans la croix, et vous aidera à poser un fondement ferme pour une vie chrétienne véritable. Pour cela, quiconque lit ce livre sera capable de comprendre la providence profonde et l'amour de Dieu, d'avoir une foi véritable, et d'établir et de mener une vie chrétienne qui est agréable à Ses yeux.

  • - The Message of the Cross (Czech)
    by Dr Jaerock Lee

    V roce 1985, zatímco jsem se vroucn¿ modlil, jsem byl napln¿n Duchem svatým. Ten zäal vykládat tajemnou Böí prozíravost, která bývala skryta.Pokud máte jasno v tom, prö B¿h do zahrady Eden umístil strom poznání dobrého a zlého, m¿¿ete porozum¿t jeho prozíravosti ohledn¿ t¿íbení ¿lov¿ka a milovat Boha ješt¿ opravdov¿ji. A co víc, poznáním skute¿ného smyslu svého ¿ivota budete schopni bojovat se svými h¿íchy ä do prolití krve, ud¿láte všechno pro to, abyste se podobali Pánu Je¿íši Kristu a budete Bohu v¿rni ä k smrti.Poselství K¿í¿e vám uká¿e tajemnou Böí prozíravost skrytou za k¿í¿em a pom¿¿e vám polöit pevné základy pro opravdový a dobrý k¿es¿anský ¿ivot. Proto kädý, kdo ¿te tuto knihu, bude schopen porozum¿t hluboké Böí prozíravosti a lásce, mít opravdovou víru a vybudovat a vést k¿es¿anský ¿ivot, který se bude líbit Böím öím.

  • - The Message of the Cross (Dutch)
    by Dr Jaerock Lee

    Een krachtige boodschap voor alle mensen om degene wakker te maken die geestelijk slapen! In dit boek kan je de reden vinden waarom Jezus de enige Redder is en de ware liefde van God

  • - The Message of the Cross (Romanian)
    by Dr Jaerock Lee

    Mesajul Crucii v¿ va ar¿ta providen¿a secret¿ a Domnului Dumnezeu ascuns¿ în cruce ¿i v¿ va ajuta s¿ pune¿i bazele unei adev¿rate ¿i bune vie¿i cre¿tine. Prin urmare, oricine cite¿te aceast¿ carte va fi capabil s¿ în¿eleag¿ iubirea ¿i providen¿a profund¿ a Domnului, va avea credin¿¿ adev¿rat¿ ¿i va construi ¿i va avea o viä¿ cre¿tin¿ ce va fi mul¿umitoare în ochii Lui.

  • - The Message of the Cross (Vietnamese)
    by Dr Jaerock Lee

    M¿t s¿ di¿p th¿c t¿nh d¿y quy¿n nang dành cho nh¿ng ai dang trong tình tr¿ng ng¿ mê thu¿c linh! Qua sách n¿y chúng ta s¿ nh¿n bi¿t du¿c lý do t¿i sao Giê-su là C¿u Chúa duy nh¿t và tình yêu chân th¿t c¿a пc Chúa Tr¿i.

  • - Spirit, Soul and BodyⅠ(Vietnamese)
    by Dr Jaerock Lee

    Nh¿ng di¿u d¿c bi¿t mà ngu¿i d¿c có th¿ tìm hi¿u t¿ cu¿n sách này bao g¿m nh¿ng v¿n d¿ sau:1. Thông qua s¿ hi¿u bi¿t thu¿c linh v¿ linh, h¿n, và thân th¿, là nh¿ng thành ph¿n c¿a con ngu¿i, ngu¿i d¿c có th¿ nhìn vào 'b¿n ngã' mình và d¿t du¿c cái nhìn sâu s¿c v¿ cu¿c s¿ng c¿a chính h¿.2. H¿ có th¿ d¿t d¿n m¿t s¿ t¿ nh¿n bi¿t cách tr¿n v¿n v¿ chính con ngu¿i c¿a mình v¿ 'b¿n ngã' mà h¿ dã du¿c t¿o d¿ng nên. Sách n¿y ch¿ ra cho b¿n d¿c m¿t con du¿ng d¿ t¿ nh¿n bi¿t v¿ chính mình nhu s¿ d¿ Phao-lô dã nói trong 1 Cô-rinh-tô 15:31, "tôi ch¿t h¿ng ngày" d¿ du¿c thánh khi¿t và tr¿ thành nh¿ng con ngu¿i thu¿c linh mà пc Chúa Tr¿i mong mu¿n.3. Chúng ta có th¿ tránh b¿ roi vào b¿y c¿a k¿ thù ma qu¿ và Sa-tan, và có du¿c quy¿n nang d¿ dánh b¿i các quy¿n l¿c t¿i tam ch¿ khi chúng ta hi¿u v¿ chính con ngu¿i mình. Nhu Chúa Giê-su dã phán, "N¿u lu¿t pháp g¿i nh¿ng k¿ du¿c l¿i пc Chúa Tr¿i phán d¿n là các th¿n, và n¿u Kinh thánh không th¿ b¿ du¿c" (Giang 10:35), cu¿n sách này ch¿ ra cho d¿c gi¿ bi¿t du¿c con du¿ng dúng d¿n d¿ d¿ ph¿n vào b¿n tánh пc Chúa Tr¿i và nh¿n lãnh du¿c m¿i phu¿c lành mà Ngài dã h¿a.

  • - Spirit, Soul and Body Ⅰ (Romanian)
    by Dr Jaerock Lee

    În general, oamenii vor s¿ aib¿ parte de success ¿i s¿ duc¿ o viä¿ fericit¿ ¿i confortabil¿. Dar, chiar dac¿ au bani, putere ¿i faim¿, niciunul din ei nu poate sc¿pa de oarte. Shir Huangdi, primul împ¿rat al Chinei antice a c¿utat un elixir al vie¿ii, dar nici el nu a putut evita moartea. Îns¿, prin Biblie, Dumnezeu ne-a înv¿¿at Calea spre viäa e¿nic¿. Aceast¿ viä¿ vine prin Isus Cristos.

  • - Spirit, Soul and Body Ⅰ (Slovak)
    by Dr Jaerock Lee

    ¿udia chcú by¿ zvy¿ajne úspešní a ¿i¿ š¿astný a pohodlný¿ivot. Ale aj ke¿ majú peniaze, moc a slávu, smrti nemô¿uuniknú¿. Shir Huang-di, prvý cisár starovekej ¿íny, h¿adal elixír ¿ivota, ale ani on neunikol smrti. Prostredníctvom Biblie nás Boh u¿í spôsob, ako získä ve¿ný ¿ivot. Tento ¿ivot mô¿eme dosiahnu¿ skrze Je¿iša Krista.

  • - Spirit, Soul and Body Ⅰ(Spanish)
    by Dr Jaerock Lee

    Una guía que otorga comprensión espiritual del espíritu, el alma y el cuerpo y ayuda a descubrir el tipo de 'persona' que hemos llegado a ser, para que podamos obtener el poder para derrotar a las tinieblas y convertirnos en personas del espíritu.

  • by Dr Jaerock Lee

    "The history of mankind recorded in the Bible began with the time when Adam was driven out to this earth due to his sin. This history does not include the time during which Adam lived in the Garden of Eden" Theologians have been debating about the elements of human beings, between the dichotomous theory and the trichotomous theory. The dichotomous theory says men are composed of two parts: spirit and body while the trichotomous theory says there are three parts: spirit, soul, and body. This book is based on the trichotomous theory. The spirit, soul and body belong to an area that we cannot understand with only men's knowledge, wisdom, and power. It is an area that can be made known to us only by God who understands the origin of men. This book is full of spiritual knowledge of the fourth dimension that gives us clear answers to the questions about spirit, soul, and body.

  • - Heaven I (Vietnamese)
    by Dr Jaerock Lee

    M¿t b¿n phát th¿o chi ti¿t v¿ m¿t môi tru¿ng s¿ng huy hoàng tráng l¿ mà nh¿ng công dân thiên dàng s¿ vui s¿ng và m¿t s¿ mô t¿ tuy¿t v¿i v¿ nh¿ng c¿p d¿ khác nhau c¿a các vuong qu¿c thiên dàng.

  • - Life of Disobedience and Life of Obedience
    by Dr Jaerock Lee

    "Spiritually eating unleavened bread means to forsake the world and take the narrow way. After we accept Jesus Christ, we have to lower ourselves and go the narrow way to reach complete salvation with humble hearts." In this book are portrayed, in contrast, the life of Pharaoh, who disobeyed the word of God, and the life of Moses who led a life of obedience. It also contains the love of God who with His limitless compassion lets us know the way of salvation through the celebration of Passover, the law of circumcision, and the meaning of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Pharaoh witnessed the power of God but still disobeyed Him, and he fell into an irreversible state. But the Israelites were safe from all disasters because they obeyed.The reason why God tells us about the Ten Plagues is to let us realize why tests and trials come upon us, so that we can solve all the problems of life and lead a life free of any disaster. Furthermore, by telling us about the blessings that will come upon us when we obey, He wants us to possess the heavenly kingdom as His children.

  • - Life of Disobedience and Life of Obedience
    by Dr Jaerock Lee

    Ceux qui lisent ce livre seront en mesure de trouver les clés pour résoudre les problèmes de la vie. Ils sentiront un apaisement spirituel ressemblant à une pluie douce qui tombe après une longue période de sécheresse, et seront conduits pour trouver des solutions et obtenir des bénédictions.

  • - The Law of God (Portuguese)
    by Dr Jaerock Lee

    Category SermonAuthor Dr. Jaerock LeeSe você conhecer o profundo coração de Deus contido nos Dez Mandamentos, achará a forma de se aproximar de Deus, receber respostas Dele, e estar Nele.

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