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Books by Edgar Allan Poe

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  • by Edgar Allan Poe

    Après avoir fait faillite William Legrand s'est exilé sur l’île de Sullivan. Un jour sur la plage il découvre un scarabée en or massif avec sur le dos une tête de mort.L'étrange coléoptère captive l'imagination de William. Il voit en l'insecte une énigme à résoudre et, à sa clef, une fortune considérable. Au bord de la folie et retardé par un indéchiffrable message codé, il se lance à la recherche d'un trésor de pirate.Écrite en 1842 à l'occasion d'un concours dont Edgar Alan Poe sortira vainqueur, « Le scarabée d'or » a popularisé la cryptographie et les jeux de puzzle et renforcé un genre émergeant, le roman policier. La nouvelle, reprise dans de nombreux journaux américains et traduite par Baudelaire, n'est pas sans rappeler un chef-d'œuvre de la même trempe : « L'Île au trésor » de Robert Louis Stevenson.Né aux États-Unis, Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) perd ses parents très jeune. Il poursuit des études brillantes, mais est forcé de les stopper à cause de soucis financiers. Il s’engage alors dans l’armée et se fait volontairement renvoyer pour se lancer dans une carrière d’écrivain. Ses poèmes ne rencontrant pas un fort succès, il travaille pour un journal. Peu à peu, il acquiert une notoriété, gagne un concours de nouvelles, et publie en 1845 « Le Corbeau ». Grâce à sa nouvelle renommée, il parvient à monter sa propre revue. Mais sa joie est bouleversée par la mort de sa compagne Virginia. Poe sombre dans l'alcoolisme. Il laissera derrière lui une série d'œuvres traduites par Baudelaire, et qui feront de lui le précurseur de tout un mouvement ainsi que du genre policier et fantastique.

  • by Edgar Allan Poe

    El narrador protagonista cuenta la historia de su matrimonio con Morella, una culta y extraña mujer que lee y profundiza en las prohibidas páginas del misticismo y el ocultismo. Sus sentimientos por ella siempre fueron extraños y confusos, y a pesar de una admiración creciente por ella, el hombre desea la muerte de su esposa. Morella muere durante el parto, pero su alma, atada a diabólicos ritos, reencarna en el cuerpo de su hija, para vengar el desamor de su marido.Edgar Allan Poe (1809 – 1849), considerado uno de los más grandes escritores estadounidenses, fue un poeta, cuentista y crítico literario. Mediante el uso de recursos innovadores y experimentales, sus historias otorgan una experiencia intensa y singular. Utiliza el terror y la violencia para ahondar en las paradojas y misterios del amor, el dolor y la culpa, y aunque acude a las fuerzas sobrenaturales, las verdaderas tinieblas que explora son las de la mente humana y su propensión a la autodestrucción, representando en buena medida el preludio de la literatura moderna de terror. A pesar de su éxito literario, vivió en la pobreza durante toda su carrera y su vida personal fue muchas veces tan lúgubre como su obra literaria. Tenia problemas con el alcohol y lo atormentaba profundamente la pérdida de su madre y su esposa que murieron de tuberculosis.

  • by Edgar Allan Poe

    La Carta Robada, es un cuento de género policial, su historia transcurre en París en los años 1800. Un prefecto de la policía recurre al detective Dupin y a su amigo, el narrador, con el objetivo de resolver el caso de una carta robada en las cámaras reales, la cual el ladrón usa para obtener poder sobre él con fines políticos. A pesar de tener un sospechoso, el Ministro D, el prefecto no sabe dónde la ha escondido el audaz ladrón. Con este relato, Poe confirmó su maestría a la hora de crear intrigas y misterios, y anticipando lo que se convertiría con el tiempo en el género criminal y policial que todos conocemos.Edgar Allan Poe (1809 – 1849), considerado uno de los más grandes escritores estadounidenses, fue un poeta, cuentista y crítico literario. Mediante el uso de recursos innovadores y experimentales, sus historias otorgan una experiencia intensa y singular. Utiliza el terror y la violencia para ahondar en las paradojas y misterios del amor, el dolor y la culpa, y aunque acude a las fuerzas sobrenaturales, las verdaderas tinieblas que explora son las de la mente humana y su propensión a la autodestrucción, representando en buena medida el preludio de la literatura moderna de terror. A pesar de su éxito literario, vivió en la pobreza durante toda su carrera y su vida personal fue muchas veces tan lúgubre como su obra literaria. Tenia problemas con el alcohol y lo atormentaba profundamente la pérdida de su madre y su esposa que murieron de tuberculosis.

  • by Edgar Allan Poe

    En este relato el narrador describe en primera persona el trastorno que le aqueja, denominado catalepsia. Esta enfermedad lo lleva con frecuencia a pérdidas de conciencia muy similares a la muerte, lo que conduce al personaje a temer ser enterrado vivo en algunas de tales ataques. Al fin de que se comprenda esta fobia, el narrador enumera diversos casos probados de personas enterradas vivas que fueron descubiertas mucho más tarde...Edgar Allan Poe (1809 – 1849), considerado uno de los más grandes escritores estadounidenses, fue un poeta, cuentista y crítico literario. Mediante el uso de recursos innovadores y experimentales, sus historias otorgan una experiencia intensa y singular. Utiliza el terror y la violencia para ahondar en las paradojas y misterios del amor, el dolor y la culpa, y aunque acude a las fuerzas sobrenaturales, las verdaderas tinieblas que explora son las de la mente humana y su propensión a la autodestrucción, representando en buena medida el preludio de la literatura moderna de terror. A pesar de su éxito literario, vivió en la pobreza durante toda su carrera y su vida personal fue muchas veces tan lúgubre como su obra literaria. Tenia problemas con el alcohol y lo atormentaba profundamente la pérdida de su madre y su esposa que murieron de tuberculosis.

  • by Edgar Allan Poe

    Un sueño dentro de un sueño es uno de los mejores poemas de Edgar Allan Poe. El poema cuestiona la delgada línea que separa los sueños y la realidad, preguntándose si todo lo que percibimos y sentimos no es otra cosa que una ilusión dentro de otra, preguntando al final ¿No es acaso todo lo que vemos solo un sueño en un sueño?Edgar Allan Poe (1809 – 1849), considerado uno de los más grandes escritores estadounidenses, fue un poeta, cuentista y crítico literario. Mediante el uso de recursos innovadores y experimentales, sus historias otorgan una experiencia intensa y singular. Utiliza el terror y la violencia para ahondar en las paradojas y misterios del amor, el dolor y la culpa, y aunque acude a las fuerzas sobrenaturales, las verdaderas tinieblas que explora son las de la mente humana y su propensión a la autodestrucción, representando en buena medida el preludio de la literatura moderna de terror. A pesar de su éxito literario, vivió en la pobreza durante toda su carrera y su vida personal fue muchas veces tan lúgubre como su obra literaria. Tenia problemas con el alcohol y lo atormentaba profundamente la pérdida de su madre y su esposa que murieron de tuberculosis.

  • by Edgar Allan Poe

    Eleonora es uno de los grandes relatos románticos de Edgar Allan Poe. Narra la historia de amor de un hombre y su prima, llamada Eleonora, en un lugar paradisíaco. Ella está enferma y antes de morir le hace jurar a su amado que nunca abandonará aquel valle encantado y que nunca le dará su amor a alguien más. Sin embargo, cuando Eleonora muere, el valle empieza a deslucirse y el narrador rompe la promesa y emprende un viaje hacia una extraña ciudad. Allí conoce a Ermengarda y se enamora rápidamente de ella sin ningún sentimiento de culpa. Tiempo después, el fantasma de Eleonora visita al narrador y bendice su union con Ermengarda, liberándolo así de su promesa y permitiéndole vivir profundamente.Edgar Allan Poe (1809 – 1849), considerado uno de los más grandes escritores estadounidenses, fue un poeta, cuentista y crítico literario. Mediante el uso de recursos innovadores y experimentales, sus historias otorgan una experiencia intensa y singular. Utiliza el terror y la violencia para ahondar en las paradojas y misterios del amor, el dolor y la culpa, y aunque acude a las fuerzas sobrenaturales, las verdaderas tinieblas que explora son las de la mente humana y su propensión a la autodestrucción, representando en buena medida el preludio de la literatura moderna de terror. A pesar de su éxito literario, vivió en la pobreza durante toda su carrera y su vida personal fue muchas veces tan lúgubre como su obra literaria. Tenia problemas con el alcohol y lo atormentaba profundamente la pérdida de su madre y su esposa que murieron de tuberculosis.

  • by Edgar Allan Poe

    La novela trata sobre dos amigos que viven en una mansión abandonada en París. Uno es C. Auguste Dupin y el otro se trata del narrador de la propia novela. Estos dos amigos se encargan de la investigación por el asesinato sin escrúpulos de dos mujeres de la nobleza francesa. Estas damas fueron encontradas en su casa cruelmente mutiladas, y no hay pistas aparentes para encontrar al homicida. Sin embargo, Dupin y su amigo deciden llevar a cabo la investigación de este macabro asesinato por su cuenta. Esta historia está envuelta en una trama llena de misterios, crímenes y sangre. Si eres de los que disfruta de la tensión y el suspenso, esta novela es para ti.Edgar Allan Poe (1809 – 1849), considerado uno de los más grandes escritores estadounidenses, fue un poeta, cuentista y crítico literario. Mediante el uso de recursos innovadores y experimentales, sus historias otorgan una experiencia intensa y singular. Utiliza el terror y la violencia para ahondar en las paradojas y misterios del amor, el dolor y la culpa, y aunque acude a las fuerzas sobrenaturales, las verdaderas tinieblas que explora son las de la mente humana y su propensión a la autodestrucción, representando en buena medida el preludio de la literatura moderna de terror. A pesar de su éxito literario, vivió en la pobreza durante toda su carrera y su vida personal fue muchas veces tan lúgubre como su obra literaria. Tenia problemas con el alcohol y lo atormentaba profundamente la pérdida de su madre y su esposa que murieron de tuberculosis.

  • by Edgar Allan Poe

    Un joven caballero es invitado al viejo caserón de un amigo de la infancia, Roderick Usher, un excéntrico artista que vive completamente recluido con su hermana, Lady Madeline, también delicada de salud. Cuando muere Madeline, Roderick decide depositar sus restos mortales en una cripta. Días después, comienza una noche de terror donde comienzan a producirse terribles acontecimientos que desembocan en un trágico final…La caída de la casa Usher es sin duda uno de los relatos más conocidos de Edgar Allan Poe y ha sido adaptado al cine en varias ocaciones.Edgar Allan Poe (1809 – 1849), considerado uno de los más grandes escritores estadounidenses, fue un poeta, cuentista y crítico literario. Mediante el uso de recursos innovadores y experimentales, sus historias otorgan una experiencia intensa y singular. Utiliza el terror y la violencia para ahondar en las paradojas y misterios del amor, el dolor y la culpa, y aunque acude a las fuerzas sobrenaturales, las verdaderas tinieblas que explora son las de la mente humana y su propensión a la autodestrucción, representando en buena medida el preludio de la literatura moderna de terror. A pesar de su éxito literario, vivió en la pobreza durante toda su carrera y su vida personal fue muchas veces tan lúgubre como su obra literaria. Tenia problemas con el alcohol y lo atormentaba profundamente la pérdida de su madre y su esposa que murieron de tuberculosis.

  • by Edgar Allan Poe

    A classic collection of poetry by Poe, in an elegantly designed bonded-leather binding, with distinctive gilt edging.

  • by Edgar Allan Poe

    Comunemente ritenuto uno dei primi romanzi polizieschi moderni scritti, "e;Gli assassinii della Rue Morgue"e; e emblematico dell'interesse di Poe per il funzionamento della mente di fronte a casi che devono essere risolti. C. Auguste Dupin, il protagonista, e il precursore di tutti i grandi detective come Sherlock Holmes, Hercule Poirot e Philip Marlowe. Seppur diversa dai racconti del terrore e dell'orrore di Poe, la storia e comunque ricca di strani avvenimenti e di racconti orribili. Il racconto e stato anche trasposto in diversi adattamenti cinematografici e televisivi, oltre che in programmi radiofonici. -

  • by Edgar Allan Poe

    "e;Il Ritratto Ovale"e; e un racconto dell'orrore che ruota attorno al complesso e spesso tragico rapporto tra la vita e l'arte. Un viandante trova rifugio in una villa abbandonata in un luogo non specificato in Italia. Una volta dentro, rimane affascinato da uno dei dipinti e decide di scoprirne la bellezza. Il racconto esplicativo si intreccia con la narrazione originale, e insieme all'intensa profondita emotiva e psicologica dell'infatuazione del narratore per il ritratto, creano un racconto affascinante e ossessivo, che ha come protagonista l'immortalita dell'arte.-

  • by Edgar Allan Poe

    Ispirato dagli sviluppi della crittografia e dalla narrativa poliziesca che stavano in quel periodo gradualmente emergendo, "e;Lo scarabeo d'oro"e; ha sicuramente ricevuto critiche discordanti da parte del pubblico. Acclamato sia come "e;geniale"e; che "e;spazzatura"e;, l'influenza che il racconto ha avuto su lavori successivi non puo certo essere trascurata, e sicuramente "e;L'isola del tesoro"e; di Robert Louis Stevenson puo dimostrarlo. Inoltre, l'uso del cifrario nella storia ha portato alla ribalta l'interesse per gli enigmi e gli oggetti nascosti che sarebbero poi tornati in giochi da tavolo e videogiochi. -

  • by Edgar Allan Poe

    Ritenuto uno dei racconti dell'orrore piu brutali di Poe, "e;Berenice"e; esplora temi simili alle opere precedenti dell'autore: la morte di una bella donna, la sepoltura prematura e il disturbo mentale. Sebbene si possano avvertire alcuni elementi autobiografici, la storia rimane comunque una storia di orrore e di ossessione. L'atmosfera cupa, insieme all'ossessione quasi maniacale del protagonista per il cugino, creano una storia che non e certo adatta ai deboli di cuore!-

  • by Edgar Allan Poe
    £3.49 - 4.49

    E quasi impossibile sfuggire vivi all'Inquisizione spagnola. Tuttavia, il narratore senza nome di Edgar Allan Poe, dopo aver subito innumerevoli torture sul corpo e sull'anima per mano dei suoi aguzzini, vede finalmente la luce in fondo al tunnel della sua sanita mentale. Nonostante la mancanza di elementi soprannaturali, "e;La fossa e il pendolo"e; (1842) ha goduto e influenzato diversi notevoli adattamenti cinematografici.Da cartoni animati come "e;I Flinstones"e;, a serie TV come "e;Crime Scene Investigation"e;, passando per film come "e;Il Pozzo e il Pendolo"e; (1961) di Roger Corman e interpretato da Vincent Price, nonche alcuni metodi di tortura trovati nel franchise di "e;Saw"e;, la famosa scena del pendolo della storia e una fonte di ispirazione piuttosto fruttuosa. Eppure, nonostante i terribili tormenti, la storia si concentra principalmente su come il terrore sia implicitamente rappresentato attraverso il funzionamento della mente.-

  • by Edgar Allan Poe

    Una classica storia di mare che descrive una terribile tempesta e le conseguenze che questa ha sul narratore. Intrappolato in un gigantesco vortice d'acqua, il narratore racconta la sua orribile esperienza di quasi morte. Costruita come una storia dentro una storia, "e;Una discesa"e; e una bellissima storia sul mare, raccontata alla maniera di "e;La ballata del vecchio marinaio"e; di Coleridge. Le vivide descrizioni naturali e l'inconcepibile bellezza del vortice trasformano la storia in un racconto memorabile e terrificante sulle le forze violente della natura.-

  • by Edgar Allan Poe

  • by Edgar Allan Poe

    En mand kommer på en yderst uhyggelig måde i forbindelse med sin dobbeltgænger, hvilket resulterer i katastrofale hændelser.

  • by Edgar Allan Poe

    One of the most haunting short horror stories to date is told to us by B.J. Harrison. Our narrator is invited to visit his acquaintance Roderick, who lives in a remote house with his sister when strange things begin to happen. Neither of the siblings appears to be healthy, and the house itself also seems to have a life of its own. What exactly is taking place, and how much worse can it get? The short story by Edgar Allan Poe from the 19th century is a true gothic horror story and not for the faintest of hearts. The story was turned into the 1960 movie House of Usher, starring Vincent Price. B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) was an American writer, poet, editor and literary critic. He is considered a pioneer in the genres of detective fiction, the macabre and science fiction. His numerous short stories include the likes of "The Purloined Letter", and "The Raven" is one of his best-known poems. Edgar Allan Poe's works have been captured throughout popular culture, including films, such as Histoires extraordinaires from 1968, based on Poe's stories and directed by Federico Fellini.

  • by Edgar Allan Poe

    The Edgar Allan Poe Collection features a selection of works from the pioneering 19th-century poet and writer Edgar Allan Poe. Poe's works include the dramatic short story "The Tell-Tale Heart" to his perhaps most famous poem "The Raven". This collection promises some of the finest from the master of mystery, horror and the imagination. With the riveting B.J. Harrison as the reader, these words and tales are not to be missed by fans of gothic settings and eerie atmospheres.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) was an American writer, poet, editor and literary critic. He is considered a pioneer in the genres of detective fiction, the macabre and science fiction. His numerous short stories include the likes of "The Purloined Letter", and "The Raven" is one of his best-known poems. Edgar Allan Poe's works have been captured throughout popular culture, including films, such as Histoires extraordinaires from 1968, based on Poe's stories and directed by Federico Fellini.

  • by Edgar Allan Poe

    B.J. Harrison visits Edgar Allan Poe's grim horror story, "The Cask of Amontillado". Montresor is a man who has been insulted, and he does not take this lightly. Seeking revenge on the person who slighted him, Fortunato, he sets out on a terrible mission to even the score. Yet what follows is far from fair, and Fortunato is far from prepared. "The Cask of Amontillado" is a dark short story by Edgar Allan Poe dating back to the 19th century. It has been covered extensively in popular culture, and the story was turned into a British film in 1998 by the same name, starring Anton Blake. B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) was an American writer, poet, editor and literary critic. He is considered a pioneer in the genres of detective fiction, the macabre and science fiction. His numerous short stories include the likes of "The Purloined Letter", and "The Raven" is one of his best-known poems. Edgar Allan Poe's works have been captured throughout popular culture, including films, such as Histoires extraordinaires from 1968, based on Poe's stories and directed by Federico Fellini.

  • by Edgar Allan Poe

    B.J. Harrison reads one of Edgar Allan Poe's classic short stories "The Masque of the Red Death". Prince Prospero and 1,000 other nobles have taken refuge at a castle-like abbey to escape the Red Death, a horrifying plague that has taken over the land at large. Yet horror finds them one night when Prospero holds a masquerade ball and a guest dressed up as the Red Death itself shows up. The chilling story by Edgar Allan Poe dating back to the 19th century is a Gothic horror tale to its very core, providing frights of the most unimaginable type. The story has resulted in numerous adaptations on film, including the 1964 version starring Vincent Price, carrying the same name.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) was an American writer, poet, editor and literary critic. He is considered a pioneer in the genres of detective fiction, the macabre and science fiction. His numerous short stories include the likes of "The Purloined Letter", and "The Raven" is one of his best-known poems. Edgar Allan Poe's works have been captured throughout popular culture, including films, such as Histoires extraordinaires from 1968, based on Poe's stories and directed by Federico Fellini.

  • by Edgar Allan Poe

    A prisoner arrives at a trial before the Spanish Inquisition and is condemned to death. Upon his conviction, he faints and finds himself in a horrendous cell to fight off death. Still, this prisoner is not giving up that easily and describes his horrendous circumstances to the last detail. "The Pit and the Pendulum" by Edgar Allan Poe is nothing short of grim until the very end. The short story from the 19th century has inspired countless film and television adaptations, including Guillermo del Toro's narrated version in the animated anthology Extraordinary Tales (2015).B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) was an American writer, poet, editor and literary critic. He is considered a pioneer in the genre of detective fiction, the macabre and science fiction. His numerous short stories include the likes of "The Purloined Letter", and "The Raven" is one of his best-known poems. Edgar Allan Poe's works have been captured throughout popular culture, including films, such as Histoires extraordinaires from 1968, based on Poe's stories and directed by Federico Fellini.

  • by Edgar Allan Poe

    B.J. Harrison reads "The Purloined Letter" by Edgar Allan Poe, which is a story of an unusual mystery that needs to be solved. A sensitive letter has been stolen from the queen's boudoir, and the famous amateur detective C. Auguste Dupin has been called to the rescue. The guilty one is the lover himself, Minister D-. What ensues is a match between the detective and the thief, two equally brilliant minds. Who will win, and at what cost? The story is the third in a series of Edgar Allan Poe's three stories featuring Dupin, which have been considered significant forerunners in the category of the modern detective story. It has been adapted into television and theater versions alike.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) was an American writer, poet, editor and literary critic. He is considered a pioneer in the genres of detective fiction, the macabre and science fiction. His numerous short stories include the likes of "The Purloined Letter", and "The Raven" is one of his best-known poems. Edgar Allan Poe's works have been captured throughout popular culture, including films, such as Histoires extraordinaires from 1968, based on Poe's stories and directed by Federico Fellini.

  • by Edgar Allan Poe

    B.J. Harrison tells Edgar Allan Poe's story "The Tell-Tale Heart", where our narrator has committed the crime of murdering an older man. He does not consider himself a madman, and he describes the murder up to the smallest detail. Yet he has killed a man whom he loved and had never wronged him, for the sake of the mans' "evil eye". The novella from the 19th century is one of Edgar Allan Poe's best-known short stories and has been transformed into theatre, film and television adaptations alike. One of the most recent ones is the film The Tell-Tale Heart from 2016, starring Rose McGowan.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) was an American writer, poet, editor and literary critic. He is considered a pioneer in the genres of detective fiction, the macabre and science fiction. His numerous short stories include the likes of "The Purloined Letter", and "The Raven" is one of his best-known poems. Edgar Allan Poe's works have been captured throughout popular culture, including films, such as Histoires extraordinaires from 1968, based on Poe's stories and directed by Federico Fellini.

  • by Edgar Allan Poe

    In "MS. Found in a Bottle", one harrowing event seems to take place after another. Our narrator is a man who has become alienated from others and his country. He steps aboard a cargo ship from Batavia, which crashes into stormy conditions that send most passengers into the water. Surprisingly, the narrator stays on board, only to find himself face to face with a new disaster. During his struggles, he logs his experiences into a journal, which he casts off to sea. Edgar Allan Poe's short story from the 19th century explores the human mind, as it finds itself in extreme conditions, this time accompanied by the voice of B.J. Harrison.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) was an American writer, poet, editor and literary critic. He is considered a pioneer in the genres of detective fiction, the macabre and science fiction. His numerous short stories include the likes of "The Purloined Letter", and "The Raven" is one of his best-known poems. Edgar Allan Poe's works have been captured throughout popular culture, including films, Edgar Allan Poe's works have been captured throughout popular culture, including films, such as Histoires extraordinaires from 1968, based on Poe's stories and directed by Federico Fellini.

  • by Edgar Allan Poe

    In "The System of Doctor Tarr and Pofessor Fether" from the 19th century nothing is quite what it seems. During his tour of southern France, our narrator visits a local mental institution, of which he has heard a great deal. Upon arriving at the institution, which is run by an acquaintance of his travelling companion, the narrator quickly finds that something is off. He learns that the previous system used with the patients is no longer in use and has been replaced with something much more radical. The short story spiced with dark humor by Edgar Allan Poe is brought to us by the voice of B.J. Harrison. It has inspired film versions, such as Stonehearst Asylum (2014) featuring Michael Kaine, based loosely on the story. B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) was an American writer, poet, editor and literary critic. He is considered a pioneer in the genres of detective fiction, the macabre and science fiction. His numerous short stories include the likes of "The Purloined Letter", and "The Raven" is one of his best-known poems. Edgar Allan Poe's works have been captured throughout popular culture, including films, such as Histoires extraordinaires from 1968, based on Poe's stories and directed by Federico Fellini.

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