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The startling originality of Emily Dickinson's style condemned her poetry to obscurity during her lifetime, but her bold experiments in prosody, her tragic vision, and the range of her intellectual and emotional explorations have since won her international recognition as a poet of the highest order.
Franklin, the foremost scholar of Dickinson's manuscripts, has prepared an authoritative one-volume edition of all extant poems by Emily Dickinson-1,789 poems in all, the largest number ever assembled-rendered with Dickinson's spelling, punctuation, and capitalization intact.
This attractive collection gathers more than 150 of her memorable works. Featuring insights about nature, love, life, death and immortality, these poems are among the best loved in English literature.
'Not knowing when the dawn will come I open every door' Emily DickinsonThe very best of Emily Dickinson's poems in a beautiful gift edition
Another gorgeous copublication with the Christine Burgin Gallery, Emily Dickinson's Envelope Poems is a compact clothbound gift book, a full-color selection from The Gorgeous Nothings.
Hvem var Emily Dickinson? Svaret er enkelt: en af verdens største digtere. Dickinson (1830-1886) voksede op i Amherst, Massachusetts blandt calvinistiske protestanter. Hun rejste sjældent uden for Amherst, men læste med glubende appetit bl.a. kvindeforfattere som Elisabeth Browning, George Eliott og Brontë-søstrene. Allerede som 12-årig viste hun sig som en markant brevskribent, som afslørede en vittig, overraskende og egensindig fantasi. Venskab var umådelig vigtigt for hende, og hendes kærlighed både til mænd og kvinder kommer til udtryk såvel i brevene som i digtene. Hun skrev lidenskabeligt om at være kvinde og digter, om kvinderelationer, om kriser, kærlighed, storhed, svigt – samt solnedgange, så det syder om ørerne på læseren. Kun ti digte fik hun trykt, mens hun levede, men hun blev en bestseller efter sin død. Allerede før sin død blev Emily Dickinson kaldt "Myten". I det stærkt religiøse Amherst nægtede hun hele sit liv at gå i kirke om søndagen. Hun isolerede sig og gik kun i hvide kjoler. En markant selviscenesættelse og anderledeshed udadtil, som sikrede hende arbejdsro indadtil – en vis beskyttelse mod datidens patriarkalske fordømmelse af den nye kvindelige selvbevidsthed – men samtidig skjulte en usikkerhed der måske gjorde, at hun aldrig nåede frem til den forlægger, der faktisk bad om at læse hendes digte, mens hun levede. Hun levede et tilsyneladende afsondret og begivenhedsløst liv – eller gjorde hun? Hendes nærmeste familie gjorde i hvert fald ikke. Det kom der verdenslitteratur ud af.Ved sin død efterlod Emily Dickinson 1775 digte. Bente Clod har udvalgt og oversat 142 digte, som også gengives på amerikansk – samt skrevet en omfattende indledning om den passionerede digter og udgivelsen af hendes digte efter hendes død.
Emily Dickinson's poems are characterized by an unmatched emotional and intellectual intensity that is cast into direct and accessible language of unusual brevity and grace. Some of her poems run for only a few lines but they survey the entire cosmos of human experience, including life and death, solitude and society, morality and nature. Many of her 1,775 poems are devoted to love, which Dickinson expressed from the position of the lover, the beloved, and the poet who marvels how love transports and transforms us. This selection gathers Dickinson's thrillingly unique poetry about the central animating experience of our lives.
Since the dawn of language, poets have celebrated the majestic immensity of Earth’s oceans, the powerful waters that create and destroy, the intense drama and soothing gentleness of waves, the dangerous voyages to distant shores, and the indelible sensory memories set on shifting sandy beaches drenched in sunshine.<br><br>This collection joins the verse of renowned poets with the voices of select modern writers, all inspired by the ceaseless splendor of the sea.<br><br>Includes a reading guide for teachers and book groups, and biographies of the poets inside.<br><br><br>Classic <br><br>Dante Alighieri<br>Joseph Auslander<br>Thomas Lovell Beddoes<br>Elizabeth Barrett Browning<br>George Shepard Burleigh<br>Lord Byron<br>Bliss Carman<br>Stephen Crane<br>H. D.<br>Emily Dickinson<br>A. E.<br>Ralph Waldo Emerson<br>Charlotte Perkins Gilman<br>Arthur Guiterman<br>Thomas Hardy<br>Sadakichi Hartmann<br>Nathaniel Hawthorne<br>Rudyard Kipling<br>Thomas S. Jones, Jr.<br>D. H. Lawrence<br>Eugene Lee-Hamilton<br>Henry Wadsworth Longfellow<br>John Masefield<br>Edna St. Vincent Millay<br>Marianne Moore<br>Thomas Moore<br>John Boyle O’Reilly<br>Eva L. Ogden<br>Ezra Pound<br>Rainer Maria Rilke<br>Dante Gabriel Rossetti<br>Alan Seeger<br>William Shakespeare<br>John Sterling<br>Wallace Stevens<br>Robert Louis Stevenson<br>Sara Teasdale<br>Alfred, Lord Tennyson<br>Walt Whitman<br>Oscar Wilde<br>William Wordsworth<br>William Butler Yeats<br><br><br>Current<br><br>Joel Allegretti<br>Carol Alena Aronoff<br>Janet Barry<br>Sidney Bending<br>Ben Bever<br>Jenny Blackford<br>Eloise Bruce <br>R. T. Castleberry<br>Bill Cushing<br>Lauren Davis <br>Elizabeth Ruth Deyro<br>Agnieszka Filipek<br>Marj Hahne<br>David Holper<br>Gene Hult<br>Clarissa Jakobsons<br>Marjorie Maddox<br>Paul Magrs<br>Lucinda Marshall<br>Stephen McGuinness<br>Leah Mueller<br>Ciarán Parkes<br>Winston Plowes<br>Suzanne S. Rancourt<br>Meg Smith<br>Alec Solomita<br>Alison Stone<br>Larry D. Thacker <br>Lynne Viti<br>
This complete compendium of Emily Dickenson's poetry offers the reader a vivid portrait of one of Massachusetts' most famous and enigmatic poets.Although a greatly talented writer, Emily Dickenson lived most of her life in private seclusion, in contrast to the culture of the time which emphasized community and socializing. Throughout her life, Emily's family ensured her care and comfort; she lived a life characterized by quiet self-seclusion. Emily's early life ensured a great standard of education, with her aunts in particular noting her inclination toward musical and literary interests. Contemporary scholars generally agree that Emily Dickenson's isolation was chiefly the result of a persistent depression. The death of a school principal she admired, and of several friends, plummeted her toward isolation during the prime of her life. Despite her illness, she managed to travel with her family to see life beyond her hometown of Amhurst and publish a few of her poems.
This complete compendium of Emily Dickenson's poetry offers the reader a vivid portrait of one of Massachusetts' most famous and enigmatic poets.Although a greatly talented writer, Emily Dickenson lived most of her life in private seclusion, in contrast to the culture of the time which emphasized community and socializing. Throughout her life, Emily's family ensured her care and comfort; she lived a life characterized by quiet self-seclusion. Emily's early life ensured a great standard of education, with her aunts in particular noting her inclination toward musical and literary interests. Contemporary scholars generally agree that Emily Dickenson's isolation was chiefly the result of a persistent depression. The death of a school principal she admired, and of several friends, plummeted her toward isolation during the prime of her life. Despite her illness, she managed to travel with her family to see life beyond her hometown of Amhurst and publish a few of her poems.
One of American's most distinctive poets, Emily Dickinson scorned the conventions of her day in her approach to writing, religion, and society. Hope Is the Thing with Feathers is a collection of her vast archive of poetry to inspire the writers, creatives, and feminists of today.
Emily Dickinson saw fewer than twenty of her 1,775 poems published during her lifetime: when she died in 1886, her obscurity as a poet was nearly total. Now widely recognized as one of the great American poets of the nineteenth century, she is one of a handful from any period whose enduring stature in the world of letters is matched by the loyal affection of generation after generation of readers. In this distinguished addition to The Essential Poets series, Joyce Carol Oates presents a "personal - yet not private" collection of Dickinson favorites, selecting from relatively obscure works as well as better-known poems to illuminate Dickinson's often unacknowledged range. Oates takes care to introduce us to the poet's subversive playfulness; to her rebellious nature and radical aesthetic; to her gender-bending personae and surprisingly wicked humor. At the heart of this collection, of course, stands the work that made Dickinson's reputation as one of America's great visionary poets: an artist who has written with stoic control and astonishing lucidity about the soul's darkest, most terrifying hours.
Poetry for Kids introduces a young audience to the poetry of Emily Dickinson, with helpful explanatory text and fabulous illustrations.
'It's coming - the postponeless Creature'Electrifying poems of isolation, beauty, death and eternity from a reclusive genius and one of America's greatest writers. One of 46 new books in the bestselling Little Black Classics series, to celebrate the first ever Penguin Classic in 1946. Each book gives readers a taste of the Classics' huge range and diversity, with works from around the world and across the centuries - including fables, decadence, heartbreak, tall tales, satire, ghosts, battles and elephants.
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