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At gå er ikke en sport. Det kræver kun en smule øvelse, men intet udstyr eller penge. Man skal blot have en krop, tid og plads. At gå er også en filosofisk handling og en åndelig erfaring. Hvad hvis man tænker bedst med fødderne? "Gå!" inviterer på lystvandring i filosofi- og kulturhistorien. Kant, Kierkegaard og Nietzsche havde de daglige vandringer tilfælles. Deres tænkning bugter og slynger sig efter meget særlige mønstre, der minder om den måde, de hver især bevægede sig på. Den amerikanske forfatter Thoreau flygtede fra civilisationen ud i skovene, mens Gandhis våben blev den politiske fredsmarch. I vores dage søger det plagede og stressede menneske tilbage til pilgrimsvandringen i håb om at forsvinde ind i landskabet: at krop, sjæl og ånd smelter sammen og bliver et med universet. "Gå!" tager en af kroppens vigtigste funktioner på ordet. Forfatteren viser med poesi og livsindsigt de mange aspekter og betydninger af noget så simpelt som at bevæge sig gennem verden. “En lidenskabelig hyldest til det enkle liv og glæden ved de små ting. Så smukt skrevet: klart, skarpt, præcist.” The Observer Frédéric Gros er professor i filosofi ved Universitetet i Paris. "Gå! En filosofisk fodrejse" er oversat til adskillige sprog.
Following his best-selling A Philosophy of Walking Gros explores the philosophy of disobedience.
Exploring the philosophy of disobedienceThe world is out of joint, so much so that disobeying should be an urgent question for everyone. In this provocative essay, Frédéric Gros explores the roots of political obedience. Social conformity, economic subjection, respect for authorities, constitutional consensus? Examining the various styles of obedience provides tools to study, invent and induce new forms of civic disobedience and lyrical protest. Nothing can be taken for granted: neither supposed certainties nor social conventions, economic injustice or moral conviction.Thinking philosophically requires us never to accept truths and generalities that seem obvious. It restores a sense of political responsibility. At a time when the decisions of experts are presented as the result of icy statistics and anonymous calculations, disobeying becomes an assertion of humanity.To philosophize is to disobey. This book is a call for critical democracy and ethical resistance.
';It is only ideas gained from walking thathave any worth.'Nietzsche In A Philosophy of Walking, a bestsellerin France, leading thinker FredericGros charts the many different wayswe get from A to B the pilgrimage,the promenade, the protest march, thenature rambleand reveals what theysay about us. Gros draws attention to otherthinkers who also saw walking assomething central to their practice.On his travels he ponders Thoreau's eagerseclusion in Walden Woods; the reasonRimbaud walked in a fury, while Nervalrambled to cure his melancholy. Heshows us how Rousseau walked in orderto think, while Nietzsche wanderedthe mountainside to write. In contrast,Kant marched through his hometownevery day, exactly at the same hour, toescape the compulsion of thought.Brilliant and erudite, A Philosophyof Walking is an entertaining andinsightful manifesto for putting onefoot in front of the other.
By charting the history of the philosophy of conflict in Western discourse, the author offers a critique of contemporary notions of war and terror.
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