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Books by George MacDonald Fraser

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    by George MacDonald Fraser

    Harry Flashman: the unrepentant bully of Tom Brown's schooldays, now with a Victoria Cross, has three main talents - horsemanship, facility with foreign languages and fornication. A reluctant military hero, Flashman plays a key part in most of the defining military campaigns of the 19th century, despite trying his utmost to escape them all. 'When all other trusts fail, turn to Flashman' Abraham LincolnIn China in 1860, a lot of people mistakenly put their trust in Flashman: the English vicar's daughter with her cargo of opium; Lord Elgin in search of an intelligence chief; the Emperor's ravishing concubine, seeking a champion in her struggles for power; and Szu-Zhan, the female bandit colossus, as practised in the arts of love as in the arts of war. They were not to know that behind his Victoria Cross, Harry Flashman was a base coward and a charlatan. They took him at face value. And he took them, for all he could, while China seethed through the bloodiest civil war in history and the British and French armies hacked their way to the heart of the Forbidden City...

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    by George MacDonald Fraser

    'There is no doubt that [Quartered Safe Out Here] is one of the great personal memoirs of the Second World War' John KeeganLife and death in Nine Section, a small group of hard-bitten and (to modern eyes) possibly eccentric Cumbrian borderers with whom the author, then nineteen, served in the last great land campaign of World War II, when the 17th Black Cat Division captured a vital strongpoint deep in Japanese territory, held it against counter-attack and spearheaded the final assault in which the Japanese armies were, to quote General Slim, "e;torn apart"e;.

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    by George MacDonald Fraser

    Harry Flashman: the unrepentant bully of Tom Brown's schooldays, now with a Victoria Cross, has three main talents - horsemanship, facility with foreign languages and fornication. A reluctant military hero, Flashman plays a key part in most of the defining military campaigns of the 19th century, despite trying his utmost to escape them all. In addition to the other famous adventures come three episodes in the career of this eminent if disreputable adventurer. Plumbing the depths of dishonour, Flashman's upto his old tricks again. Whether embroiled in aplot to assassinate Emperor Franz-Josef, saving thePrince of Wales from scandal, or being chased by ahorde of Zulus, Harry Flashman never disappoints.

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    by George MacDonald Fraser

    Harry Flashman: the unrepentant bully of Tom Brown's schooldays, now with a Victoria Cross, has three main talents - horsemanship, facility with foreign languages and fornication. A reluctant military hero, Flashman plays a key part in most of the defining military campaigns of the 19th century, despite trying his utmost to escape them all. If only Flashman had got on with his dinner and ignored the handkerchief dropped by a flirtatious hussy in a Calcutta hotel ... Well, American history would have been different, a disastrous civil war might have been avoided, and Flashman himself would have been spared one of the most hair-raising adventures of his misspent life. If only ... But, alas, the arch-rotter of the Victorian age could never resist the lure of a pretty foot. This latest extract of the Flashman Papers soon finds Flashman careering towards the little Virginian town of Harper's Ferry, where John Brown and his gang of rugged fanatics were to fire the first shot in the great war against slavery.

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    by George MacDonald Fraser

    Harry Flashman: the unrepentant bully of Tom Brown's schooldays, now with a Victoria Cross, has three main talents - horsemanship, facility with foreign languages and fornication. A reluctant military hero, Flashman plays a key part in most of the defining military campaigns of the 19th century, despite trying his utmost to escape them all. What caused the Indian Mutiny? The greased cartridge, religious fanaticism, political blundering, yes - but one hitherto unsuspected factor is now revealed to be the furtive figure who fled across India in 1857 with such frantic haste: Flashman. Plumbing new depths of anxious knavery in his role as secret agent extraordinaire, Flashman saw far more of the Great Mutiny than he wanted. How he survived Thugs and Tsarist agents, Eastern beauties and cabinet ministers and kept his skin intact is a mystery revealed here in this volume of The Flashman Papers.

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    by George MacDonald Fraser

    Harry Flashman: the unrepentant bully of Tom Brown's schooldays, now with a Victoria Cross, has three main talents - horsemanship, facility with foreign languages and fornication. A reluctant military hero, Flashman plays a key part in most of the defining military campaigns of the 19th century, despite trying his utmost to escape them all.Many have marvelled at General Napier's daring 1868 expedition through the treacherous peaks and bottomless chasms of Abyssinia to rescue a small group of British citizens held captive by the mad tyrant Emperor Theodore. But the vital role of Sir Harry Flashman, V.C., in the success of this campaign has hitherto gone unrecorded.Flashman's undeserved reputation for heroism renders him the British Army's candidate of choice when it comes to skulking behind enemy lines in Ali Baba attire. After all, who but the great amorist could contemplate navigating a land populated by hostile tribes and the loveliest (and most savage) women in Africa, from leather-clad nymphs with a penchant for torture to a voluptuous barbarian queen with a reputation for throwing disobliging guests to her pet lions?

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    by George MacDonald Fraser

    Harry Flashman: the unrepentant bully of Tom Brown's schooldays, now with a Victoria Cross, has three main talents - horsemanship, facility with foreign languages and fornication. A reluctant military hero, Flashman plays a key part in most of the defining military campaigns of the 19th century, despite trying his utmost to escape them all. Expelled from Rugby for drunkenness, and none too welcome at home after seducing his father's mistress, the young Flashman embarks on a military career with Lord Cardigan's Hussars. En route to Afghanistan, our hero hones his skills as a soldier, duellist, imposter, coward and amorist (mastering all 97 ways of Hindu love-making during a brief sojourn in Calcutta), before being pressed into reluctant service as a secret agent. His Afghan adventures culminate in a starring role in that great historic disaster, the Retreat from Kabul.

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    by George MacDonald Fraser

    Harry Flashman har et veludviklet talent for at hytte sit eget skind og få andre til at klare situationen, når den virkelig er speget. Og det lykkes ham altid at stå med palmerne i hænderne bagefter. Her beretter denne gennemførte charlatan, skørtejæger og kujon med rystende ærlighed om sine oplevelser i Amerika i årene 1848-49.Den britiske forfatter George MacDonald Fraser (1925-2008) er bedst kendt for sin serie af historiske romaner om den kujonagtige levemand og antihelt Harry Flashman, der gør tvivlsom og ufortjent karriere i den britiske hær i 1800-tallet. Han står også bag en række filmmanuskripter blandt andet til James Bond-filmen "Octopussy", "Red Sonja" og "De tre musketerer".

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    by George MacDonald Fraser

    Nærmest ufrivilligt begiver levemanden Harry Flashman sig til Det Fjerne Østen, hvor han – som sædvanlig – efter utrolige eventyr og dramatiske optrin til sidst står som helten med sejrens palmer i sine "renvaskede" hænder.Endnu et stykke af det britiske imperiums brogede historie i et nyt forfriskende perspektiv.Den britiske forfatter George MacDonald Fraser (1925-2008) er bedst kendt for sin serie af historiske romaner om den kujonagtige levemand og antihelt Harry Flashman, der gør tvivlsom og ufortjent karriere i den britiske hær i 1800-tallet. Han står også bag en række filmmanuskripter blandt andet til James Bond-filmen "Octopussy", "Red Sonja" og "De tre musketerer".

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    by George MacDonald Fraser

    Det er meget mod Harry Flashmans vilje, at han i sommeren 1856 forlader Londons fredelige saloner for at rejse til Indien som premiereminister Palmerstons agent. Der er oprørsstemning blandt sepoyerne, og vor helt får brug for sine evner til at optræde forklædt som indfødt og til at opvarte amourøse damer. Men først og fremmest får han brug for sit sikre krysterinstinkt, og som sædvanlig høster han ganske ufortjent hæder for sin foragtelige adfærd.Den britiske forfatter George MacDonald Fraser (1925-2008) er bedst kendt for sin serie af historiske romaner om den kujonagtige levemand og antihelt Harry Flashman, der gør tvivlsom og ufortjent karriere i den britiske hær i 1800-tallet. Han står også bag en række filmmanuskripter blandt andet til James Bond-filmen "Octopussy", "Red Sonja" og "De tre musketerer".

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    by George MacDonald Fraser
    £8.49 - 12.99

    I hele den engelske hær findes der ingen, der er bedre til at fremstå så heltemodig og nobel som kujonen og svindleren Harry Flashman. I 1860 deltager bangebuksen stikmod sin vilje i urolighederne i Kina, hvor han fungerer som spion og sendebud mellem den kinesiske og den fransk-engelske hær. Alligevel finder han tid til at få andre i fedtefadet, mens han slipper uskadt væk, og får fanget op til flere af de skørter, han er så ferm til at jage.Den britiske forfatter George MacDonald Fraser (1925-2008) er bedst kendt for sin serie af historiske romaner om den kujonagtige levemand og antihelt Harry Flashman, der gør tvivlsom og ufortjent karriere i den britiske hær i 1800-tallet. Han står også bag en række filmmanuskripter blandt andet til James Bond-filmen "Octopussy", "Red Sonja" og "De tre musketerer".

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    by George MacDonald Fraser
    £6.99 - 12.99

    Det er hævet over enhver tvivl, at Harry Flashman var en sjuft, en skamløs skørtejæger, en samvittighedsløs slyngel og en kujon af værste skuffe. Det er en beklagelig kendsgerning, at han ikke desto mindre blev modtaget af Hendes Majestæt dronning Victoria og hertugen af Wellington og fejret som imperiets helt. I sine memoirer fra felttoget i Afghanistan afslører han selv, hvordan det egentlig gik til.Den britiske forfatter George MacDonald Fraser (1925-2008) er bedst kendt for sin serie af historiske romaner om den kujonagtige levemand og antihelt Harry Flashman, der gør tvivlsom og ufortjent karriere i den britiske hær i 1800-tallet. Han står også bag en række filmmanuskripter blandt andet til James Bond-filmen "Octopussy", "Red Sonja" og "De tre musketerer".

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    by George MacDonald Fraser

    Harry Flashman: the unrepentant bully of Tom Brown's schooldays, now with a Victoria Cross, has three main talents - horsemanship, facility with foreign languages and fornication. A reluctant military hero, Flashman plays a key part in most of the defining military campaigns of the 19th century, despite trying his utmost to escape them all. When our hero Flashman accepts an invitation from his old enemy, Tom Brown of Rugby, to join in a friendly cricket match, he does not suspect that he is letting himself in for the most desperate game of his scandalous career. What follows is a deadly struggle that sees him scampering from the hallowed wicket of Lord's to the jungle lairs of Borneo pirates; from a Newgate hanging to the torture pits of Madagascar, and from Chinatown's vice dens to slavery in the palace of 'the female Caligula' herself, Queen Ranavalona of Madagascar. Had he known what lay ahead, Flashman would never have taken up cricket seriously.

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    by George MacDonald Fraser

    A game of cards leads Flashman from the jungle death-house of Dahomey to the slave state of Mississippi as he dabbles in the slave trade in Volume III of the Flashman Papers.When Flashman was inveigled into a game of pontoon with Disraeli and Lord George Bentinck, he was making an unconscious choice about his own future - would it lie in the House of Commons or the West African slave trade? Was there, for that matter, very much difference?Once again Flashman's charm, cowardice, treachery, lechery and fleetness of foot see the lovable rogue triumph by the skin of his chattering teeth.

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    by George MacDonald Fraser

    In Volume II of the Flashman Papers, Flashman tangles with femme fatale Lola Montez and the dastardly Otto Von Bismarck in a battle of wits which will decide the destiny of a continent.In this volume of The Flashman Papers, Flashman, the arch-cad and toady, matches his wits, his talents for deceit and malice, and above all his speed in evasion against the most brilliant European statesman and against the most beauiful and unscrupulous adventuress of the era.From London gaming-halls and English hunting-fields to European dungeons and throne-rooms, he is involved in a desperate succession of escapes, disguises, amours and (when he cannot avoid them) hand-to-hand combats.All the while, the destiny of a continent rests on his broad and failing shoulders.

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    by George MacDonald Fraser
    £8.99 - 12.49

    From the author of the ever-popular Flashman novels, a collection of film-world reminiscences and trenchant thoughts on Cool Britannia, New Labour and other abominations.In between writing Flashman novels, George MacDonald Fraser spent thirty years as an "e;incurably star struck"e; screenwriter, working with the likes of Steve McQueen, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Cubby Broccoli, Burt Lancaster, Federico Fellini and Oliver Reed. Now he shares his recollections of those encounters, providing a fascinating glimpse behind the scenes.Far from starry-eyed where Tony Blair & Co are concerned, he looks back also to the Britain of his youth and castigates those responsible for its decline to "e;a Third World country ... misruled by a typical Third World government, corrupt, incompetent and undemocratic"e;.Controversial, witty and revealing - or "e;curmudgeonly"e;, "e;reactionary"e;, "e;undiluted spleen"e;, according to the critics - The Light's on at Signpost has struck a chord with a great section of the public. Perhaps, as one reader suggests, it should be "e;hidden beneath the floorboards, before the Politically-Correct Thought Police come hammering at the door, demanding to confiscate any copies"e;.

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    by George MacDonald Fraser
    £6.99 - 9.99

    Harry Flashman er en kujon af rang, men ved skæbnens ironi føres han lige lukt ind i den ene farlige situation efter den anden, da han meget mod sin vilje må deltage i Krimkrigen. Og det er endda kun den spæde start på de rystende og udmarvende hændelser, skæbnen har tiltænkt ham hovedrollen i…Den britiske forfatter George MacDonald Fraser (1925-2008) er bedst kendt for sin serie af historiske romaner om den kujonagtige levemand og antihelt Harry Flashman, der gør tvivlsom og ufortjent karriere i den britiske hær i 1800-tallet. Han står også bag en række filmmanuskripter blandt andet til James Bond-filmen "Octopussy", "Red Sonja" og "De tre musketerer".

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    by George MacDonald Fraser
    £6.99 - 9.99

    Verdens største slyngel, skørtejægeren, kujonen, spillefuglen, krigshelten, levemanden – kort sagt: Harry Flashman – er igen i aktion. Efter en bordelbatalje møder han den skønne Lola Montez, og det lykkes ham at krænke hendes kavaler, fyrst Otto von Bismarck, grundigt. Og vor helt sætter sit umiskendelige præg på historiens gang, da han involveres i intrigerne omkring de slesvig-holstenske hertugdømmer.Levemand til hest 2Den britiske forfatter George MacDonald Fraser (1925-2008) er bedst kendt for sin serie af historiske romaner om den kujonagtige levemand og antihelt Harry Flashman, der gør tvivlsom og ufortjent karriere i den britiske hær i 1800-tallet. Han står også bag en række filmmanuskripter blandt andet til James Bond-filmen "Octopussy", "Red Sonja" og "De tre musketerer".

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    by George MacDonald Fraser

    The youthful hero, armed with a commission in the 11th Dragoons, is shipped to India, woos and wins the beautiful Elspeth, and reluctantly takes part in the first Anglo-Afghan War, honing a remarkable talent for self-preservation.

  • by George MacDonald Fraser

    Elizabethan England, and a dastardly Spanish plot to take over the throne is uncovered. It's up to Agent Archie Noble to save Queen and country in this saucy and swashbuckling romp from the bestselling author of The Flashman Papers and The Pyrates.Spoiled, arrogant, filthy rich, and breathtakingly beautiful, the young Lady Godiva Dacre is exiled from the court of Good Queen Bess (who can't abide red-haired competition) to her lonely estate in distant Cumberland, where she looks forward to bullying the peasantry and getting her own imperious way. Little does she guess that the turbulent Scottish border is the last place for an Elizabethan heiress, beset by ruthless reivers (many of them unshaven), blackmailing ruffians, fiendish Spanish plotters intent on regime change and turning Merrie England into a ghastly European Union province.And no one to rely on but her half-witted blonde school chum, a rugged English superman with a knack for disaster, and a dashing highwayman who looks like Errol Flynn but has a Glasgow accent. To say nothing of warlocks, impersonators, taxi-drivers riding brooms, burlesque artists, the drunkest man in Scotland, and several quite normal characters - oh, yes, gossips, it's all happening in The Reavers, a moral tale obviously conceived in some kind of fit by Flashman author George MacDonald Fraser ... well, he's getting on, and was bound to crack eventually. He admits (nay, insists) that it's a crazy story for readers who love fun for its own sake.

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    by George MacDonald Fraser

    Now available in ebook format, 'The Pyrates' is a swashbuckling romp of a novel.The Pyrates is all the swashbucklers that ever were, rolled into one great Technicoloured pantomime - tall ships and desert islands, impossibly gallant adventurers and glamorous heroines, buried treasure and Black Spots, devilish Dons and ghastly dungeons, plots, duels, escapes, savage rituals, tender romance and steaming passion, all to the accompaniment of ringing steel, thunderous broadsides, sweeping film music, and the sound of cursing extras falling in the water and exchanging period dialogue. Even Hollywood buccaneers were never like this.

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    by George MacDonald Fraser

    Repackaged to tie-in with hardback publication of 'The Reavers' and to appeal to a new generation of George MacDonald Fraser fans, 'Mr American' is a swashbuckling romp of a novel. Mark Franklin came from the American West to Edwardian England with two long-barrelled .44s in his baggage and a fortune in silver in the bank. Where he had got it and what he was looking for no one could guess, although they wondered - at Scotland Yard, in City offices, in the glittering theatreland of the West End, in the highest circles of Society (even King Edward was puzzled) and in the humble pub at Castle Lancing. Tall dark and dangerous, soft spoken and alone, with London at his feet and a dark shadow in his past, he was a mystery to all of them, rustics and royalty, squires and suffragettes, the women who loved him and the men who feared and hated him. He came from a far frontier in another world, yet he was by no means a stranger... even old General Flashman, who knew men and mischief better than most, never guessed the whole truth about "e;Mr American"e;.

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    by George MacDonald Fraser

    George MacDonald Fraser's hilarious stories of the most disastrous soldier in the British Army - collected together for the first time in one volume.Private McAuslan, J., the Dirtiest Soldier in the Word (alias the Tartan Caliban, or the Highland Division's answer to the Pekin Man) first demonstrated his unfitness for service in The General Danced at Dawn. He continued his disorderly advance, losing, soiling or destroying his equipment, through the pages of McAuslan in the Rough. The final volume, The Sheikh and the Dustbin, pursues the career of the great incompetent as he shambles across North African and Scotland, swinging his right arm in time with his right leg and tripping over his untied laces.His admirers know him as court-martial defendant, ghost-catcher, star-crossed lover and golf caddie extraordinary. Whether map-reading his erratic way through the Sahara by night or confronting Arab rioters, McAuslan's talent for catastrophe is guaranteed. Now, for the first time, the inimitable McAuslan stories are collected together in one glorious volume.

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    by George MacDonald Fraser

    From the author of the famous 'Flashman Papers' and the 'Private McAuslan' stories.An historical narrative about the Anglo-Scottish border raiders in the 16th century

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