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Books by H. G. Wells

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  • by H. G. Wells

    "Aunque supongo que el terror de la isla no me abandonará nunca, a veces se oculta en lo más recóndito de mi mente: una nube lejana, un recuerdo, una leve desconfianza; pero hay momentos en que la nubecilla se extiende y oscurece el cielo por completo. Entonces miro a la gente que me rodea y el miedo se apodera de mí. Veo unos rostros resplandecientes y animados, otros sombríos o peligrosos, otros inseguros, insinceros; ninguno que tenga la reposada autoridad de un alma sensata. Siento que el animal se está apoderando de ellos, que en cualquier momento la degradación de los isleños va a reproducirse a gran escala."En la isla que da título a esta novela ocurren unos siniestros acontecimientos que son la metáfora que H.G. Wells usa para introducirnos al lado oscuro de la ciencia y al cuestionamiento de la ética que hay detrás de los avances científicos y la verdadera esencia de la naturaleza humana.Con el naufragio del protagonista, que llega tras varios días a la deriva a esta isla perdida en medio del Pacífico, descubrimos el recóndito laboratorio donde el Doctor Moreau juega con los límites de la naturaleza humana.Tras haber sido desterrado de la comunidad científica de Londres, cree que aquí está a salvo para llevar a cabo su experimento y transformar en humanos a los animales, a los que denomina " humananimales", engendrando así unas bestias que planean en secreto su levantamiento contra su creador. El Doctor Moreau ignora las consecuencias que sus experimentos le traerán...Considerada un clásico universal, son varias las versiones cinematográficas que se han hecho de ella, destacando la película de 1996 protagonizada por Marlon Brando y Val Kilmer.H. G. Wells fue un reconocido escritor y biólogo inglés. Entre sus obras más reconocidas están La Máquina del Tiempo, La Guerra de los Mundos y la Isla del Dr. Moreau. Fue nominado cuatro veces al premio Nobel de Literatura, y predijo el descubrimiento de aviones, tanques, viaje espacial y la televisión satelital años antes de su existencia.

  • by H. G. Wells

    "Mientras me siento a escribir aquí, en medio de las sombras de las hojas de parra bajo el cielo azul del sur de Italia, me doy cuenta, no sin cierto asombro, de que mi participación en estas asombrosas aventuras del señor Cavor fue, después de todo, el resultado del más puro accidente. Podría haber sido cualquiera."En esta novela, una de las más aclamadas del maestro de la ciencia ficción, H.G. Wells, encontramos el relato del viaje a la Luna que emprenden sus dos protagonistas, Bedford y Cavor. Siendo muy diferentes entre sí, (el señor Bedford es un empresario arruinado, un hombre pragmático que se ha retirado al campo con la intención de escribir una obra de teatro, mientras que el Dr. Cavor es un brillante a la par que excéntrico científico, un hombre siempre perdido en su mundo interior), juntos forman un dúo brillante para emprender una aventura.Deciden viajar a la Luna, gracias a que el Dr. Cavor logra inventar la "favorita", una sustancia anti-gravitatoria compuesta de helio y metales fundidos, con la que consiguen recubrir la nave espacial que los llevará, una vez superadas las primeras dificultades y fracasos, hasta el hasta ahora inexplorado satélite terrestre.En su destino se encontrarán con una civilización extraterrestre, a los que bautizarán como "selenitas", seres organizados en una férrea estructura jerárquica propia de un tiempo medieval, en la que cada habitante ha sido asignado de antemano una tarea a desempeñar.De esta forma, Wells, en vez de recurrir para su investigación a la hora de crear una historia creíble a los escasos y tampoco muy fiables datos técnicos y científicos que se conocían en la época acerca de la Luna, prefiere crear un escenario de fantasía más propicio para una novela de aventuras.Además de las aventuras de los humanos y selenitas, este relato contiene una de las reflexiones constantes en su literatura: hasta dónde el individualismo humano resulta tan peligroso como el colectivismo totalitario, tendencias y actitudes representadas con los distintos personajes y sus conflictos internos.H. G. Wells fue un reconocido escritor y biólogo inglés. Entre sus obras más reconocidas están La Máquina del Tiempo, La Guerra de los Mundos y la Isla del Dr. Moreau. Fue nominado cuatro veces al premio Nobel de Literatura, y predijo el descubrimiento de aviones, tanques, viaje espacial y la televisión satelital años antes de su existencia.

  • by H. G. Wells

    Mr. Cave is an antique shop owner with some curious items in his collection. One of these if an extraordinary crystal egg, which he comes across one evening. Indeed, the egg seems to be a gateway to the planet Mars. This science fiction short story by H. G. Wells dating back to the late 19th century has inspired numerous other literary pieces, as well as radio and television adaptations. "The Crystal Egg" is considered to be a precursor to H. G. Wells' famous science fiction novel "The War of the Worlds" from 1898.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Herbert George Wells (1866-1946), aka H. G. Wells, was an English writer and social critic. Wells wrote in a variety of genres and styles, most famously science fiction. Once called "the Shakespeare of science fiction", his works are full time travel, mad scientists and alternate universes. Wells' short stories and novels have appeared on the screen countless times as film and television adaptations. One of these is "War of the Worlds" (2005) starring Tom Cruise, a film version of Wells’ novel The War of the Worlds.

  • by H. G. Wells

    Holroyd is an unpleasant man who is in charge of a power station supporting an underground electric railway. Azuma-zi is a stranger who arrives from the East and soon finds a job at this power station. Holroyd starts to pick on Azuma-zi, lecturing him against religion and describing the dynamo as the only god. Soon enough, Azuma-zi begins to worship the dynamo, with disastrous consequences. H. G. Wells’ short story "The Lord of the Dynamos" describes a clash of cultures in a hard, industrial setting. The story, which dates back to the late 19th century, is brought to life by B. J. Harrison.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Herbert George Wells (1866-1946), aka H. G. Wells, was an English writer and social critic. Wells wrote in a variety of genres and styles, most famously science fiction. Once called "the Shakespeare of science fiction", his works are full time travel, mad scientists and alternate universes. Wells' short stories and novels have appeared on the screen countless times as film and television adaptations. One of these is "War of the Worlds" (2005) starring Tom Cruise, a film version of Wells’ novel The War of the Worlds.

  • by H. G. Wells

    "The Sleeper Awakes" belongs to the genre of dystopian science fiction, the preferred working ground for Wells. A futuristic Rip-van-Winkle who has been sleeping for more than two hundred years, awakes one day to find himself the richest man alive. All his dreams and prayers have been answered. But his new life is not that peaceful and fortunate. Wells’ dystopian vision openly criticizes the march of progress, human greed, and urbanization. The future London in Graham’s post-sleeping world is not a paradise, but living hell. "The Sleeper Awakes" is a novel that readers might easily relate to Orwell’s "1984" or Fritz Lang’s cinematic masterpiece "Metropolis".H. G. Wells (1866-1946) was an English writer, remembered mostly for his science fiction works. Often described as a futurist, H. G. Wells’s influence cannot be neglected for his works foresaw many technological innovations such as space travel, the atomic bomb, and the Internet. Four times Nobel Prize in Literature nominee, Wells explored a wide array of themes in his works, occupying one of the central seats in the canon of British literature. Some of his best works include the time-travel novel "The Time Machine", the sci-fi adventure novel "The Island of Dr. Moreau", the mankind-versus-aliens novel "The War of the Worlds" and more than seventy short stories.

  • by H. G. Wells

    Quando il vicario del luogo vede uno strano esemplare di uccello, il collezionista che e in lui chiede un intervento immediato. Lo abbatte, ma poi si rende conto che non e un uccello, ma un angelo (dell'arte italiana). Lo porta a casa, e cosi iniziano le loro avventure. Un romanzo fantasy contemporaneo, "e;La Visita Meravigliosa"e; non approfondisce la religione, ma piuttosto l'arte e il mondo interiore dei personaggi. Anche le questioni sociali giocano un ruolo importante nell'atteggiamento del vicario nei confronti dell'angelo, trasformando il romanzo in un pezzo di narrativa struggente e satirica, consigliato a tutti i fan di Wells.-

  • by H. G. Wells

    L'opera dal lungo titolo di H. G. Wells, spesso abbreviata in "e;Anticipazioni"e;, riflette l'infatuazione dell'autore per lo sviluppo industriale all'inizio del XX secolo. Il libro e diventato rapidamente un bestseller, e appartiene a quelle opere di fantasia di Wells che si caratterizzano come "e;previsioni del futuro"e;, trattando temi come la religione, la guerra, i governi, e la pace universale. Organizzato in nove capitoli, il libro presenta la visione del mondo, che non e altro che un prodotto liberale e spesso ingenuo dei tempi, dell'autore in un modo ordinato, anche se a volte orribile.-

  • by H. G. Wells

    "e;L'anima di un vescovo"e; e un romanzo su crisi spirituali, socialismo e religione. Attingendo fortemente al rapporto scismatico di Wells con la religione dopo la Prima Guerra Mondiale, il romanzo mette alla prova la fede di coloro che si fidano sempre meno delle credenze dogmatiche universali. Al tempo stesso mistico, religioso e carico di ingombranti intuizioni teologiche, il libro puo essere facilmente letto come un manuale di domande dell'uomo alla ricerca di Dio e dei vari modi (compresa la tossicodipendenza) attraverso i quali ci si puo avvicinare a Lui.-

  • by H. G. Wells

    Un altro dei libri di Wells sulla propaganda di guerra, "e;La Guerra su Tre Fronti"e; esplora il pacifismo superficiale dell'autore che spesso maschera la sua fede nella guerra come la via migliore verso il futuro. Ricca di fotografie, tavole e altri materiali e documenti bellici, la raccolta di saggi di Wells elogia ancora una volta il socialismo dell'autore e la sua fede nell'aspetto progressista della tecnologia e della scienza. Questo lavoro non fittizio condivide idee simili con "e;What is Coming?"e; per quel che riguarda il commento di Wells sulle conseguenze della guerra. Una bella lettura per i fan di Wells e per i teorici del dopoguerra.-

  • by H. G. Wells

    "La guerra nell'aria" è un romanzo di fantascienza militare profetico, in attesa della guerra aerea durante la prima guerra mondiale. La frenesia intorno all'invenzione degli aerei era forte nell'aria, e Wells non poteva fare a meno di fluire con il resto. Mongolfiere, macchine volanti più pesanti, e molti altri marchingegni si librano liberamente nel romanzo di Wells, offrendo una sinistra sbirciatina a ciò che il futuro potrebbe riservare. Il protagonista, Bert Smallways, è accidentalmente coinvolto nell'azione, proprio alla vigilia della guerra. Un romanzo veloce, avvincente e futuristico, perfetto per gli appassionati di fantascienza e di steampunk.H. G. Wells (1866-1946) era uno scrittore inglese, ricordato soprattutto per le sue opere di fantascienza. Spesso descritto come futurista, l'influenza di H. G. Wells non può essere trascurata per le sue opere che prevedevano molte innovazioni tecnologiche come i viaggi nello spazio, la bomba atomica e Internet. Quattro volte candidato al premio Nobel per la letteratura, Wells ha esplorato una vasta gamma di temi nelle sue opere, occupando uno dei posti centrali del canone della letteratura britannica. Tra le sue opere migliori ci sono il romanzo sui viaggi nel tempo "La macchina del tempo", il romanzo d'avventura fantascientifica "L'isola del dottor Moreau", il romanzo "La guerra dei mondi" e più di settanta racconti.

  • by H. G. Wells

    "e;Nei giorni della cometa"e; e un romanzo di fantascienza di H. G. Wells che ripercorre gli effetti del passaggio di una cometa sull'umanita. In superficie, e una storia di come l'impatto della cometa cambi tutto - i suoi gas innescano una profonda e miracolosa trasformazione dell'umanita. Sotto la superficie, invece, e un racconto di ingiustizia sociale, odio, macchinazioni nefaste e follia. Wells esplora le conseguenze della cometa in termini di relazioni umane, di romanticismo e di stabilire l'utopia a lungo desiderata sulla Terra. Una lettura commovente, avvincente e assolutamente divertente, che i fan della fantascienza gradiranno sicuramente.-

  • by H. G. Wells
    £5.00 - 9.99

    Kun englantilaisen kylän majataloon saapuu tuntematon mies, hänen käytöksessään on paikallisten mielestä jotakin outoa. Pian majatalossa alkaa tapahtua kummia, ja syylliseksi paljastuu samainen mies. Kyseessä on tiedemies Griffin – mies joka pystyy muuttumaan näkymättömäksi kehittämänsä seerumin avulla. Näkymättömyyden turvin Griffin alkaa punoa kaameaa suunnitelmaa: hän haluaa kostaa kokemansa vääryydet vihaamalleen yhteiskunnalle.H. G. Wellsin "Näkymätön mies" on scifi-klassikko vuodelta 1897. Siitä on tehty vuosien saatossa kaksi TV-sarjaa sekä Leigh Whannellin ohjaama elokuva vuonna 2020. Elokuvaa tähdittää Elisabeth Moss.H. G. Wells (1866–1946) oli englantilainen kirjailija, joka kirjoitti erityisesti tieteisromaaneja. Tieteisromaanien lisäksi Wells julkaisi monipuolisesti myös lastenkirjoja ja poliittista kirjallisuutta. Wellsin tunnetuimpia romaaneja ovat "Näkymätön mies", "Maailmojen sota" sekä "Tohtori Moreaun saari". Wells on vaikuttanut laajasti science fiction -genreen.

  • by H. G. Wells

    "Den stjålne bacille og andre tildragelser" var Wells første novellesamling, og alle historierne i den er skrevet i 1894 og 1895 - på samme tid, hvor han fik udgivet sin første roman, "Tidsmaskinen", og hvor hans fantasi sprudlede om kap med hans pen uden at være tynget af noget politisk ærinde. Nogle af dem har tidligere været udgivet på dansk, dels i mere eller mindre obskure novellesamlinger og antologier, dels som avisføljetoner; denne udgave medtager alle femten noveller fra den oprindelige engelske udgave. Samlingen indeholder:Den stjålne bacilleDen forunderlige orkidés blomstringI Avu-observatorietFugleudstopperenEn strudsehandelManden i vinduetHarringays fristelseDen flyvende mandDiamantmagerenÆpyornis-øenDet mærkelige tilfælde med Davidsons øjneDynamoernes HerreIndbruddet i Hammerpond ParkMølletSkatten i skoven

  • by H. G. Wells

    Martians have wanted to invade Earth for some time in order to secure their own survival. They make their way to the new planet, but what they don't realize is that Earth may not be all that suitable for outsiders. H. G. Wells' science fiction novel "The War of the Worlds" dates back to the late 19th century and is one of the first literary works to depict a battle between aliens and humankind. "The War of the Worlds" has even inspired the works of scientists in the field of space travel. Well's story was turned into the 2005 War of the Worlds movie, directed by Steven Spielberg and starring Tom Cruise. Hear the story as read by B. J. Harrison.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Herbert George Wells (1866-1946), aka H. G. Wells, was an English writer and social critic. Wells wrote in a variety of genres and styles, most famously science fiction. Once called "the Shakespeare of science fiction", his works are full time travel, mad scientists and alternate universes. Wells' short stories and novels have appeared on the screen countless times as film and television adaptations. One of these is "War of the Worlds" (2005) starring Tom Cruise, a film version of Wells’ novel The War of the Worlds.

  • by H. G. Wells

    A father and his son visit a magic shop. This is not just any magic shop, but the "genuine" one, as the shop owner points out to the father. The father is not impressed but the boy is mesmerized by what he sees and hears. Yet when one trick turns out to be too real and the father is gripped by something he will not easily forget. H. G. Wells' short story "The Magic Shop" from the early 20th century has been turned into a short fantasy fil, The Magic Shop (1982), and an alternative version as a 1964 episode, also called The Magic Shop, on The Alfred Hitchcock Hour. Now you can listen to the story transformed as an audiobook, narrated by B.J. Harrison.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Herbert George Wells (1866-1946), aka H. G. Wells, was an English writer and social critic. Wells wrote in a variety of genres and styles, most famously science fiction. Once called "the Shakespeare of science fiction", his works are full time travel, mad scientists and alternate universes. Wells' short stories and novels have appeared on the screen countless times as film and television adaptations. One of these is "War of the Worlds" (2005) starring Tom Cruise, a film version of Wells’ novel The War of the Worlds.

  • by H. G. Wells

    B. J. Harrison reads a classic science fiction novel from the late 19th century. In "The Island of Doctor Moreau", a man is rescued from death after a shipwreck, only to face something possibly even more frightening. The island he now faces is inhabited by a mad scientist, who is creating a whole new breed of human-like hybrids. What’s more, his methods are far from pleasant. This science fiction classic is one of H. G. Wells' best-known novels and has been turned into numerous films, including The Island of Doctor Moreau, the 1996 version starring Marlon Brando as the mad scientist. B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Herbert George Wells (1866-1946), aka H. G. Wells, was an English writer and social critic. Wells wrote in a variety of genres and styles, most famously science fiction. Once called "the Shakespeare of science fiction", his works are full time travel, mad scientists and alternate universes. Wells' short stories and novels have appeared on the screen countless times as film and television adaptations. One of these is "War of the Worlds" (2005) starring Tom Cruise, a film version of Wells’ novel The War of the Worlds.

  • by H. G. Wells

    B. J. Harrison breathes new life into the fantastical world of "The Door in the Wall". Wallace is a good student living in London's West Kensington neighborhood with his family. At age five, he finds a mysterious door in the wall. When he enters, he discovers a magical garden where he meets unfamiliar creatures and new experiences. After this discovery, normal life seems far too ordinary, and as he finds the door again throughout his life Wallace finds himself torn between the two different worlds. H. G. Wells' short fantasy story from the early 20th century was turned into a BAFTA-nominated short film in 1957. B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Herbert George Wells (1866-1946), aka H. G. Wells, was an English writer and social critic. Wells wrote in a variety of genres and styles, most famously science fiction. Once called "the Shakespeare of science fiction", his works are full time travel, mad scientists and alternate universes. Wells' short stories and novels have appeared on the screen countless times as film and television adaptations. One of these is "War of the Worlds" (2005) starring Tom Cruise, a film version of Wells’ novel The War of the Worlds.

  • by H. G. Wells

    Winter Wedderburn is an amateur collector of orchids, spending his days peacefully with his housekeeper. One day he invites more adventure into his life and buys an unknown species of orchids brought from the Andaman Islands. Little does he know that purchasing this unusual plant will bring him more adventure than he could ever have dreamt of. "The Flowering of the Strange Orchid" is a short horror story by H.G. Wells from the late 19th century, providing the reader with a most unusual enemy. It was turned into an episode for the 1980s television series Spine Chillers and is now read out loud by B.J. Harrison.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Herbert George Wells (1866-1946), aka H. G. Wells, was an English writer and social critic. Wells wrote in a variety of genres and styles, most famously science fiction. Once called "the Shakespeare of science fiction", his works are full time travel, mad scientists and alternate universes. Wells' short stories and novels have appeared on the screen countless times as film and television adaptations. One of these is "War of the Worlds" (2005) starring Tom Cruise, a film version of Wells’ novel The War of the Worlds.

  • by H. G. Wells

    Graham heraa Lontoossa nukuttuaan kaksisataa vuotta. On vuosi 2100, ja Grahamin nukkuessa yhteiskunta on muuttunut taysin. Valtaa pitaa kahdentoista hengen totalitaristinen neuvosto. Teknisissa asioissa kehitys on ollut huimaa, mutta moraali on rappeutunut. Valvonta tuntuu ylettyvan kaikkialle, ja yksityiselamasta on vain rippeet jaljella. Grahamin 1800-luvun humanistiset arvot eivat sovi yhteen uuden todellisuuden kanssa, ja hanet uhataan jopa surmata. Graham paattaakin liittoutua kapinallisten kanssa, tavoitteenaan valtaa pitavan neuvoston syrjayttaminen."e;Kun nukkuja heraa"e; on H. G. Wellsin dystopiaklassikko vuodelta 1899.-

  • by H. G. Wells

    Pienen englantilaislahion kasvatti Bert Smallways paatyy sattuman oikusta kuumailmapallolennolle Saksan armeijan salaiseen lentotukikohtaan, jossa han tekeytyy lentokonesuunnittelijaksi ja joutuu osaksi Saksan hyokkaysoperaatioita. Seuraa maailmanlaajuinen sodankaynti, joka vie Bertin lukuisille taistelutantereille ja vaikuttaa sotaa ihannoineen nuoren miehen ajatuksiin. H.G. Wellsin vuonna 1908 ilmestynyt romaani oli aikaansa edella kuvatessaan ilmasodankayntia seka modernia lentokoneteollisuutta, jota nahtiin vastaavassa mittakaavassa vasta toisen maailmansodan taisteluissa, liki 30 vuotta myohemmin. -

  • by H. G. Wells

    Tiedemies Cavor tekee merkittavan keksinnon. Han kehittaa "e;cavoriitin"e; eli aineen, joka ei paasta painovoimaa lavitseen. Tasta alkaa uskomaton seikkailu, kun tiedemies Cavor ja liikemies Bedford suuntaavat cavoriitilla paallystetylla pallolla Kuuhun.Kuun pinnalle paastyaan Cavor ja Bedford kohtaavat seleniitat - Kuun alkuperaisasukaskansan. Intoa herattaa myos se, etta Kuusta tuntuu loytyvan kultaa yhta paljon kuin maapallolta rautaa. Mutta ovatko seleniitat niin ystavallisia kuin milta aluksi vaikuttaa? Enta paasevatko Cavor ja Bedford ehjin nahoin takaisin Maahan?-

  • by H. G. Wells

  • by H. G. Wells

    Novel set in WWI Britain; Mr Britling as a writer whose family is caught up in events of the war, and he must re-examine his beliefs and world view.

  • by H. G. Wells

    'The War of the Worlds' is H. G. Wells' most popular novel and is celebrated as one of the most influential and greatest science-fiction stories ever. Its popularity stems largely from the fact that it is one of the earliest stories dealing with an alien invasion on Earth. An army of Martians lands in England and their three-legged robots wreak havoc and destruction upon the unsuspecting civilians. The protagonist is separated from his wife during the onslaught and must defeat the invaders and find his wife. This thrilling novel features non-stop action from the start as the protagonist must journey through a nightmarish world in which aliens are not the only monsters. The novel remains timeless due to its critique of imperialism and its belief that civilisation will turn to other planets once their native resources have been plundered. Well's vivid and terrifying imagery caused widespread panic when 'The War of the Worlds' was broadcast as a radio play in 1938 as people believed the invasion was real. The novel spawned an Academy Award-nominated movie adaptation directed by Steven Spielberg and starring Tom Cruise in 2005. It is clear to see why 'The War of the Worlds' remains influential as it is the definition of a page-turner and should be read by fans of authors such as George Orwell or Frank Herbert.-

  • by H. G. Wells

    Miten kay, kun muukalainen onnistuu varastamaan laboratoriosta koeputken, joka sisaltaa koleraa? Enta kun tuntematon peto hyokkaa tutkijan kimppuun Borneolla sijaitsevassa tahtitornissa? Naiden ja muiden tiede- ja fantasia-aiheisten ajatuskokeiden lopputulos selviaa H. G. Wellsin kertomuksista."e;Varastettu basilli ja muita tapauksia"e; koostuu H.G. Wellsin alun perin aikakauslehdissa julkaistuista scifi- ja fantasianovelleista. Jannittava ja kekselias novellikokoelma tempaa lukijan valittomasti mukaansa ja yllattaa usein humoristisilla kaanteillaan.-

  • by H. G. Wells

    The fantasy and science-fiction stories in this early collection by H. G. Wells deal in extraordinary sarcasm, vividness, and attention to detail. The fantastic go hand in hand with the humorous, the scientific is both dangerous and wondrous, while the protagonists meddle with bacteria, ostriches, or large bat-like creatures. An interesting and thought-provoking anthology, "The Stolen Bacillus and Other Stories" is a multifarious collection that can appeal to all tastes! H. G. Wells was an English writer, remembered mostly for his science fiction works. Often described as a futurist, H. G. Wells’s influence cannot be neglected for his works foresaw many technological innovations such as space travel, the atomic bomb, and the Internet. Four times Nobel Prize in Literature nominee, Wells explored a wide array of themes in his works, occupying one of the central seats in the canon of British literature. Some of his best works include the time-travel novel "The Time Machine", the sci-fi adventure novel "The Island of Dr. Moreau", the mankind-versus-aliens novel "The War of the Worlds" and more than seventy short stories.

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