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God undervisning på universitetet er orienteret mod de studerendes læring. Læringsaktiviteter i undervisningen og mellem undervisningsgangene spiller derfor en stor rolle i universitetspædagogik. Universitetspædagogik rummer erfaringsbaserede og forskningsrelaterede forslag til, hvordan man tilrettelægger, gennemfører, evaluerer og videreudvikler egen undervisningspraksis inden for de rammer som universitetet og forskningsbaseringen danner om undervisningen - hvad enten det drejer sig om traditionelle forelæsnings- og vejledningsaktiviteter, case- og projektarbejde eller e-læring. Forfatterne giver desuden den enkelte underviser redskaber til at overveje sit læringsteoretiske fundament. Bogens hovedafsnit: - Universitet som ramme- Læring og forskningsbaseret undervisning- Planlægning af kurser og lektioner - Gennemførelse af selve undervisningen - Vejledning - Eksamen og evaluering - Undervisningsudvikling for universitetsundervisere.Vi udleverer ikke undervisereksemplarer af denne bog. Universitetspædagogik findes også i engelsk oversættelse: University Teaching and Learning
University Teaching and Learning is based on the notion that good teaching is focused on student learning. Therefore, the central topic of this book is learning activities, both in and between teaching sessions.The book includes experience- and research-based suggestions for how to plan, conduct, evaluate and develop teaching within the framework provided by the university and research, whether this be traditional lectures and supervision tasks; case- and project work, or e-learning. The book furthermore equips the individual teacher with tools to reflect the theoretical foundation of his or her teaching.University Teaching and Learning is written with university teacher training and other introductions to university teaching and learning in mind. In addition to new lecturers, the book is also aimed at the seasoned lecturer looking for inspiration for his or her own, the team s or department s teaching.University Teaching and Learning is co-authored by a number of lecturers, developers and researchers affiliated with the Danish Network for Educational Development in Higher Education.University Teaching and Learning is available in a Danish translation:ædagogik
Learning in Virtual Environments challenges the traditional understanding of teaching and learning as something which exclusively takes place in physical rooms and institutions. Teaching and learning mediated by information and communication technology (ICT) transcend borders of time and space. Throughout the last decade Danish researchers have been in front developing new methods and analyzing the possibilities and limitations of these forms of learning. Their work is presented in this anthology. The special Danish approach to learning in problem oriented project pedagogy frames the book. Possibilities and limitations of the virtual learning environment are seen through different theoretical optics. In the section on didactical design issues such as virtual portfolio and the design of virtual learning environments are presented. The book is finalized by a discussion on research methods. Learning in Virtual Environments is the result of a mutual engagement within the Danish Research Network on Learning and Multimedia. The network has also published the book Learning and Narrativity in Digital Media.
Hvad ligger der i begrebet "e-læring", og hvordan inkorporerer man som underviser e-læring i undervisningen? Læring og it kigger nærmere på, hvordan multimediale medier og internettet kan understøtte læring, undervisning og samarbejde ved hjælp af konkrete eksempler på it-anvendelser med fokus på potentialer, barrierer og faldgruber.Bogen undersøger teknologianvendelserne i sammenhæng med de videregående uddannelsers kompetencefordringer og tegner dermed et billede af teknologiens muligheder og begrænsninger i undervisningen.Artiklerne er tænkt som inspirationstekster, og hver artikel afsluttes med perspektiverende spørgsmål, som inviterer til refleksion og diskussion. Teksterne kan med fordel anvendes som undervisningsmateriale på uddannelser, hvor fokus er på udvikling af it-understøttede læringsmiljøer.
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