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I Henrik Ibsens drama "Lille Eyolf" møder vi Alfred Allmer og hans kone Rita, der har levet i et dysfunktionelt ægteskab, siden deres lille søn, Eyolf, faldt ned fra et bord som spæd og blev lam. Alfred har begravet sig i arbejdet med sin filosofiske afhandling om ’det menneskelige ansvar’, mens Rita stadig begærer Alfred og er jaloux på alle, der kommer ham nær. Da Eyolf drukner i søen efter at være fulgt efter Rottejomfruen, må de to finde en ny måde at være mand og kone på.Den norske dramatiker og digter Henrik Ibsen (1828-1906) er én af de vigtigste forfattere i Det Moderne Gennembrud og regnes som grundlæggeren af det moderne drama med skuespil, der sætter den menneskelige psykologi i centrum og kredser om den fortid, det er så umuligt at flygte fra. Ibsen er verdensberømt for skuespil som "Et dukkehjem", "Peer Gynt" og "Hedda Gabler", men producerede i alt over tyve dramaer, der stadig opføres på teatre over hele verden.
Et dukkehjem er et af Ibsens mest læste og opførte dramaer. Dramaet udspiller sig i et af Københavns velhaverhjem, hvor den skønne Nora udfylder rollen som hustru og moder til perfektion. Men ikke alt er, som det umiddelbart ser ud til. Noras indre forestillinger og forventninger harmonerer ikke med omverdenens realiteter, og hun bliver nødsaget til at tage kampen op med livsløgnen ved mødet med juristen Krogstad, der truer hendes ellers bekymringsløse tilværelse. Noras ægtemand, advokat Helmers holdning til kvindens plads og rolle i samfundet har gjort løgnen til Noras anden natur. Men løgnen er nødt til at få konsekvenser, og Ibsen lader derfor, i løbet af en eneste nat, Nora udvikle sig til selvstændig kvinde med holdninger, der er uforenelige med hendes tidligere dukkerolle."Henrik Ibsen […] har frembragt et mægtigt digterværk af rystende sandhed." – Edvard Brandes, Ude og Hjemme"Ibsen ændrede teatret for altid. Der er selvfølgelig andre måder at lave teater på end hans, men så fundamental var den ændring, han satte i værk, at den vestlige verdens teater aldrig igen er blevet, som det var før Ibsen." – Thomas Bredsdorff (2006)
Ibsen levede et regelmæssigt og tilsyneladende udramatisk liv. Men bag den konventionelle livsstil og lukkede maske fandtes der et nådeløst ironisk og kritisk blik på forstillelsen i det borgerlige samfund. Et dukkehjem (1879) fik en skandaleombrust modtagelse, som skyldtes dets radikale kritik af kvindens rolle i samfund og familie, selvom Ibsen benægtede, at han havde skrevet et drama om kvindesagen. Det overordnede tema er en undersøgelse af frihedens umulighed i det borgerlige samfund.(Store Danske Encyklopædi)
Peer Gynt er den ansvarsløse drømmer og eventyrer, der i en broget karriere svigter alt og alle for egen fordel, fra Gudbrandsdalen via Dovregubbens hal til Sahara og dårekisten i Cairo og tilbage til bygden. Trods alvoren er skildringen både humorisktisk og satirisk.
Meget berømt og handlingsmættet digt af Henrik Ibsen. Terje Vigens skæbne er ubarmhjertig og ubærlig. Men på trods af det tragiske, føler man sig alligevel højnet ved læsningen.Min bedstemor kunne recitere det udenad - det var hun ikke alene om, - så populært var digtet i begyndelsen af 1900-tallet.
On the family estate outside Oslo at the turn of the 19th century, John Gabriel Borkman paces up and down. Once a entrepreneur, he has been reduced to penury following a prison sentence. Trapped in the claustrophobic atmosphere of the house with his family, the suffocation becomes unbearable.
A Doll's House, the three-act play by Henrik Ibsen, which premiered at the Royal Theatre in Copenhagen, Denmark in 1879, is one of the most well-known and frequently performed of modern plays.
Nora Helmer is a dutiful young wife and mother of three children whose attempt to secure her family¿s future may ultimately lead to its destruction. Ibsen¿s play explores female identity and independence in a male dominated society.The Helmer family consists of Torvald and Nora, as well as three children: Ivar, Bobby and Emmy. From the outside, they appear to live a happy and idyllic life. Yet, a secret from Noräs past threatens to destroy everything she loves. One of Torvald¿s employees blackmails Nora, hoping she can influence her husband in the workplace. When she doesn¿t succeed, Torvald is informed of her misdeeds. This leads to a life-changing confrontation that forces Nora to reevaluate her marriage and desire for a family.A Doll's House a one of Ibsen¿s most forward-thinking plays. It was deemed scandalous for its depiction of a wife who prioritizes her own well-being over others. It¿s an insightful examination of how gender roles dominated nineteenth century Europe.With an eye-catching new cover, and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of A Doll¿s House is both modern and readable.
The arrival of Karsten Bernick¿s brother-in-law leads to a series of revelations, exposing a tumultuous history that could destroy his marriage and thriving business empire. To ensure his future, Karsten goes to great lengths to protect his secrets.Karsten Bernick is a successful businessman and prominent figure in a small Norwegian town. While planning his next big venture, he is startled by the arrival of his brother-in-law, Johan Tønnesen. Johan left 15 years earlier after taking the blame for an indiscretion Karsten committed. Now, he plans to clear his name and create a new life for himself. Johan demands Karsten tell the truth so he can get married and start a family. But the ultimatum forces Karsten to make a hasty decision with potentially fatal results.With Pillars of Society, Henrik Ibsen examines the corrupt nature of wealth and status. He questions the origin story of many high-class figures. He illustrates how far some people are willing to go to maintain their privilege.With an eye-catching new cover, and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of Pillars of Society is both modern and readable.
Dr. Thomas Stockmann¿s personal and professional life is attacked after he declares a town¿s water supply is contaminated, which threatens the success of their economy. Ibsen tackles the corruption of local politicians, and their effect on the people.After thorough examination, Dr. Thomas Stockmann discovers an unsettling truth about his town¿s water system. He believes its polluted and attempts to alert the proper authorities. Yet, this revelation threatens the town¿s economy, which depends on the success of its spa business. Stockmann¿s brother is the mayor and wants the story hidden from the public. He conspires with other politicians to protect their investment, despite the doctor¿s warning.With An Enemy of the People, Ibsen criticizes the selfish nature of man. It centers a powerful minority that chooses profit over people. The writer exposes the dangers of honesty in a world fueled by lies.With an eye-catching new cover, and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of An Enemy of the People is both modern and readable.
Halvard Solness is a successful master builder who has acquired both fame and fortune, yet he¿s convinced his greatness will fade with the younger generation. He is committed to retaining his success, despite its negative effect on others.Halvard Solness is an established architect who is well-known throughout his town. Over the years, his professional life has thrived at the expensive of his family. Despite the consequences, his career has become his primary focus. When he meets a young woman named Hilda, she becomes his unofficial muse, inspiring him to tackle new projects. Threatened by the next generation of builders, Halvard derails their progress to maintain his hold.The Master Builder is an intimate portrait of a man driven by insecurity. His need for external validation clouds his judgment leading him to make a series of rash decisions. Ibsen delivers a poignant character study in this brilliant and indelible work.With an eye-catching new cover, and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of The Master Builder is both modern and readable.
Helen Alving is a widow whös committed to protecting her son from his father¿s unsavory past which was marked by a string of extramarital affairs. She doesn¿t want her son to be affected by his scandalous choices.After her husband¿s death, Helen Alving decides to dedicate an orphanage in his memory. She uses the project to drain his estate, so their son Oswald won¿t retain any of his fortune. Instead, she plans to bequeath only her money, free from her husband¿s influence. Yet Oswald¿s health is failing, having inherited a disease from his father. As the pain progresses, Oswald decides to take matters into his own hands. He asks his mother to inject him with a fatal dose of medication to end his suffering once and for all.In Ghosts, Ibsen covers multiple controversial topics. At the time of its production in 1882, it was immediately criticized for its subject matter. The play destroys the façade of the traditional family, speaking freely about infidelity, incest and venereal disease.With an eye-catching new cover, and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of Ghosts is both modern and readable.
Hedda Gabler is a disillusioned wife who plans to advance her husband¿s career by lying, cheating and stealing from his competitor to ensure his success. Driven by greed and ego, Heddäs plan takes a dark and unexpected turn.Hedda Gabler is married to George Tesman, a professional academic who¿s eager to excel in his career. He finds unexpected competition from Eilert Lövborg, a writer and Heddäs former lover. In an effort to improve George¿s chances, she steals Eilert¿s manuscript after he unintentionally leaves it out. This leads to a series of unfortunate events that drastically changes the outcome of their professional and personal lives.Hedda Gabler is a cautionary tale about the dire consequences of cynicism and betrayal. Despite her intentions, Heddäs behavior has a negative impact on everyone she loves, including herself. It¿s a story full of twists and turns that comes to a shocking end.With an eye-catching new cover, and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of Hedda Gabler is both modern and readable.
While vacationing at a spa, a sculptor, who's unhappily married, encounters a former model whose love he rejected in favor of a more successful career. As the pair reconnects, they gradually rekindle their relationship, leading them down a dark and dangerous path.Arnold Rubek is a famous and wealthy sculptor who feels trapped in a mundane marriage. He and his wife Maia are visiting a spa, when he stumbles across a former model named Irena. She's an old muse who worked with Arnold earlier in his career. Irena was in love with him, but he rejected her to focus on his work. Since then, she's struggled with madness and a preoccupation with death. Despite the warning signs, Arnold's pursuit of Irena comes to a volatile conclusion. When We Dead Awaken is Henrik Ibsen's final play. It's a story about the disillusion of success and a fixation on the past. The characters work as active participants in their own demise. It's a cautionary tale with haunting themes and an unforgettable outcome.With an eye-catching new cover, and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of When We Dead Awaken is both modern and readable.
Johannes Rosmer is a respected member of a conservative community, who's criticized for his close friendship with a young woman following his wife's untimely death. Johannes' unconventional living situation, paired with his growing liberal beliefs, becomes a cause for concern.A year after his wife Beata's suicide, Johannes Rosmer, is sharing his home with another woman. Rebecca, Beata's longtime friend, has been a source of support helping Rosmer through his grief. Although they've maintained a respectful distance, their relationship is questioned by the general public. Rector Kroll, Rosmer's brother-in-law, is offended by his living arrangement and new progressive attitude. The constant criticism pushes Rosmer to make a drastic life-changing decision. Henrik Ibsen's Rosmersholm is a family tragedy fueled by guilt. Two people are forced to acknowledge their part in a loved one's demise. It's a series of eye-opening revelations that lead to a shocking conclusion.With an eye-catching new cover, and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of Rosmersholm is both modern and readable.
Nora vive con su esposo, Torvaldo Helmer, y sus tres hijos felizmente sin ninguna preocupación. Además, Trovaldo asumirá en el año nuevo el puesto de director de un banco. Todo parece perfecto, pero Nora guarda un profundo secreto que le confiesa su amiga Linde. Años atrás, su esposo estaba a punto de morir, necesitaba cambiar de clima, pero les era económicamente imposible pagar un viaje. En ese entonces, Nora le hizo creer a Torvaldo, quien ignoraba su propia enfermedad, que su agonizante padre les había dado el dinero, pero en realidad, lo había tomado prestado de Krogstad, el procurador, falsificando la firma de su padre muerto. Este es el comienzo de un intenso drama que refleja el rol de la mujer en la sociedad de ese entonces, trata temas como el honor, el chantaje, el amor, la realización individual, y provee una fuerte crítica a las normas matrimoniales del siglo XIX.Henrik Ibsen (1828-1906) fue un dramaturgo y poeta noruego. Es considerado el más importante dramaturgo de Noruega y uno de los autores más influyentes de la dramaturgia moderna, padre del drama realista moderno. Su obra fue muy avanzada para su tiempo, cuestionaba los valores sociales imperantes de la época victoriana tales como el modelo de familia y de sociedad dominantes. Sus obras siguen vigentes y es uno de los dramaturgos no contemporáneos más representados en la actualidad.
Master Builder Halvard Solness is an ageing architect who has not achieved what he wanted, neither in art nor in love. He fears and bullies his juniors, and thinks he is going mad. His wife and mistress try to care for him as best they can, without themselves getting hurt in return. The situation is further fraught by the arrival of young and seductive Hilda Wangel, who also plays a part in Ibsen's previous drama "The Lady from the Sea." The Norwegian playwright and poet Henrik Ibsen (1828-1906) is one of the founders of Modernism in theatre, creating a genre that puts human psychology at the center of the plot, and stories that revolve around a past that is impossible to escape. Ibsen is the second most performed playwright, right after Shakespeare, and is world famous for plays such as "A Doll's House," "Peer Gynt" and "Hedda Gabler." He wrote over a twenty plays, which have gone on to be performed on scenes across the globe.
In Henrik Ibsen's play "Little Eyolf" we meet Alfred Allmer and his wife Rita, whose marriage and relationship has been strained ever since their son, Eyolf, fell from a table as an infant and became lame. Alfred has been burying himself in work, writing his philosophical thesis on 'human responsibility’. Meanwhile, Rita still feels a lot of desire towards Alfred and is jealous of everyone who comes near him. But when little Eyolf is lured away by the Rat-Wife and drowns in a lake, the couple must learn how to be husband and wife all over again.The Norwegian playwright and poet Henrik Ibsen (1828-1906) is one of the founders of Modernism in theatre, creating a genre that puts human psychology at the center of the plot, and stories that revolve around a past that is impossible to escape. Ibsen is the second most performed playwright, right after Shakespeare, and is world famous for plays such as "A Doll's House," "Peer Gynt" and "Hedda Gabler." He wrote over a twenty plays, which have gone on to be performed on scenes across the globe.
Henrik Ibsenin naytelman keskiossa on rikas ja tekopyha liikemies Karsten Sternick. Sternickin liiketoimet sujuvat erinomaisesti, kunnes hanen siskonsa veli Johan Tonnesen palaa kaupunkiin. Tonnesenin paluu uhkaa paljastaa epamiellyttavia asioita Sternickin menneisyydesta. Pelastaakseen oman nahkansa Sternick kehittaa ovelan juonen, jonka ansiosta Tonnesenin paivat ovat lahes varmasti luetut. Suunnitelma menee kuitenkin pahasti pieleen - merikelvottoman aluksen kyytiin paatyy Tonneseninin sijasta Sternickin oma poika. Miten pojan kay, enta saako paha palkkansa?Henrik Ibsenin "e;Yhteiskunnan pylvaat"e; on naytelmakirjallisuutta mullistanut moderni naytelma. Naytelman teemoja ovat naisten asema yhteiskunnassa ja nuorten kapinointi vanhempaa sukupolvea kohtaan. -
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