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Books by Henry David Thoreau

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    by Henry David Thoreau

    WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY BENJAMIN MARKOVITSIn 1845 Thoreau, a Harvard-educated 28-year-old, went to live by himself in the woods in Massachusetts.

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    - Livet i skovene
    by Henry David Thoreau
    £4.00 - 4.99

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    by Henry David Thoreau

    Henry David Thoreau is considered one of the leading figures in early American literature, and Walden is without doubt his most influential book. It recounts the author's experiences living in a small house in the woods around Walden Pond near Concord in Massachusetts. Thoreau constructed the house himself, with the help of a few friends, to see if he could live 'deliberately' - independently and apart from society. The result is an intriguing work which blends natural history with philosophical insights, and includes many illuminating quotations from other authors. Thoreau's wooden shack has won a place for itself in the collective American psyche, a remarkable achievement for a book with such modest and rustic beginnings.Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure.

  • by Henry David Thoreau

  • by Henry David Thoreau

    Based on the 1854 edition of "Walden", this work includes emendations taken from Thoreau's draft manuscripts, with his own markings on page proofs, and notes in his personal copy of the book. This work includes: Introduction, which places Thoreau's life and achievement in context; Notes on the Text; an Afterword by the editor; and, a Bibliography.

  • by Henry David Thoreau

    In addition to the texts of "Walden" and "Civil Disobedience", this title reprints the important works, "Slavery in Massachusetts", "Walking" and "Wild Apples". It includes the best critical writing on the texts by nineteen contributors.

  • by Henry David Thoreau
    £7.99 - 13.49

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    - Life in the Woods
    by Henry David Thoreau

    Experience a year in the life of Thoreau at Walden Pond in this classic work. Visit the bean-field, the village, and the ponds; learn about our brute neighbors, the higher laws of nature and humankind, and the benefits of reading and solitude.

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    by Henry David Thoreau

  • by Henry David Thoreau

    Nature was a form of religion for naturalist, essayist, and early environmentalist Henry David Thoreau (1817 62). In communing with the natural world, he wished to "live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and learn what it had to teach." Toward that end Thoreau built a cabin in the spring of 1845 on the shores of Walden Pond on land owned by Ralph Waldo Emerson outside Concord, Massachusetts. There he observed nature, farmed, built fences, surveyed, and wrote in his journal.One product of his two-year sojourn was this book a great classic of American letters. Interwoven with accounts of Thoreau's daily life (he received visitors and almost daily walked into Concord) are mediations on human existence, society, government, and other topics, expressed with wisdom and beauty of style.Walden offers abundant evidence of Thoreau's ability to begin with observations on a mundane incident or the minutiae of nature and then develop these observations into profound ruminations on the most fundamental human concerns. Credited with influencing Tolstoy, Gandhi, and other thinkers, the volume remains a masterpiece of philosophical reflection."

  • by Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau & Mark Twain

    ‘300 Quotes from American Writers’ is a carefully crafted collection of quotes from three of America’s greatest-ever writers, Mark Twain, Henry David Thoreau, and Ralph Waldo Emerson.Between them, they are responsible for some of the world’s most famous literary works, ranging from Emerson’s essay ‘The Poet’ and Mark Twain’s ‘The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn’ to Henry Thoreau’s ‘Walden’.This carefully crafted collection is guaranteed to inspire, amuse, and entertain, and it is ideal for those needing some extra encouragement throughout their day.Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 –1882) was an American philosopher, abolitionist, essayist and poet who was a leading figure in the mid-19th century transcendentalist movement. his most famous works include the essays ‘Self-Reliance’, ‘The Poet’, ‘Nature’ and ‘Experience’.Mark Twain (1835 – 1910) was an American writer, humourist and publisher. He’s best remembered for his famous novels, ‘The Adventures of Tom Sawyer’ (1876) and its sequel, ‘Adventures of Huckleberry Finn’ (1884), often called the ‘Greatest American Novel’.Henry David Thoreau (1817–1862) was an American naturalist, poet, and philosopher. He is best known for his masterpiece ‘Walden’, and the influential essay ‘Civil Disobedience’.

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    by Henry David Thoreau, Friedrich Nietzsche, Alexis De Tocqueville, et al.

    600 citations de la philosophie politique

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    by Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau & Mark Twain

    300 citations d'écrivains américains

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    by Ralph Waldo Emerson, Søren Kierkegaard, Friedrich Nietzsche, et al.

    500 citations des grands philosophes du XIXe siècle

  • by Beaumarchais, Nicolas de Chamfort, Georg Christoph Lichtenberg, et al.

    3500 citations ultimes

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    by Henry David Thoreau

    La résistance et la désobéissance civile ? Un sujet toujours d'actualité. De nos jours, les Indignés, les Anonymous, les Zadistes et tant d'autres citoyens engagés et parfois révoltés veulent exprimer leurs convictions citoyennes en s'affranchissant des traditionnels relais politiques, dans un désir de démocratie directe engagée. Tous ces collectifs engagés sont des descendants spirituels de " La Désobéissance civile ", un essai de Henry David Thoreau publié en 1849. Thoreau écrit sur le thème de la désobéissance civile en se fondant sur son expérience personnelle. En juillet 1846, il est emprisonné pour n'avoir pas, volontairement, payé un impôt à l'État américain. D'après lui, l'Etat ne représentait pas ses convictions : notamment en faisant la guerre contre le Mexique et en soutenant à l'époque l'esclavage, dans les Etats du Sud. Il ne passe qu'une nuit en prison, car son entourage paie la caution, ce qui le rend furieux. Avec le Discours de la servitude volontaire d'Étienne de La Boétie, La Désobéissance civile est un ouvrage fondateur du concept de désobéissance civile.

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    by Henry David Thoreau

    Henry David Thoreau is a beloved American author, poet and philosopher. He was a lifelong abolitionist, advocate of civil disobedience againts unjust or corrupted goverments, and he defended the idea of abandoning illusory matters in favor of simple living, in order to discover life's authentic essential needs. He is best known for Walden, or Life in the woods, the book he wrote during his two-year experiment in minimalist living: having built himself a cabin in the woods, he stayed there to study, write, and enjoy his newfound communion with nature. His political works and theory of civil disobedience have influenced the thoughts and actions of many prominent figures, such as Leo Tolstoy, Mahatma Gandhi, and Martin Luther King, Jr. We have selected for you 100 of Thoreau's most insightful quotes, for you to approach the essence of his philosophy, gain better understanding of a citizen's moral duty, and appreciate fully a life cleared of illusions.

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    by Henry David Thoreau

    Henry David Thoreau : auteur incontournable pour qui se pose la question de la vie juste. Poète et philosophe américain, partisan de l'abolition de l'esclavage, défenseur de la désobéissance civile face à un gouvernement corrompu, Thoreau est aussi précurseur du mouvement de la simplicité volontaire. "Walden ou la vie dans les bois" fut écrit dans une cabane qu'il avait lui-même construite au fond de la forêt, et où il redécouvrit la vie en communion avec la nature. On y trouve des réflexions fondamentales sur la vie en conscience, la nécessité de reconnaître et d'abandonner l'illusoire pour mieux vivre l'essentiel, et ce qui fait la vie juste pour qui est capable de s'y consacrer pleinement. Les idées politiques de Thoreau inspirèrent des figures majeures de l'Histoire, de Martin Luther King à Gandhi, en passant par Léon Tolstoï. Ces 100 citations vous familiariseront avec sa pensée, pour vous permettre d'approcher l'essence de sa philosophie, de mieux comprendre le devoir moral d'un citoyen, et de mieux apprécier une vie débarrassée de ses illusions parasites.

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    by Baruch Spinoza, Henry David Thoreau, Sun Tzu, et al.

    Plongez au coeur de la philosophie politique en vous familiarisant avec ses penseurs incontournables. Nicolas Machiavel, penseur humaniste de la Renaissance, a laissé derrière lui une légende noire avec Le Prince, traité qui fait résonner douloureusement la politique et la morale. Spinoza, celui que Deleuze appelait "le Prince des philosophes", provoqua aussi la controverse en ouvrant la possibilité de critiquer la pensée religieuse, et en défendant une pensée de Dieu fondée sur la logique plutôt que sur le dogme. Le Discours sur les fondements de l'inégalité parmi les hommes, de Jean-Jacques Rousseau, est resté l'un des fondements de la pensée politique moderne comme son Contrat Social. Henry David Thoreau écrit sur le thème de la désobéissance civile en se fondant sur son expérience personnelle, ce qui inspirera d'innombrables mouvements en quête de démocratie directe engagée jusqu'à aujourd'hui. Le général, stratège et philosophe Sun Tzu a inspiré les plus grandes figures militaires et politiques, en passant par l'entreprenariat ; l'Art de la guerre est fait de maximes qui peuvent s'appliquer tant au champ de bataille qu'au quotidien. Karl Marx a marqué l'Histoire en donnant une doctrine au prolétariat et en érigeant la lutte des classes en système ; sa pensée est toujours au coeur des luttes idéologies contemporaines. Chaque philosophe voit sa pensée résumée en 100 citations essentielles, marquantes et faciles à mémoriser. Ce format concis et accessible est idéal pour la préparation aux examens et aux concours (bac, capes, agrégation...), la culture générale et le développement personnel.

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    by Henry David Thoreau & Mahatma Gandhi
    £5.99 - 10.49

    Can justice be forced on individuals and communities? The essays in this collection by Henry David Thoreau urge us to consider the difficult matter of how to counter the specific injustice manifested in the practice of buying and selling human beings and how to implement laws and practices that help establish justice. Of the many philosophical ideas Thoreau explores, the central concern is how to end slavery and provide justice for all. It is no surprise to find Thoreau defending the idea of civil disobedience, but his defense of John Brown, who used violence, including murder, commands our attention. The Civil Rights movement of the 1960s and 1970s in the U.S. was heavily influenced by the rhetoric, the actions, and the overall philosophy of Martin Luther King, Jr., who famously combined civil disobedience and nonviolent action under the strong influence of Mohandas K. Gandhi. Although Gandhi staunchly defends and promotes the use of nonviolence, he is quick to condemn inaction as an even greater evil than violence. If forced to choose between doing nothing and using violence, he would choose violence; but his many writings and speeches are designed to show that we almost always have a nonviolent alternative to oppose injustice and foster justice.The lives of more than a billion residents of India have been profoundly shaped by the ideas Gandhi presents and defends in these selections from MY NONVIOLENCE. The liberation of India from British colonialism and the establishing of what Gandhi called "home rule" is powerful evidence of the role nonviolence can play in bringing about justice and eliminating injustice. Gandhi addresses not only matters of race and skin color but also the caste system and the social stratification that currently pervade the entire globe. These works by Thoreau and Gandhi consider the best way to promote justice and goodness not in utopia but in the actual world where we live. The primary goal of Agora Publications is not to answer such controversial questions by taking sides but to provide access to philosophical works that promote such dialogue.Henry David Thoreau (July 12, 1817 - May 6, 1862) was an American philosopher who wrote about nature, social and political issues, and human existence in general. He worked closely with other transcendentalist thinkers such as Ralph Waldo Emerson and Margaret Fuller. Thoreau is best known for his book Walden, a reflection upon simple living in natural surroundings; his essay "Civil Disobedience" offers arguments for disobedience to an unjust state.Mohandas K. Gandhi (October 2, 1869 - January 30, 1948) was an Indian philosopher who was formally educated as a lawyer. He initially taught and practiced nonviolent resistance in South Africa and then led the successful campaign for India's independence from British rule. His actions and his writings inspired movements for civil rights and freedom throughout the globe.

  • by Henry David Thoreau

    "e;If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours."e;Here is Henry David Thoreau's classic work of personal experimentation and nonconformist living, Walden, presented in a special condensation with a new introduction by PEN Award-winning historian Mitch Horowitz This concise journey to Thoreau's cabin in the woods provides you with the most stirring ideas of his original, with its celebration of simple living, self-sufficiency, and following your own inner compass. "e;Read Walden not because it is old and venerated,"e; Mitch writes in his new introduction. "e;Read it because it summons you to all that is new within yourself."e; When you finish this work you will have a better sense of your own direction in life.

  • by Henry David Thoreau
    £8.99 - 13.99

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    by Henry David Thoreau

    Desobediencia civil es un ensayo de Henry David Thoreau sobre la relación entre ciudadanos y gobierno. Thoreau argumenta que los ciudadanos tienen la obligación moral y democrática de oponerse a los gobiernos que actúan en contra de su conciencia. Thoreau escribió este ensayo en el contexto de su desprecio y oposición a la esclavitud.Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) fue un escritor, poeta y filósofo estadounidense, de tendencia trascendentalista y origen puritano. Fue agrimensor, naturalista y fabricante de lápices. Es considerado uno de los padres fundadores de la literatura estadounidense y reconocido por sus obras Walden y La desobediencia civil.

  • - The Duty of Civil Disobedience, Spanish dition
    by Henry David Thoreau

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