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Henry James's masterpiece, and widely considered to be the greatest ghost story ever written, The Turn of the Screw remains the apogee of suspenseful, haunting writing in the English language. This new edition of The Turn of the Screw offers students the definitive text and extensive appendices
The Ambassadors is a novel by Henry James. This dark comedy, seen as one of the masterpieces of James's final period, follows the trip of protagonist Lewis Lambert Strether to Europe in pursuit of Chad Newsome, his widowed fiancée's supposedly wayward son; he is to bring the young man back to the family business, but he encounters unexpected complications. The third-person narrative is told exclusively from Strether's point of view. The theme of liberation from a cramped, almost starved, emotional life into a more generous and gracious existence plays throughout The Ambassadors, yet it is noteworthy that James does not naïvely make of Paris a faultless paradise for culturally stunted Americans. Strether learns about the reverse of the European coin when he sees how desperately Marie fears losing Chad, after all she has done for him. As one critic proposed, Strether does not shed his American straitjacket only to be fitted with a more elegant European model, but instead learns to evaluate every situation on its merits, without prejudices. The final lesson of Strether's European experience is to distrust preconceived notions and perceptions from anyone and anywhere, but to rely upon his own observation and judgment. Henry James (1843-1916) was an American-British writer who spent most of his writing career in Britain. He is regarded as one of the key figures of 19th-century literary realism.
Kate Croy and Merton Densher are two betrothed Londoners who desperately want to marry but have very little money. Into their world comes Milly Theale, an enormously rich young American woman who had previously met and fallen in love with Densher, although she has never revealed her feelings. Kate welcomes Milly to London, and the American heiress enjoys great social success. However, after a visit to an eminent doctor, Milly discovers that she suffers from an incurable disiese.
"e;I'm a fearful, frightful flirt! Did you ever hear of a nice girl that was not?"e;This edition contains two of Henry James's most popular short works. Travelling in Europe with her family, Daisy Miller, an exquisitely beautiful young American woman, presents her fellow-countryman Winterbourne with a dilemma he cannot resolve. Is she deliberately flouting social convention in the outspoken way she talks and acts, or is she simply ignorant of those conventions? In Daisy Miller Henry James created his first great portrait of the enigmatic and dangerously independent American woman, a figure who would come to dominate his later masterpieces.Oscar Wilde called James's chilling The Turn of the Screw 'a most wonderful, lurid poisonous little tale'. It tells of a young governess sent to a country house to take charge of two orphans, Miles and Flora. Unsettled by a sense of intense evil within the houses, she soon becomes obsessed with the belief that malevolent forces are stalking the children in her care.The Penguin English Library - 100 editions of the best fiction in English, from the eighteenth century and the very first novels to the beginning of the First World War.
'The apparition had reached the landing half-way up and was therefore on the spot nearest the window where, at the sight of me, it stopped short'The Turn of the Screw tells the story of a young governess sent to a country house to take charge of two orphans. Unsettled by a sense of intense evil in the house, she soon becomes obsessed with the idea that something malevolent is stalking the children in her care.Includes a new introduction by David Bromwich examining the novel's dark ambiguity.
Considered by many as one of the finest novels in the English language, The Portrait of a Lady is both a dramatic Victorian tale of betrayal and a wholly modern psychological study of a woman caught in machinations she only comes to understand too late. This new edition usefully tracks the major textual changes James made for his New York Edition.
Fortællingen om en anonym litterats besættelse af at få fat i den berømte forfatter Jeffrey Asperns kærlighedsbreve. I et forsøg på at få adgang til dokumenterne, der tilhører Asperns tidligere elskerinde, lejer han et værelse i en gammel venetiansk villa, hvor kvinden bor med sin aldrende niece. Ført af sin besættelse bliver han mere og mere skrupelløse i sin adfærd, så han til sidst står over for enten at opgive sit brændende ønske eller at opnå det ved en overvældende pris. Fortællingen er inspireret af en faktisk hændelse med Lord Byrons elskerinde Claire Clairmont.
Dette er historien om den smukke unge amerikanske Daisy, der med sin umiddelbare væremåde kommer så galt af sted i datidens bornerte og stive Italien. Den gamle og den ny verden støder sammen her i skildringen af den ligefremme amerikanerindes besøg i Europa, hvor hun på grund af sin uskyld og naive tilgang til verden bliver opfattet uanstændig.
Ny oversættelse af den berømte klassiker. Historien om den unge og lidet attraktive Catherine Sloper, der pludselig bliver genstand for en smuk ung mands tilnærmelser. Catherines far mistænker bejleren, Morris Townsend, for at være ude efter Catherines penge og sætter sig imod ægteskabet, idet han kynisk udnytter sin datters forgudelse af sig. Catherines romantiske tante, derimod, er dybt indtaget af Morris og søger med alle midler at få forbindelsen fuldbyrdet.Omringet af tre viljestærke skikkelser må Catherine søge ukendte indre ressourcer og træffe et valg, der uanset hvad vil kræve et tungt offer.Henry James (1843-1916) er en af romankunstens største navne, og Washington Square et af hans mest elskede værker. Bogen er med Graham Greenes ord “den eneste roman, hvor en mand med held er trængt ind på det kvindeliges område og har skabt litteratur på niveau med Jane Austens.”Pressen om Washington Square:“Værket, der oprindeligt blev skrevet som en populær magasinføljeton, kan sagtens fange nutidige læsere. Stor litteratur går aldrig af mode.”– Berlingske Tidende“Washington Square er stadig den tidlige Henry James i noget nær miniature, men mens vi venter på at nogle forlag dog tør binde an med f. eks. Wings Of The Dove, The Ambassadors og The Golden Bowl kan den ikke anbefales nok.”– Jyllands-Posten“Henry James sætter ethvert fromt livssyn i krise på sin elegante, realistiske og finslebne prosas kirurgiske specialafdeling.”– Nordjyske Stiftstidende”Washington Square” er en fin lille roman, der i både plot og humor får en til at tænke på Jane Austen. Den er skrevet i et direkte, næsten tilbagelænet sprog milevidt fra den overlæssede stil, der præger James’ senere værker. Så nye læsere kan begynde her.– Fyens Stiftstidende“Henry James er berømt for sin særlige synsvinkelteknik. Han har her ikke valgt side, men gør så objektivt som muligt rede for den dramatiske persontrekant i forhold til den unge selskabsløve Morris. (…) Og det hele med en insisterende alvor og tør humor, som løfter denne lille roman op i mesterklassen.”- Information“Som altid hos James står temaerne i kø, og fortolkningsmulighederne er mange. Hvilken rigdom er der ikke i sådan en lille roman med en sympatisk alvidende fortæller – Washington Square er henrivende gammeldags og besættende moderne på samme tid.”- Kristeligt Dagblad“En usædvanlig forfriskende og underholdende oplevelse (…). Henry James overgår sig selv”- Weekendavisen
Ny oversættelse af den berømte klassiker. SØSKENDEPARRET Eugenia og Felix Young er opvokset i Europa, men har rødder i det amerikanske via deres mor. Da Eugenias ulige ægteskab med en tysk fyrste går i vasken, vælger de to søskende at drage sammen til USA, til deres slægtninge i Boston, for at søge lykken – og kærligheden – dér.Mødet med de fjerne slægtninge er dog ikke uden problemer. De puritanske amerikanere er på én gang overvældede af og tilbageholdne over for de både livlige og kultiverede europæere, mens disse omvendt forundres over New Englands provinsialisme og deres families strenge livssyn.Med stor psykologisk indsigt og en diskret, underspillet humor skildrer den amerikanske mesterforfatter Henry James livet i den nye familiekreds og de spændinger, der opstår, efterhånden som de kulturelle og mentale forskelle bliver tydeligere, samtidig med at nye følelsesmæssige bånd knyttes på kryds og tværs.EUROPÆERNE udkom oprindelig i 1878. Den foreligger her på dansk for første gang.Den amerikanske forfatter Henry James (1843-1916) skrev mellem 1870 og 1904 en række romaner og noveller, der har givet ham status som en af epokens største prosaister og en eminent skildrer af den menneskelige psyke.James rejste livet igennem frem og tilbage mellem Europa og USA og var stærkt optaget af forskellene mellem det gamle og det unge kontinent, noget, som han tematiserede i flere af sine bøger.Hans værker tæller bl.a. romanerne The Portrait of a Lady, The Wings of the Dove, Skruen strammes og Washington Square. Sidstnævnte udkom for første gang på dansk i 2009 på Rosenkilde & Bahnhof.
En ung præstedatter ankommer til et idyllisk engelsk landsted for at tiltræde stillingen som guvernante for de to forældreløse børn Miles og Flora. Godset tilhører børnenes onkel, en travl forretningsmand fra London, hvis eneste krav er, at han ikke bliver forstyrret. Den unge guvernante indser dog snart, at det netop er forstyrrelser, godset myldrer med.Hun begynder at se to mystiske, tavse skikkelser rundt om på området, og samtidig viser de to børn, som ellers har været de rene engle, pludselig tegn på andre, mere ubehagelige sider. Sammen med uhyggen kommer også tvivlen snigende. For kan hun stole på sine indtryk, eller er de i virkeligheden indbildning og udslag af hendes ensomme situation og stadig mere nervøse tilstand?Den amerikanske forfatter Henry James (1843-1916) skrev mellem 1870 og 1904 en række romaner og noveller, der har givet ham status som en af epokens største prosaister og en eminent skildrer af den menneskelige psyke. Ved siden af sine realistiske værker som "Europæerne" og "Portræt af en dame" skrev Henry James også adskillige spøgelseshistorier. Han var optaget af genren, men ønskede at flytte den fra det kulørtovernaturlige over i det mere raffinerede og subtile, hvor det uhyggelige grænser lige op til det almindelige og hverdagslige.
Penguin Readers is an ELT graded reader series for learners of English as a foreign language. With carefully adapted text, new illustrations and language learning exercises, the print edition also includes instructions to access supporting material online.Titles include popular classics, exciting contemporary fiction, and thought-provoking non-fiction, introducing language learners to bestselling authors and compelling content.The eight levels of Penguin Readers follow the Common European Framework of Reference for language learning (CEFR). Exercises at the back of each Reader help language learners to practise grammar, vocabulary, and key exam skills. Before, during and after-reading questions test readers' story comprehension and develop vocabulary.The Wings of the Dove, a Level 5 Reader, is B1 in the CEFR framework. The text is made up of sentences with up to four clauses, introducing present perfect continuous, past perfect, reported speech and second conditional. It is well supported by illustrations, which appear regularly.Kate and Densher are in love and want to get married. Densher is a poor journalist, and Kate's aunt tells her that she must marry someone rich. But Kate has a plan. She decides to deceive Milly, a sweet young heiress who is very ill. She wants Milly to marry Densher so he can get her money after she dies. Will Kate's plan succeed?Visit the Penguin Readers websiteExclusively with the print edition, readers can unlock online resources including a digital book, audio edition, lesson plans and answer keys.
Amerykański biznesmen Christopher Newman odbywa podróż po Europie. We Francji poznaje młodą wdowę Claire de Bellegarde, zakochuje się w niej i zamierza ją poślubić. Jest pewny swego, w końcu reprezentuje wysoką warstwę amerykańskiego społeczeństwa. A jednak jego maniery nie odpowiadają arystokratycznej paryskiej rodzinie wybranki jego serca. Po odrzuceniu oświadczyn rozgoryczony i upokorzony Christopher staje przed poważnym dylematem. Mężczyzna poznał tajemnicę rodziny de Bellegarde - możliwość jej rozpowszechnienia w akcie zemsty wydaje się kusząca. Miłośnicy "Lalki" Bolesława Prusa powinni z ciekawością sięgnąć również po "Amerykanina".Henry James (1843-1916) - amerykańsko-brytyjski pisarz i teoretyk literatury, uprawiał także krytykę literacką. Jako członek bogatej rodziny nigdy nie musiał przejmować się finansami. Rozpoczął studia prawnicze na Uniwersytecie Harvarda, ale porzucił je dla pisarstwa. Wiele podróżował, zawitał w Anglii, Francji, Szwajcarii i we Włoszech. W akcie sprzeciwu wobec postawy USA w I wojnie światowej przyjął obywatelstwo brytyjskie. Wnikliwy obserwator i portrecista życia społecznego (amerykańskiego - "Portret damy", angielskiego - What Maisie Knew, relacje amerykańsko-angielskie - "Amerykanin"). Brat Williama Jamesa, profesora Uniwersytetu Harvarda, jednego z prekursorów pragmatyzmu.
Le Tour d'écrou est une nouvelle fantastique d'Henry James. Le narrateur assiste à la lecture du journal d'une gouvernante. La jeune femme a été engagée par un riche célibataire pour veiller sur ses neveu et nièce, Flora et Miles. Orphelins, ceux-ci vivent dans une vaste propriété isolée à la campagne. Le comportement des enfants semble de plus en plus étrange à la jeune gouvernante. Elle se rend compte, peu à peu, d'effrayantes apparitions, dont celle d'un homme, un ancien serviteur, Peter Quint, qui entretenait une liaison avec la précédente gouvernante, miss Jessel. Les deux sont morts peu avant l'arrivée de la nouvelle gouvernante, mais ils semblent toujours exercer sur les enfants une attirance maléfique...
"[James] is the most intelligent man of his generation." -T. S. Eliot "Reading Henry James is like putting a new faculty to the test. This is the true morality."-Anita Brookner "A very modern story about aimless lives and messy marriages"- Paul TherouxHenry James' What Maisie Knew (1897) is one of the author's most piercing works of fiction, am impassioned look at the events of a young girls life as she is shuffled between her self-absorbed divorced parents. In this astonishingly modern novel, the damaging constructs of society and the illusions of respectability are seen through the perspective of an unforgettable child from her earliest years until a teenager.Maisie Farange, only six-years old at the onset of the novel, is a child of two narcissistic parents: Beale and Ida, who are only using the young child as a pawn in their own egomaniacal games. As the bitter divorce of her parents is settled in split custody, the emotional cruelty only increases. She is cared for by two governesses; the homely Mrs. Wix at her Mother's house, and the beautiful Miss Overmore at her father's home. As each parent re-marries much younger spouses, and those relationship in turn fail, Maisie is entangled in a web of moral corruption and psychological abuse. James's tragic story of an innocent child caught between the corruption of the adult world is a thought-provoking and devastating meditation on failed responsibility.
"The Portrait of a Lady is entirely successful in giving one the sense of having met somebody far too radiantly good for this world."-Rebecca West"A fairy tale in reverse." -The Sunday TimesHenry James's The Portrait of a Lady is regarded as one of the towering works of Victorian literature; an exceptional examination of the disparate nature between Americans and Europeans, and the divides between contentment and money. Isabel Archer, one of the most compelling heroines of American literature, is at the center of this moving story about the manners and mores of 19th Century life.The Portrait of a Lady opens as the beautiful and fiery American Isabel Archer travels to England to visit her wealthy Aunt Touchett. She is introduced her Uncle Touchett, her cousin Ralph, and the local nobleman, Lord Warburton, who wastes no time in asking for Isabel's hand in marriage. In character with Isabel's independent spirt, she refuses the proposal, and while on a trip to London receives a second proposal from an American suitor; once again, she refuses. When she learns that her uncle is deathly ill, Isabel returns to the Touchett home, where she inherits a great fortune following his death. Traveling to Italy with her Aunt as a great heiress, she is introduced to Gilbert Osmond, a self-centered and calculating American expatriate. Despite the warnings from her family and friends, Isabel falls for Osborne and in turn is pulled the darkness of deception. The Portrait of a Lady is a tragic yet humane masterpiece of American literature.With an eye-catching new cover, and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of The Portrait of a Lady is both modern and readable.
France - Delicious food, beautiful buildings and an elegance of people rarely seen anywhere else!Dear reader, take my hand and enjoy this tour de France – with Henry James as your guide. Written as a first person narrative, "A Little Tour in France" is one of James’ most influential and interesting travel guides. Of course, the tour is not that "little" for the reader is invited to visit the Loire Valley, Britanny, the Bordeaux region, Provence, and Paris. And, in a typical Jamesian style, he never fails to describe the people he meets and their view of life and nature. A valuable book from James’ priceless treasure.Henry James (1843–1916) is regarded as one of the greatest novelists in the English language. Born in the United States, but mainly living and working in Europe, he was largely occupied with the clash of personalities and cultures between the Old World and the New World.He explored this topic in his famous novels 'The Portrait of a Lady' and 'The Wings of the Dove'. James was thrice nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature."The Portrait of a Lady" has been adapted for the big screen many times with the most notable being from 1996 starring Nicole Kidman and John Malkovich.
Ein Hörbuch voll schauriger Klassiker, erschaffen von den Meistern des Horrors. Ein mysteriöser Mantel, der die Person vollkommen verändert, die ihn trägt, Geister und rätselhafte Geräusche sowie ein angsteinflößendes Pendel versprechen einen hohen Gruselfaktor und rauben der Hörerschaft bis zum Schluss den Atem.Henry James (1843-1916) war ein britisch-amerikanischer Schriftsteller, der vor allem für seine schaurigen Werke wie „Spuk in Bly Manor" bekannt ist.Der irische Autor Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) gehörte bereits zu Lebzeiten zu den bekanntesten, aber auch kontroversesten Schriftstellern seiner Zeit.Der russische Schriftsteller Nikolai Gogol (1809-1852) gilt als einer der wichtigsten Vertreter der russischen Literatur. Zu seinen bekanntesten Werken gehört "Der Mantel".Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) war ein US-amerikanischer Schriftsteller, der bis heute für seine Kurz-, Horror- und Kriminalgeschichten, wie "Das verräterische Herz" bekannt ist.
Henry James's 'masterpiece of the supernational,' in this beautifully designed classic editionWidely recognized as one of literature's most gripping horror stories, The Turn of the Screw is a classic tale of moral degradation. It's been described by critics as the most sophisticated and terrifying ghost story in the English language.Written by Henry James in 1898, the novella tells the tale of a naive young governess who is hired to take care of two children in a large mansion in the English countryside. Everything is fine, until she discovers that the children are not as innocent as they seem and she becomes convinced that the grounds are haunted.Without resorting to the usual clattering chains, demonic noises, and melodramatic techniques, this elegantly told tale creates an atmosphere of chilling suspense and unspoken horror unmatched by other books in the genre. It's considered one of the great intellectual "e;spook tales"e; of all time.Known for his probing psychological novels, James's masterpiece of the supernatural has frightened and delighted readers for nearly a century.HENRY JAMES (1843-1916) was an American-English author, considered by many to be among the greatest novelists in the English language. His other novels include The Portrait of a Lady, The Ambassadors and The Wings of the Dove. James's experimental style explores his characters' psyches in unique ways. Born in the United States, James relocated to Europe
Isabel Archer, a beautiful and adventurous young American woman, has been brought to Europe by her Aunt, Mrs Touchett, hoping to find a future husband for her niece. When Isabel turns down several suitors, it appears that she is too headstrong to ever find a match, but when Isabel encounters the handsome and charming Gilbert Osmond, it appears that she might finally have found love. Beneath his charm however, there is more to Gilbert Osmond than meets the eye – is it Isabel or her money that Osmond truly desires? A fascinating story of wealth, freedom, and betrayal from famous American author Henry James, ‘The Portrait of a Lady’ is widely considered one of his finest works.Henry James (1843 – 1916) was an American novelist. Born in New York, he spent long periods of time in Europe as a young man, and eventually settled in England, becoming a British citizen in 1915. By his mid-twenties James was already regarded as one of the best short-story writers in America, and he continued to find success with his novels. Some of his best-known works include ‘The Portrait of a Lady’, ‘The Wings of the Dove’ and his much-loved gothic horror story ‘The Turn of the Screw’, which has been adapted for stage and screen multiple times. James was nominated for the Nobel Prize in literature three times. He died in London in 1916.
"Magie se hallaba en el fresco crepúsculo, y lo aceptaba todo, todo cuanto tenía a su alrededor, allí donde cada cosa acechaba, como la razón que justificaba lo que había hecho. Por fin sabía, realmente, por qué, y cómo, había recibido la inspiración y la guía, por qué había sido constantemente capaz, por qué, en todo instante, su alma había estado al servicio de este fin. Allí tenía por fin el momento, el fruto dorado que había resplandecido desde lejos. Sin embargo, ¿qué eran esas cosas, en realidad, para la mano y para los labios, cuando se tocaban, cuando se cataban? ¿Qué representan, en cuanto a recompensa?"El genio de la literatura Henry James narra en esta novela, una las últimas de su obra, la historia de un padre y su hija, el millonario norteamericano Adam y su hija Maggie, residentes de Londres donde llevan una vida refinada y ociosa gracias a la fortuna de la que disponen.Sus tranquilas vidas se ven alteradas cuando encuentran, respectivamente, nuevas parejas con las que decidirán contraer matrimonio, ya que el padre es un hombre viudo y Maggie una mujer soltera, sin imaginarse el enredo amoroso en el que su decisión les involucrará, ignorantes como son de que sus futuros cónyuges resultan haber sido amantes en el pasado...De fora habitual con las novelas de este autor, el punto de partida es una trama sencilla y que hasta podría resultar un poco insulsa, pero que gracias a la habilidad de este maestro de la literatura se convierte en una brillante exploración de la psicología de sus personajes desde todas las perspectivasposibles.La trama se irá muy acertadamente desplegando a lo largo de las páginas a través de la conciencia de sus protagonistas, lo que dota a esta historia de una profundidad psicológica creando un ambiente claustrofóbico que capta la atención del lector y lo absorbe en la historia.Un prodigio de estructura narrativa, en la que los celos, intrigas, traiciones y amor en toda la extensión de la palabra son los ingredientes de una de las novelas más cautivadoras de Henry James.Henry James (1843 - 1916) fue un escritor y crítico literario estadounidense y nacionalizado británico, conocido por sus novelas y relatos basados en el punto de vista, técnica que le permitió el análisis psicológico de sus personajes. Narrador de dramas costumbristas, también se interesó por el género de intriga, suspenso y lo sobrenatural.
Un relato en forma de comedia ligera acerca del amor, la amistad y la lealtad, plagado de enredos amorosos que posibilitarán al lector el acercamiento a este autor con fama de difícil y complejo.Es la historia de la amistad entre dos jóvenes norteamericanos, el artista Bernard y el científico Gordon, amigos desde la infancia que ven su relación amenazada por la interferencia en ella de dos mujeres, Angela y su primaBlanche.A través de la sutileza y los matices en las relaciones que se establecen entre estos 4 personajes Henry James escapa de lo que muy bien se podría haber convertido en otra vulgar historia de amor cualquiera, centrada en los triángulos amorosos e intrigas románticas.Sin embargo, logra por el contrario desplegar de forma magistral la profundidad de sentimientos que pese a parecer muy similares entre sí: la confianza, la lealtad y la fidelidad, todos ellos afines entre sí, en la práctica tienen por resultado ser una fuente de conflicto y dilema moral. "(...) se dijo a sí mismo que había dos tipos de mujeres guapas: las que son extremadamente conscientes de su belleza y las que son refinadamente inconscientes. La protegida de la señorita Vivian sin duda era miembro de la primera categoría; pertenecía al gremio de las coquetas".Quizás es una de sus novelas menos famosas, pese a estar dotada de una gran fluidez y agilidad narrativa, unos diálogos inteligentes y unos personajes de profundidad psicológica que se ven involucrados en un dilema moral.Una estructura bien armada y la inclusión del inconsciente por primera vez en la literatura, dando a los personajes la habilidad de actuar por motivos ocultos a la razón y que ni ellos mismos saben explicar, redondean una novela amena y entretenida.Henry James (1843 - 1916) fue un escritor y crítico literario estadounidense y nacionalizado británico, conocido por sus novelas y relatos basados en el punto de vista, técnica que le permitió el análisis psicológico de sus personajes. Narrador de dramas costumbristas, también se interesó por el género de intriga, suspenso y lo sobrenatural.
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