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Books by Herman Melville

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    by Herman Melville
    £4.49 - 19.99

    KALD MIG ISMAEL. For nogle år siden - det kan være lige meget hvor mange - havde jeg få eller ingen penge i min pung og ikke noget særligt, der optog mig på landjorden. Jeg fik derfor den idé at sejle lidt rundt og se den del af verden, som er vand. På den måde forjager jeg min humørsyge og holder blodomløbet i gang. Når jeg kan mærke, at jeg er ved at få et dystert drag om munden, når det er regnvåd november i min sjæl, når jeg uvilkårligt standser op foran ligkistemagasiner og slutter mig til ethvert ligtog, jeg træffer på, og især når mit tungsind får sådan et tag i mig, at det kræver en stærk moral ikke med fuldt overlæg at gå ud på gaden og systematisk slå hatten af folk - ja, da finder jeg det på høje tid snarest at stikke til søs."Moby Dick" er den amerikanske kultklassiker af forfatteren Herman Melville. Bogen handler om sømanden Ishmael, der får hyre på hvalfangerbåden The Peqoud, som ledes af den gale kaptajn Ahab. Ahab er besat af den gigantiske, hvide hval, Moby Dick, og hans higen efter at få ram på det voldsomme dyr sætter alles liv i fare. ANMELDERNE SKREV"Den nye danske oversættelse af Herman Melvilles " Moby Dick" viser med al tydelighed, hvorfor romanen er et højdepunkt i verdenslitteraturen (...) Ismael er virkelig en helt særlig skikkelse, som man bør unde sig selv at møde mindst en gang i sit liv."- Kristeligt Dagblad"Melvilles skildring af fanatismens og galskabens anatomi er eminent, og selv om kompositionen af romanen kan virke uoverskuelig og strittende, da skyder plottet hurtigt en harpun i læseren og trækker ham ind i en langsomt, men støt, accelererende malstrøm (...) således ser en perfekt klassikeroversættelse ud!"- 6 stjerner, Berlingske

  • by Herman Melville
    £4.99 - 8.99

    With an Introduction and Notes by David Herd, Lecturer in English and American Literature at the University of Kent at Canterbury and co-editor of 'Poetry Review'.Moby Dick is the story of Captain Ahab's quest to avenge the whale that 'reaped' his leg. The quest is an obsession and the novel is a diabolical study of how a man becomes a fanatic.But it is also a hymn to democracy. Bent as the crew is on Ahab's appalling crusade, it is equally the image of a co-operative community at work: all hands dependent on all hands, each individual responsible for the security of each.Among the crew is Ishmael, the novel's narrator, ordinary sailor, and extraordinary reader. Digressive, allusive, vulgar, transcendent, the story Ishmael tells is above all an education:in the practice of whaling, in the art of writing. Expanding to equal his 'mighty theme' - not only the whale but all things sublime - Melville breathes in the world's great literature. Moby Dick is the greatest novel ever written by an American.

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    by Herman Melville
    £9.49 - 15.49

    American writer Herman Melville wrote Moby Dick in 1851 but it took decades before finally it was regarded as a great American novel, and worthy of its place amongst the greatest texts of humankind. This edition offers a specially written introduction to contextualise the book.

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    by Herman Melville

    A story of the war between man and mammal, in which the author explores his obsessions with good and evil, love and solitude, speech and silence, using his technical knowledge of sailing and the sea to tell a story which is at once minutely realistic and powerfully symbolic.

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    by Herman Melville

    With an essay by Alfred Kazin.'The frail gunwales bent in, collapsed, and snapped, as both jaws, like an enormous shears, sliding further aft, bit the craft completely in twain...'Moby-Dick is one of the most expansive feats of imagination in the whole of literature: the mad, raging, Shakespearean tale of Captain Ahab's insane quest to kill a giant white whale that has taken his leg, and upon which he has sworn vengeance, at any cost. A creation unlike any other, this is an epic story of fatal monomania and the deepest dreams and obsessions of mankind.The Penguin English Library - 100 editions of the best fiction in English, from the eighteenth century and the very first novels to the beginning of the First World War.

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    by Herman Melville

  • by Herman Melville

  • by Herman Melville

    Part of Alma Classics Evergreens series of popular classics, this edition is thoroughly edited and extensively annotated, features an insightful foreword by Jay Parini and includes pictures and a comprehensive section on Melville's life and works.

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    - Eller Hvalen
    by Herman Melville

    Moby-Dick eller Hvalen er Melvilles store verdensklassiker om kaptajn Akabs kamp mod den hvide hval.Herman Melville (1819-1891), født i New York. Efter en række forskellige job stak han til søs som tyveårig og rejste verden rundt på forskellige skibe, bl.a. i en periode på hvalskibet Acushnet. Som femogtyveårig vendte han tilbage til USA og begyndte at skrive romaner. Han fik hurtigt et stort publikum, men da han i 1851 udgav romanen Moby-Dick, svandt populariteten ind.I 1866 blev han toldinspektør i New York, og de sidste år af sit liv levede han i fuldstændig glemsel. I 1920´erne blev Melville imidlertid genopdaget, og i dag regnes Moby-Dick for et af de vigtigste værker i det nittende århundredes litteratur.

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    by Herman Melville

    The sailor Ishmael gets employed at the whaling ship The Pequod, which is steered by the eccentric captain Ahab. The captain is obsessed with the giant white whale Moby Dick and his mad hunt on the dangerous animal brings all the crew’s lives in danger.Herman Melville (1819-1891) was an American author whose books were based on his own experiences as a sailor. Today Herman Melville is world famous for his novel "Moby Dick" but in his time the novel was ill received and quickly forgotten. Not until many years after Herman Melville's death did "Moby Dick" get rediscovered and today it is considered one of the greatest classics in American literature.

  • by Herman Melville

    Herman Melvilles mesterværk om kaptajn Ahabs jagt på den hvide hval behøver ikke mange ord med på vejen. Her er den i den originale engelske udgave.

  • by Herman Melville

  • by Herman Melville

    For this Sesquicentennial Norton Critical Edition, the Northwestern-Newberry text of Moby-Dick has been generously footnoted to include dozens of biographical discoveries, mainly from Hershel Parker's work on his two-volume biography of Melville.

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    by Herman Melville

    Teeming with ideas and imagery, and with its extraordinary intensity sustained by mischievous irony and moments of exquisite beauty, Moby-Dick is both a great American epic and a profoundly imaginative literary creation.Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library; a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket sized classics with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. This edition features an afterword by Nigel Cliff.On board the whaling ship Pequod a crew of wise men and fools, renegades and seeming phantoms is hurled through treacherous seas by crazed Captain Ahab, a man hell-bent on hunting down the mythic White Whale. Herman Melville transforms the little world of the whale ship into a crucible where mankind's fears, faith and frailties are pitted against a relentless fate.

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    - or, The Whale
    by Herman Melville
    £8.99 - 15.49

    'Call me Ishmael.' So begins the author's masterpiece, one of the greatest works of imagination in literary history. As Ishmael is drawn into Captain Ahab's obsessive quest to slay the white whale Moby-Dick, he finds himself engaged in a metaphysical struggle between good and evil.

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    by Herman Melville
    £9.49 - 12.99

    Ismael vil på hvalfangst.Et så kæmpemæssigt og hemmelighedsfuldt dyr gør ham nysgerrig.For slet ikke at tale om, hvor farlig og spændende sådan en rejse kan blive!Der går dog ikke længe, før Ismael begynder at spekulere på,hvad det dog er, han har kastet sig ud i.Tre år på et skib med en vanvittig kaptajn, langt fra civilisationen …“Moby Dick” er en del af Letlæste klassikere som er en ny serie med nogle af verdenshistoriens mest velkendte fortællinger. Bøgerne er genfortalt af den svenske børnebogsforfatter Maj Bylock og henvender sig især til læsere på 8-12 år. De eventyrlige og stemningsfulde illustrationer er medvirkende til at give historierne nyt liv. Bøgerne kan både bruges til frilæsning eller som en del af et undervisningsforløb i dansk på mellemtrinnet.Maj Bylock (1931-2019) har genfortalt nogle af verdenshistoriens mest kendte klassikere for at gøre indholdet mere tilgængeligt. Hensigten er at formidle dele af en rig kulturskat, vække læseglæde og give lyst til at læse mere.

  • by Herman Melville

    "Omoo" è il secondo romanzo di Melville; è un libro pieno di umorismo, ma anche una favola allegorica sull’incontro e lo scontro fra la civiltà e il mondo incantato delle isole polinesiane.Racconta di una baleniera sgangherata comandata da un capitano incapace, di una ciurma di personaggi squinternati, di ammutinamenti, incarcerazioni, incontri, amicizie e battibecchi con isolani e missionari di ogni genere. Sullo sfondo, la vita di bianchi e indigeni nei Mari del Sud.Questo audiolibro è stato realizzato in collaborazione con Edizioni Clichy.Herman Melville (1819 – 1891) è stato uno scrittore, poeta e critico letterario statunitense.I primi romanzi, narrazioni di avventure nei Mari del Sud, conobbero un notevole successo, facendolo diventare uno dei più conosciuti e apprezzati autori di storie marinaresche. La sua popolarità declinò dopo la pubblicazione di "Moby Dick" (1851), nonostante fosse stato accolto con favore dai recensori inglesi. Alla sua morte, Melville era quasi completamente dimenticato. "Moby Dick", da molti ritenuto il suo capolavoro, fu riscoperto solo nel 1921 e oggi è considerato una delle opere fondamentali della letteratura mondiale.

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    by Herman Melville
    £9.49 - 7.99

    Sjömannen Ishmael får jobb på valfångstfartyget Pequod, lett av den excentriske och enbente kaptenen Ahab.För länge sedan när Ahab var ute till havs mötte han för första gången den vita jättevalen Moby Dick. I en kamp mot valen förlorade Ahab ett ben och har sedan den dagen drömt om hämnd. Driven av galenskap ger han sig nu ut på jakt efter havsodjuret och får med Ishmael och resten av Pequads besättning på äventyret. Ahabs besatthet sätter inte bara hans eget liv på spel utan även alla andras ombord på fartyget. Kaptenen har förklarat krig mot ett av havets mäktigaste odjur och är beredd att offra allt för att få sin hämnd.När "Moby Dick eller den vita valen" publicerades första gången 1851 blev den dåligt mottagen och snabbt bortglömd. Inte förrän många år efter Herman Melvilles död återupptäcktes romanen och betraktas idag som en av de största klassikerna i amerikansk litteraturhistoria.Herman Melville (1819–1891) var en amerikansk författare vars böcker baserades på hans egna erfarenheter som sjöman. Idag är Melville världskänd för bland annat sin roman om Moby Dick.

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    by Herman Melville

    Moby Dick is the story of Captain Ahab's quest to avenge the whale that 'reaped' his leg. The quest is an obsession and the novel is a diabolical study of how a man becomes a fanatic. But it is also a hymn to democracy.

  • by Herman Melville

    Bartleby is a newly-hired scrivener who initially produces great work but slowly reduces his output, declining assignments and responding with: "I would prefer not to." Despite his poor performance, his boss struggles to reprimand the eccentric character.A Manhattan lawyer decides to hire a third scrivener called Bartleby to help manage his growing workload. Yet, the quiet unassuming man soon becomes a source of contention. At first, Bartleby is an active member of the team yet one day he refuses to complete an assignment, setting an unusual precent. He continues to refuse work, which confuses the lawyer and frustrates his peers. Bartleby¿s passive attitude is indicative of a larger issue his boss has yet to uncover. Herman Melville delivers a simple story about a man who follows his own path. He chooses not to engage with work or society as a whole. It¿s an examination of passive resistance in a modern world fueled by compliance and consumerism.With an eye-catching new cover, and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of Bartelby, The Scrivener: A Story of Wall Street is both modern and readable.

  • by Herman Melville

    Typee (1846) is a work of travel literature by American writer Herman Melville. Its publication was an instant success in both London and New York, earning Melville a reputation as one of America's most promising young authors. Although he claimed to base the entirety of the book on his own experiences as a sailor, it is now believed that the book incorporates aspects of Melville's life with scenes inspired by imagination and other works of travel literature. Despite the success of Typee and subsequent works, Melville's reputation foundered until it was reappraised in the 1920s, when scholars recognized his status as one of nineteenth century America's finest writers.Tired of his life as a sailor, and unwilling to put up with the grueling labor and general cruelty faced by the lowest on board, Melville decides to abandon ship at the island of Nukuheva. Alongside his friend and shipmate Toby, he seizes his opportunity while on shore to escape from the rest of the men in secret. After making their way inland through Nukuheva's densely forested mountains, the pair's only hope for survival depends on the kindness and generosity of the island's native people. After a long and perilous journey, they discover the hidden valley of Typee, whose people welcome the castaways into their midst. Typee is a story of four months spent on a secluded island with a people whose lives seem entirely untouched by Western culture. Its popular success as a work of travel literature enabled Melville to launch a career as a professional writer and established his reputation as a skillful chronicler of adventure.With a beautifully designed cover and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of Herman Melville's Typee is a classic of American literature reimagined for modern readers.

  • by Herman Melville

    The Confidence-Man (1857) is a novel by American writer Herman Melville. After the failure of his novels Moby-Dick (1851) and Pierre: or, The Ambiguities (1852), Melville struggled to find a publisher who would accept his work. When it was published, The Confidence-Man was seen as a flawed, unnecessarily complicated novel, and beyond several collections of poetry, it all but ended Melville's career as a professional writer. When Melville's work was reappraised in the 1920s, however, scholars recognized his status as one of nineteenth century America's finest literary voices. A keen visionary, Melville's satirical outlook and pessimistic sense of American morality drive the fragmented narrative of The Confidence-Man, his final, most complicated, and perhaps most rewarding novel.In St. Louis, a mute man dressed in cream colored clothes boards a riverboat bound for New Orleans. On the journey down the Mississippi, a cast of characters at once bizarre and commonplace passes the time playing cards, engaging in conversation, and attempting to gain one another's trust. A crippled African American beggar faces disbelief when he speaks of his life on the streets. A young and naïve student idolizes wealthy men and hopes to make a fortune by investing in stocks. A man in a gray suit asks his fellow passengers to donate to a suspicious charity. As the boat sails on, it becomes increasingly clear that while confidence is easily purchased, honesty remains the rarest of commodities. Set and published on April Fool's Day, The Confidence-Man is a satire of American life that explores with unsparing pessimism themes of religion, identity, morality, and the role of money in everyday life.With a beautifully designed cover and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of Herman Melville's The Confidence-Man is a classic of American literature reimagined for modern readers.

  • by Herman Melville

    The Piazza Tales (1856) is a collection of short stories by American writer Herman Melville. Before publication, five of its six stories appeared in Putnam's Monthly during a period of productivity with which Melville sought to achieve popular success as a writer of literary fiction. After the failure of his novels Moby-Dick (1851) and Pierre: or, The Ambiguities (1852), Melville struggled to find a publisher who would accept his work, and contemporary reviews of The Piazza Tales were negative to lukewarm at best. When Melville's work was reappraised in the 1920s, scholars recognized these stories as not only well-composed, but keenly focused on the dominant ethical and sociopolitical issues of their day.In "The Piazza," a man buys an old farmhouse with a view on the nearby mountains. Despite his fortune, he spends his days longing for more, wishing his home had its own piazza so he could share the beauty of the surrounding landscape with guests. "Bartleby, the Scrivener" is a story set at an anonymous law office on Wall Street where a mysterious clerk suddenly refuses to do his work. Amused at first, the lawyer who narrates the story is eventually overcome with frustration and struggles to rid himself of the intractable Bartleby. In "Benito Cereno," a merchant ship captain sailing around the coast of Chile chances on a slave ship in distress. Hoping to assist its captain and crew, he boards their ship, unwittingly stumbling on a dangerous and volatile situation. The Piazza Tales is a collection of some of American literary icon Herman Melville's most celebrated stories.With a beautifully designed cover and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of Herman Melville's The Piazza Tales is a classic of American literature reimagined for modern readers.

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