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Books by Herman Melville

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  • by Robert Louis Stevenson, Herman Melville & Wilhelm Hauff

    Drei packende Seeabenteuer, dreimal Seemannsgarn erster Güte! Die Geschichten von Wilhelm Hauff, Herman Melville und Robert Louis Stevenson nehmen den Hörer mit an Bord eines Segelschiffes und tragen ihn weit hinaus auf das Meer. Dorthin, wo die Wellen im Sturm tosen, Piraten ihr Unwesen treiben, Gespensterschiffe kreuzen, Schätze auf einsamen Inseln vergraben liegen und gigantische Wale aus den Fluten auftauchen ...Wilhelm Hauff wurde 1802 in Stuttgart geboren. In seinem kurzen Leben schrieb er eine Vielzahl von Märchen, Sagen, Romanen, Erzählungen und Satiren nieder. Berühmt ist er bis heute für seine Märchen, die zwischen 1825 und 1828 in drei 'Mährchen-Almanachen' erschienen. Hauff verstarb 1827 an den Folgen einer Typhus-Infektion.|Herman Melville, geboren als Herman Melvill am 1. August 1819 in New York City, gestorben am 28. September 1891 an seinem Geburtsort, war ein amerikanischer Schriftsteller, Dichter und Essayist. Sein Roman 'Moby-Dick' zählt zu den bedeutendsten der Weltliteratur.|Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) war ein schottischer Schriftsteller. Stevenson litt an Tuberkulose und wurde nur 44 Jahre alt. Er hinterließ jedoch ein umfangreiches Werk von Reiseerzählungen, Abenteuerliteratur und historischen Romanen sowie Lyrik und Essays. Bekannt geworden sind vor allem der Abenteuer-Klassiker 'Die Schatzinsel' und die Schauernovelle 'Der seltsame Fall des Dr. Jekyll und Mr. Hyde'. Einige Romane sind heute noch populär und haben als Vorlagen für zahlreiche Verfilmungen gedient.

  • by Herman Melville

    Herman Melvilles Meisterwerk... Auf Nantucket heuert der junge Seemann Ismael gemeinsam mit dem Harpunier Quiqueg auf dem Walfangschiff "e;Pequod"e; unter Kapitan Ahab an. Zunachst lasst sich der einbeinige Ahab nicht an Deck blicken, doch auf See kommt er aus seiner Kajute und verkundet das wahre Ziel der Fahrt: Ahab will Moby Dick, den weien Wal, der ihm einst das Bein abgerissen hat, jagen und erlegen. Koste es, was es wolle! Er nagelt eine Golddublone an den Hauptmast, die derjenige bekommen soll, der Moby Dick als erster sichtet. Unter der Mannschaft entbrennt ein erbitterter Kampf, bei dem es schon bald um Leben und Tod geht. -

  • by Herman Melville

    This edition of Herman Melville's monumental novel includes a new introduction that is attentive both to the rich literary history of Moby-Dick, and to the book's sharp relevance to issues of environmentalism, disability, power, race, and sexuality today.

  • by Herman Melville

    Ishmael finds himself on a sprawling, epic hunt for the great white whale in one of the most singular and celebrated novels in American literature.First published in 1851, Moby Dick is narrated by the young seaman Ishmael who takes ship on the whaler Pequod, under the command of Captain Ahab. Once at sea Ahab reveals that their voyage is not aimed at profitable whaling so much as pure vengeance as they are to hunt the white whale that maimed him, leaving him with a single leg. A rich array of memorable characters are introduced as the Pequod sails the sea, encountering other whalers, hunting whales and seeking Moby Dick. Sprawling and discursive, luxuriant and richly textured, Melville¿s novel is almost a world unto itself. Life aboard ship, friendships between the diverse collection of sailors and the hazardous adventure of confronting whales on the open sea are captured unforgettably, but all of this is under the shadow of Ahab¿s all-consuming hatred of the white whale. As the ship draws nearer to confrontation with her captain¿s nemesis, the novel moves toward a devastating climax. Initially greeted with little enthusiasm by American critics, a notable exception being Nathaniel Hawthorne, Moby Dick has since come to be seen as one of the greatest achievements of American fiction and a classic for the ages.With an eye-catching new cover, and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of Moby Dick is both modern and readable.

  • by Herman Melville

    Den dramatiske fortælling om drengen Ismael og den hvide dræberhval ’Moby Dick’ er en af verdenslitteraturens helt store klassikere. Ismael drømmer om at blive hvalfanger og får arbejde på kaptajn Akabs skib The Pequod. Akab har mistet sit ene ben i kamp med den hvide hval og er nu besat af tanken om hævn. Hans vanvittige jagt på det farlige dyr bliver en kamp på liv og død, der bringer hele besætningen i fare.Herman Melville (1819-1891) var en amerikansk forfatter, hvis bøger bygger på hans egne erfaringer som sømand. I dag er Herman Melville verdensberømt for sin roman "Moby Dick", men i sin samtid blev romanen dårligt modtaget og hurtigt glemt igen. Først mange år efter Herman Melvilles død blev "Moby Dick" genopdaget og regnes i dag i blandt de allerstørste klassikere i den amerikanske litteratur.

  • by Herman Melville
    £5.99 - 9.49

    Para sair da monotonia, o professor rural Ismael decide descobrir os mistérios das baleias. Quando ele encontra o arpoador Queequeg, eles partem juntos para a ilha de Nantucket em busca de trabalho no mercado de caça às baleias. Lá, eles embarcam com tripulantes de diversas nacionalidades no baleeiro Pequod para uma viagem de três anos aos mares do sul. Mal sabe ele que o sombrio capitão Ahab está obcecado por encontrar a fera responsável por seus ferimentos e que nenhum arpoador jamais conseguiu abater: a temível Moby Dick.Essa rota cheia de perigos e incertezas foi adaptada ao cinema múltiplas vezes, como no filme homônimo produzido em 2010, estrelando Patrick Stewart, e no filme "No Coração do Mar" (2015) com Chris Hemsworth.Herman Melville (1819-1891) foi um escritor, poeta e ensaísta estadunidense. Após a morte de seu pai, em 1832, teve de ajudar a manter a família (então com oito crianças). Assim, trabalhou como bancário, professor e fazendeiro. Em 1839, embarcou como ajudante no navio mercante St. Lawrence, com destino a Liverpool. Em 1841 esteve a bordo do baleeiro Acushnet que percorreu quase todo o Pacífico e passou um período com a tribo Typee na Polinésia. Suas aventuras marítimas continuaram ainda em outras viagens em baleeiros e arpoadores que inspiraram suas obras literárias.A história de sua obra mais popular, "Moby-Dick", faz parte da cultura popular ocidental e foi fonte de inspiração para adaptações em diversas mídias, destacando-se o clássico filme homônimo de John Huston (1956), estrelando Gregory Peck, e as histórias em quadrinhos "Moby Dick" (2017) de Christophe Chabouté.

  • by Herman Melville

    A new selection of Melville's most electrifying stories, in a beautiful Pushkin Collection edition'Some of the most brilliant stories of his or any other century' Philip Hoare, author of LeviathanHerman Melville produced some of the most singular, enigmatic stories in American literature. From surreally funny tales of office life to claustrophobic accounts of obscure tensions at sea, his darkly modern sensibility produced works of unparalleled narrative inventiveness.A lawyer hires a new copyist, who begins to exhibit a strange, confounding resistance to work. A cynical lightning-rod salesman plies his trade by exploiting fears in stormy weather. After boarding a beleaguered Spanish slave ship, a cheerful American trader is repeatedly struck by paralyzing unease as figures move in the shadows. These are stories of unsettling ironies and absurd humour, where nothing is as it first appears.

  • by Herman Melville

    Ismael sente il bisogno di movimentare la sua vita. Lasciata Manhattan e raggiunto il porto di Nantucket, Massachusetts, decide di imbarcarsi sul Pequod, una baleniera. Li fara la conoscenza dell'equipaggio ma non del capitano, un tale Achab, che e presente sulla nave ma preferisce rimanere rinchiuso nella sua cabina e lasciare che siano gli altri tre ufficiali a comandare il Pequod. Il giorno che pero si presentera sul ponte della nave, con la sua gamba mozzata e una mascella di capodoglio come protesi, rendera chiara la vera missione della barca: la caccia alla balena bianca piu pericolosa degli oceani, Moby Dick, la stessa ad avergli portato via la gamba durante la sua ultima missione.Un classico della letteratura mondiale, Moby Dick e piu di un romanzo. Un'opera enciclopedica, dove ossessione, fede e filosofia si fondono con azione e adrenalina, una storia che porta con se la potenza del mare aperto, che delinea miraggi di destinazioni esotiche e porti lontani, sperduti oltre le cartine e le rotte convenzionali.-

  • by Herman Melville

    Tommo e Toby sono due giovani e avventurosi marinai che abbandonano la nave su cui stanno viaggiando e fuggono nella giungla di un'isola della Polinesia francese. L'ebrezza della fuga sarà però di breve durata perché i due finiranno dritti nelle grinfie dei Typee, una temibile tribù di cannibali.Herman Melville (1819-1891) fu uno scrittore americano, noto soprattutto per "Moby Dick", il monumentale romanzo sulla caccia alle balene, all'epoca poco apprezzato ma oggi considerato uno dei grandi classici della letteratura mondiale.

  • by Herman Melville

    Ein auf den „Reisetagebüchern" des großen Schriftstellers und Seefahrers basierendes Hörbuch, das ebenso viel über das Leben des „Moby-Dick"-Autors wie über seine Werke aussagt: Herman Melville hat drei große Reisen in seinem Leben unternommen, die ihn nach Europa, in das Heilige Land und in den vorderen Orient geführt haben und auf denen er so manch spannendes Abenteuer erlebt und die Welt kennengelernt hat.Herman Melville (1819-1891) war ein amerikanischer Schriftsteller und Lyriker, der für seinen Roman „Moby Dick" weltweite Berühmtheit erlangte. Als junger Mann heuerte er zunächst als Schiffsjunge an, dann arbeitete er auf verschiedenen Walfängern und erlebte viele abenteuerliche Geschichten auf seinen Reisen auf See. 1846 erschien sein erster Roman „Taipi". Ab den 1860ern konnte er jedoch nicht mehr vom Schreiben leben und arbeitete bis zu seinem Ruhestand als Zollinspektor im New Yorker Hafen.

  • by Herman Melville

    Ahab is the captain of a whaling ship named the Pequod. His great obsession with the giant whale, Moby Dick, makes him embark on a dangerous voyage. Some years before, the captain lost his leg because of the whale and now Ahab’s main desire is to take his revenge on the whale by killing it. He is so obsessed, that Ahab is ready to sacrifice everything he has, including the Pequod and all the members of his crew, and even his own life.How exactly did the captain lose his leg? Is it worth it to risk everything just to have his revenge? Will Ahab survive the expedition and will he get his revenge on Moby Dick?Find all the answers in Herman Melville’s exciting novel "Moby Dick" from 1851.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Herman Melville (1819-1891) was an American author whose books were based on his own experiences as a sailor. Today Herman Melville is world famous for his novel "Moby Dick" but in his lifetime, this novel was ill received and quickly forgotten. Not until many years after Herman Melville's death did "Moby Dick" get rediscovered become what is today considered one of the greatest classics in American literature. Melville, along with authors such as Nathaniel Hawthorne, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau and Walt Whitman, was part of the American Renaissance – a literary movement that aimed to provide literature for the American democracy.

  • by Herman Melville

    The narrator of this story is a successful lawyer on Wall Street. He hires a scrivener named Bartleby to help him with all the papers and relieve the load of work. Bartleby quickly gains the lawyer’s trust by completing his tasks on time. However, the newcomer becomes mentally unstable. He suddenly refuses to perform his duties and stares at a blank wall instead. The lawyer decides to give Bartleby a break, then tries to fire him, but the uncontrollable employee refuses to leave.Who exactly is Bartleby? Why does he refuse to perform the tasks he has been hired to do? What is his problem? How is the lawyer going to deal with the scrivener? Will Bartleby ever leave?Find all the answers in Herman Melville’s novel "Bartleby, the Scrivener" from 1853.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Herman Melville (1819-1891) was an American author whose books were based on his own experiences as a sailor. Today Herman Melville is world famous for his novel "Moby Dick" but in his lifetime, this novel was ill received and quickly forgotten. Not until many years after Herman Melville's death did "Moby Dick" get rediscovered become what is today considered one of the greatest classics in American literature. Melville, along with authors such as Nathaniel Hawthorne, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau and Walt Whitman, was part of the American Renaissance – a literary movement that aimed to provide literature for the American democracy.

  • - American Tales
    by Herman Melville

    "Bartleby, the Scrivener" - An elderly Manhattan lawyer with a comfortable business in legal documents has two scriveners employed, but an increase in business leads him to advertise for a third. He hires the forlorn-looking Bartleby in the hope that his calmness will soothe the irascible temperaments of the other two. An office boy nicknamed Ginger Nut completes the staff. At first, Bartleby produces a large volume of high-quality work, but one day, when asked to help proofread a document, Bartleby answers with what soon becomes his perpetual response to every request: "I would prefer not to." "Benito Cereno" is a tale about the revolt on a Spanish slave ship captained by Don Benito Cereno. In 1799 off the coast of Chile, Captain Amasa Delano of the American sealer and merchant ship Bachelor''s Delight visits the San Dominick, a Spanish slave ship apparently in distress. After learning from its captain Benito Cereno that a storm has taken many crewmembers and provisions, Delano offers to help out. He notices that Cereno acts awkwardly passive for a captain and the slaves display remarkably inappropriate behavior, and though this piques his suspicion he ultimately decides he is being paranoid. When he leaves the San Dominick and captain Cereno jumps after him, he finally discovers that the slaves have taken command of the ship, and forced the surviving crew to act as usual.

  • by Herman Melville

  • by Herman Melville

  • by Herman Melville

  • by Herman Melville
    £9.99 - 14.49

  • by Herman Melville

  • by Herman Melville
    £41.99 - 60.49

  • by Herman Melville
    £29.99 - 48.49

  • by Herman Melville
    £32.49 - 50.99

  • by Herman Melville

  • by Herman Melville

  • by Herman Melville
    £7.49 - 11.99

    - Este audiolibro está narrado en Español neutral."Llamádme Ismael. Hace unos años -no importa cuánto hace exactamente-, teniendo poco o ningún dinero en el bolsillo, y nada en particular que me interesara en tierra, pensé que me iría a navegar un poco por ahí, para ver la parte acuática del mundo." Así comienza esta famosa obra que narra la travesía del barco ballenero Pequod, comandado por el capitán Ahab, junto a Ismael – quien narra la historia- y el arponero Quiqueg, en la mítica persecución de la gran ballena blanca. La venganza, la locura, la lucha contra el destino, y la arrolladora fuerza de la naturaleza, son los temas principales de esta novela de aventuras que relata la lucha del capitán Ahab y su terrible obsesión por vengarse de la enorme ballena que lo privó de su pierna. Escrita por Herman Melville, Moby Dick fue publicada en 1851, y es considerada como una obra fundacional de la literatura norteamericana. La novela cuenta con detalladas descripciones que grafican con precisión antropológica la vida marinera y la caza de ballenas del siglo XIX. Es una obra con profundo simbolismo al punto tal que se suele interpretar a la tripulación del Pequod como una representación de la humanidad en general. Además, ha tenido numerosas adaptaciones y referencias en el cine, teatro y televisión, siendo las más recientes entre ellas, la miniserie Moby Dick estrenada en 2011 con Ethan Hawke como Starbuck y la película de 2015, In the Hearth of the sea, protagonizada por Chris Hemsworth.Herman Melville (1819 – 1891) fue un escritor, novelista, poeta y ensayista estadounidense. Es reconocido mundialmente por haber escrito Moby Dick (1851), novela que lo consagró como uno de los mejores escritores de la literatura norteamericana. Fue marinero y vivió cuatro años a bordo de un ballenero navegando los mares del Sur, lo que le proporcionó el conocimiento del mundo del mar que plasmó en sus obras, principalmente en las novelas de aventuras, como Typee (1846) y Omoo (1847), Redburn (1849) y La guerra blanca (1850). Además, escribió cuentos, poemas y ensayos. Su estilo, su construcción narrativa impecable y su incursión en los temas psicológicos influyó en las preocupaciones literarias del siglo XX.

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