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Books by Horace Walpole

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  • - A Gothic Story
    by Horace Walpole

    One of the most influential Gothic novels, The Castle of Otranto established the literary effects associated with the genre: an ancient castle, secret passages, supernatural visitations, an innocent girl threatened with violence, sudden revelations, terror, and excitement. This new edition explores the reasons for the novel's impact.

  • by Horace Walpole

    When tragedy strikes on his son's wedding day, Lord Manfred believes it is a foreboding omen, and will do whatever it takes to stop it-no matter how immoral. Set in the 18th century, The Castle of Otranto begins on the day Manfred's son, Conrad, was meant to be married. Known for his sickly nature, Conrad is the eldest child of two, and is set to marry Princess Isabella, a union that would reap strong benefits for the noble family. However, when tragedy strikes right before the ceremony, Manfred is terrified that it is a premonition of a bad luck curse. Paranoid that the curse would threaten his bloodline, he leaps into action. Determined to strengthen his legacy before it's too late, Manfred decides to divorce his wife so that he can marry Isabella in his son's place. However, when Isabella adamantly refuses, Manfred slips into a manic state of immorality, as he becomes desperate to do whatever it takes to marry Isabella. After Theodore, a brave peasant man with mysterious origins, becomes dedicated to protecting Isabella from Manfred, the lord must outsmart and overpower the couple to get his way. Through coercion, capture, and even murder, Manfred will do anything to avoid the threat of a curse. First published under a pseudonym in 1764, The Castle of Otranto by Horace Walpole is regarded as the first gothic horror novel, a literary genre that later flourished in the 18th and 19th century. Walpole's work has shaped the modern-day gothic aesthetic in literature, film, art, and music. The Castle of Otranto and the genre it inspired also encouraged many major writers, such as Mary Shelley, Bram Stoker, and Edgar Allan Poe. Featuring a dark narrative, twists, tragedy, and elements of surrealism, The Castle of Otranto is dramatic and shocking, enthralling from start to finish. This edition of The Castle of Otranto by Horace Walpole features an eye-catching new cover design and is printed in a font that is both modern and readable. With these accommodations, The Castle of Otranto caters to a contemporary audience while preserving the original innovation of Horace Walpole's work.

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    by Horace Walpole

    Der herrschsüchtige Tyrannenfürst Manfred fürchtet um seine Erbfolge, als sein einziger Sohn am Tag seiner Hochzeit von einem gigantischen Helm erschlagen wird. Er beschließt an die Stelle seines Sohnes zu treten, dessen Braut Isabella nachzustellen und seine eigene Frau zu verstoßen. Isabella graut es jedoch vor dem alten Intriganten. Weitere unheilvolle Begebenheiten tragen sich zu ... die düsteren Mauern der Burg von Otranto scheinen ein unheimliches Eigenleben zu entwickeln.Textgrundlage ist die Ausgabe: Walpole, Horace: Die Burg von Otranto. Berlin: o. Verlag, 1810Horace Walpole (1717–1797) war ein britischer Künstler, Schriftsteller und Politiker. Besondere Bekanntheit erlangte er als Vorreiter des "Schauerromans", heute eher als "Gothic Novel" bekannt. Diese Textgattung bricht mit den Idealen der Aufklärung, die naturalistische Darstellungen und natürliche Erklärungen in der Literatur in den Vordergrund stellten.

  • Save 29%
    by Horace Walpole

    "e;Il castello e la signoria d'Otranto verranno a mancare all'attuale famiglia, quando l'autentico possessore diventera troppo grande per abitarvi"e;.Una profezia incombe su Manfredi, signore d'Otranto, ma la sua attenzione e rivolta altrove. Intende sposarsi con Isabella, una nobile fanciulla che cerca di scappare da questo matrimonio forzato con tutte le sue forze. Ed e cosi che in suo aiuto accorrera la profezia: come Manfredi presto scoprira, sottrarsi al proprio destino e difficile anche per i signori di un castello. Tra eventi soprannaturali, fantasmi millenari, intrighi di castello e giochi di potere, "e;Il Castello di Otranto"e; - considerato il primo romanzo gotico della storia - e una lettura obbligatoria per ogni amante del genere.-

  • Save 13%
    by Horace Walpole

    "No era uno de esos tiranos salvajes que disfrutan mostrándose crueles sin que les provoquen. Las circunstancias de su fortuna habían vuelto adusto su temperamento, humano por su propia naturaleza, y sus virtudes estaban siempre dispuestas a manifestarse, a menos que la pasión oscureciera su juicio."Esta novela, escrita por el político y escritor inglés Horace Walpole en 1764, fue publicada originalmente como si se tratase de una traducción de un texto italiano escrito en el siglo XVI, aunque verdaderamente se trataba de un elemento ficticio más de la novela. "El castillo de Otrano" marcó el inicio del género literario conocido como novela gótica, que se haría extremadamente popular posteriormente.La historia, ubicada en la Italia medieval, narra la historia de Manfredo, príncipe de Otranto, y su familia, quienes sufren una maldición que data del tiempo en que el abuelo de Manfredo usurpó el castillo donde viven de su sus legítimos propietarios.En un intento por perpetuar su legado, Manfredo intenta casar a su hijo Conrado con la hija del marqués de Vicenza, pero un trágico accidente hará que la boda no se pueda celebrar.Esta novela, repleta de fenómenos sobrenaturales y siniestros, transportará a su lector o lectora a un mundo de terror gótico. Un clásico de este género esencial para los amantes de la literatura gótica.Horacio Walpole, IV conde de Orford, conocido comúnmente como Horace Walpole, (24 de septiembre de 1717 – 2 de marzo de 1797), fue un escritor británico. Escribió la célebre novela El castillo de Otranto, considerada como la primera novela gótica.

  • - Band 50
    by Horace Walpole

  • by Horace Walpole

  • - Ein Schauerroman
    by Horace Walpole
    £13.99 - 27.49

  • by Horace Walpole

  • by Horace Walpole & Leonard Benton Seeley
    £28.99 - 29.99

  • - During the Reign of Queen Elizabeth
    by Horace Walpole, Paul Hentzner & Richard Bentley

  • by Anna Benneson McMahan & Horace Walpole

  • - A Gothic Story by Horace Walpole
    by Horace Walpole

    The Castle Of Otranto tells the story of Manfred, lord of the castle, and his family. The book begins on the wedding-day of his sickly son Conrad and princess Isabella. Shortly before the wedding, however, Conrad is crushed to death by a gigantic helmet that falls on him from above. This inexplicable event is particularly ominous in light of an ancient prophecy, "that the castle and lordship of Otranto should pass from the present family, whenever the real owner should be grown too large to inhabit it". Manfred, terrified that Conrad's death signals the beginning of the end for his line, resolves to avert destruction by marrying Isabella himself while divorcing his current wife Hippolita, whom he feels has failed to bear him a proper heir.The Castle of Otranto is a 1764 novel by Horace Walpole. It is generally regarded as the first gothic novel. In the second edition, Walpole applied the word 'Gothic' to the novel in the subtitle - "A Gothic Story". The novel merged medievalism and terror in a style that has endured ever since. The aesthetics of the book shaped modern-day gothic books, films, art, music and the goth subculture.The novel initiated a literary genre which would become extremely popular in the later 18th and early 19th century, with authors such as Clara Reeve, Ann Radcliffe, William Thomas Beckford, Matthew Lewis, Mary Shelley, Bram Stoker, Edgar Allan Poe, Robert Louis Stevenson and George du Maurier.

  • by Horace Walpole

    This book is a result of an effort made by us towards making a contribution to the preservation and repair of original classic literature.In an attempt to preserve, improve and recreate the original content, we have worked towards:1. Type-setting & Reformatting: The complete work has been re-designed via professional layout, formatting and type-setting tools to re-create the same edition with rich typography, graphics, high quality images, and table elements, giving our readers the feel of holding a 'fresh and newly' reprinted and/or revised edition, as opposed to other scanned & printed (Optical Character Recognition - OCR) reproductions.2. Correction of imperfections: As the work was re-created from the scratch, therefore, it was vetted to rectify certain conventional norms with regard to typographical mistakes, hyphenations, punctuations, blurred images, missing content/pages, and/or other related subject matters, upon our consideration. Every attempt was made to rectify the imperfections related to omitted constructs in the original edition via other references. However, a few of such imperfections which could not be rectified due to intentional\unintentional omission of content in the original edition, were inherited and preserved from the original work to maintain the authenticity and construct, relevant to the work.We believe that this work holds historical, cultural and/or intellectual importance in the literary works community, therefore despite the oddities, we accounted the work for print as a part of our continuing effort towards preservation of literary work and our contribution towards the development of the society as a whole, driven by our beliefs. We are grateful to our readers for putting their faith in us and accepting our imperfections with regard to preservation of the historical content. HAPPY READING!

  • by Horace Walpole, Denis Le Marchant & George Fisher Russell Barker
    £25.99 - 29.99

  • - to the Right Honourable Horatio Walpole, concerning bishops in America
    by Horace Walpole & Francis Blackburne

  • by Horace Walpole

    Das Schloss von Otranto ist ein Roman des britischen Politikers und Schriftstellers Horace Walpole aus dem Jahr 1764. Walpole begründete damit die später sehr erfolgreiche Romangattung des Schauerromans (Gothic Novel). Der Roman stellte einen Bruch mit den Idealen der Aufklärung dar, die naturalistische Darstellungen und natürliche Erklärungen in der Literatur in den Vordergrund stellten. Er ist Vorläufer der romantischen Geschichten und Erzählungen des späten 18. und frühen 19. Jahrhunderts und beeinflusst die Literatur bis in unsere Zeit. Zur Inhalt: In Das Schloss von Otranto wird das für seine Familie verderbliche Wirken einer mächtigen Vaterfigur (Manfred) geschildert, die sich tyrannisch und intrigant um die genealogische Nachfolge sorgt, als sein schwächlicher Sohn von einem mysteriösen Riesenhelm erschlagen wird. Manfred, nun ohne Sohn und Erben, stellt daraufhin des Sohnes versprochener Braut Isabella nach, die er zuvor für diesen entführen ließ, um eine Verbindung zwischen seinem Fürstentum Otranto und dem Herrschaftsbereich des Marcheses von Vicenza, dessen Tochter die Braut ist, herzustellen. Nun will Manfred Isabella vergewaltigen, danach seine devote Ehefrau Hippolyta verstoßen, um dann Isabella heiraten zu können. Isabella graut es jedoch vor ihrem alten, finsteren Verfolger und versucht kurz nach Manfreds "Antrag" aus der Burg von Otranto zu fliehen.

  • by Horace Walpole

  • - A Gothic Story
    by Horace Walpole
    £14.99 - 25.49

  • by Horace Walpole

  • by Horace Walpole

  • - Histoire Gothique: Par M. Horace Walpole
    by Horace Walpole
    £14.99 - 25.49

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