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Books by Itzhak Brook

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  • - Laryngectomee Guide for COVID-19 Pandemic Bosnian Edition
    by Itzhak Brook

    Pandemija korona virusa postavila je mnoge medicinske, socijalne i psiholöke izazove laringektomiranim osobama i medicinskom osoblju uklju¿enom u njihovo lije¿enje i rehabilitaciju. Vodi¿ za laringektomirane osobe u vrijeme pandemije COVID - 19 pru¿a informacije za laringektomirane i traheotomirane osobe kako se izboriti sa pandemijom virusa COVID - 19. Vodi¿ pru¿a informacije o tome kako sprije¿iti infekciju, kako se nositi sa depresijom, socijalnom izolacijom, fibrozom, limfedemom, problemima sa sluzi i curenjem glasovnih proteza. Pru¿a savjete kako se nositi sa su¿enjem jednjaka, hospitalizacijom, te kako odr¿avati kondiciju i kvalitetnu prehranu. The corona (COVID-19) pandemic presents many medical, social and psychological challenges for laryngectomees and their medical providers. The Laryngectomee Guide for COVID -19 provides information for laryngectomee and neck breathers how to cope with the COVID -19 pandemic. It contains information how to prevent the infection and deal with depression, social isolation, fibrosis, lymphedema, mucous problems, and voice prosthesis leak. It provides suggestions how to deal with esophageal dilation, hospitalization, and keep fit and eat well.

  • - The Laryngectomee Guide Malaysian Edition
    by Itzhak Brook

    Buku panduan bertujuan memberi maklumat yang berguna bagi membantu pemandiri laringektomi dan penjaga mereka mengatasi pelbagai permasalahan merangkumi isu-isu perubatan, pergigian dan psikologi. Ia mengandungi maklumat mengenai kesan sampingan radioterapi dan kemoterapi, cara-cara bertutur selepas laringektomi, penjagaan salur pernafasan, penjagaan stoma, alat penukar haba dan kelembapan (heat and moisture exchange filter) dan prostesis suara. Tambahan lagi, saya ada menyentuh mengenai isu pemakanan dan penelanan, masalah gigi, kecelaruan psikologi, pernafasan dan anestesia serta berjalan jauh sebagai seorang pemandiri laringektomi. Ini juga memberi nasihat kepada laringektomees bagaimana mengatasi cabaran pandemik COVID 19.Panduan ini bukan pengganti penjagaan kesihatan oleh profesional perubatan.The Laryngectomee Guide in Malaysian covers medical, dental, and psychiatric issues and provides useful information to patients who had laryngectomy. It also includes information about the side effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy, airway management, methods of speaking after laryngectomy, heat and humidity control filters, voice rehabilitation devices and how to use them. It also advises laryngectomees how to overcome the challenge of the COVID 19 pandemic. This guide is not a substitute to health care by medical professionals.

  • - Laryngectomee Guide for COVID-19 Pandemic Romanian Edition
    by Itzhak Brook

    Pandemia de Coronavirus (COVID-19) prezint¿ numeroase provoc¿ri medicale, sociale ¿i psihologice pentru laringectomizäi ¿i pentru furnizorii lor de servicii medicale. Ghidul pacientului laringectomizat în timpul pandemiei cu COVID-19 ofer¿ informäii laringectomizäilor ¿i purt¿torilor de canul¿ traheal¿ despre cum s¿ fac¿ fä¿ pandemiei cu COVID-19. Acesta con¿ine informäii despre cum s¿ preveni¿i infec¿ia ¿i cum s¿ face¿i fä¿ depresiei, izol¿rii sociale, fibrozei, limfedemului, problemelor legate de secre¿ia de mucus ¿i scurgerilor de la nivelul protezei vocale. De asemenea, sunt oferite sugestii despre cum s¿ face¿i fä¿ dilatäiei esofagiene, spitaliz¿rii, men¿inerea condi¿iei fizice ¿i alimentäiei adecvate.The corona (COVID-19) pandemic presents many medical, social and psychological challenges for laryngectomees and their medical providers. The Laryngectomee Guide for COVID -19 provides information for laryngectomee and neck breathers how to cope with the COVID -19 pandemic. It contains information how to prevent the infection and deal with depression, social isolation, fibrosis, lymphedema, mucous problems, and voice prosthesis leak. It provides suggestions how to deal with esophageal dilation, hospitalization, and keep fit and eat well.

  • - VodiČ Za Laringektomirane Osobe
    by Itzhak Brook

    This handbook covers medical, dental, and psychiatric issues and provides useful information to laryngeal patients and caregivers. It also includes information about the side effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy, airway management, methods of speaking after laryngectomy, heat and humidity control filters, voice rehabilitation devices and how to use them. Ovaj priru¿nik pokriva medicinska, stomatolo¿ka i psihijatrijska pitanja i pru¿a korisne informacije laringealnim pacijentima i njegovateljima. Uklju¿uje i informacije o nuspojavama radioterapije i hemoterapije, upravljanju disajnim putevima, metodama govora nakon laringektomije, filtrima za kontrolu topline i vlage, ure¿ajima za rehabilitaciju glasa i kako ih koristiti. Ovaj vodi¿ nije zamena za zdravstvenu zätitu od strane medicinskih stru¿njaka.

  • - Laryngectomee Guide for COVID-19 Pandemic Portuguese Edition
    by Itzhak Brook

    A pandemia de Coronavírus (COVID-19) apresenta muitos desafios médicos, sociais e psicológicos para laringectomizados e seus especialistas médicos. O Guia do Laringectomizado para a Pandemia de COVID-19 fornece informações para ajudar laringectomizados e respiradores por traqueostoma a lidar com a pandemia. Ele contém informações sobre como se prevenir de infecções e lidar com múltiplas questões, de depressão e isolamento social, a fibroses, linfedemas, problemas na mucosa e vazamentos na prótese vocal. Este guia também sugere formas de lidar com a dilatação esofágica e hospitalização, bem como maneiras de se manter em forma e ter uma boa alimentação.

  • - Laryngectomee Guide for COVID-19 Pandemic Turkish Edition
    by Itzhak Brook

    Koronavirüs pandemisi (COVID- 19) Larenjektomili ve säl¿k görevlileri için birçok t¿bbi, sosyal ve psikolojik zorluk getirmi¿tir. COVID -19 Larenjektomi rehberi bo¿az¿ndan nefes alan ve larenjektomili ki¿ilerin COVID- 19 pandemisi ile mücadele etmeleri konusunda bilgi verir. Enfeksiyonun önlenmesi, depresyon ile mücadele, sosyal izolasyon, Lenfodem,f ibrozis, mukus problemleri ve ses protezi kaçä¿ gibi konular¿ içerir. Özofagus rehabilitasyonu, hastanede yatma, zinde olma ve faydal¿ g¿dalar yeme konular¿nda öneriler sunar.The corona (COVID-19) pandemic presents many medical, social and psychological challenges for laryngectomees and their medical providers. The Laryngectomee Guide for COVID -19 provides information for laryngectomee and neck breathers how to cope with the COVID -19 pandemic. It contains information how to prevent the infection and deal with depression, social isolation, fibrosis, lymphedema, mucous problems, and voice prosthesis leak. It provides suggestions how to deal with esophageal dilation, hospitalization, and keep fit and eat well.

  • - Laryngectomee Guide for Covid-19 Pandemic Italian Edition
    by Itzhak Brook

    La pandemia da Coronavirus (COVID-19) rappresenta un'importante sfida dal punto di vista medico, sociale e psicologico sia per i pazienti laringectomizzati che per i loro caregivers. La Guida al paziente laringectomizzato per COVID -19 fornisce informazioni utili per i pazienti laringectomizzati, e più in generale tracheostomizzati, su come affrontare la pandemia da COVID -19. Contiene informazioni su come prevenire l'infezione e affrontare la depressione, l'isolamento sociale, la fibrosi, il linfedema, i problemi legati alle secrezioni e le perdite dalle protesi fonatorie. Fornisce suggerimenti su come affrontare la dilatazione esofagea, il ricovero ospedaliero, su come mantenersi in forma e mangiare sano.The corona (COVID-19) pandemic presents many medical, social and psychological challenges for laryngectomees and their medical providers. The Laryngectomee Guide for COVID -19 provides information for laryngectomee and neck breathers how to cope with the COVID -19 pandemic. It contains information how to prevent the infection and deal with depression, social isolation, fibrosis, lymphedema, mucous problems, and voice prosthesis leak. It provides suggestions how to deal with esophageal dilation, hospitalization, and keep fit and eat well.

  • - The Laryngectomee Guide for Covid-19 Pandemic Spanish Edition
    by Itzhak Brook

    La pandemia de corona (COVID-19) presenta muchos desafíos médicos, sociales y psicológicos para los laringectomizados y sus proveedores médicos. La Guía de laringectomizados para COVID -19 proporciona información para laringectomizados y respiradores de cuello sobre cómo hacer frente a la pandemia de COVID -19. Contiene información sobre cómo prevenir la infección y tratar la depresión, el aislamiento social, la fibrosis, el linfedema, los problemas mucosos y la fuga de la prótesis de voz. Brinda sugerencias sobre cómo lidiar con la dilatación esofágica, la hospitalización y cómo mantenerse en forma y comer bien.The corona (COVID-19) pandemic presents many medical, social and psychological challenges for laryngectomees and their medical providers. The Laryngectomee Guide for COVID -19 provides information for laryngectomee and neck breathers how to cope with the COVID -19 pandemic. It contains information how to prevent the infection and deal with depression, social isolation, fibrosis, lymphedema, mucous problems, and voice prosthesis leak. It provides suggestions how to deal with esophageal dilation, hospitalization, and keep fit and eat well.

  • - Panduan Bagi Pasien Pasca Operasi Laringektomi
    by Itzhak Brook

    Panduan ini mencakup masalah medis, gigi, dan kejiwaan dan memberikan informasi yang berguna bagi pasien yang menjalani laryngectomy. Ini juga mencakup informasi tentang efek samping radioterapi dan kemoterapi, manajemen jalan napas, metode berbicara setelah laryngectomy, filter kontrol panas dan kelembaban, perangkat rehabilitasi suara dan cara menggunakannya. Panduan ini bukan pengganti perawatan kesehatan oleh para profesional medis.The Laryngectomee Guide in Indonesian covers medical, dental, and psychiatric issues and provides useful information to patients who had laryngectomy. It also includes information about the side effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy, airway management, methods of speaking after laryngectomy, heat and humidity control filters, voice rehabilitation devices and how to use them. This guide is not a substitute to health care by medical professionals.

  • by Itzhak Brook

    The Laryngectomee Guide for COVID -19 provides information for laryngectomee and neck breathers how to cope with the COVID -19 pandemic. It contains information how to prevent the infection and deal with depression, social isolation, fibrosis, lymphedema, mucous problems, and voice prosthesis leak. It provides suggestions how to deal with esophageal dilation, hospitalization, and keep fit and eat well. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice and care.

  • - Diagnosis and Management
    by Itzhak Brook

    With new infectious agents, antibiotics, and instances of antimicrobial resistance constantly on the horizon, this field is an ever growing discipline that requires constant vigilance. This book responds to burgeoning growth in the field and provides a comprehensive and expert armamentarium of guidelines for the treatment and diagnosis of the entire breadth of adult and pediatric anaerobic infections.

  • - Diagnosis and Management
    by Itzhak Brook

    Anaerobic Infections

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