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Midt i en international krise sker det umulige. Den amerikanske præsident forsvinder. Hvad der følger er tre af de mest dramatiske dage i præsidentens liv – måske i USA’s historie. Og det hele kunne ske i virkeligheden … "Drømmeholdet leverer varen … Clintons insiderhemmeligheder og Pattersons fortælletalent gør det til årtiets politiske thriller" – Lee Child Præsidenten er forsvundet er en spektakulær thriller fra den absolutte magts korridorer, der giver et enestående indblik i livet som præsident: det massive pres, de umulige beslutninger, men også de mange muligheder for at forandre spillets regler… Præsidenten er forsvundet er skrevet af den forhenværende amerikanske præsident Bill Clinton og bestsellerforfatteren James Patterson. Bill Clinton blev valgt som USA’s præsident i 1992 og var præsident indtil 2001. James Patterson har Guinness’ verdensrekord for flest #1-New York Times bestsellere og har solgt mere end 375 millioner bøger verden over. Præsidenten er forsvundet er deres første roman sammen.
Første gang FBI-agenten John O’Hara møder Nora Sinclair, ser han afspejlingen af den perfekte kvinde. Hun er smuk, succesfuld, intelligent og hamrende sexet. Hun er enhver mands drøm – og hans værste mareridt.Nora Sinclair har i løbet af de sidste par år på uhyggeligste vis tjent rigtig mange penge, som hun har formået at skjule på en hemmelig konto på Cayman Island. John O’Hara bliver sat på sagen og går undercover som forsikringsmanden Craig, der skal lokke oplysninger ud af hende. Men Nora er professionel og gemmer på andre, langt mørkere hemmeligheder end den ene – for hvor kommer pengene fra?O’Hara kommer tættere og tættere på sandheden om Nora, men vil han være i stand til at stoppe, mens legen er god – og vil hun?James Patterson (f. 1947) er en amerikansk forfatter, der står bag et væld af spændende krimier og thrillere, hvoraf et par er blevet filmatiseret. James Pattersons bøger er blevet oversat til flere sprog og har opnået stor succes over hele verden.
In Los Angeles, a reporter investigating a series of murders is killed. In Chapel Hill, North Carolina, a beautiful medical intern suddenly disappears. Alex Cross is back to solve the most baffling and terrifying murder case ever. Two clever pattern killers are collaborating, cooperating, competing - and they are working coast to coast.
Alex Cross is under pressure from two fronts - but he knows even he can't solve both cases. Faced with an impossible choice, Cross has to come up with something incredible - because right now, nobody in Washington is safe, and it's only a matter of time before the killer sets their sights on the ultimate target...
Rechercheur Alex Cross wordt achtervolgd door zijn verleden - en een maniakele seriemoordenaar die zijn slachtoffers doodbijt en laat leegbloeden.Zijn oude aartsvijand, de Mastermind, een gevaarlijke crimineel met gruwelijke daden op zijn geweten, heeft het nog steeds op Alex gemunt. Maar ondanks alle levensgevaarlijke bedreigingen, stort Alex zich op een nieuwe moordzaak, die zelfs hem de stuipen op het lijf jaagt. Een koelbloedige seriemoordenaar laat al zijn slachtoffers achter met bijtwonden en volledig leeggebloed. Is dit het werk van een maniak die denkt dat hij een vampier is? Cross moet snel de dader vinden, want er blijven door heel Amerika nieuwe slachtoffers vallen… ‘Schepen vergaan’ is het zevende deel in de ‘Alex Cross’-reeks waarin de meester der thrillers, James Patterson, je bij de eerste pagina weet mee te slepen!Alex CrossAlex Cross is een Afro-Amerikaanse detective en psycholoog. Hij werkt als Senior Agent voor de FBI, terwijl hij ook nog privé-patiënten ontvangt. In deze reeks van succesauteur James Patterson vecht Cross tegen misdadigers die zijn gezin of zijn staat bedreigen. Een rode draad in de reeks is de onopgeloste moord van Alex’ eerste vrouw. Zijn aartsvijand is The Mastermind, Kyle Craig, die op Alex’ ondergang uit is.James Patterson (1947) is een wereldberoemde Amerikaanse auteur en filantroop, die tot 1996 eveneens werkzaam was als reclamemaker. Sinds 1976 heeft hij meer dan tweehonderd boeken gepubliceerd, waarvan er in totaal meer dan 300 miljoen exemplaren zijn verkocht. 76 titels stonden op nummer één op de bestsellerlijst van de New York Times, waaronder President vermist, dat hij samen met Bill Clinton schreef. Deze cijfers maken hem een van de meest succesvolle en best verkopende auteurs ooit. Patterson is het meesterbrein achter de Alex Cross en Women’s Murder Club thrillerreeksen, die beide zijn verfilmd. Daarnaast heeft hij meerdere romans en kinderboeken op zijn naam staan.Zowel voor zijn schrijven als voor zijn liefdadigheidswerk heeft hij verscheidene prijzen gewonnen en onderscheidingen gekregen, waaronder de Edgar Award van de Mystery Writers of America en de Literarian Award van de National Book Foundation.
James Patterson has teamed up with the world's most famous genius to entertain and inspire a generation of children - with the first and only children's adventure series officially approved by the Albert Einstein archives. Max Einstein's typical day is not your average 12-year-old's.
Now she's inmate 3329. Prison is a dangerous place for a former cop - as Harriet Blue is learning on a daily basis. So, following a fight for her life and a prison-wide lockdown, the last person she wants to see is Deputy Police Commissioner Joe Woods.
Detective Lindsay Boxer fights to protect the streets of San Francisco from an international war criminal in the latest Women's Murder Club thriller.When three female schoolteachers go missing in San Francisco, Detective Lindsay Boxer must unravel the mystery of their disappearance.
Sightseeing around a foreign country sounds like a blast, until Rafe finds out his roommate will be none other than Miller the Killer, bully extraordinaire! And it's no surprise that Rafe's bad luck follows him across the pond, putting him in one crazy situation after another - all under the watchful eye of his bad-tempered principal.
Albert Einstein + James Patterson = A Must Read!Twelve-year-old orphan Max Einstein (like Albert Einstein himself) is not your typical genius. Max hacks the computer system at NYU in order to attend college courses (even though she hates tests), builds homemade inventions to help the homeless, and plays speed chess in the park.
En gådefuld forbryder, der kalder sig Hjernen, har fundet på en snedig og grusom måde at røve banker på uden selv at sætte fod i banken. Han tager bankbestyrernes familier som gidsler og truer med at myrde dem, hvis ikke hans ordre bliver udført til punkt og prikke.Alex Cross bliver bedt om at samarbejde med FBI i jagten på Hjernen, og det går hurtigt op for ham, at Hjernen er en helt unik forbryder. Han har et sygeligt behov for at have kontrol over sine forbrydelser og sine ofre, og hans perfektionisme er både hans største fordel og hans hæmsko. Situationen spidser til, da Cross finder ud af, at Hjernen er ved at planlægge den ultimative forbrydelse, og de geniale og grusomme bankrøverier måske bare har været træning op til den store finale.James Patterson (f. 1947) er en amerikansk forfatter, der står bag et væld af spændende krimier og thrillere, hvoraf et par er blevet filmatiseret. James Pattersons bøger er blevet oversat til flere sprog og har opnået stor succes over hele verden.
Rafe Khatchadorian is getting the Hollywood treatment in a film version of Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life starring Griffin Gluck, Lauren Graham, Rob Riggle and Thomas Barbusca.
Rafe Khatchadorian is getting the Hollywood treatment in a film version of Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life starring Griffin Gluck, Lauren Graham, Rob Riggle and Thomas Barbusca. Life in middle school is finally starting to seem bearable - until Rafe spots his grandmother standing in the free-meal line at the local soup kitchen.
When Dr. Martinez and her colleagues established the Coalition to Stop the Madness, spreading environmental awareness through the flock's public air shows, Max knew it could be dangerous. Now the flock has to team up with the U.S. Navy to rescue Dr. Martinez...
Rafe Khatchadorian heads back to the place his misadventures began: the dreaded Hills Village Middle School, where he's now being forced to take 'special' classes... He also finds himself joining the school's football team - alongside his main tormenter, Miller the Killer! But Rafe has grand plans for a better year...
Joining a scientific expedition gives Max and the flock a pefect opportunity to distance themselves from the heated debate in the antarctic! A powerful figure in the underworld has promised the super-human kids to the highest bidder - and he has the robotic army to ensure the goods are delivered!
Rafe Khatchadorian, the hero of the bestselling Middle School series, is ready for a fun summer at camp - until he finds out it's a summer school camp! Luckily, Rafe easily makes friends with his troublemaking cabin mates and bunkmate, a boy nicknamed Booger Eater, who puts up with endless teasing from the other kids.
Fang's blog has brought ITEX and their cruel research to the world's attention, and his readers take a stand at the facility where Max and the girls are being held, shutting the organisation down. For whoever controls her powers could also control the world...
There's a rift in the flock, and everyone is choosing sides! No matter which direction the flock heads in, though, there's trouble around every corner. Itex's 'by-half plan' to reduce the world's population is already in motion, and they have no intention of letting anything - or anyone - stand in their way!
Dan Carter is the head of the London office of Private, the world's largest and most technologically advanced detective agency. The daughter of one of Private's wealthiest and most valuable clients, Hannah and her mother were kidnapped when she was thirteen years old.
Jack is certain that Abbie didn't kill his wife, but he will have to work night and day to prove it. Meanwhile, Jack's second-in-command at Private, Justine Smith, is helping the L.A.P.D.
Will Detective Lindsay Boxer be pushed to breaking point? An eccentric professor walks into Lindsay's homicide department to report a murder that hasn't yet happened. A convicted serial killer wakes from a two-year coma. He says he's ready to tell where the bodies are buried, but does he have a much more sinister plan in mind?
Rafe Khatchadorian is getting the Hollywood treatment in a film version of Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life starring Griffin Gluck, Lauren Graham, Rob Riggle and Thomas Barbusca. After a rough summer, Rafe is heading back to the dreaded Hills Village Middle School, the site of the very worst years of his life.
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