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Books by James Van Praagh

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    - Forbind dig med universets kraft
    by James Van Praagh
    £7.99 - 10.49

    Den spirituelle lærer, mediet og forfatteren James Van Praagh har ifølge eget udsagn modtaget tusinder af beskeder fra den anden side, hvor afdøde har ladet ham vide, at de gerne vil formidle, hvor vigtigt det er, at vi alle bruger kærlighedens kraft, mens vi befinder os på Jorden. I sin fascinerende bog peger Van Praagh på kærlighedens forvandlende energi og kraft. I ni kortfattede kapitler minder han os om, at kærligheden ikke kender nogen grænser og kan ændre et menneskes liv for altid. Ved at formidle sine levende personlige historier og en utrolig viden om livet efter døden viser Van Praagh, hvordan vi kan aktivere kærlighedens kraft og bruge den til at åbne vores hjerte for verden. Når vi begynder at tænke kærlige tanker, vil angst og bekymring gradvis forsvinde. Beslutninger, vi tidligere grublede længe over, bliver lettere at træffe. Vi tiltrækker ikke længere besværlige situationer og mennesker, fordi vi lærer at slippe deres energimæssige påvirkning af os. Når vi bevidst begynder at omgive os med kærlighedens og acceptens energi – vores naturlige værenstilstand – bliver vores rejse i dette liv langt nemmere og mere meningsfuld.

  • - The Eternal Connection Between Parent and Child
    by James Van Praagh

    [JamesVan Praagh] has changed peoples lives, banished thefear of death, and brought grieving parents the solace of their dead childrenspresence . . . It is impossible not to be moved. Newsweek Hereally is a healer. . . . He is the real thing. Shirley MacLaineWorld-renownedpsychic James Van Praagh reveals the truth aboutchildren in the afterlife, verifying that their spirits remain enduringlyconnected to the world of the living even from the great hereafter. In GrowingUp in Heaven, the New York Times bestselling author of GhostsAmong Us and Unfinished Business offers a heartwarming, visionaryconfirmation of our deepest hopes and wishes for the children who have goneahead of us to their great reward.

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    - Sådan kontakter du din sjæls læremestre
    by James Van Praagh
    £7.99 - 6.99

    Det kendte åndelige medium James Van Praagh mener, at vi – uanset om vi er bevidste om det eller ej – altid står i forbindelse med spirituelle guider, som konstant tilbyder deres vejledning, visdom og kærlighed til os. I sin nye bog, Visdom fra dine guider, vejleder han os i, hvordan vi kan genkende de forskellige guider, som både kan have fysiske kroppe og udelukkende være åndelige væsener, og han beskriver de mange fordele, der er, ved at få et bevidst forhold til dem. Bogen indeholder mange inspirerende personlige beretninger, øvelser, såsom energiøvelser og meditationer, og vejledning i, hvordan vi kan modtage beskeder fra vores guider gennem kropslige fornemmelser, telepati, inspirerende tanker, symboler, meditation, trance, automatskrift eller drømme. Guiderne er altid klar med indsigt og støtte og kan hjælpe os med at løse problemer og komme gennem udfordringer, så vi kan leve et åndeligt mere rigt liv og udvikle os spirituelt.

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    - The eternal connection between parent and child
    by James Van Praagh

    James Van Praagh is one of the most famous psychics in the world, whose extraordinary gift enables him to bridge heaven and earth. Drawing on nearly three decades of spirit communication, in Growing Up in Heaven he takes us on a powerful, emotional and ultimately inspiring journey to the other side. With compassion and insight, he offers a detailed portrayal of a child's soul on its journey from this world to the next. Through true stories and messages from those who have passed over, he explains the unbreakable bond between parent and child while offering us an amazing vision of heaven.Van Praagh proves that love transcends the physical and material planes of this world, and offers compelling evidence that our departed ones, however young and tragically taken, will always be a part of our lives.

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    - What the Spirits Can Teach Us About Life
    by James Van Praagh

    Bestselling author James Van Praagh is the celebrity medium whose work is a major inspiration behind the hit TV show 'Ghost Whisperer'. During his international career as a messenger of the spirit world, he has been astounded by the incredible proof of life after death. And he has been amazed by how involved the spirits are in our daily lives. Our loved ones may have passed over, yet they still care.This dazzling book is brimming with stories that show how keen the spirits are to help us learn from their mistakes, so we can avoid the traps that caught them out on earth. Watching Over Us is a life manual with a difference, full of wisdom from the Other Side - empowering us to have our time again here and now.

  • Save 14%
    - A medium's message of life after death
    by James Van Praagh

    James Van Praagh enjoys an extraordinary gift - he can communicate with the spirits of men, women, children and animals who have died. Possessing the rare ability to bridge the gap between the physical and spiritual worlds, he provides comfort to those who have lost loved ones and brings back powerful messages from the other side.In this inspiring book, he shows us what lies beyond our visible world and answers our most profound questions about life after death. Part spiritual memoir and part instructional guide, this international bestseller offers a powerful and inspiring message about the world beyond. Filled with hope and enlightenment about our spiritual future, it is a book that will change the way you look at death and life.

  • - Reclaiming Life After Any Loss
    by James Van Praagh

    In HEALING GRIEF James Van Praagh draws on his unique access to the world of spirit to show you how to move on from pain and grief to achieve inner peace.Sensitive and inspiring, HEALING GRIEF shows you how to cope with losing a loved one and rebuilding your life. The book explains that by confronting repressed feelings of grief and anger you can bring about self-healing. Through James Van Praagh's advice and guidance you may begin to recognise your loss, beyond the pain and sadness it brings, as an opportunity to involve yourself fully in life. HEALING GRIEF also explores other kinds of loss including divorce, losing your home or job and ageing.

  • - A spiritual journey through life and death
    by James Van Praagh

    A reassuring and inspiring guide to becoming a true spiritual being.

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    - Uncovering the Truth About the Other Side
    by James Van Praagh

    James Van Praagh knew he was different from a young age. Not only could he see ghosts, but he could talk to them and interact with them. He realised that whereas some ghosts can be full of malice, others actively want to help the living. In this extraordinary book, he tells his incredible ghost stories and reveals the lessons he learned from his amazing encounters with the spirit world. He explains what it is really like to see ghosts, how to recognise which sort of energies surround a person or place, ways to protect ourselves from negative presences, and techniques for becoming closer to those spirits who truly want to guide us. Uncovering the truth about the Other Side, Ghosts Among Us also shows us how to develop our psychic powers and how we can all transform our fears of the paranormal into a source of inner strength and support.

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    - Making the Psychic Connection
    by James Van Praagh

    James Van Praagh teaches that death is not the end, nor is it something to be feared, and that there is indeed life after death. He explains how, with the help of spirits, we can learn to solve our problems with less strain, lead healthier lives and experience more contentment and creativity.

  • Save 15%
    - How To Use Your Psychic Talent To Get What You Want
    by James Van Praagh

    Do you know who you really are? Or just how powerful you can be? This title shows you how to connect with your special 'supernatural' talents and step into the power of your personality. It helps you discover: your own psychic abilities and ways to develop your sixth sense; the real deal about soul mates; the truth about spirit guides and more.

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