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Books by Jerome K. Jerome

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    by Jerome K. Jerome

    A beautiful gift edition of Jerome K Jerome's classic comic novel with illustrations by A. Frederics and an afterword by David Stuart Davies.

  • by Jerome K. Jerome

    Featuring five works of extraordinary short fiction, John Ingerfield: And Other Stories is an unforgettable collection that textualizes the aspects of human nature that are often left unspoken while exploring nostalgia and the macabre. In The Woman of Saeter, an uneventful hunting trip turns into a spooky experience when two men are forced to take shelter in a mysterious hut in the woods. With a similar tone, Silhouettes is a frightening recollection of an eerie marshland near the sea, haunted by the dead, monsters, and shadows. Depicting a less chilling childhood memory, Variety Platter is a story of an unforgettable Christmas. While the supernatural and unexpected burn themselves into memory, odd characters have a similar effect. The Lease of the Cross Key follows a Bishop and an unconventional reporter as they prepare for a celebratory service. Finally, the first and title story of the collection, The Remembrance of John Ingerfield, and of Anne, His Wife depicts a man whose life revolved around making money. Written with stunning description and impressive prose, John Ingerfield: And Other Stories by Jerome K. Jerome is a collection of short fiction, featuring romance, comedy, and even paranormal activity. With ghost stories, legends, and childhood memories, each narrative is captivating and highly impressionable. Slightly deviating from Jerome K. Jerome¿s usual humorous tone, these stories are dramatic with subtle hints of comedy, crafting a unique reading experience. First published in 1894, this 19th century collection demonstrates the best of Jerome¿s literary ability, possessing a strong aesthetic that has remained to be fascinating and compelling. This edition of John Ingerfield: And Other Stories by Jerome K. Jerome is presented in an easy-to-read font and features an eye-catching new cover design. With these accommodations, this edition is accessible and appealing to contemporary audiences, restoring Jerome K Jerome¿s work to modern standards while preserving the original wit and charm of John Ingerfield: And Other Stories.

  • by Jerome K. Jerome

    A decade after their wild boat ride adventure on the Thames river, J, Harris, and George reunite for another vacation. Older, richer, and fatter, but not wiser, the three men stumble through mishaps and surprises as they journey to Germany. First saying their goodbyes, J and Harris seek the approval of their wives, worried about leaving their kids. Their wives are supportive, secretly considering their husbands' trip from home as a vacation for themselves as well. Still a bachelor, George tells his aunt about the trip before they depart. First arriving in a boat, the men journey through Germany, stopping in Hamburg, Hanover, and Berlin. When they are able, they stay in hotels and inns, and when they are desperate, the sleep in the barns of kind farmers. After a long journey, the men finally arrive at their destination. Planning on completing a cycling tour through the German Black Forest, the men take a single rider and a tandem bicycle, making a solemn compromise to take turns being the solo rider. As they set out on their bike ride, the friends are amazed by the beauty and serenity of the forest, until they start to realize that everything looks familiar. Lost in the woods and going in circles, the three men must find a way home from their adventure before they get caught in the impending rain storm. Through sketches and detailed observations, Jerome K. Jerome's Three Men on the Bummel provides a fascinating perspective on the landscape and culture of 20th century Germany. With drunken adventures, sword fights, and misfortunate weather, Three Men on the Bummel is an exciting and charming travelogue, humorous and enjoyable even for modern audiences. This edition of Three Men on the Bumel by Jerome K. Jerome is presented in an easy-to-read font and features an eye-catching new cover design. With these accommodations, this edition is accessible and appealing to contemporary audiences, restoring Jerome K Jerome's work to modern standards while preserving the original wit and charm of Three Men on the Bummel.

  • by Jerome K. Jerome

    While remodeling his new home, a man and his children move into a country cottage where he must adjust to the new sights and sounds. This is a detailed look at how he manages his disparate children in a foreign environment.A sudden move prompts a man to reevaluate his life and key moments from the past. When a father purchases a new home, he decides to make some much-needed renovations. He and his three children travel to the country and stay in a cottage near the job site. While there, the father narrates their story presenting an insightful and hilarious view of his parenting style. They and I highlights a man, his children, and their distinct personalities. It's a light read that focuses on an unconventional family in a traditional setting. Jerome K. Jerome presents a delightful examination of country life with a series of memorable anecdotes.With an eye-catching new cover, and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of They and I is both modern and readable.

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    by Jerome K. Jerome

    Paul Kelver, a fictional character, recounts an eventful life loosely based on author Jerome K. Jerome's personal and professional exploits prior to becoming a writer. It's an intriguing look at an unconventional path that led to a promising literary career.In Paul Kelver: A Novel, the narrator explains the critical events that pushed him into his current profession. He details both platonic and romantic relationships that have come and gone. He also attempts to become an established actor in an industry fueled by rejection with limited opportunities. Paul eventually meets a key figure whose influence helps to change the trajectory of his life.Paul Kelver: A Novel is a rare and entertaining narrative by Jerome K. Jerome. Published years after his debut, the author uses the narrative to reflect on his own success. This journey from novice actor to prominent writer is filled with unforgettable characters and anecdotes.With an eye-catching new cover, and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of Paul Kelver: A Novel is both modern and readable.

  • by Jerome K Jerome
    £7.49 - 12.49

  • by Jerome K Jerome

  • by Jerome K. Jerome

    When Jerome K Jerome and his friend decide to attend the Oberammergau Passion Play, an Easter pageant that is performed in Oberlin, Germany once every decade, they turn the trip into a vacation. From London to Germany, the pair plan a cross-continent trip, excited to sight-see and experience different cultures. However, the friends run into conflict before they even take off, unsure what to pack. While they sort through contradicting advice from others, the pair cannot decide if it would be worse to take more than they need, or less. After they defeat their relatable packing struggle, they finally embark on their journey. The men encounter even more troubles, as they struggle to find directions, board their train, and overcome cultural barriers. However, through unfamiliar foods, strange beds, and misunderstandings, it is impossible to miscommunicate the gorgeous landmarks they encounter, including the Cologne Cathedral and the Rhine river. Their vacation may not go as planned, but it most certainly will be memorable! Featuring misadventures, iconic settings, and admirable friendship, Jerome K. Jerome's Diary of a Pilgrimage is a genius work of comedic nonfiction. Written in the form of essays depicting memorable anecdotes, Jerome's work is composed by delightful, humorous prose and poignant observations. Mixing humor and sentiment, Jerome extends his observations to everyday life, and uses the details of his journey to paint broader truths about civilization and the human race. With vivid descriptions of the social scene and stunning landscapes of major European cities such as London, Cologne, and Munich, Diary of a Pilgrimage paints a perfect image of the journey, allowing readers to experience a vicarious adventure throughout 19th century Europe. This edition of Diary of a Pilgrimage by Jerome K. Jerome features a stunning new cover design and is printed in a font that is both modern and readable. With these accommodations, Diary of a Pilgrimage caters to a contemporary audience while preserving the original hilarity of Jerome's work.

  • by Jerome K. Jerome

    After her mother's death, a woman heads out on her own and is pulled into several history-making events including women's suffrage and World War I. She's driven by her wits and desire to create a better life for herself and others. Joan Allway is a bright college-educated young woman. Following her mother's sudden death, she moves to London to find work. She considers it a land of opportunity where she can start a career and fend for herself. On her journey to independence she's sidetracked by many obstacles leading her down an unexpected path. Her passion about journalism, politics, and ethics will bring her to the frontlines of the Great War.All Roads Lead to Calvary was published later in Jerome's career but maintains his signature tone and style. He delivers a compelling heroine whose story helps shape the narrative of the past and present. With an eye-catching new cover, and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of All Roads Lead to Calvary is both modern and readable.

  • by Jerome K. Jerome

    Es gibt zahlreiche Geschichten über Hunde, aber wer hat schon einmal von einem geldgierigen Vertreter dieser Art gehört? Johannes Steck erzählt eine Geschichte von Jerome K. Jerome über Habgier, die zuweilen sogar bei einem Hund vorkommt ...

  • Save 23%
    by Jerome K. Jerome

    George, Harris ja kertoja ovat ystavyksia, joilla on kaynyt huono tuuri elamassa. Ovathan he kaikki kolme koko ajan sairaina - ainakin omien diagnoosiensa mukaan. Kun kertoja paasi lukemaan laakarikirjaa, han loysi hetkessa itseltaan lahes kaikki taudit... Mutta mika on ratkaisu sairaalloisuuteen? Tietysti raikas ilma! Niinpa kolmikko paattaa lahtea veneilemaan Thamesille. Retkesta tulee ikimuistoinen - mutta ei aivan silla tavalla kuin miehet odottivat.Kolme miesta veneessa on klassikko, joka naurattaa taatusti.-

  • Save 29%
    by Jerome K. Jerome

    Noin vuonna 2000 ennen Kristusta Bretagnessa eli nainen, jolla oli maagisia kykyja. Nainen oli nimeltaan Malvina ja han oli Bretagnen Valkoisten naisten kuningattaren seuraneiti. Malvina ei kuitenkaan ollut pelkastaan nainen - oikeastaan han oli haltia, joka ei eparoinyt kayttaa taikavoimia vihollisiaan vastaan. Kun koittaa vuosi 1914, Malvina saapuu jalleen tahan maailmaan. Hanet herattaa muuan kommodori Raffleton. Vaan kuinka muinaisen haltian mahtaa kayda 1900-luvun alun maailmassa?-

  • Save 20%
    by Jerome K. Jerome

    Kun nuori kirjailija tutustuu rouva Courtneayhyn, han on myyty. Rouva Courtneay kun saa kirjailijan tuntemaan olonsa perin tarkeaksi ja onhan rouvassa myos jotain kovin viehattavaa... Pian kirjailijalle kuitenkin selviaa, ettei han suinkaan ole ainoa rouvan viehatysvoimasta sekaisin mennyt mies. Kuka rouva Courtneay oikein on naisiaan?Viehattava rouva ym. luonnekuvia on novellikokoelma huumorin mestarilta, Jerome K. Jeromelta.-

  • by Jerome K. Jerome

    Trois jeunes anglais, Harris, Georges et le narrateur, decident un jour de fuir leurs epouses. Pour etre certains qu'elles ne viennent pas, ils choisissent un moyen de transport des plus sportifs, le velo, et une region des plus montagneuses, l'Allemagne.Helas ! Le sport ne leur convient pas non plus. Amateurs de whiskey, de rosbeef et de bonnes bieres, ils entament un long periple en train - mais a velo pour eviter de suer ! - de Hambourg jusqu'au Vosges, en passant par Berlin. L'aventure promet bien des maladresses...A la suite d'un best-seller qui plia de rire une generation entiere de lecteurs, Trois hommes dans un bateau Jerome K. Jerome devoile une nouvelle fois tout son talent d'humoriste. Il dresse le tableau satirique de l'Allemagne, et livre une reflexion sur les mA urs des Allemands, des Francais et meme des Anglais.-

  • Save 19%
    by Jerome K. Jerome

    Trois petits employes de bureau britanniques, hypocondriaques et paresseux, entreprennent de remonter la Tamise en canot, malgre les protestations de Montmorency leur fox-terrier. Equipes d'un banjo, d'une poele a frire, et d'une bouteille de whisky (mais pas de biere ni de vin, cela rend somnolent), les voila embarques dans un periple aussi pittoresque que maladroit.Au fil de l'eau et des digressions, l'equipage de bras casses medit des escroqueries des previsions meteorologiques, subit les nuits de camping agitees et decouvre le pays sous des airs nouveaux.Succes phenomenal des sa sortie en 1889, le roman est un classique de l'humour anglais et une satire des traditions britanniques. Jerome K. Jerome est considere comme le chef de fil de la litterature comique et du roman populaire anglais. Il inspirera Terry Pratchett a l'ecriture du Disque-monde

  • by Jerome K. Jerome

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    by Jerome K. Jerome

    Fanny est une danseuse et chanteuse ainsi qu'une actrice a la carriere compromise, qui a rencontre un richissime Lord anglais. Il est doux et affectueux, et pour le seduire elle enjolive son milieu d'origine. L'amour triomphe sous les coups du mensonge et le mariage concretise ses reves et la sauve de l'echec.Mais a son arrivee au chateau de son epoux, Fanny se retrouve dans une situation delicate : les vingt-trois domestiques du Lord sont tous de la famille de Fanny. Pire ! La voila de retour aupres de son oncle, le maitre d'hotel, qu'elle a fui des annees auparavant.Jerome K. Jerome, repute pour ses romans comiques, offre ici une satire des plus serieuses. Elle devoile et condamne une societe de "e; caste "e; que meme l'amour ne peut briser.-

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    by Jerome K. Jerome

    Inizialmente nato come guida turistica sulla storia del Tamigi, il racconto di Jerome K. Jerome fini per diventare un'opera umoristica, popolata dalle gag comiche di tre gentiluomini inglesi che, accompagnati del cane Montmorency, decidono di intrapredere un viaggio in barca risalendo la corrente del celebre fiume. L'ipocondria di J., il bisogno di controllo di Harris e la pigrizia di George portano pero a una serie di battibecchi e la spedizione non va esattamente come previsto... Permeata di humor inglese, questa divertente disavventura navale non smette di intrattenere ancora oggi i lettori di tutto il mondo.-

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    by Jerome K. Jerome

  • by Jerome K. Jerome

    Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano. Una noche de tres amigos fuman en el apartamento de uno de ellos en Londres discutiendo sobre sus supuestas enfermedades: está claro que todos son unos hipocondriacos. Uno de ellos dice que después haber estado investigando durante varios días enfermedades en el museo británico ha llegado la conclusión de que sufre todas las enfermedades conocidas al hombre, con excepción del ojo vago.Discuten que es lo mejor que pueden hacer para recuperar su salud y finalmente se deciden por un pequeño viaje. Pero tiene que ser algo especial y por eso acuerdan remar durante una semana a lo largo del Támesis llevando también a  Montmorency, su belicoso Fox terrier.El primer día del viaje, se quedan todos dormidos y ahí empezarán toda una suerte de aventuras y desventuras a lo largo de la semana de vacaciones terapéuticas que pasan a bordo del pequeño barco, recorriendo el Támesis.Jerome Klapka Jerome (1859 – 1927) fue un escritor inglés conocido por haber escrito en 1889 la novela cómica Tres hombres en un bote (Three men in a boat), obra que lo llevó a la fama. Otros de sus escritos han sido las colecciones de ensayos Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow y Second Thoughts of an Idle Fellow, Three Men on the Bummel, secuela de Three Men in a Boat, entre otras novelas.

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    by Jerome K. Jerome

    Livet på det nedgångna pensionatet på Bloomsbury Square ställs på ända när en ny hyresgäst tar in på ett av de små ruffiga rummen. Den mystiske mannen väcker stor uppmärksamhet, dels för att han ständigt är så godhjärtad, men också på grund av hans underliga utseende. Bakifrån kan man svära på att han är en gammal man, men när han vänder sig om har han en ungdoms ansikte.De flesta av pensionatets inneboende är småaktiga mot varandra och föreståndarinnan Mrs. Sharpe är ständigt otrevlig mot den unga husan Stasia. Främlingen gör sitt bästa för att finna de andra inneboendes respekt, men försöker också att omvända dem till att bli bättre individer. Men vem är den mystiska främlingen, och vilka hemligheter för han med sig i bagaget?I denna novellsamling finner vi "Den hemlighetsfulle främlingen", men också bland annat "Mrs Korner syndar på nåden", "Vad vänlighet kan kosta", och "Filosofens nya skämt".I originalöversättning av Ellen RydingJerome K. Jerome (1859-1927) var son till en frikyrkopredikant och han hade en brokig karriär som författare, skådespelare och lärare. Hans humoristiska verk har gjort honom legendarisk, och hans mest kända verk, "tre män i en båt" har älskats av läsare i över ett sekel.rn

  • Save 11%
    by Jerome K. Jerome

    Originally intended to be a serious travel guide, the humorous elements soon took over and Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing of the Dog) has been considered a classic masterpiece of British humor since its first publication in 1889.

  • by Jerome K. Jerome

    A masterful work of comic horror, Jerome K. Jerome's After-Supper Ghost Stories is a witty look at why Christmas Eve is so perfect for ghost stories and why ghosts love the Yuletide season.

  • by Jerome K. Jerome

    First published in 1889 Jerome K. Jerome's classic tale of boating misadventure has become the quintessential example of the charm and wit of Victorian England.

  • by Jerome K. Jerome

    Jerome's delightful novel has kept readers smiling for years and his prose has found a perfect partner in Vic Reeves's glorious and witty illustrations.ILLUSTRATED WITH THIRTY ORIGINAL ILLUSTRATIONS BY COMEDIAN AND ARTIST VIC REEVES - EXCLUSIVE TO VINTAGE CLASSICS

  • by Jerome K. Jerome

    Suitable for younger learners Word count 18,055 Bestseller

  • Save 21%
    by Jerome K. Jerome

    Hugh Laurie's reading of a comic classic - a rollicking listen

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