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Den niårige Bruno bor i Berlin under anden verdenskrig. Bruno ved ikke meget om krigen og lever i lykkelig uvidenhed, selvom hans far er højtrangerende soldat tæt på Hitler.En dag får familien en vigtig gæst, da "Fyren" kommer til middag. Brunos far bliver forfremmet, og hele familien må forlade Berlin og flyttet til en lejr, som Bruno kalder "Afsides".I "Afsides" er alting anderledes. Fra sit værelse kan Bruno se en indhegning med en masse mennesker, som alle går i ens stribede pyjamasser. Ingen taler om de indhegnede mennesker, men Bruno ved at lejren er forbudt område, og han føler sig meget alene i "Afsides".På en forbudt udforskning i haven kommer Bruno ned til hegnet, og der møder han Shmuel. Her møder han den jævnaldrende Shmuel. Ganske uvidende om, at pigtråden skiller herrefolket fra undermenneskene, knytter tyskeren Bruno – søn af lejerkommandanten – venskab med jøden Shmuel. Sørgelig og rørende historie om venskabet mellem tyske Bruno og jødiske Shmuel under anden verdenskrigDrengen i den stribede pyjamas er en sørgelig og rørende historie om venskabet mellem tyske Bruno og jøden Shmuel, og den blev filmatiseret i 2009 med bl.a. Vera Farmiga og David Thewlis i rollerne og instrueret af Mark Herman.
Cyril Avery is not a real Avery or at least that's what his adoptive parents tell him.
When Pierrot becomes an orphan, he must leave his home in Paris for a new life with his Aunt Beatrix, a servant in a wealthy household at the top of the German mountains. But this is no ordinary time, for it is 1935 and the Second World War is fast approaching; and this is no ordinary house, for this is the Berghof, the home of Adolf Hitler. Quickly, Pierrot is taken under Hitler's wing, and is thrown into an increasingly dangerous new world: a world of terror, secrets and betrayal, from which he may never be able to escape.
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas is an engrossing work of fiction by John Boyne. Published in 2012 by Vintage Publishing, this book has captured the hearts of readers worldwide. This book falls under the genre of historical fiction and showcases Boyne's phenomenal storytelling skills. The story revolves around an unlikely friendship that transcends the boundaries of a concentration camp's fence. Boyne's masterful narrative brings to light the horrors of war from an innocent child's perspective. The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas is a testament to Boyne's skill as a writer and is a must-read for anyone seeking a deeply moving reading experience.
Lines may divide us, but hope will unite us . Until he meets Shmuel, a boy who lives a strange parallel existence on the other side of the adjoining wire fence and who, like the other people there, wears a uniform of striped pyjamas. Bruno's friendship with Shmuel will take him from innocence to revelation.
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas is a deeply moving novel written by the renowned author, John Boyne. Published in 2007 by Transworld Publishers Ltd, this book has touched the hearts of many since its release. The genre of this book is difficult to pin down due to its complex themes and wide appeal. However, it can be best described as a historical and adventure novel. Set against the backdrop of the Holocaust, it tells the story of an unlikely friendship between two boys. The plot is gripping, the characters are well-developed, and the setting is described in vivid detail. This book is not just a piece of fiction, but a poignant reminder of a dark period in human history. If you're looking for a book that is both thought-provoking and engaging, The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas is a must-read.
George, the patriarch, is a stalwart of television interviewing, a 'national treasure' (his words), his wife Beverley, a celebrated novelist (although not as celebrated as she would like), and their children, Nelson, Elizabeth, Achilles, various degrees of catastrophe waiting to happen.
Ambitious, far-reaching and mythic, it introduces a group of characters whose lives we will come to know and will follow through time and space until they reach their natural conclusion.
Cyril Avery er ikke en ‘ægte’ Avery, eller det er i hvert fald, hvad hans adoptivforældre siger. Men hvis han ikke er en ægte Avery, hvem er han så? Cyrils mor bliver som ganske ung gravid uden for ægteskab og bortvises fra sin landsby, en lille katolske flække ved den irske vestkyst. Hun slår sig ned i Dublin og bortadopterer barnet til et velhavende, lettere excentrisk ægtepar: den kæderygende forfatter Maude der absolut ikke vil være populær, og hendes mand Charles. Men Cyril føler sig ikke som en Avery, og han føler sig heller ikke hjemme i efterkrigstidens katolske Irland. Først da han møder den karismatiske skørtejæger Julian Woodbead, kan han tage det første skridt i jagten på hvem han er – en søgen der bringer ham til Amsterdam og New York i et forsøg på at finde lykken og kærligheden. Cyril Averys hjerte er en bevægende og vildtvoksende roman, der strækker sig over mere end halvfjerds år, om en mands kamp for at finde sin plads i livet i et Irland under stærk forandring. »En gribende historie … umulig at lægge fra sig.« – John Irving Pressen skriver: »Det er sjældent, at psykologisk indsigt og uimodståelig humor går hånd i hånd, som det er tilfældet i … Cyril Averys hjerte. Man må flere gange bide sig selv i læben for ikke at sprutte af grin.« **** – Berlingske »Man griner gennem tårer, når man læser Cyril Averys Hjerte, og her er et bud på en af de bøger, der får dig til at ønske, at det også regner i morgen.« ****** – Femina »Det sker adskillige gange, at man ler højt over skarpt indfangede replikskifter […] gribende, underholdende og velskrevet.« **** – Nordjyske Stiftstidende »Fyldt med sjove, hjerteskærende episoder fortalt i et velfungerende sprog med meget dialog og en underliggende humor. « – Bibliotekernes Lektørudtalelse »John Boynes storslåede og ret storladne roman Cyril Averys hjerte … fremstår som et vidnesbyrd særligt fra det 20. århundredes Irland, men egentlig fra en række samfund i den vestlige verden, som lever i deres egen histories skygge i forhold til at lade det enkelte menneske udfolde sig frit, både i forhold til sig selv og som samfundsborger.« **** – Fyens Stiftstidende »En stor og medrivende fortælling fuld af nerve, humor og varme.« – The Irish Times »Stor roman om Cyril Avery og hans liv som homoseksuel i et Irland, hvor fordomme og had giver mange problemer. En bevægende og uafrystelig historie.« - Litteratursiden
A collection of twelve dark, unerring and surprising short stories, that explores the extremities of the human condition. Drawing on a host of characters - a farmer, a cuckold and a teenager exploring his sexuality, good parents, bad parents, writers and soldiers, it examines the hopeful and the damaged without prejudice or judgement.
There's nothing unusual or different about the Brocket family - and they're keen to keep it that way. But when Barnaby Brocket comes into the world, it's clear he's anything but ordinary. To his parents horror, Barnaby defies the laws of gravity - and floats. Soon, the Brockets decide enough is enough. The neighbours are starting to talk. They never asked for a weird, abnormal, floating child. Barnaby has to go . . .Betrayed and frightened, Barnaby floats into the path of a very special hot air balloon and so begins a magical journey around the world, with a cast of extraordinary new friends.
A deeply moving and thought-provoking stage play based on the bestselling novel by John Boyne.
Noah is running away from his problems the day he takes the untrodden path through the forest - or at least that's what he thinks. When he comes across a very unusual toyshop and meets the even more unusual toymaker, he's not sure what to expect. But the toymaker has a story to tell, a story full of adventure, wonder and broken promises. And Noah travels with him on a journey that will change his life for ever. A thought-provoking fable from the author of the bestselling Boy in the Striped Pyjamas.
She is only saved by the vigilance of a passing doctor. It is the start of a journey into a world of abandoned children, unexplained occurrences and terrifying experiences which Eliza will have to overcome if she is to survive the secrets that lie within Gaudlin's walls...
For Owen has run up huge gambling debts and casino boss Nicholas Delfy has given him a choice: find GBP50,000 by Christmas - or find yourself six feet under. So when Owen discovers that he has been cut out of the will in favour of his beautiful cousin Stella, it is time to prove just how cunning he can be...
July 1910: The grisly remains of Cora Crippen, music hall singer and wife of Dr Hawley Crippen, are discovered in the cellar of 39 Hilldrop Crescent, Camden.
William Cody grows up surrounded by his father's tales of Buffalo Bill, to whom he is distantly related, and his fantasies of the Wild West. Though he escapes his heritage by fleeing abroad and starting a new life for himself, he finds that he is always drawn back to England and to his ancestry.
Matthieu Zela has lived his life well. In fact, he's lived several lives well. Because Matthew Zela's life is characterised by one amazing fact: his body stopped ageing before the end of the eighteenth century. Starting in 1758, a young Matthieu flees Paris after witnessing his mother's brutal murder.
Russia, 1915: Sixteen year old farmer's son Georgy Jachmenev steps in front of an assassin's bullet intended for a senior member of the Russian Imperial Family and is instantly proclaimed a hero.
Pickpocket John Jacob Turnstile is on his way to be detained at His Majesty's Pleasure when he is offered a lifeline, what seems like a freedom of sorts - the job of personal valet to a departing naval captain.
Odran Yates enters Clonliffe Seminary in 1972 after his mother informs him that he has a vocation to the priesthood. He goes in full of ambition and hope, dedicated to his studies and keen to make friends. Forty years later, Odran's devotion has been challenged by the revelations that have shattered the Irish people's faith in the church.
Den dag 1. Verdenskrig brød ud lovede Alfies far, at han ikke ville tage af sted, men dagen efter brød han sit løfte. Fire år senere, har 9-årige Alfie ingen anelse om, hvor hans far befinder sig. Hans mor siger, han er på hemmelig mission, Alfie selv tror, han er død i krigen.En dag, da Alfie pudser sko på King’s Cross Station ser han pludselig sin fars navn på et stykke papir, der tilhører en militærlæge. Alfie indser, at hans far befinder sig på et hospital i nærheden – et hospital der behandler hjemvendte soldater for granatchok. Faren må væk fra hospitalet koste hvad det vil, men Alfie har forregnet sig lidt i forhold til, hvor slemt, det i virkeligheden står til med hans fars psykiske tilstand.En rørende og livsbekræftende roman om 1. Verdenskrig og om hvad sker der med mennesker på godt og ondt, når verden med et slag bliver forandret i sin inderste grundvold. Når børn må lades alene i en uforståelig verden. Romanen er skrevet af forfatteren til Drengen i den stribede pyjamas og bogen er short listet til Irish Book Award: Children’s Book of the Year.“Stay Where You Are and Then Leave is a work of tender beauty and real lives. It is an instant classic that once read will never be forgotten. I loved the voice and the people. John Boyne has recreated a world that deserves to be remembered forever. Children’s minds and lives will be richer for reading this wonderful story. The forgotten victims of the Great War finally have their stories told.”- Eoin Colfer, forfatter til Artemis Fowl serien.
Noah løb hjemmefra tidligt om morgenen – før solen stod op, før hundene vågnede, før duggen holdt op med at falde.Otte-årige Noahs problemer ser ud til at forsvinde lidt, hvis han IKKE tænker på dem. Så han løber væk ud ad en ukendt sti igennem den ukendte skov.Inden længe kommer han forbi en butik – men den er ikke helt almindelig. Det er en LEGETØJSBUTIK fuld af det mest UTROLIGE legetøj, der stråler med den vidunderligste magi. Her møder Noah en meget usædvanlig legetøjsmager. Han har en eventyrlig og forunderlig historie at fortælle om magiske løbeture og brudte løfter. Og Noah kommer med på en rejse, der kommer til at ændre hans liv. (Og måske også dit.)John Boyne er også forfatter til "Drengen i den stribede pyjamas", der er filmatiseret.
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