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Books by John Harvey

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  • by John Harvey

    Der erste Teil der Charlie Resnick Reihe, gelesen von Hubertus Gertzen, ist ein fesselndes Hörerlebnis, das nach mehr verlangt.Der sympathische, etwas schrullige Detective Inspector Charlie Resnick wird vor eine besondere Herausforderung gestellt. Eine junge Frau wird ermordet und zunächst scheint der Täter schnell ermittelt. Doch als ein zweiter Mord geschieht, während der Verdächtige in Untersuchungshaft sitzt, führen die Ermittlungen in eine andere Richtung. Der Täter findet seine Opfer auf eine ungewöhnliche Weise...John Harvey, geboren 1938 in London, gehört zu den bekanntesten britischen Schriftstellern. Er studierte an den Universitäten in London und Nottingham und unterrichtete zeitweise in den Bereichen Film und Theater sowie amerikanische Literatur. Neben Kriminal- und Jugendromanen veröffentlichte er unter verschiedenen Pseudonymen auch Westernromane. Sein erster Krimi "Lonely Hearts" (1989), der erste Teil einer Reihe, gehört laut der London Times zu den 100 besten Krimis den 20. Jahrhunderts. Harvey erhielt zahlreiche Auszeichnungen, unter anderem den Cartier Diamond Dagger für sein Lebenswerk.

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    - (Resnick 6)
    by John Harvey

    Nothing unusual there, then, just a pretty normal Christmas holiday for DI Resnick and his team. Pretty soon the police have proof that Nancy was kidnapped, and then - as the New Year celebrations wind down - the first tape arrives, and Resnick knows they're dealing with a dangerous psychopath.

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    - (Resnick 4)
    by John Harvey

    Little Gloria Summers' body has been found, hidden inside two plastic bin bags in a disused warehouse. Then Emily Morrison vanishes on a sunny Sunday afternoon. But years of patient police work have taught him a thing or two - including his conviction that those who jump to easy conclusions are often the last ones to solve a crime.

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    - (Resnick 3)
    by John Harvey

    A savage assault with a scalpel leaves Dr Tim Fletcher's body badly slashed in a deserted walkway - the first victim in a series of brutal assaults on hospital staff. As panic grips the city, it's up to Detective Inspector Charlie Resnick to find the killer. Faced with a mass of clues that lead nowhere and a past he cannot forget.

  • by John Harvey

    Der dritte und letzte Teil der Frank Elder Serie bietet ein spannendes Finale und ist nichts für schwache Nerven.Claire Meecham, eine Bekannte des pensionierten Detectives Frank Elder, ist spurlos verschwunden. Als ihr Bungalow durchsucht wird, finden die Ermittler Hinweise auf spezielle sexuelle Vorlieben und männliche Internetbekanntschaften. Bevor die Ermittlungen weitergehen können, erhält Elder die Nachricht, das Claire tot aufgefunden wurde. Die Art wie die Leiche drapiert wurde, erinnert ihn stark an ein früheres Verbrechen. Wird er den Mörder finden und den bisher ungelösten Fall lösen können?John Harvey, geboren 1938 in London, gehört zu den bekanntesten britischen Schriftstellern. Er studierte an den Universitäten in London und Nottingham und unterrichtete zeitweise in den Bereichen Film und Theater sowie amerikanische Literatur. Neben Kriminal- und Jugendromanen veröffentlichte er unter verschiedenen Pseudonymen auch Westernromane. Sein erster Krimi "Lonely Hearts" (1989), der erste Teil einer Reihe, gehört laut der London Times zu den 100 besten Krimis den 20. Jahrhunderts. Harvey erhielt zahlreiche Auszeichnungen, unter anderem den Cartier Diamond Dagger für sein Lebenswerk.

  • by John Harvey

    Der erste Teil der Frank Elder Serie bildet einen grandiosen Auftakt und macht Lust auf mehr.Vor fünfzehn Jahren verschwand in Nottingham eine junge Frau, bis heute fehlt jede Spur von ihr. Der verurteilte Mörder und Sexualstraftäter Shane Donald wird aus dem Gefängnis entlassen. Dem pensionierten Detective Frank Elder geht er ungelöste Fall noch immer nicht aus dem Kopf und er nimmt die Ermittlungen wieder auf. Daraufhin wird wieder eine junge Frau ermordet und der Detective erhält mysteriöse Postkarten. Als Elders Tochter plötzlich spurlos verschwindet, ahnt er, was er mit seinen Ermittlungen losgetreten hat.John Harvey, geboren 1938 in London, gehört zu den bekanntesten britischen Schriftstellern. Er studierte an den Universitäten in London und Nottingham und unterrichtete zeitweise in den Bereichen Film und Theater sowie amerikanische Literatur. Neben Kriminal- und Jugendromanen veröffentlichte er unter verschiedenen Pseudonymen auch Westernromane. Sein erster Krimi "Lonely Hearts" (1989), der erste Teil einer Reihe, gehört laut der London Times zu den 100 besten Krimis den 20. Jahrhunderts. Harvey erhielt zahlreiche Auszeichnungen, unter anderem den Cartier Diamond Dagger für sein Lebenswerk.

  • by John Harvey

    Bei diesem zweiten Teil der Fank Elder Serie möchte man am liebsten gar nicht mehr auf Pause drücken.Nachdem die Verhaftung eines gesuchten Gangsterbosses ganz anders verläuft als geplant und am Ende zwei Menschen getötet werden, sucht Detective Sergeant Maddy Birch Hilfe bei ihrem pensionierten Kollegen Frank Elder. Im Zuge der Ermittlungen muss er sich der Vergangenheit stellen, die einen direkten Bezug zur Gegenwart zu haben scheint. Wieder steht das Leben seiner Tochter und diesmal auch sein eigenes auf dem Spiel.John Harvey, geboren 1938 in London, gehört zu den bekanntesten britischen Schriftstellern. Er studierte an den Universitäten in London und Nottingham und unterrichtete zeitweise in den Bereichen Film und Theater sowie amerikanische Literatur. Neben Kriminal- und Jugendromanen veröffentlichte er unter verschiedenen Pseudonymen auch Westernromane. Sein erster Krimi "Lonely Hearts" (1989), der erste Teil einer Reihe, gehört laut der London Times zu den 100 besten Krimis den 20. Jahrhunderts. Harvey erhielt zahlreiche Auszeichnungen, unter anderem den Cartier Diamond Dagger für sein Lebenswerk.

  • - A Year of Listening and Learning
    by John Harvey

    It started with a personal commitment to sit an hour each week for a full year in the same spot in the woods. John Harvey's intention was to reconnect with nature and observe the flow of natural life through the four seasons. As Harvey settled into his weekly routine of visiting his "sit spot" and fully engaging his senses, rich and illuminating experiences began to unfold. His encounters with nature included seeing and listening to a plethora of birds, from tiny wrens to large hawks, from sweet-singing warblers to rattling woodpeckers; enjoying the sight of seasonal plants such as wild violets, trout lily, and skunk cabbage; sitting out in the open during weather events that ranged from glorious warm summer sunshine to an Alberta clipper in the winter; and spotting the occasional deer and even a black bear. In all cases, Harvey sought to observe, listen, appreciate, and learn. Learn he did-about the birds, animals, plants, and trees that surrounded and intrigued him. But his remarkable encounters with nature also facilitated self-discovery, fostered insight, and nurtured empathy and intuition.

  • by John Harvey

    A novel of courage based on the experiences of John Harvey's own father who served with the London Fire Brigade.

  • - When Text Becomes Image
    by John Harvey

    This is an interdisciplinary study of the Bible and visuality. It is the first to be written by a historian of visual culture (that is, aspects of culture mediated by visual images) rather than a biblical scholar, and unlike some previous studies, it makes equal partners of image and text. The Bible as Visual Culture also bridges a longstanding gulf between the interpretative traditions, languages, and reading conventions of the two disciplines.The book's central question is: What happens when text becomes an image? In response, the study explores how biblical ideas are articulated in and through visual mediums, and examines ways in which visual culture actively shapes biblical and religious concepts. Using original research material, Harvey's approach develops a variety of new and adaptable hermeneutics to exegete artifacts.The book applies theoretical and methodological approaches-native to fine art, art history, and visual cultural studies but new to biblical studies-to examine the significance of images for biblical exegesis and how images exposit the biblical text. John Harvey draws upon a breadth of fine art, craft, and ephemeral objects made, modified or adopted for worship, teaching, commemoration and propaganda, including painting, print, photography, sculpture, installations, kitsch and websites. These artifacts are studied chiefly in the context of the late-modern period in the West, from a Protestant Christian perspective for the most part.The Bible as Visual Culture is directed to academics and students of biblical studies, theology, religious studies, ecclesiastical history, art history, visual culture and art practice. It provides an accessible introduction to the field, informing newcomers of existing scholarship and introducing new concepts and theories to those already in the field.

  • by John Harvey

    So when Katherine suddenly appears on his doorstep, Elder knows that something is wrong. But the breakdown of their relationship has sent Katherine into a self-destructive tailspin, made worse when the artist is found murdered in his studio.

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    by John Harvey

    This memoir of an Englishman in the French Foreign Legion during the Syrian campaign of the late 1920s relates the brutal story of life in the Legion and war in the deserts of Syria. John Harvey joined the Foreign Legion with the assumption that he would receive a substantial bonus and a glorious adventure. He was wrong on both points. Described is the siege of Rachaya Fort against the Druse faction in Syria, a famous and bloody battle.

  • by John Harvey & M.D. Kellogg

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    - (Frank Elder)
    by John Harvey

    Fifteen years ago Susan Blacklock disappeared. Although Detective Inspector Frank Elder has taken early retirement, case still plagues his mind. Prime suspects, Shane Donald and Alan McKeirnan, were convicted a year later of brutal rape and murder of a young girl, and now that Shane has been granted parole, Elder feels compelled to revisit past.

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    by John Harvey

  • by John Harvey & M.D. Kellogg

  • - Containing a Description of Weymouth, Portland, Lulworth Castle, ... a List of Lodging Houses; And a New Map of Weymouth,
    by John (University of California Davis USA) Harvey
    £14.99 - 24.49

  • by John (University of California Davis USA) Harvey
    £15.99 - 18.49

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    by John Harvey

    Ut pictura poesis Horace said, but through the two millennia in which the sister arts have been compared, little has been said about the nature of sight itself. What we see in our mind's eye as we read has not been explored, though by following the visual prompts in texts, one can anatomize the process of visualization. The Poetics of Sight analyses the role of sight in memory, dream and popular culture and demonstrates the structure of a complex sight within the metaphors of Shakespeare, Pope and Dickens; and within the visual metaphors of Picasso, Magritte and Bacon. This book explores the difference between the great and the failed works of the supreme poet-painter, William Blake, and tracks the migrations of the Satiric muse between verbal mockery and scabrous images in Persius, Pope, Gillray and Gogol. It records the rise, and partial decline, of the vividly seen novel in Dickens, Flaubert, Tolstoy, Proust and Hardy. The key concept throughout this book is visual metaphor, which in the twentieth century acquired overarching importance: in art from Picasso to Kapoor, in poetry from Eliot to Hughes, in aesthetics from Pound to Derrida. The book closes with a far-reaching definition of visual metaphor and with the great visual metaphor of the human body.

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    - (Resnick 12)
    by John Harvey

    Thirty years ago, the Miners' Strike threatened to tear the country apart, turning neighbour against neighbour, husband against wife, father against son - enmities which smoulder still. Resnick, recently made up to inspector, and ambivalent at best about some of the police tactics, had run an information gathering unit at the heart of the dispute.

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    - An Exegetical Handbook
    by John Harvey

    The inaugural volume in the Handbooks for New Testament Exegesis series, Interpreting the Pauline Letters begins by exploring the components of narrative--setting, characterization, and plot--and then develops the foremost theological themes in each of the books traditionally ascribed to Paul. The method sets the task of exegesis within the literary context of first-century letters as well as the theological context of major themes present in Paul's letters. The book goes beyond exegesis to discuss strategies for communicating the central truthesof Paul's first-century messages to a twenty-first-century audience. Each chapter includes a list of helpful resources to the step of interpretation discussed. A glossary defining technical words and samples of moving from exegesis to proclamation make this guide practical and user-friendly. Designed as a handbook for seminary and graduate students, the book provides a go-to guide that will also serve seminary-trained pastors, upper-level college students, and well-motivated lay people. As readers work through this handbook, they will begin to see and interpret the narrative writings as Paul intended them to be understood.

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    - (Resnick 5)
    by John Harvey

    A series of brutal robberies takes Detective Inspector Charlie Resnick back ten years. To a time when a rash of similar incidents left him face to face with a frenzied sociopath who brought his life to a premature end - and to a time when his wife ran off with her lover, and leaving him with a psychic wound that still hasn't healed.

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    - (Resnick 1)
    by John Harvey

    _________________________The first book in the DI Charlie Resnick series, from the master of British crime writingShirley Peters is dead. And it's up to Resnick to put the record straight - and put the bastard where he belongs.

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    - (Frank Elder)
    by John Harvey

    The third DI Frank Elder novel, from the master of British crime writing. It's clear to Elder that this is the work of the same unbalanced individual and, to find the killer, Elder must shine a light into the darkest recesses of human behaviour, the dark and twisted recesses of a disturbed human mind.

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    - (Frank Elder)
    by John Harvey

    Elder's fears for his daughter are underscored by guilt - it was his involvement in a case that led directly to the abduction and rape which has so unbalanced Katherine's life. Persuaded out of retirement, Elder reopens a cold case which could have devastating repercussions for the crime squad itself.

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    by John Harvey

    Sloane walks free from prison after taking the rap for a high-profile art scam. And the deeper the police dig into Vincent Delaney's business affairs, uncovering underworld associations, the more Delaney feels cornered, and the more unpredictable and dangerous he becomes.

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    - A Collection of Resnick Short Stories
    by John Harvey

    With his highly-praised sequence of novels featuring Detective Inspector Charlie Resnick, John Harvey created not only an unforgettable character of great depth and complexity, but a realistic and richly-peopled inner-city world of struggling heroes and feckless villains.

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