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Books by John Stuart Mill

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  • by Mill John Stuart Mill
    £7.49 - 20.49

  • by John Stuart Mill

    L´écrivain britannique John Stuart Mill était l´un des premiers écrivains masculins à se positionner pour l´égalité des sexes et à défendre la libération des femmes. Il se pencha sur la liberté économique des femmes et était de l´avis que le rôle d´une femme dans le mariage devait évoluer. Le livre « De l’assujettissement des femmes » est un classique de la littérature féministe.Le philosophe et politicien britannique John Stuart Mill (1806+1873) est un des penseurs libéraux les plus importants du 19e siècle. Il est particulièrement connu pour ses théories d´utilitarisme. Il s´est occupé de divers sujets politiques et philosophiques, dont les concepts de liberté et d´égalité des sexes.

  • by John Stuart Mill

    Á tíma þar sem konur höfðu ekki kosningarétt, tilheyrðu eiginmanni sínum gagnvart lagabókstafnum og allar eignir þeirra og fé var í umsjá hans, gefur John Stuart Mill út hið nauðsynlega tímamótaverk Kúgun kvenna.Mill færir rök fyrir lagalegu og félagslegu jafnrétti milli karla og kvenna. Og að hinn lagalegi mismunur kynjanna; þeim misrétti sem kvennfólk stendur frammi fyrir, sé hin mesta hindrun fyrir framförum mannkynsins.Á þeim tíma er bókin kom út, árið 1869, ögraði hún hinum hefðbundnu félagslegu viðmiðum og hlutverkum kynjanna svo um munaði og hrykti í þeim stoðum svo eftir varð tekið um gjörvalla Evrópu.John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) var breskur heimspekingur, stjórnmálafræðingur og embættismaður. Stuðlaði hann að ýmsum framförum við hinar félagslegu og pólitísku kenningar samtímans og er hann talinn vera áhrifamesti enskumælandi heimspekingur 19. aldarinnar. Mill lagði áherslu á frelsi einstaklingins umfram ítökum ríkisvaldsins.

  • by John Stuart Mill

    Den engelske filosof John Stuart Mill var en stærk fortaler for utilitarismen eller nyttefilosofien, der arbejder ud fra det grundsynspunkt, at enhver handling må bedømmes efter den glæde, den skaber. Mills største bidrag til utilitarismen var hans argumenter for en kvalitativ adskillelse af nydelsen, der stillede de moralske og intellektuelle glæder højere end de fysiske. Denne teori fremlægger han i bogen "Utilitarianism", der i denne danske oversættelse af Georg Brandes har fået titlen "Moral grundet på nytte- eller lykkeprincippet".Den engelske filosof og politiker John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) er en af det 19. århundredes vigtigste liberalistiske tænkere, og han er især kendt for sine teorier indenfor utilitarismen. Han beskæftigede sig med mange politiske og filosofiske emner – blandt andet frihedsbegrebet og ligestilling mellem kønnene. John Stuart Mill var medlem af det engelske underhus fra 1865 til 1868.

  • by John Stuart Mill

    Den engelske filosof John Stuart Mill var en af de første mandlige fortalere for ligestilling mellem kønnene og for kvindernes frigørelse. Han gik ind for kvinders økonomiske frihed og mente, at kvindens rolle i ægteskabet burde ændres. Bogen "Kvindernes underkuelse" er en klassiker, når det handler om kvindekamp og kvindefrigørelse.Denne oversættelse er fra 1869.-

  • by John Stuart Mill

    Intet under, at denne bog, da den udkom i 1869 vakte voldsom opsigt - og Georg Brandes foretog straks en kongenial oversættelse. De i bogen indeholdte tanker om kvindens frigørelse er så epokegørende, at man den dag idag kan spørge sig selv om, hvor langt vi egentlig er kommet.

  • - The Original 1863 Edition as Found in Fraser's Magazine
    by John Stuart Mill

    In John Stuart Mill's classic restatement of the utilitarianism of Jeremy Bentham, he continued a philosophical perspective that continues to be appolied to this day. The 'principle of utility', otherwise known as 'the greatest happiness principle' has surfaced over and over again throughout history since then, and has often been the basis for important public policy discussions. As an ethical system that tends to view suffering as the highest, and perhaps the only, evil, it is no surprise that proponents of this perspective include philosophers such as Peter Singer, who has applied it to animals rights, euthanasia, infanticide, and other controversial issues. This edition is based on the first edition which was originally released in installments in "Fraser's Magazine" in 1861 and then by the same publishers, "Parker, Son, and Bourn, West Strand", in 1863.

  • by John Stuart Mill

    In diesem Essay von 1859, seinem Hauptwerk, streitet John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) für das Recht jedes einzelnen, seine Überzeugungen frei zu bilden und das eigene Leben nach diesen Überzeugungen frei zu gestalten. Für ihn gibt es daher nur einen Grund, der es Staat und Gesellschaft erlaubt, dieses Recht auf individuelle Selbstbestimmung zu beschneiden, und den sieht er in dem Grundsatz, "daß der einzige Zweck, um dessentwillen man Zwang gegen den Willen eines Mitglieds einer zivilisierten Gemeinschaft rechtmäßig ausüben darf, der ist: die Schädigung anderer zu verhüten".Dieser Essay Mills bleibt - ganz unabhängig davon, ob man seine Verteidigung des Utilitarismus teilen kann oder nicht - ein Meilenstein in der Geschichte der philosophischen Begründungen des Rechtes auf Selbstbestimmung, das jedem einzelnen zugestanden werden muß.Unveränderter Print-on-Demand-Nachdruck der 2., verbesserten Auflage 2011.

  • by John Stuart Mill
    £8.49 - 14.49

  • - By John Straut Mill; Reprinted from the Westminster Review
    by John Stuart Mill

  • by John Stuart Mill

    The Essays on England, Ireland, and the Empire are mainly from Mill's early career as a propagandist for the Philosophic Radicals (a term he himself coined). They provide a contemporary running account of British political issues at home and abroad, with a vigorous and sometimes acerbic commentary.

  • - Volumes XXVI-XXVII
    by John Stuart Mill

    These materials have never before been gathered, and almost all appear here for the first time in scholarly form. They throw light on contemporary social interests and behavior, and will encourage new assessments of Mill's life and thought.

  • - Volumes XII-XIII
    by John Stuart Mill

    In this collection of 537 letters and excerpts of letters are included all the personal letters available. It contains 238 hitherto unpublished letters and 72 letters with previously unpublished passages. Letters previously published have been recollated whenever possible. All are meticulously edited and annotated.

  • by John Stuart Mill

    This volume brings together for the first time the essays, running from 1826 to 1849, that meld Mill's interest in French intellectual, political, and social affairs. They give as well insights into Mill's personal aspirations, his developing view of comparative politics and sociology, his concern for freedom, and his feminism.

  • by John Stuart Mill

  • by John Stuart Mill
    £9.99 - 27.99

  • - A thorough discussion of each chapter in Mr. John S. Mill's examination of Hamilton's logic and philosophy, beginning with the logic
    by John Stuart Mill & Thomas C Simon

  • by John Stuart Mill

  • - in zwei Teilen: Eine Darlegung der Prinzipien wissenschaftlicher Forschung, insbesondere der Naturforschung
    by John Stuart Mill

  • by John Stuart Mill

  • by John Stuart Mill

    La Philosophie de Hamilton, par John Stuart Mill, traduit de l'anglais par E. CazellesDate de l'edition originale : 1869Ce livre est la reproduction fidele d'une oeuvre publiee avant 1920 et fait partie d'une collection de livres reimprimes a la demande editee par Hachette Livre, dans le cadre d'un partenariat avec la Bibliotheque nationale de France, offrant l'opportunite d'acceder a des ouvrages anciens et souvent rares issus des fonds patrimoniaux de la BnF.Les oeuvres faisant partie de cette collection ont ete numerisees par la BnF et sont presentes sur Gallica, sa bibliotheque numerique.En entreprenant de redonner vie a ces ouvrages au travers d'une collection de livres reimprimes a la demande, nous leur donnons la possibilite de rencontrer un public elargi et participons a la transmission de connaissances et de savoirs parfois difficilement accessibles.Nous avons cherche a concilier la reproduction fidele d'un livre ancien a partir de sa version numerisee avec le souci d'un confort de lecture optimal. Nous esperons que les ouvrages de cette nouvelle collection vous apporteront entiere satisfaction.Pour plus d'informations, rendez-vous sur www.hachettebnf.frhttp://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k5400772v

  • by John Stuart Mill

  • by John Stuart Mill

    The Subjection of Women, which Mill wrote in 1861 but did not publish until 1869, is one of the seminal texts of feminism and aroused more antagonism than anything Mill ever wrote

  • by John Stuart Mill

  • by John Stuart Mill

    WORK IS IN FRENCH This book is a reproduction of a work published before 1920 and is part of a collection of books reprinted and edited by Hachette Livre, in the framework of a partnership with the National Library of France, providing the opportunity to access old and often rare books from the BnF's heritage funds.

  • by John Stuart Mill

    J. S. Mill was the greatest British philosopher of the nineteenth century. Mill's purpose in writing his Autobiography was to set down his own struggle for individuality, and vindicate his life to himself and others.

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