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Books by John Williams

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    by John Williams
    £12.99 - 10.99

    Fra glemt mesterværk til international bestseller! Stoner er et fascinerende, velskrevet og rørende portræt af en helt almindelig mand, hvis liv man ikke kan undgå at blive berørt af. Det er en roman om identitet, om livet, om de valg, vi træffer.William Stoner bliver i slutningen af det nittende århundrede født ind i en fattig bondefamilie i Missouri, USA. Som ung går han på landbrugsskole, men drages af litteraturens verden. Han vender aldrig hjem til forældrenes gård og vælger i stedet det akademiske liv, hvor bøgerne og litteraturen forbliver hans faste holdepunkt – også når konflikter og skuffelser truer med at ødelægge hans tilværelse. Bogen blev første gang udgivet i 1965, siden genudgivet i 2006 i USA, hvorefter mange forlag verden over fik øjnene op for romanen. Den er nu en international bestseller. "En gang imellem støder man på en bog, der mere end så mange andre bekræfter, hvorfor man beskæftiger sig med litteratur." - Jens Christian Grøndahl"Den bedste bog, du aldrig har læst." - Carsten Andersen, Politiken"Uha, hvor er den stærk og velskrevet." Per Krogh Hansen, fem stjerner i Berlingske."Det er helt enkelt en roman om en mand, der går på college og bliver lærer. Men det er noget af det mest fascinerende, jeg nogensinde har læst." - Tom Hanks"John Williams’ Stoner er mere sjælden end en god bog - det er en perfekt bog. Så velskrevet og smuk, så dybt rørende." - The New York Times Book Review"Et mesterligt portræt af en virkelig dedikeret mand." - The New Yorker

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    by John Williams
    £8.49 - 14.99

    En stor historisk roman om, hvordan en alt for ung dreng blev kastet hovedkulds ud i et næsten umenneskeligt magtspil, og på trods af alle odds endte med at blive den nådesløse hersker over det romerske imperium. I romanen AUGUSTUS genskaber John Williams det romerske imperium fra Julius Cæsars død frem til Augustus’ sidste dage og fortæller historien om, hvordan Augustus blev magtens centrum, da han først havde modstået hoffets og Senatets rænkespil og folkets modstand. En betagende fortælling af forfatteren til STONER og BUTCHER’S CROSSING.

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    - A Novel
    by John Williams

    Stoner, a remarkable book written by John Williams, is a masterpiece that cannot be overlooked. Published by Vintage Publishing in 2012, this novel has made a significant mark in the literary world. Stoner is a compelling read that takes you on an emotional journey through the life of an ordinary man in extraordinary circumstances. The genre of the book is hard to pin down as it encompasses elements of drama, romance, and a deep exploration of human nature. The author, John Williams, has an incredible ability to create relatable characters and situations that resonate with readers on a profound level. This book is a must-read for anyone who appreciates good literature. The publisher, Vintage Publishing, is renowned for their high-quality publications and Stoner is no exception. The book is written in English.

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    by John Williams
    £8.49 - 12.99

    Året er 1873, og Will Andrews opgiver sine universitetsstudier ved Harvard og drager vestpå. Han ender i Butcher's Crossing, en lille, gudsforladt flække i Kansas. Butcher's Crossing er fuld af rastløse mænd, der kun tænker på at tjene hurtige penge og bruge dem lige så hurtigt, blandt dem Miller. Han og Andrews bliver venner, og Andrews fascineres af Millers historie om en enorm bisonflok, der kun venter på at blive nedslagtet, godt gemt af vejen i en smuk dal i Rocky Mountains i Colorado. Andrews lader sig overtale til at deltage i - og financiere - en ekspedition, der bringer ham og Miller og to andre mænd langt ind i bjergene, hvor de skal slagte bisonerne, flå dem og bringe skindet tilbage. Rejsen er anstrengende og ekstremt krævende for de fire mænd og deres heste, men da de endelig når frem, er det et sted af paradisisk skønhed og rigdom, der møder dem. De kaster sig ud i en orgastisk nedslagtning af de tusindvis af bisoner, og bliver så opslugt af mødet med dyrene, at de mister al fornemmelse af tid. Netop som de er klar til at rejse tilbage til Butcher’s Crossing med store mængder bisonskind, stopper naturen dem. Vinteren har sneget sig ind på dem, og de sner inde i bjergene, i månedsvis.Foråret kommer, og de genoptager hjemrejsen, nedbrudte af kulde og sult. I Butcher’s Crossing finder de en verden, der er dramatisk forandret, fuldstændig lige som dem selv.

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    by John Williams

    Arthur Maxley is a tense and listless young man. Arthur's fear and aversion to the man is powerful, yet his compulsion to see his father is irresistible. After their meeting, Arthur is propelled into a night of drinking and spontaneous intimacy with a beautiful young woman.

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    by John Williams

    Will makes up his mind to be one of those men, but the journey, the killing, harsh conditions and sheer hard luck will test his mind and body to their limits.

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    by John Williams

    Red Men Reborn takes a unique look at the whole history and socio-cultural significance of Liverpool FC. Williams skilfully weaves his narrative around the great managers: from Tom Watson in the 1900s to the epic era of Klopp. The book also analyses the lasting impact of the Hillsborough and Heysel disasters on the club and fans.

  • - Adaptive Ministry for a Post-Church Society
    by John Williams

    Arguing that what is needed is a provisional approach to ministry which recognises that all forms of ministry are, and always have been a response to social and cultural context, 'Ecclesianarchy' brings theological and practical insight to bear on the question of ministry's provisionality.

  • - How God Has Blessed a Southern Woodsman
    by John Williams

    Cradled in His Mighty Arms contains poetry covering five major areas of my life spanning forty-four years. The first two, work and recreation, are forestry-related. The prison ministry, family, and love of God round out this delve into the adventures of my life expressed in a unique and entertaining way.This work contains poetry that expresses my relationships in each of these areas. I preface the poems relating the reasons for writing them and situations surrounding their creation.The poetry in Cradled in His Mighty Arms was written about real life happenings while I was experiencing life itself. Most of the poems came to me while operating tree harvesting equipment and dealing with the challenges of production. Surrounded by a strange mixture of beautiful forests and uncommon danger, faced daily by men and women in the forestry field, I relate stories and actual happenings through poetry, that are both easy to read and comprehend. I share my love of the outdoors as well as the love I have for God, family, and my calling in the prison ministry. The work is easy to read and understand, while being deep, thought-provoking, and at times humorous as well.I feel the poetry within is encouraging and uplifting, while telling the story of my journey as a Christian woodsman. If this book of poetry can change a person's perspective of life from the negative to the positive, it would have been well worth the effort. If only one person strives to draw nearer to Christ through this work, I would consider it a success.

  • by John Williams

    Discours sur l'étude des langues étrangères, prononcé par M. John Williams, ... le jour de [la fête de] saint Jean-Baptiste, à une réunion de ses élèves chez luiDate de l'édition originale: 1827Appartient à l'ensemble documentaire: Aquit1Le présent ouvrage s'inscrit dans une politique de conservation patrimoniale des ouvrages de la littérature Française mise en place avec la BNF.HACHETTE LIVRE et la BNF proposent ainsi un catalogue de titres indisponibles, la BNF ayant numérisé ces oeuvres et HACHETTE LIVRE les imprimant à la demande.Certains de ces ouvrages reflètent des courants de pensée caractéristiques de leur époque, mais qui seraient aujourd'hui jugés condamnables.Ils n'en appartiennent pas moins à l'histoire des idées en France et sont susceptibles de présenter un intérêt scientifique ou historique.Le sens de notre démarche éditoriale consiste ainsi à permettre l'accès à ces oeuvres sans pour autant que nous en cautionnions en aucune façon le contenu.Pour plus d'informations, rendez-vous sur www.hachettebnf.fr

  • by John Williams III Smith
    £11.99 - 17.49

  • by John Williams

    There have been many attempts to explain life. For the most part they are variants on a religious or mystical theme. These provide a purpose to life but not the purpose of life. A full, rational explanation of our existence based on our rapidly accumulating scientific knowledge has eluded us - until now. The explanation of life which is offered in this book draws on three main components: evolution, genetics and psychology. However, something exists in our mind which stops us from seeing clearly what is already before us. Once this block is removed we can view life objectively and see it as a special form of information which has arisen through evolution. Information is identified as the unifying entity of the universe which is inherent in the spatial arrangement of matter. This book relates these findings to our world and our lives. It sets out in rational terms where we came from, how we got here and finally, reveals our destiny. www.thelastbook.co.uk

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    by John Williams

    A Welsh noir story of the underworld.

  • - A Case Study in the Reception of British Romantic Poetry in Germany 1804-1914
    by John Williams

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