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Books by Jonathan Swift

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  • by Jonathan Swift

    Reports on extraordinary lands and societies, whose names have entered the English language: notably the minute inhabitants of Lilliput, the giants of Brobdingnag, and the Yahoos in Houyhnhnmland, where talking horses are the dominant species. This novel attacks the political and financial corruption.

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    by Jonathan Swift

    Jonathan Swifts roman om Kaptajn Gullivers rejser blev straks ved udgivelsens en stor succes - her er hans beretning om rejsen til Lilliput (på dansk fejlagtigt ”lilleput”).Bogen begynder med en meget kort indledning, hvor Lemuel Gulliver , i stil med bøger fra den tid, giver en kort oversigt over hans liv og historie, før han rejser.Under sin første rejse, er Gulliver skyllet i land efter et skibbrud og befinder sig som fange hos en race af mennesker, der er mindre end 6 cm høje. Efter at have givet forsikringer om sin gode opførsel, får han en opholdstilladelse i Lilliput og bliver en respekteret person i samfundet.

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    by Jonathan Swift

    Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift is a wild series of adventures widely acclaimed as "universally read" and highly influential. After a shipwreck, an Englishman discovers new, strange lands, and learns of the customs and governments of their inhabitants. This is an opportunity both for absurd humor and political satire, and the story of Lilliput may be the best example of Swift's imagination and wit. Gulliver finds himself a prisoner of a race of tiny people, the Lilliputians; they are no more than 6 inches tall, and he appears a giant to them. Soon afterwards, the spectacular giant becomes a favorite of the court, and is given a good view of the politics of the kingdom. Discover the most famous of Gulliver's travels, train your critical mind and choose your side between Big Endians and Little Endians, for a journey of adventures and laughter, narrated by one of the best storytellers.

  • by Jonathan Swift

    When the famed 18th century astrologer, John Partridge, publicly discredited the Christian church, Jonathan Swift developed an immense distaste for the man. Feeling insulted and malicious, Swift decided to celebrate his favorite holiday, All Fools Day, more commonly known as April Fools, while also appeasing his self-appointed feud with Partridge. Under the disguise of a pseudonym, Swift published The Bickerstaff-Partridge Papers as a series of three letters. The first letter, titled Predictions for the Year 1708 started with a criticism of the cultural impact astrology had on their society. Eventually, the narrative shifts to list predictions including political uprisings, the birth of children, weather patterns, battle outcomes, and most importantly, the death of notable figures, including John Partridge. To accompany this letter, Swift next published The Accomplishments of the First of Mr. Bickerstaff¿s Predictions, which was written from the perspective of a government employee who supported and confirmed the validity of Bickerstaff¿s predictions. This section also included an elegy for John Partridge, furthering the claim that the man was dead. These papers gained immense popularity, and convinced the public that these predictions were legitimate. This caused quite the disturbance for Partridge, who was often waken by the sound of people crying outside his home, mourning his death. After Partridge published a paper to deny the rumors that he was dead, Swift responded with the final part of The Bickerstaff-Partridge Papers, pondering the philosophical definition of death to convince his audience that Partridge was dead once more. Though it began as a prank, Swift¿s The Bickerstaff-Partridge Papers transformed into a life-altering work that employed careful prose and satire so supreme that it went unnoticed by many. Following its popularity in 1708 and 1709, The Bickerstaff-Partridge Papers further inspired celebrated authors such as Richard Steele, Benjamin Franklin, and H.P. Lovecraft. This edition of The Bickerstaff-Partridge Papers by Jonathan Swift features a new, eye-catching cover design and is printed in a readable font, making it both accessible and modern.

  • by Jonathan Swift
    £6.99 - 9.49

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    by Jonathan Swift

    This collection of Jonathan Swift's poetry is separated in three parts, according to their subject matter. The first section are poems addressed to a woman named Stella. Based off a real-life close friend of Swift's, Esther Johnson, the portion of poetry addressed to Stella contain beautiful tributes to this woman, with simple titles such as Stella's Birthday March 13, 1727. Though these poems display a tender amount of intimacy shared between the two, Esther Johnson and Jonathan's relationship is shrouded in mystery, leaving readers and historians to debate if they were just friends or something more romantic. The next section of The Poems of Jonathan Swift are dedicated to a woman called Vanessa, who was based off of one of Swift's lovers, Esther Vanhomrigh. Their correspondence and his poems about her suggested a more romantic relationship than the one he shared with Stella. With elegant word choice and masterful form, both women and their relationships with Swift are well documented in this book of poems. The final part of The Poems of Jonathan Swift is dedicated to the love of Swift's career-the satirization of politics. All of Swift's poems are written in iambic tetrameter and end rhyme, creating a fun and quick reading experience. This is a large collection of poetry covers a wide variety of topics with the humor and satire that Jonathan Swift was famous for. With these attributes, readers are welcome to enjoy Jonathan Swift's mysterious and passionate relationships as well as his humorous and intelligent criticism of politics.Since our inception in 2020, Mint Editions has kept sustainability and innovation at the forefront of our mission. Each and every Mint Edition title gets a fresh, professionally typeset manuscript and a dazzling new cover, all while maintaining the integrity of the original book. With thousands of titles in our collection, we aim to spotlight diverse public domain works to help them find modern audiences. Mint Editions celebrates a breadth of literary works, curated from both canonical and overlooked classics from writers around the globe.

  • by Jonathan Swift

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    by Jonathan Swift

    "Gullivers Reisen" sind und bleiben ein grandioses, großen Abenteuer für Groß und Klein. Aber wer kennt Gullivers vierte Fahrt? Die Reise zu den Houyhnhnms? Ein wunderseltsames Land. Und wunderseltsame Wesen sind auch die Houyhnhnms. Edle Pferde, die sprechen können und den Menschen überlegen sind. Gulliver, verfremdet als Tier, wird von den Houyhnhnms zunächst nicht als gleichwertiger Partner aufgenommen. Wie auch? Halten sich die Pferde doch menschenähnliche Geschöpfe, die Yahoos, als Nutztiere. Gulliver sieht lediglich reinlicher als diese aus. Er gewinnt jedoch das Vertrauen des Anführers der Pferde. Und so beginnt ein Dialog über menschliche und tierische Verhaltensweisen und Gepflogenheiten, der einen zum Lachen oder Nachdenken bringt.Jonathan Swift (1667-1745 ebenda) war ein irischer Schriftsteller und Satiriker der frühen Aufklärung. Weltberühmt wurde sein Abenteuerroman "The travels into several remote nations of the world by Lemuel Gulliver" (dt. "Gullivers Reisen"), der 1726 erschien.

  • by Jonathan Swift

    Guliwer, osiemnastowieczny żeglarz, przemierza świat, trafiając do niezwykłych, fantastycznych, krain. Jego podróże obejmują krainę Liliputów, trafia także m.in. do Laputa, Balnibarbi czy Brobdingrag. Starcie Guliwera z niezwykłymi istotami to faktycznie satyra na ówczesne społeczeństwo angielskie. Dwór Liliputów miał być inspirowany dworem Jerzego I, a spór, w który uwikłali się przedstawiciele maleńkiej społeczności, odzwierciedlał konflikt między Anglią a Francją.Na podstawie książki powstał scenariusz do filmu przygodowo-komediowego "Podróże Guliwera" w reżyserii Roba Lettermana. Główne role zagrali Jack Black, Emily Blunt i Jason Segel.Irlandzki prozaik, autor utworów politycznych i satyrycznych. W latach 90. XVII wieku przyjął święcenia kapłańskie; kilkanaście lat później został redaktorem pisma „Examiner". Jego najsłynniejszy utwór, „Podróże Guliwera", został uznany za najistotniejszy utwór oświeceniowy w Anglii, a następnie trwale wpisał się w kulturę, także masową.

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    by Jonathan Swift
    £9.49 - 12.99

    Gulliver tror først, at han drømmer, da han vågner i landet Lilliput. For at overleve må han lære at begå sig som en kæmpe blandt lilliputterne. Han kommer ud for mange eventyr og forunderlige oplevelser, også da han kommer til kæmpernes land. Så er det pludselig ham, der er den lille.“Gullivers rejser” er en del af Letlæste klassikere som er en ny serie med nogle af verdenshistoriens mest velkendte fortællinger. Bøgerne er genfortalt af den svenske børnebogsforfatter Maj Bylock og henvender sig især til læsere på 8-12 år. De eventyrlige og stemningsfulde illustrationer er medvirkende til at give historierne nyt liv. Bøgerne kan både bruges til frilæsning eller som en del af et undervisningsforløb i dansk på mellemtrinnet.Maj Bylock (1931-2019) har genfortalt nogle af verdenshistoriens mest kendte klassikere for at gøre indholdet mere tilgængeligt. Hensigten er at formidle dele af en rig kulturskat, vække læseglæde og give lyst til at læse mere.Lix: 27

  • by Jonathan Swift

    Лемюэль Гулливер, путешествуя на корабле в качестве судового врача, попадает в кораблекрушение. Очнувшись, он обнаруживает себя связанным по рукам и ногам и посаженным на цепь. Чудом выживший Гулливер оказывается в стране, населённой маленькими человечками. Конечно, они испугались его. Но император Лиллипутии освободил его, убедившись в его доброте и великодушии. Что произошло дальше узнаете из книги.Джонатан Свифт (1667-1745) – англо-ирландский писатель-сатирик, философ, эссеист, поэт и общественный деятель. Наиболее известны его сатирические произведения, такие как «Путешествия Гулливера» и «Скромное предложение».

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    by Jonathan Swift

    Qu'est-ce qu'un balai ? Un baton sans gloire ; un arbre renverse ; un serviteur condamne a la servitude ? Et s'il n'etait rien de tout cela, un simple etre vivant coiffe d'une ridicule perruque - un humain ?Apres un sejour chez lord Berkeley, un lecteur assidu de Robert Boyle, Jonathan Swift, qui trouvait ses meditations pareils a des plaisanteries sans humour, voulut lui-aussi fournir sa version des meditations : il l'a glissa dans une page de Boyle...-

  • by Jonathan Swift

    From the author responsible for the satirical work of genius, A Modest Proposal, Jonathan Swift's A Tale of a Tub is an allegorical work that follows three brothers after the event of their father's death. When their father, who meant to be God, dies, the three brothers, Peter, Martin and Jack, inherit his will and each receive a decorative coat. Their father also leaves them instruction not to alter these coats in any way because doing so would be damaging for their futures. Despite this warning, the brothers not only quickly make alterations, they also police each other for their choices. Each brother represents one of the major branches of Christianity. Peter, who represents the Roman Catholic church, is the first to change the coat left to him in the will. He adds many embellishments, claiming that the garment is better because of it. Jack, who represents the Protestant church, and Martin, who represents Anglicans, follow their brother's lead and also add to the coats. Their actions lead to arguments between the brothers, each feeling that they know what's best for the coats. Feeling like they are being controlled by Peter, Jack and Martin reject him, and then try to undo the alterations made to their garments, furthering the damage to the clothing and to their relationship with each other. Jonathan Swift created an allegory for the Reformation in his story of the three brothers. With satire and frank representation of the branches of Christianity, A Tale of a Tub addresses issues concerning society's effect on religion, polluting the original message of its creator. Swift's satire on the three major branches of Christianity was very controversial and though he wrote under a pseudonym, A Tale of a Tub was traced back to Swift. Even by modern standards, A Tale of a Tub invites controversial conversation that is both relevant and compelling. This edition of Jonathan Swift's A Tale of a Tub features an eye-catching cover design and is printed in a modern font to appeal to a contemporary audience.

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    by Jonathan Swift

    Published posthumously in 1766, A Journal to Stella by Jonathan Swift is a complete collection consisting of sixty-five letters he wrote to Esther Johnson, whom he bestowed the name of Stella. It is known that Stella is the name Swift gave to Esther Johnson. They met when she was only eight years old and knew each other for the entirety of the rest of their lives. Swift was first a mentor to young Esther. He taught her to read and write then introduced her to the arts. Jonathan's relationship to Esther is intriguing. While they shared a friendship for many years, Jonathan left her in Ireland when he moved to London for some time. In that time, he drew interest from several other women, but nothing came of those relationships. However, when a man showed interest in Esther and wished to propose, the letters disclose how Jonathan prevented this from happening. Such interference provides greater evidence for the affection he felt for Stella. There are no accounts from Stella herself, but Swift depicts her character wonderfully as a loyal, kind, and clever woman. The sixty-five letters to Stella that compose A Journal to Stella, explores Swift and Johnson's relationship and history. A Journal to Stella is an interesting study on the relationship between the highly esteemed classical author, Jonathan Swift and a woman who was very dear to him. Written with affection and detailed prose, the letters that are featured in A Journal to Stella also reveal insights on the culture of 18th century London and features many of the prominent men that Swift met. As he wrote of his daily routine and life, readers are allowed a privileged glimpse of how this famous author lived day to day, including the intimate details of his relationships. Containing the wit and humor Swift is famous for, A Journal to Stella reveals the author for who he really was, allowing even modern readers to know this incredible 18th century man. This edition of Jonathan Swift's A Journal to Stella features an eye-catching cover design and is printed in a readable font, making it both accessible and modern.

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    by Jonathan Swift

    This collection of Jonathan Swift¿s poetry is separated in three parts, according to their subject matter. The first section are poems addressed to a woman named Stella. Based off a real-life close friend of Swift¿s, Esther Johnson, the portion of poetry addressed to Stella contain beautiful tributes to this woman, with simple titles such as Stelläs Birthday March 13, 1727. Though these poems display a tender amount of intimacy shared between the two, Esther Johnson and Jonathan¿s relationship is shrouded in mystery, leaving readers and historians to debate if they were just friends or something more romantic. The next section of The Poems of Jonathan Swift are dedicated to a woman called Vanessa, who was based off of one of Swift¿s lovers, Esther Vanhomrigh. Their correspondence and his poems about her suggested a more romantic relationship than the one he shared with Stella. With elegant word choice and masterful form, both women and their relationships with Swift are well documented in this book of poems. The final part of The Poems of Jonathan Swift is dedicated to the love of Swift¿s career¿the satirization of politics. All of Swift¿s poems are written in iambic tetrameter and end rhyme, creating a fun and quick reading experience. This is a large collection of poetry covers a wide variety of topics with the humor and satire that Jonathan Swift was famous for. With these attributes, readers are welcome to enjoy Jonathan Swift¿s mysterious and passionate relationships as well as his humorous and intelligent criticism of politics. Now presented in an easy-to-read font and with an eye-catching cover design, this edition of The Poems of Jonathan Swift is perfect for a contemporary audience. With the decadent style of classic poetry combined with topics that are both entertaining and relatable, along with this edition¿s new features, this classic collection is restored for modern readers.

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    by Jonathan Swift
    £4.49 - 4.99

    Où l'on voit Lemuel Gulliver, chirurgien de marine, naviguer vers Bristol. Après un naufrage, il se retrouve sur l'île de Lilliput, dont les habitants, les Lilliputiens, ne mesurent qu'environ six pouces de haut (env. 15 cm). Plusieurs aspects de la société lilliputienne semblent bien plus avancés que l'Angleterre de l'époque, pourtant les peuples passent leur temps à faire la guerre. Après bien des aventures, Gulliver découvre l'origine de la guerre entre Lilliput et Blefuscu qui est l'île voisine : un roi a voulu imposer le côté par lequel devaient être cassés les œufs à la coque ; d'où le nom des partisans de chaque doctrine, les Gros-boutiens et les Petits-boutiens. Swift tend à y démontrer le ridicule des dogmes.

  • by Jonathan Swift

  • by Jonathan Swift

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    by Jonathan Swift

    When Lemuel Gulliver, a ship's surgeon, sets off on the high seas in search of adventure, things never seem to go quite according to plan. A new illustrated gift edition of a beloved classic.

  • - Vol. II
    by Jonathan Swift

    The Works of Jonathan Swift; containing additional Letters, Tracts and Poems, - Vol. II is an unchanged, high-quality reprint of the original edition of 1883.Hansebooks is editor of the literature on different topic areas such as research and science, travel and expeditions, cooking and nutrition, medicine, and other genres. As a publisher we focus on the preservation of historical literature. Many works of historical writers and scientists are available today as antiques only. Hansebooks newly publishes these books and contributes to the preservation of literature which has become rare and historical knowledge for the future.

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    by Jonathan Swift

    Peter, Martin and Jack are three brothers who inherit three coats form their father. The last wish of their father is that they must never sell or alter their coats. In their early age the three boys follow their father’s last words very strictly, but over time fashion changes. Many different and better-looking clothes starts to be produced. This is also the reason why the brothers feel lagging behind and no longer fit into the higher society. They must find a solution fast if they want to regain their position in the elite.What lesson did the father wanted to teach his sons? Will the boys retain the original look of their coats? Or they will be tempted to alter them, so they can fall back into society? Will they regret their choice?Find all the answers in Jonathan Swift’s satire novel "A Tale of a Tub", published in 1704.Jonathan Swift (1667 - 1745) was an Irish author and satirist, who grew up fatherless. His uncle, Thomas Swift, was taking care of the young boy and helped him get a bachelor’s degree from the Trinity College. Thereafter, Jonathan became Dean of St. Patrick’s Cathedral. He is best known for his notorious prose satire "Gulliver’s Travels". Some other popular works by Swift are "A Tale of a Tub", "A Modest Proposal" and "An Argument Against Abolishing Christianity".

  • - Band 98
    by Jonathan Swift

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