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Genie und Wahnsinn: ein Thriller auf höchstem Niveau von Amerikas Literatur-Ikone Joyce Carol OatesUnter dem Pseudonym `Pik-Bube´ verfasst der renommierte Schriftsteller Andrew Rush düster-verstörende Thriller. So leicht ihm das Schreiben dieser rauschhaften Gewaltfantasien weit nach Mitternacht von der Hand geht, so verschwommen ist später seine Erinnerung an den Inhalt. Als ein Plagiatsvorwurf Rushs guten Ruf – und damit seine Existenz und seine Familie – bedroht, ist plötzlich `Pik-Bube´ mit hinterhältigen Ratschlägen zur Stelle. Und fast gegen seinen Willen beginnt Rush ihnen zu folgen ...`Nur wenige Autoren leuchten die dunkelsten Winkel des menschlichen Geistes derart gekonnt aus.´ Seattle Times
When he died in 1937, destitute and emotionally as well as physically ruined, H. P. Lovecraft had no idea that he would one day be celebrated as the godfather of modern horror. A dark visionary, his work would influence an entire generation of writers, including Stephen King, Clive Barker, Neil Gaiman, and Anne Rice. Now, the most important tales of this distinctive American storyteller have been collected in a single volume by National Book Award-winning author Joyce Carol Oates.In tales that combine the nineteenth-century gothic sensibility of Edgar Allan Poe with a uniquely daring internal vision, Lovecraft fuses the supernatural and mundane into a terrifying, complex, and exquisitely realized vision, foretelling a psychically troubled century to come. Set in a meticulously described New England landscape, here are harrowing stories that explore the total collapse of sanity beneath the weight of chaotic events?stories of myth and madness that release monsters into our world. Lovecraft's universe is a frightening shadow world where reality and nightmare intertwine, and redemption can come only from below.
I Am No One You Know contains nineteen startling stories that bear witness to the remarkably varied lives of Americans of our time. In "Fire," a troubled young wife discovers a rare, radiant happiness in an adulterous relationship. In "Curly Red," a girl makes a decision to reveal a family secret, and changes her life irrevocably. In "The Girl with the Blackened Eye," selected for The Best American Mystery Stories 2001, a girl pushed to an even greater extreme of courage and desperation manages to survive her abduction by a serial killer. And in "Three Girls," two adventuresome NYU undergraduates seal their secret love by following, and protecting, Marilyn Monroe in disguise at Strand Used Books on a snowy evening in 1956. These vividly rendered portraits of women, men, and children testify to Oates's compassion for the mysterious and luminous resources of the human spirit.
A tribute to the brilliant craftsmanship of one of our most distinguished writers, providing valuable insight into her inspiration and her method Joyce Carol Oates is widely regarded as one of America's greatest contemporary literary figures. Having written in a number of genres -- prose, poetry, personal and critical essays, as well as plays -- she is an artist ideally suited to answer essential questions about what makes a story striking, a novel come alive, a writer an artist as well as a craftsman. In The Faith of a Writer, Oates discusses the subjects most important to the narrative craft, touching on topics such as inspiration, memory, self-criticism, and "the unique power of the unconscious." On a more personal note, she speaks of childhood inspirations, offers advice to young writers, and discusses the wildly varying states of mind of a writer at work. Oates also pays homage to those she calls her "significant predecessors" and discusses the importance of reading in the life of a writer. Oates claims, "Inspiration and energy and even genius are rarely enough to make 'art': for prose fiction is also a craft, and craft must be learned, whether by accident or design." In fourteen succinct chapters, The Faith of a Writer provides valuable lessons on how language, ideas, and experience are assembled to create art.
This collection of fifty-two poems from the author of Angel Fire and Anonymous Sins explores the annihilation of the time-bound ego, a liberating, sometimes terrifying experience for all who live within the "fabulous beast" of history and nature. The poems explore the shifting, elusive point at which the inwardness of individual experience touches upon the larger consciousness of a species or an era, forming a connection with a "self" that goes beyond subjectivity.The poems are grouped into four parts: "Broken Connections," "Forbidden Testimonies," "The Child-Martyr" and "A Posthumous Sketch," are prose poems which, though technically different from the others, are concerned with the same theme-the relationship between the individual and a larger, all-inclusive whole. Neither fatalistic nor rebellious, the poems convey the idea that as long as we live in time we must struggle, and that is this struggle that determines our humanity.
55 Stories to benefit Protect, the political lobby of the National Association to Protect Children, whose victories include the Circle of Trust act and the HERO Corps, which hires wounded veterans to assist law enforcement in hunting online predators. Contributors include Andrew Vachss, Joyce Carol Oates, Harlan Ellison®, David Morrell, Laird Barron, Linda Rodriguez, Charles de Lint, Hilary Davidson, Joe R. Lansdale, Joelle Charbonneau, Reed Farrel Coleman, SJ Rozan, and Alison Arngrim. 600 pages of fiction of all genres, poems and art, essays and memoirs, to fund one cause: to protect children from abuse and exploitation of all kinds. 100% of proceeds goes to PROTECT. Table of Contents: When!? by Linda Sarah The Questions by Alison Arngrim City Water by Allison Glasgow Black and White and Red All Over by David Morrell Silvia Reyes by P.J. Ward Plan B by Andrew Vachss Gatekeeper by Richard Prosch The Night Watch by Susan Schorn One Night in Brownsville by Gary Phillips Silverfish by S.J. Rozan Parental Guidance by Scott Adlerberg Superhero, With Crooked Nails by Rachael Acks Angel by Terrence McCauley Mr. Nance by Linda Rodriguez Something I Said by Bracken MacLeod El Puente by Rios de la Luz Mesquite by Graham Wynd Level 5 by C.R. Jahn On the Road to La Grange by Karina Cooper Reprisals: Enmity by John A. Curley The Whistler in the Graveyard by Chad Eagleton (illustration by Dyer Wilk) Solar Highway by S.A. Solomon Jibber Jabber by Reed Farrel Coleman Doll: A Poem by Jyl Anais Ion (illustrations by Jyl Anais Ion) Doggone Justice by Joe R. Lansdale The Occurrence of the Black Mirror by Teel James Glenn Sister Cecilia by Hilary Davidson Croatoan by Harlan Ellison® Little Howl on the Prairie by Thomas Pluck Things Held Dear by Neliza Drew 49 Foot Woman Straps It On by Laird Barron Moon Over the Midwest by Elizabeth Amber Love Sixth Floor by Albert Tucher Adamsville by Clare Toohey Point of View by Will Graham High Meadow Storm by Wayne Dundee Out of Context by Joelle Charbonneau Lone by Alex Segura (illustrations by Dennis Calero) Love and Valour on ‘the Victorian Titanic’ by Gill Hoffs Just Pretend by Martyn Waites Freak by Charles de Lint The New Heroes of the Old Fairgrounds by K.L. Pereira When the Hammer Comes Down by Josh Stallings Stretching Fifteen by Angel Luis Colón Bounty by Jerry Bloomfield Light-Bringer by Laura K. Curtis Hercules and the Spawn of the Titans by Michael A. Black How to Paint Your Dragon by Andrew D’Apice Don’t Fear the Ripper by Holly West Two Views by Tim Daly A Hundred Pearls by Errick Nunnally Snapshots by Christopher Irvin Deceit by Joyce Carol Oates The Perfect Weapon by Zak Mucha An Open Letter to the Children of the Secret by Dionysios Dionou Behavior is Truth by Gwyndyn T. Alexander Pigeons for Protect! by Linda Sarah
Joyce Carol Oates's prize-winning story "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?"" takes up troubling subjects that continue to occupy her in her fiction. This casebook includes an introduction by the editor, a chronology of Oates's life, an authoritative text of the story, ten critical essays, and a bibliography
Two families. Two faces of America. An act of violence with far-reaching consequences.Gus Voorhees is a pioneer in the advancement of women's reproductive rights and a controversial abortion provider in the American Midwest. One morning as he arrives at his clinic, he is ambushed by a hardline Christian, Luther Dunphy, and shot dead.The killing leaves in its wake two fatherless families: the Voorheeses, who are affluent, highly educated, secular and pro-choice, and the Dunphys, their opposite on all counts.When the daughters of the two families, Naomi Voorhees and Dawn Dunphy, glimpse each other at the trial of Luther Dunphy, their initial response is mutual hatred. But their lives are tangled together forever by what has happened, and throughout the years to come and the events that follow, neither can quite forget the other...'The story of Trump's America'Daily Mail'The most relevant book of Oates's half-century-long career . . . a masterpiece' Washington Post'Oates's American saga captivates because it exists within an actual drama playing out across the country. A graceful and excruciating story of two families who do not live very far apart, but exist in different realities' USA Today
Seven feverishly unsettling works, confronting the dangers that surround us and the dangers that dwell within.
Examines the intimate lives of contemporary: the tangled ties between generations, the desperation - and the covert, radiant happiness - of loving more than one is loved in return. This title presents the true-crime story of Andrea Yates, the Texas mother who drowned her children in 2001.
When her journals began, 34-year-old Oates was already a recipient of the National Book Award (1969), with many O Henry awards, and others, under her literary belt. This volume focuses on excerpts from that first decade, 1973-1983, one of the productive of Oates' long career.
Acclaimed for her novels and short stories, Joyce Carol Oates is also an unparalleled literary critic. This collection brings together some of her most brilliant and provocative pieces, covering a range of subjects and ideas.
Hard-hitting, page-turning and celebratory of friendship in unlikely circumstances, Joyce Carol Oates' sure touch with small town life hits home in her first young adult novel.
"You must remember this" foregår i 1950‘ernes USA, under Korea-krigen, i McCarthy-periodens hysteri med kommunistforskrækkelse og –angivelser. Handlingen er koncentreret omkring familien Stevick.I bogens centrum tegner sig det lidenskabelige forhold mellem familiens yngste, skolepigen Enid Maria, og hendes fars yngre bror, Felix. Han er en rastløs, kynisk charmør og tidligere bokser, nu ejendomsspekulant, der færdes i de mere tvivlsomme miljøer.Det, der for Enid Maria og Felix begynder som en leg, udvikler sig hurtigt til et umætteligt sexbehov, en næsten skæbnesvanger besættelse, som får afløb i hurtige biler, snuskede moteller og åndeløse møder.Deres incestuøse forhold er i virkeligheden tidløst. "You must remember this" er en uforglemmelig analyse af den livsvilje, der bryder konformiteten i sin stræben efter lykken, fuldbyrdelsen – livet selv. Romanen er en hyldest til menneskets ufattelig evne til overlevelse.Joyce Carol Oates (f.1938) er en amerikansk forfatter, digter, dramatiker, litteraturanmelder og redaktør. Joyce Carol Oates har et stort og velrenommeret forfatterskab bag sig med over 100 titler i bagagen. Joyce Carol Oates er især kendt for sin skildring af det amerikanske samfund og den vold, der eksisterer mellem de forskellige sociale og etniske grupper og mellem kønnene. Hun er siden sin debut i 1963 blevet hædret med flere priser og nomineringer. Blandt andet har hun vundet The National Book Award og været nomineret til en Pulitzer Prize hele fem gange.
Blandt venner og bekendte er Ian og Glynnis McCullough et elsket og beundret par. Efter 26 års ægteskab kan de med rette betragte sig selv som højdepunktet af den amerikanske drøm om succes.Men nu, da Ian nærmer sig de 50, begynder ægteskabet så småt at krakelere – akkurat som den amerikanske drøm. Den succes, som før var målet, bliver nu selve problemet: alle planerne og drømmene er ført ud i livet og gået i opfyldelse – tilbage er ambitionerne, som imidlertid ikke længere har noget reelt indhold.Glynnis lever en tid i lykkelig uvidenhed om, hvad der er ved at ske. Hun taler stolt og selvsikkert om "mit ægteskab", "mit hjem", "min mand" og "mit liv". – Indtil situationen en dag eksploderer i blind vold – en katastrofe i det lille idylliske samfund, hvor kun gode ting kan ske.Skandale og tragedie, begær, jalousi og vold er hovedingredienserne i denne Joyce Carol Oates‘ hidtil mest provokerende roman.Joyce Carol Oates (f.1938) er en amerikansk forfatter, digter, dramatiker, litteraturanmelder og redaktør. Joyce Carol Oates har et stort og velrenommeret forfatterskab bag sig med over 100 titler i bagagen. Joyce Carol Oates er især kendt for sin skildring af det amerikanske samfund og den vold, der eksisterer mellem de forskellige sociale og etniske grupper og mellem kønnene. Hun er siden sin debut i 1963 blevet hædret med flere priser og nomineringer. Blandt andet har hun vundet The National Book Award og været nomineret til en Pulitzer Prize hele fem gange.
"Marya" er en intens, virkelighedsnær skildring af en moderne kvinde, der konstant søger en dybere forståelse af sig selv for at opnå det ultimative mål, selvrealisering. Det er måske den mest personlige og mest fascinerende af Joyce Carol Oates‘ romaner.Vi følger Marya Knauer på forskellige trin i hendes udvikling, fra den tidligste barndom præget af vold og fattigdom til hun midt i trediverne som berømt kritiker og intellektuel kommentator tilsyneladende allerede har nået tinderne. Hele tiden betages man af hendes person, og hendes livsforløb synes lige så uforudsigeligt og – i tilbageblik – lige så uundgåeligt som livet selv.Joyce Carol Oates (f.1938) er en amerikansk forfatter, digter, dramatiker, litteraturanmelder og redaktør. Joyce Carol Oates har et stort og velrenommeret forfatterskab bag sig med over 100 titler i bagagen. Joyce Carol Oates er især kendt for sin skildring af det amerikanske samfund og den vold, der eksisterer mellem de forskellige sociale og etniske grupper og mellem kønnene. Hun er siden sin debut i 1963 blevet hædret med flere priser og nomineringer. Blandt andet har hun vundet The National Book Award og været nomineret til en Pulitzer Prize hele fem gange.
"Foxfire" er de fiktive erindringer fortalt af Madeleine, eller Maddy, som hun kaldes, der i sine unge dage var med i pigebanden Foxfire. Gruppens leder er den karismatiske og idealistiske Margaret, der er god til at sætte gang i gaden. Nogle gange lidt for god. Pigerne bor sammen i et hus, men har svært ved at skaffe penge til dagen og vejen. Margaret kommer imidlertid på en lusket plan, hvor de skal bortføre en lokal rigmand. Men bortførelsen går ikke som planlagt, og pludselig står gruppen uden en leder.Joyce Carole Oats (f.1938) er en amerikansk forfatter, digter, dramatiker, litteraturanmelder og redaktør. Joyce Carole Oats har et stort og velrenommeret forfatterskab bag sig med over 100 titler i bagagen. Joyce Carole Oats er især kendt for sin skildring af det amerikanske samfund og den vold, der eksisterer mellem de forskellige sociale og etniske grupper og mellem kønnene. Hun er siden sin debut i 1963 blevet hædret med flere priser og norminereringer. Blandt andet har hun vundet The National Book Award og været normineret til en Pulitzer Prize hele fem gange.
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