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Books by Jules Verne

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  • by Jules Verne

    This classic novel about adventure, courage and determination takes the reader on an exciting sea voyage around the world. Engaging and entertaining, "In Search of the Castaways" from 1868 is a story about shipwreck, quest and a rescue mission. Mary and Robert, the children of the castaway Captain Grant, want to launch an expedition with the hope of finding their father. Despite the difficulty to fund the mission, they embark on a long, dangerous and somewhat hopeless journey which can either lead them to their father or endanger their lives. Jules Verne (1828-1905) was a French novelist who mostly wrote adventure fiction inspired by the scientific advances of the 19th century. With the help of editor Pierre-Jules Hetzel he wrote a series of books called "Extraordinary Travels", which includes "Journey to the Center of the Earth" (1864), "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" (1870), and "Around the World in Eighty Days" (1873). Widely popular with both children and adults, Verne is one of the most translated authors of all times, and still inspires people the world over.

  • by Jules Verne

    Dr. Ox wants to introduce a new gas lighting system in a small Flemish town. Free of charge. However something does not add up. Solely because Dr. Ox's goal is not as philanthropic as it seems. He conducts secret experiments on the effect of oxygen on all living creatures. The outcome is most certainly not expected. What goes wrong in his project? Do people realize what a madman they have let in their town? Will Dr. Ox get what he deserves or he will manage to get away with it? The answer lies in Jules Verne's short science-fiction novel from 1874 "e;Dr. Ox's Experiment"e;.-

  • by Jules Verne

    "Michael Strogoff I" is an adventure novel by Jules Verne from 1876. It consists of two parts and it tells the story of the courier of Tsar Alexander II of Russia, Michael Strogoff. There is a treachery afoot and Michael has to inform the tsar’s brother in Irkutsk. He embarks on a long journey through Siberia which turns out to be way more challenging and dangerous than expected. He faces all physical and mental trials with determination and stoicism. He will either manage to deliver the vital message and prevent the rebellion in time or the future of his homeland Russia will be endangered by the Tartars. This story about torture, suffering and neverending obstacles is an example of the power of human spirit and the strength within each and everyone. In the first part of the novel Jules Verne takes us on a long Russian adventure. What the future holds for Michael and Russia is however to be found in the second part. Jules Verne (1828-1905) was a French novelist who mostly wrote adventure fiction inspired by the scientific advances of the 19th century. With the help of editor Pierre-Jules Hetzel he wrote a series of books called "Extraordinary Travels", which includes "Journey to the Center of the Earth" (1864), "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" (1870), and "Around the World in Eighty Days" (1873). Widely popular with both children and adults, Verne is one of the most translated authors of all times, and still inspires people the world over.

  • - The children's classic with 20 hands-on STEAM projects
    by Jules Verne

    The classic children's story with added science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics activities after every chapter.

  • by Jules Verne

    Die gefahrliche Dienstreise des Kuriers des Zaren quer durch Russland: Der aus Sibirien stammende Offizier Michael Strogoff soll eine Depesche nach Irkutsk zum Bruder des Zaren bringen, um ihn zu warnen, dass sich Iwan Ogareff zusammen mit dem Tatarenfursten an ihm rachen mochte. Inkognito als Tuchhandler Nikolaus Korpanoff macht er sich also auf die weite Reise. Doch bis er seinen Auftrag ausfuhren kann, muss er noch einige gefahrenreiche Hindernisse uberwinden...-

  • by Jules Verne

    Schafft es Phileas Fogg, seine Wette zu gewinnen? Der wohlhabende englische Gentleman glaubt, in achtzig Tagen um die Welt reisen zu konnen. Er bricht noch am selben Tag zusammen mit seinem neuen Diener aus Frankreich auf. Die abenteuerliche Reise, die sie uber Paris, Bridisi, durch den Suez-Kanal gen Asien und Amerika fuhren wird, beginnt. Doch dann verdachtigt der Detektiv Mister Fix Phileas Fogg eines Raububerfalls auf die Bank of England und folgt ihm unauffallig, um ihn zu verhaften...-

  • by Jules Verne

    Adventure, discoveries, exploration and dangers which hold your attention to the last page. Jules Verne's "e;Five Weeks in a Balloon"e; from 1865 combines all of them successfully. It tells the story of the explorer Dr. Fergusson who together with a few more people embark on a scientific expedition with a balloon. Their main goal is to study the then-called "e;dark continent"e; Africa which few knew anything of. The mission is not without obstacles as they have to experience windless days, face conflicts with natives and even try to escape a military army. Will the balloon take them safely home or their expedition will be doomed to failure? Is their perseverance and determination enough to find work-arounds or there are higher powers watching over them? -

  • by Jules Verne

    Without even realizing it, the German professor Lidenbrock purchases his ticket to the center of the Earth. He finds an original runic manuscript which unfolds a long kept secret. The center of the Earth lies at the bottom of an Icelandic volcano. The obvious choice is to embark on a journey down the volcano and make the biggest discovery of all times. However there are so many dangers and obstacles, that the expedition seems to be doomed to failure. Will the professor get to the bottom of things or he will lose his life trying? Will he get to describe his findings or the nature will find a way to keep its secrets? Jules Verne's "e;Journey to the Center of the Earth"e; takes us on an amazing adventure through the Earth's depths which will leave us wondering if we really know that much about the Earth. -

  • by Jules Verne

    The young man Godfrey Morgan and his mentor Artelett board a steamship and embark on a long journey round the world. Little do they know that the thrilling experience will also endanger their lives. The explorers become castaways, marooned on a desert island. Will they survive so far away from civilization? What will happen when they realize they are not the only ones on the island? Will they find their way back home ... alive? Jules Verne's "e;Godfrey Morgan"e; is an adventure novel from 1882. It is a story about a round-the-world ocean voyage, discoveries, dangers and courage.-

  • by Jules Verne

    The American Civil War has already ended. A Gun Club plays with the idea of building a weapon which can shoot a projectile to the Moon. Calculations and funding are only a part of the obstacles in the way. The original plan does not include people on board. Despite this not only one but three inventors take part of the trip. Will they survive the incredible acceleration caused by the explosion? Will they manage to get to the Moon? Jules Verne takes us on a scientific and imaginative journey to the Moon in the science-fiction novel "From the Earth to the Moon". The story is not only impressing due to the formidable telling skills of Jules Verne but also due to the fact that it is written almost 100 years before man finally stepped foot on the moon.Jules Verne (1828-1905) was a French novelist who mostly wrote adventure fiction inspired by the scientific advances of the 19th century. With the help of editor Pierre-Jules Hetzel he wrote a series of books called "Extraordinary Travels", which includes "Journey to the Center of the Earth" (1864), "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" (1870), and "Around the World in Eighty Days" (1873). Widely popular with both children and adults, Verne is one of the most translated authors of all times, and still inspires people the world over.

  • - 2. Band
    by Jules Verne

    Die geheimnissvolle insel - 2. Band ist ein unveränderter, hochwertiger Nachdruck der Originalausgabe aus dem Jahr 1876.Hansebooks ist Herausgeber von Literatur zu unterschiedlichen Themengebieten wie Forschung und Wissenschaft, Reisen und Expeditionen, Kochen und Ernährung, Medizin und weiteren Genres. Der Schwerpunkt des Verlages liegt auf dem Erhalt historischer Literatur. Viele Werke historischer Schriftsteller und Wissenschaftler sind heute nur noch als Antiquitäten erhältlich. Hansebooks verlegt diese Bücher neu und trägt damit zum Erhalt selten gewordener Literatur und historischem Wissen auch für die Zukunft bei.

  • by Jules Verne

    Ante la aparición de un misterioso monstruo que aterroriza a marineros por todo el mundo en 1866, el profesor francés Pierre Aronnax, notable biólogo, y su ayudante Conseil, emprenden una expedición en un buque para investigar el enigma. Así es que se convierten en prisioneros del intrépido Capitán Nemo a bordo de su fabulosa nave, el submarino Nautilus, y descubren las maravillas que pueblan las profundidades del océano. Esta fascinante novela de aventuras relata las andanzas de los personajes mientras recorren el mundo, descubren maravillas sumergidas y viven grandes aventuras y peligros, mientras ponen a prueba inventos que ninguna mente ha imaginado antes. 20.000 leguas de viaje submarino es considerada la madre de todas las novelas de aventuras. Las andanzas de los personajes a lo largo de la historia, los maravillosos inventos y descubrimientos con los que Verne se adelantó decenas de años a su época, la convierten en una excepcional e inolvidable novela..Jules Verne (1828 – 1905) fue un escritor, poeta y dramaturgo francés y es considerado el fundador de la moderna literatura de ciencia ficción. Es uno de los escritores mas importantes de Francia y de toda Europa, y un gran influyente en la literatura vanguardista y surrealista. En sus relatos fantásticos predijo con gran precisión la aparición de algunos inventos generados por los avances tecnológicos del siglo XX, como la televisión, los helicópteros, los submarinos y las naves espaciales.

  • by Jules Verne

    Welches Seeungeheuer treibt 1866/67 sein Unwesen und bringt reihenweise Schiffe zum Kentern? Oder ist es womoglich ein Unterwasserfahrzeug? Professor Pierre Aronnax, ein versierter Meeresforscher, soll es herausfinden und sticht mit seinem Diener Conseil an Bord der US-Flotte "e;Abraham Lincoln"e; im Nordpazifik in See. Doch anstatt auf einen Narwal zu treffen, stellt sich das Ungeheuer als U-Boot heraus, und Aronnax und sein Begleiter werden von der Besatzung und dem geheimnisvollen Kapitan Nemo festgehalten... Eine Untersee-Weltreise beginnt!-

  • by Jules Verne

  • - The Great Navigators of the Eighteenth Century - Part 2
    by Jules Verne

  • by Jules Verne
    £6.49 - 9.99

    Ranskalainen seikkailija Michel Ardan on päässyt mukaan amerikkalaisten astronauttien viisipäiväiselle matkalle kohti kuuta. Miehiä koettelevat matkalla niin asteroidit, myrkkykaasut kuin vaaralliset laskuvirheetkin. Pääsevätkö he määränpäähänsä, saati takaisin maankamaralle?Tieteiskirjallisuuden edelläkävijä Jules Verne kuvailee 1870-luvun näkemyksiä avaruusmatkustelusta teoksessaan "Kuun ympäri". Kirja on jatkoa vuoden 1865 teokselle "Maasta kuuhun".Ranskalaista Jules Verneä (1828‒1905) pidetään tieteiskirjallisuuden eli science fictionin edelläkävijänä. Hänen kirjoissaan muun muassa kuvattiin sukellusveneitä, joita ei vielä tuolloin ollut olemassakaan. Proosan lisäksi Verne kirjoitti myös näytelmiä. Vernen tunnetuimpiin teoksiin kuuluvat muun muassa "Matka maan keskipisteeseen" ja "Maailman ympäri 80 päivässä". Vernen teoksia on käännetty noin 150 kielelle.

  • - Bog+CD
    by Jules Verne
    £4.99 - 4.49

    Indlæst af Keld Rysgaard Oversat af Else Schiøler 3 cd+bog, 3 timer og 2 min. Læsehastighed: Tilpasset 4.-5. skoleår

  • by Jules Verne
    £6.49 - 9.99

    Eletään Yhdysvaltain sisällissodan jälkeisiä aikoja 1800-luvulla. Sisällissota on jättänyt jälkeensä aseteollisuutta. Baltimorelaiset asefanaatikot ovat kuitenkin saaneet päähänsä rakentaa jotakin aivan muuta kuin perinteisiä aseita. He haaveilevat raketista, jolla voisi lentää avaruuteen saakka. Kun seikkailija Michel Arden saa tietää projektista, hän ei halua pelkästään projektiin mukaan – hän haluaa lentää raketin mukana kuuhun."Maasta kuuhun" on Jules Vernen huikea tieteisromaani, jossa lennetään kuuhun sata vuotta ennen kuin ensimmäinen kuulento oikeasti toteutui. Romaanin jatko-osa on nimeltään "Kuun ympäri".Jules Verne (1828–1905) oli ranskalainen kirjailija, jonka tunnetuimpia romaaneja ovat "Matka maailman ympäri 80 päivässä" sekä "Matka maan keskipisteeseen". Verne oli myös yksi ensimmäisistä science fiction -kirjailijoista. Hän kirjoitti sukellusveneistä ja lentokoneista ennen kuin niitä oli edes keksitty.Jules Vernen kirjoja on käännetty toiseksi eniten maailmassa – Vernen edelle yltää ainoastaan Agatha Christie. Vernen kirjoittamat seikkailut ovat säilyttäneet suosionsa, ja ne riemastuttavat lukijoita yhä tänä päivänä.

  • by Jules Verne

    Il giro del mondo in 80 giorni e ancora oggi probabilmente il romanzo piu famoso e amato di Jules Verne. Il flemmatico, inscalfibile, metodico Phileas Fogg e il suo fedele cameriere Passepartout formano un'indimenticabile coppia ormai stabilmente entrata a far parte dell'immaginario di intere generazioni di lettori (giovani e non), affascinati dalla pirotecnica girandola di avventure nei luoghi piu disparati del globo.-

  • by Jules Verne

    Jasper Hobson and his crew have the mission to build a fort in the Arctic ocean. They manage to get there and establish the fort. However a massive earthquake changes their plans as unusual things begin to happen. The most unusual of all is that they have ended up on iceberg without even noticing. This iceberg becomes their lifebelt. But what will happen if or when it begins to melt? Where will it take them? Will they survive or they will be forever remembered with their last good deed – building a fort in a rich with natural resources area?"The Fur Country" is published in 1873. It depicts an artic adventure and typically for Jules Verne’s style, it has series of descriptions and details of the expedition and the nature.Jules Verne (1828-1905) was a French novelist who mostly wrote adventure fiction inspired by the scientific advances of the 19th century. With the help of editor Pierre-Jules Hetzel he wrote a series of books called "Extraordinary Travels", which includes "Journey to the Center of the Earth" (1864), "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" (1870), and "Around the World in Eighty Days" (1873). Widely popular with both children and adults, Verne is one of the most translated authors of all times, and still inspires people the world over.

  • by Jules Verne

    "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" is a vivid combination of science fiction and mystery. It is first published in 1871 and it introduces two opposing parties: a monster which wanders around in the seas and a group of three people who embark on a hazardous and dangerous voyage aiming to get rid of the unknown creature. What they happen to experience is far from expected as the terrifying monster turns out to be a futuristic submarine commanded by Captain Nemo who takes the three "explorers" captive. The destructive mission becomes a fantastic undersea voyage. However there are still many mysterious things about the Captain. What is his true nature? Why did he built the submarine in secrecy? And why is he seeking revenge?Jules Verne (1828-1905) was a French novelist who mostly wrote adventure fiction inspired by the scientific advances of the 19th century. With the help of editor Pierre-Jules Hetzel he wrote a series of books called "Extraordinary Travels", which includes "Journey to the Center of the Earth" (1864), "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" (1870), and "Around the World in Eighty Days" (1873). Widely popular with both children and adults, Verne is one of the most translated authors of all times, and still inspires people the world over.

  • by Jules Verne

    "e;From the Earth to the Moon"e; continues in its sequel "e;Around the Moon"e; published five years after the first part. The three adventurers start their trip to the Moon hoping to survive and complete their mission. Many things go however wrong. It turns out that the projectile has changed course during their journey. They try to navigate it and fix the course but it gets even worse as the projectile begins a fall to the Earth. Everything seems doomed to failure. The lives of the three men are at stake. Is there even any possibility to survive? Will they live to tell what they have seen and experienced or the first ever mission to leave Earth will stay shrouded in mystery? -

  • by Jules Verne

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