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Books by Lisa Jackson

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    by Lisa Jackson

    Detective Regan Pescoli ist in den Fängen des »Unglücksstern-Mörders«. Ein psychopathischer Killer, der seine weiblichen Opfer in einer Berghütte gefangen hält, um sie dann bei eisiger Kälte an einen Baum zu fesseln und erfrieren zu lassen. Seine kryptische Nachricht an die Polizei: »Meidet des Skorpions Zorn«. Doch wer ist der Skorpion? Fieberhaft suchen Pescolis Partnerin Selena Alvarez und ihre Kollegen in der Wildnis nach Spuren ...Lisa Jackson zählt zu den amerikanischen Spitzen-Autorinnen, deren Romane regelmäßig die Bestseller-Listen der „New York Times" und „USA Today" erobern. Ihre Hochspannungs-Thriller wurden in 25 Länder verkauft.

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    by Lisa Jackson

    Winter in Montana. Ein Psychopath fesselt seine weiblichen Opfer an einen Baum, um sie bei eisiger Kälte erfrieren zu lassen. Seine Nachricht an die Polizei: die Initialen der Toten und ein Stern. Es fehlen noch Buchstaben, um die Botschaft zu entschlüsseln.Als Detective Regan Pescoli verschwindet, ist deren Kollegin Selena Alvarez in höchster Alarmbereitschaft. Immer noch ist der "Unglücksstern-Mörder" nicht gefasst und nun vermutet sie ihre Partnerin in den Fängen des Killers."Meidet des Skorpions Zorn" – so könnte seine kryptische Botschaft lauten. Doch wer ist der Skorpion? Wird es Selena Alvarez gelingen, ihn rechtzeitig aufzuspüren?Lisa Jackson zählt zu den amerikanischen Spitzen-Autorinnen, deren Romane regelmäßig die Bestseller-Listen der „New York Times" und „USA Today" erobern. Ihre Hochspannungs-Thriller wurden in 25 Länder verkauft.

  • by Lisa Jackson

    Eine skandalumwitterte Familie, eine verhängnisvolle Affäre und ein mörderischer Plan: Bestseller-Autorin Lisa Jackson begeistert mit einem dramatischen Thriller voller unvorhersehbarer Wendungen.Nach einem bösen Streit mit ihrem schwerreichen, notorisch untreuen Freund James Cahill will Megan Travers nur noch weg von dessen Ranch in den Cascade Mountains. Trotz eines heftigen Schneesturms macht sie sich auf den Weg zu ihrer Schwester, doch dort kommt sie nie an. Als die Detectives Brett Rivers und Wynonna Mendoza James befragen wollen, finden sie ihn mit einer Kopfverletzung im Krankenhaus vor. James sagt aus, er könne sich an nichts erinnern, weder an Megan noch an seine zahlreichen Affären. Kurz darauf bringen die Morde an zwei Frauen aus seinem Umfeld den Herzensbrecher in arge Erklärungsnöte ...

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    by Lisa Jackson

    Als Jugendliche war Elle angeklagt für den versuchten Mord an ihrem Stiefvater Ray, der auf ihre Mutter losgegangen war. Ray landete hinter Gittern, Elle wurde auf eine exklusive Privatschule geschickt. Jahre später kommt Ray frei. Elle weiß, dass er hinter ihr und ihrer Tochter her ist. Sie ahnt, dass ihr Versteck in den Bergen kein sicherer Ort ist. Auch der Schneesturm, der um sie herum tobt, bietet ihr keine Deckung. Ihr bleiben nur noch Stunden, um ihre Vergangenheit zu bewältigen. Um sich und ihre Tochter zu retten. Denn er kommt. Er ist schon ganz nah ...Lisa Jackson zählt zu den amerikanischen Spitzen-Autorinnen, deren Romane regelmäßig die Bestseller-Listen der „New York Times", der „USA Today" und der „Publishers Weekly" erobern. Ihre Hochspannungs-Thriller wurden in fünfundzwanzig Länder verkauft. Auch in Deutschland sind ihre Bücher immer wieder auf der Spiegel-Bestseller-Liste vertreten.

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    by Lisa Jackson

    Now available for the first time in trade paperback, the New York Times and USA Today bestselling Southern Gothic thriller from #1 bestselling author Lisa Jackson! A serial killer is on the loose in The Big Easy, murdering victims in pairs, and it’s up to New Orleans detective Reuben Montoya to stop him…Now available for the first time in trade paperback, Lisa Jackson’s blockbuster New York Times and USA Today bestselling Southern Gothic thriller featuring New Orleans detective Reuben Montoya in a race to catch a serial killer on the loose in The Big Easy…Thanks to years of working with the dark side of society, Detective Reuben “Diego” Montoya’s youthful swagger is gone, replaced by straightforward determination. He’ll need it, because a serial killer is turning The Big Easy into his personal playground. The victims are killed in pairs—no connection, no apparent motive, no real clues.His only lead is Abby Chastain, ex-wife of one of the victims. Twenty years ago, Abby watched in horror as her mother, a patient at the Our Lady of Virtues Mental Hospital, plunged through a window to her death—and Abby has always dreaded that she too would one day go insane. Abby’s honest fear gets to Montoya. His gut tells him she’s innocent, and that there’s something significant about the once-grand hospital. Abby can help unlock the mystery—if only Montoya can get her to trust him enough to face the ghosts of her past.As more bodies are found in gruesome, staged scenarios and the FBI moves in, Montoya’s in a desperate race to find a killer who’s getting closer all the time. Plunging deep into a nightmare investigation will uncover a shocking revelation—a deadly connection between Abby and Montoya and an asylum where unspeakable crimes were committed, evil once roamed free, and a human predator still waits…

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    by Lisa Jackson

    Headlined by blockbuster #1 New York Times bestselling author Lisa Jackson, with fellow bestselling suspense stars Alexandra Ivy and Lisa Childs, a trio of never-before-released, linked novellas about dark secrets and revenge, all connected by St. Cecilia's School for Girls. An elite boarding school and a haven for the daughters of the rich and famous, it's a place where scandals are buried and secrets hidden. But for three former students, evil is about to resurface…LUCY Lucy Champagne was sent to St. Cecilia's after her movie-star mother was brutally attacked by her sleazy boyfriend, Ray Watkins. Lucy's damning testimony landed Ray a twenty-five-year sentence. But now, Ray is free. And he's going to find Lucy and make her pay, no matter how far and how fast she runs . . . RAYNE Rayne Taylor found unexpected happiness at St. Cecilia's, until her roommate, Natalie, committed suicide. Only when Rayne finds a box of mementoes from that time does she realize how wrong she may have been about Natalie's death-and how far someone will go to keep the truth hidden . . . ERIN Erin MacDonald remembers little about the long-ago night she and her sister, Anna Beth, were kidnapped. While Erin was found safe, Anna Beth vanished forever. Now Erin has reluctantly come back to the family estate, where Detective Rafe Montego hopes to finally crack the case. But as flashes of Erin's memory reemerge, she learns how deep the danger goes . . .

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    by Lisa Jackson

    A much-loved early classic from #1 New York Times bestselling author Lisa Jackson, this heartwarming holiday tale is set in small-town Oregon, where a little girl’s letter to Santa ends up bringing the gift of romance to a widowed mom and a single dad.  Christmas wishes do come true… Dear Readers, The type of novels I write may have changed since I was first published, but even an early story like this one still has familiar traits. There’s the location, for one: All I Want from Santa (originally published as New Year’s Daddy) is set in Oregon, a place I truly love and have made the backdrop for many of my other novels… The small town of Cascadia is home to Veronica Walsh and her young daughter, Amy. If Ronni still believed in Santa, she’d ask for a chance to buy the rundown old lodge next door and turn it into a B&B. Amy’s Christmas wish list, on the other hand, includes one item that catches Ronni off-guard: a new daddy.  But four years after losing her husband in a tragic accident, Ronni doesn’t plan to get involved with anyone—least of all the lodge’s new owner. Travis Keegan has moved from Seattle to get his wayward teenaged son back on track. Yet the moment he meets Ronni, he wonders if this could be the fresh start they all need. Healing from loss and melding their two families won’t be easy, but Christmas in Cascadia has a magic that may just prove irresistible… All I Want from Santa is a heartwarming holiday romance—the kind that never goes out of style, and the kind I still love to read. I hope you do too. Happy Holidays! Lisa Jackson

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    by Lisa Jackson
    £5.49 - 9.50

    Eve Renner har stått på dödens tröskel. Ett samtal från en gammal vän ledde henne till stugan där det hemska hände. Där hon såg sin vän ligga i en pöl med blod - och där hennes älskare Cole Dennis sköt henne innan hon tappade medvetandet. Varför gjorde han det? Eves minnesluckor gör att hon inte får något grepp om traumat som nästan tog hennes liv. Och på grund av minnesluckorna är Cole en fri man ... Medan Eve försöker komma vidare skakas plötsligt New Orleans av en rad mord som förbryllar polisen. Att de på något sätt hänger ihop är uppenbart: offren har alla tatuerats med en specifik nummerkombination. Men vad betyder den? Alla vägar leder så småningom till Our Lady of Virtues, det nedlagda mentalsjukhuset där Eve spenderat en stor del av sin barndom. När hon själv plötsligt står i hemligheternas centrum tvingas hon sätta sin tillit till den sista personen hon någonsin velat be om hjälp. Vad hon än gör, verkar det kunna kosta henne livet. Vad är det som döljer sig i sjukhusets mörka gångar? "Skräcknatt" är den fjärde delen i Lisa Jacksons New Orleans-serie med poliserna Rick Bentz och Reuben Montoya. Lisa Jackson, född 1952, är en amerikansk författare som lyckats med bedriften att toppa New York Times prestigefyllda bästsäljarlista. Hon är verksam inom flera genrer, men mest känd är hon kanske för sina insatser i deckarvärlden. Lisa har även skrivit en serie ihop med sin syster, Nancy Bush, som också är författare.

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    by Lisa Jackson
    £5.49 - 9.50

    Livet har knappast varit en dans på rosor för Abby Chastain. På sin femtonde födelsedag förlorade hon sin mamma i en fruktansvärd tragedi. Tjugo år senare är hennes egen tillvaro en enda röra. Abbys ex-man, radiokändisen Luke Gierman, har inte bara lämnat henne för en betydligt yngre kvinna. Han har även en förkärlek för att hänga ut sin ex-fru på bästa sändningstid. Inte långt efter att Abby känt en obehaglig närvaro utanför sitt hem får hon ett fruktansvärt besked. En man och en ung kvinna har hittats mördade i en fiskestuga, bara några kilometer från hennes bostad. Och det visar sig snart att Abby inte bara har en koppling till offren - hon står dessutom i centrum för mördarens kallblodiga planer. Med den farligt attraktive kriminalinspektör Montoya på fallet förstår Abby att hon måste ta det varligt. Efter allt som hänt är det sista hon behöver att kära ned sig i en polis. Frågan är bara om hon har något val. "Rysningen" är den tredje delen i Lisa Jacksons New Orleans-serie med poliserna Rick Bentz och Reuben Montoya. Lisa Jackson, född 1952, är en amerikansk författare som lyckats med bedriften att toppa New York Times prestigefyllda bästsäljarlista. Hon är verksam inom flera genrer, men mest känd är hon kanske för sina insatser i deckarvärlden. Lisa har även skrivit en serie ihop med sin syster, Nancy Bush, som också är författare.

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    by Lisa Jackson
    £5.49 - 9.50

    I en sjaskig lägenhet i New Orleans blir en kvinna brutalt mördad av en hänsynslös gärningsman. Hennes kropp hittas sargad och sönderbränd, men mördaren är säker på att han lyckats komma undan utan att bli sedd. Det visar sig dock snart att det faktiskt finns ett vittne - någon som sett precis allt som skett. Problemet är bara att hon inte befunnit sig på platsen. Hon har inte ens varit vaken. När Olivia Benchet för andra gången vaknar av en fruktansvärd och våldsam drömsyn bestämmer hon sig för att kontakta polisen. Hon är säker på att en seriemördare rör sig i staden, men kriminalaren Rick Bentz är inte så lätt att övertyga. Inte ens när ännu en kropp hittas, under exakt de omständigheter som Olivia beskrivit, vill han tro på det hon har att säga. Hur många mord ska hon tvingas bevittna innan Bentz tar henne på allvar?"Kallt blod" är den andra delen i Lisa Jacksons New Orleans-serie med poliserna Rick Bentz och Reuben Montoya. Lisa Jackson, född 1952, är en amerikansk författare som lyckats med bedriften att toppa New York Times prestigefyllda bästsäljarlista. Hon är verksam inom flera genrer, men mest känd är hon kanske för sina insatser i deckarvärlden. Lisa har även skrivit en serie ihop med sin syster, Nancy Bush, som också är författare.

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    by Lisa Jackson
    £5.49 - 9.50

    Radiopsykologen Samantha Leeds är van vid att hantera knäppgökar. Men när en okänd man plötsligt ringer och lämnar hotfulla meddelanden till såväl radiostationen som hennes privata telefon, får hon en stark känsla av att något otäckt är på väg att hända. Vem är mannen och vad är det han tror sig veta? Samtidigt i ett myllrande New Orleans hittas flera prostituerade kvinnor mördade. Tillvägagångssättet är lika förbryllande som det är olycksbådande. Har staden fått en seriemördare på halsen? Och vem blir i så fall hans nästa offer? Vid en första anblick verkar de två företeelserna helt orelaterade. Men snart blir kriminalpolisen Rick Bentz övertygad om att den brutala kvinnomördaren är någon från Samanthas förflutna. Någon som är fast besluten att hon ska sona sina synder..."Hett blod" är den första delen i Lisa Jacksons New Orleans-serie med poliserna Rick Bentz och Reuben Montoya. Lisa Jackson, född 1952, är en amerikansk författare som lyckats med bedriften att toppa New York Times prestigefyllda bästsäljarlista. Hon är verksam inom flera genrer, men mest känd är hon kanske för sina insatser i deckarvärlden. Lisa har även skrivit en serie ihop med sin syster, Nancy Bush, som också är författare.

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    by Lisa Jackson

    In #1 New York Times bestselling author Lisa Jackson’s riveting novel of heart-stopping suspense, New Orleans detectives Rick Bentz and Reuben Montoya race to help a grief-stricken woman discover the truth about a convent filled with unholy secrets…  The crime scene at St. Marguerite’s cathedral in New Orleans is shocking, even to seasoned detectives like Rick Bentz and Reuben Montoya. A novice nun named Sister Camille has been found dressed in a yellowed bridal gown and viciously garroted, her body covered with an altar cloth. Valerie Houston is devastated by her sister’s death. For weeks, she’d begged Camille to leave St. Marguerite’s, where she seemed determined to live as some kind of martyr. But Camille had a knack for making bad choices—she joined the convent in part because she’d fallen for Val’s soon-to-be ex-husband, Slade. Convinced the police aren’t doing enough, Val begins to investigate. But the deeper Val’s inquiries go, the more twisted the case becomes. St. Marguerite’s is far from the tranquil retreat many believe; everyone has their own agenda. Even Camille had a hidden life Val never suspected. But someone knew about Camille’s past—and Val’s, too. Now she has no choice but to catch a devious, depraved killer intent on purging St. Marguerite’s of all its sins—before she becomes the next victim...

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    by Lisa Jackson

    In the tradition of her New York Times bestsellers Revenge, Ruthless and Backlash, Lisa Jackson's fifth omnibus collection combines a two classic Silhouette romances that have been out of print for over 30 years, reviving them for today's readers. With their common theme of unseen threats, Renegade Sun and Midnight Sun are now available in one thrilling volume of revenge, obsession, and deception . . .Dear Reader, Seventy-five plus novels into my career, I'm so happy that I get to keep weaving stories for you. These days, my novels often veer down darker paths. But even in my early books, there were traces of the themes and subjects I find most fascinating--revenge, obsession, and deception . . . The two novels collected here, with a fabulous new title, Distrust, share a common thread of unseen threats. In Renegade Son, single mother Danielle Summers is convinced her ranch is slowly being sabotaged. Newcomer Chase McEnroe insists she should trust him. But Dani's suspicion that Chase is in league with her enemy is complicated by a secret from his past. There's nothing secretive about the hostility between two of Oregon's leading lumber families in Midnight Sun. The feud has been long, ruthless, and bloody, and Ashley Stephens and Trevor Daniels are still reeling from the damage it's caused. Now, eight years after their relationship ended, Trevor discovers that not only is his bid for a senate seat in jeopardy, but his life may be too. And the future of both may lie with Ashley . . . Filled with intrigue, I believe you will enjoy reading the novels in Distrust as much as I have enjoyed revisiting them! Lisa Jackson

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    by Lisa Jackson

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    by Lisa Jackson

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    by Lisa Jackson

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    by Lisa Jackson

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    by Lisa Jackson

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    by Lisa Jackson

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    by Lisa Jackson

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    by Lisa Jackson

    HIS VICTIMS . . . A woman is frantic as she awakens in a dark, closed space. From above her comes the muffled sound of cruel laughter, followed by the hard splatter of dirt. Pure terror takes over as she realizes she's being buried alive-and her last breath is a scream that no one but a sadistic killer will hear . . . WILL TAKE HIS SECRETS . . . To journalist Nikki Gillette, this disturbing story is a ticket out of small-town Savannah and on to the big time. She's already given the killer a nickname-The Grave Robber-and she's spending every minute dogging tough cop Pierce Reed's investigation, trailing him through Savannah's deep thickets and crumbling cemeteries…even though she's starting to wonder about the secrets he's keeping . . . TO THE GRAVE Another body is found. And another. Each gruesome discovery unnerves Nikki a little more…there's something familiar about it, something she should know. Now, as a serial killer pulls her ever deeper into his sick game, she has no idea how close she's getting to the truth-or how deadly it will be . . .

  • by Lisa Jackson

    New York Times bestselling Sisters of Suspense join forces for a gripping standalone novel about a clique of popular girls whose high school friendship is marked by a tragedy that continues to haunt them decades later. Jackson and Bush take the reader's hand and twist them through this shocking tale of suspense. First they were five. Then they were four. Whose turn will it be next? At Bristol High they were an elite clique known as the Five Firsts: Amanda, Bailey, Carmen, Delta and Zora . . . ABCD & Z. They could have accepted their classmate, Emmy, as "E", but with her bookish disposition and her embarrassing status of scholarship student to boot, they rejected her and chose wealthy Zora instead. At a pre-graduation party just before the end of senior year, Lance Ventura, the hottest guy in school, falls down an embankment toward the river and is barely rescued in time to save his life. One of the Five Firsts, Carman, rushes to save him, but isn't so lucky. Her sudden death causes a community to mourn and rumors of foul play to swirl, but the tragedy is ruled an accident. Fast forward ten years and the classmates all meet again at the high school reunion. Some of them have had good fortune in their lives. Others, not so much. PRAISE FOR LISA JACKSON AND NANCY BUSH "Superb . . . a masterpiece of romantic suspense." -Publishers Weekly (starred review) on Something Wicked "A chilling thriller with enough false leads to keep readers enthralled to the finish."-Library Journal on One Last Breath

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    by Lisa Jackson

    An absolutely gripping standalone thriller about teenage mistakes coming back to get you from NYT bestselling author

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    by Lisa Jackson

    From #1 New York Times bestselling author Lisa Jackson comes the chilling, riveting novel that first introduced Detectives Selena Alvarez and Regan Pescoli, hunting for a serial killer who is both savior and executioner… In the lonely woods around Grizzly Falls, Montana, the first body is discovered, stripped naked and tied to a tree. Alvarez and Pescoli have been hoping for a career-making case, but this is a nightmare. The killer stages car accidents on icy, isolated roads and "rescues" his victims. He toys with them, heals them, earns their trust . . . before subjecting them to a slow, agonizing death. When Jillian Rivers opens her eyes, she's trapped in a mangled car. Then a stranger, claiming to be a trail guide, pries her free. Though she's grateful, something about him sets Jillian on edge. And if she knew what was lying in wait for her, she'd be truly terrified . . . Even with the FBI involved, Selena and Regan have nothing to go on but a series of cryptic notes, and the unsettling knowledge that there is much worse to come. Piece by piece, the killer's brutal plan is taking shape. But his final move will be the most shocking-and personal-of all . . .

  • by Lisa Jackson

    Dear Reader, Montana has provided the setting for some of my favorite stories. In the late 1980s I wrote Tender Trap and Aftermath featuring Denver and Colton McLean-two brothers returning to their family ranch after years away, confronting the secrets left behind. I'm thrilled that they're now available in one volume, with a striking new cover and title, Backlash . . . The ranch country of Montana is beautiful, unforgiving, and for Colton and Denver McLean, filled with a whole lot of bad memories. It's been seven years since a fire claimed their parents' lives and drove both brothers away. Now their uncle's death has brought them back to a place where loyalty and love runs deep-but so do grudges. Suspicion still swirls about what caused that tragic fire. It created a rift between Denver and the foreman's daughter, Tessa Kramer. Now Tessa hopes to buy the ranch, if Denver and Colton will agree to sell, but the property is beset by problems. A prized stallion disappears. Other horses start falling sick. Someone seems determined to disrupt-or destroy-the McLean family's legacy by any means necessary. And finding answers will turn this homecoming into a time of reckoning with enemies past and present . . . I hope you enjoy coming back to Montana with me!

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