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The Tipping Point is a captivating book by Malcolm Gladwell, a renowned author known for his unique storytelling style. Published in 2002 by Little, Brown Book Group, this book falls under the genre of non-fiction. Gladwell explores the concept of the 'tipping point': the moment when a trend, social behavior, or innovation turns into a significant occurrence and spreads like wildfire. The book is a fascinating study of human behavior and social changes, making it a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the dynamics of societal transformations. Grab your copy of The Tipping Point and delve into the intriguing world of social phenomena.
From the bestselling author of Blink and The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell's Outliers: The Story of Success overturns conventional wisdom about genius to show us what makes an ordinary person an extreme overachiever.Why do some people achieve so much more than others? Can they lie so far out of the ordinary?In this provocative and inspiring book, Malcolm Gladwell looks at everyone from rock stars to professional athletes, software billionaires to scientific geniuses, to show that the story of success is far more surprising, and far more fascinating, than we could ever have imagined.He reveals that it's as much about where we're from and what we do, as who we are - and that no one, not even a genius, ever makes it alone. Outliers will change the way you think about your own life story, and about what makes us all unique.'Gladwell is not only a brilliant storyteller; he can see what those stories tell us, the lessons they contain' Guardian'Malcolm Gladwell is a global phenomenon ... he has a genius for making everything he writes seem like an impossible adventure' Observer 'He is the best kind of writer - the kind who makes you feel like you're a genius, rather than he's a genius' The Times
From the author of The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell's international bestseller Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking is a revolution in the understanding of the mind.An art expert sees a ten-million-dollar sculpture and instantly spots it's a fake. A marriage analyst knows within minutes whether a couple will stay together. A fire-fighter suddenly senses he has to get out of a blazing building. A speed dater clicks with the right person...This book is all about those moments when we 'know' something without knowing why. Here Malcolm Gladwell explores the phenomenon of 'blink', showing how a snap judgement can be far more effective than a cautious decision. By trusting your instincts, he reveals, you'll never think about thinking in the same way again.'Trust my snap judgement, buy this book: you'll be delighted' The New York Times 'Compelling, fiendishly clever' Evening Standard 'Brilliant ... the implications for business, let alone love, are vast' Observer 'Superb ... this wonderful book should be compulsory reading' New Statesman 'Blink might just change your life' Esquire 'Should you buy this book? You already know the answer to that' Independent on Sunday
Malcolm Gladwell stiller skarpt på, hvorfor mødet med fremmede mennesker så tit ender i misforståelser og forkerte konklusioner. AT TALE MED FREMMEDE undersøger situationer,hvor mødet er endt i katastrofale fejlslutninger: den fejlagtige dom over Amanda Knox for mordet på hendes roommate, spionen, der i flere år skjulte sig blandt Pentagons højtstående ansatte, digteren Sylvia Plaths selvmord og de talrige eksempler på møder mellem hvide politibetjente og sorte borgere i USA, der går grueligt galt. Mødet med fremmede mennesker er aldrig simpelt. Vi tror, at folks ansigtsudtryk afslører deres tankerog følelser, men ofte er dette ikke sandt. Derfor bliver vi så let narret, eller vi misforstår de fremmede mennesker, som vi møder. AT TALE MED FREMMEDE undersøger også det modsatte fænomen: Hvorfor vi ofte bliver påvirket af en tendens, som Gladwell kalder ”default to truth ”. I mødet med alvorlige anklager mod folk, vi kender, tager vi ofte deres ord for, at det ikke er sandt. Vi stoler på den, vi kender, og baserer vores dom på deres udsagn, trods tydelige tegn og anklager om det modsatte.
Mødet med andre mennesker er aldrig ligetil, og det kan let ende i misforståelser. Malcolm Gladwell stiller skarpt på situationer, hvor mødet med et andet menneske er gået katastrofalt galt. Gang på gang er mødet mellem hvide politibetjente og sorte borgere i USA resulteret i tragiske dødsfald. Svindleren Bernie Madoff charmerede og overbeviste investor efter investor, selvom der var adskillige alarmklokker, der ringede. Neville Chamberlain stolede på Hitler, da han bedyrede, at han ikke havde planer om at gå ind i flere lande i Europa."At tale med fremmede" handler om, hvad der sker, når vi møder folk, som vi ikke kender, hvorfor det ofte går galt, og hvad det siger om os.
Learn what sets high achievers apart -- from Bill Gates to the Beatles -- in this #1 bestseller from "a singular talent" (New York Times Book Review). In this stunning book, Malcolm Gladwell takes us on an intellectual journey through the world of "outliers"--the best and the brightest, the most famous and the most successful. He asks the question: what makes high-achievers different?His answer is that we pay too much attention to what successful people are like, and too little attention to where they are from: that is, their culture, their family, their generation, and the idiosyncratic experiences of their upbringing. Along the way he explains the secrets of software billionaires, what it takes to be a great soccer player, why Asians are good at math, and what made the Beatles the greatest rock band.Brilliant and entertaining, Outliers is a landmark work that will simultaneously delight and illuminate.
Explore the power of the underdog in Malcolm Gladwell's dazzling examination of success, motivation, and the role of adversity in shaping our lives.Three thousand years ago on a battlefield in ancient Palestine, a shepherd boy felled a mighty warrior with nothing more than a stone and a sling, and ever since then the names of David and Goliath have stood for battles between underdogs and giants. David's victory was improbable and miraculous. He shouldn't have won. Or should he have? In David and Goliath, Malcolm Gladwell challenges how we think about obstacles and disadvantages, offering a new interpretation of what it means to be discriminated against, or cope with a disability, or lose a parent, or attend a mediocre school, or suffer from any number of other apparent setbacks.Gladwell begins with the real story of what happened between the giant and the shepherd boy those many years ago. From there, David and Goliath examines Northern Ireland's Troubles, the minds of cancer researchers and civil rights leaders, murder and the high costs of revenge, and the dynamics of successful and unsuccessful classrooms---all to demonstrate how much of what is beautiful and important in the world arises from what looks like suffering and adversity. In the tradition of Gladwell's previous bestsellers---The Tipping Point, Blink, Outliers and What the Dog Saw---David and Goliath draws upon history, psychology, and powerful storytelling to reshape the way we think of the world around us.
A New York Times Bestselling AuthorUtilizing diverse case studies, Gladwell reveals that what we think of as decisions made in the blink of an eye are much more complicated than assumed.
Why do underdogs succeed so much more than we expect? How do the weak outsmart the strong? In David and Goliath Malcolm Gladwell, no.1 bestselling author of The Tipping Point, Blink, Outliers and What the Dog Saw, takes us on a scintillating and surprising journey through the hidden dynamics that shape the balance of power between the small and the mighty.From the conflicts in Northern Ireland, through the tactics of civil rights leaders and the problem of privilege, Gladwell demonstrates how we misunderstand the true meaning of advantage and disadvantage. When does a traumatic childhood work in someone's favour? How can a disability leave someone better off? And do you really want your child to go to the best school he or she can get into? David and Goliath draws on the stories of remarkable underdogs, history, science, psychology and on Malcolm Gladwell's unparalleled ability to make the connections others miss. It's a brilliant, illuminating book that overturns conventional thinking about power and advantage.'A global phenomenon... there is, it seems, no subject over which he cannot scatter some magic dust' Observer
In What the Dog Saw Malcolm Gladwell covers everything from criminology to spaghetti sauce to show how the most ordinary subjects can illuminate the most extraordinary things about ourselves and our world. Looking under the surface of the seemingly mundane, he explores the underdogs, the overlooked, the curious, the miraculous and the disastrous, and reveals how everyone and everything contains an incredible story. What the Dog Saw is Gladwell at his very best - asking questions and finding surprising answers. 'A global phenomenon... there is, it seems, no subject over which he cannot scatter some magic dust' Observer 'Gladwell makes the world seem fresh and exciting again' Evening Standard 'Comes exuberantly close to ... what goes on inside other people's heads' Daily Telegraph 'A dizzying array ... his writing talks to all of us' Guardian 'Consistently absorbing ... captivating' Independent 'Gladwell's storytelling qualities and his eye for the human drama ... make this so compelling' Sunday Times
Hvad er forskellen på en gåde og et mysterium? Hvad er det helt specielle ved ketchup? Hvorfor overdriver vi betydningen af intelligens? Er det bedre at gå i chok end i panik? Og hvad kan pitbulls lære os om kriminalitet? Mød Ron Popeil, verdens bedste sælger, og John Rock, manden der opfandt p-pillen og begik en bitter fejltagelse.I denne samling af historier fortæller Malcolm Gladwell om en række ekstraordinære mennesker og leder efter de paradokser og fejlslutninger, som ofte får os til at drage de forkerte konklusioner."En historie står og falder med dens evne til at engagere dig, få dig til at tænke, give dig et kig ind i et andet menneskes hoved – også selv om du ender med at mene, at det ikke er et sted, du har lyst til at opholde dig," skriver Malcolm Gladwell i bogens forord. "Hvad hunden så" består af 19 moderne eventyr, som gør netop det.
Hvorfor er 150 et magisk tal? Hvordan opstår et modefænomen? Er kriminalitet smitsomt? Er selvmord? Hvilke mennesker viderebringer og vedligeholder rygter? Og hvad er den mest effektive indsats mod rygning? Et magisk vendepunkt er det øjeblik, hvor en idé, en trend, et produkt eller et adfærdsmønster spreder sig som en steppebrand. Malcolm Gladwells internationale bestseller undersøger den sociale epidemi som fænomen og forklarer, hvorfor store forandringer sker pludseligt og uventet. Bogen analyserer kriminalitet, anti-rygekampagner, modetrends, børneudsendelser, rygter og et væld af andre eksempler på smitsom adfærd. Men først og fremmest viser den, hvordan én kreativ person – med et lille, velanbragt skub – kan forandre hele verden. Det magiske vendepunkt er et uvurderligt redskab for alle, som beskæftiger sig med sociale medier, politik, reklame, markedsføring, journalistik eller græsrodsarbejde i ordenes bredeste forstand. Sammenlagt har bogen ligget på New York Times’ bestsellerliste i mere end syv år.
Hvad sker der, når vi tager en lynhurtig beslutning? Hvorfor har nogen mennesker succes med at følge deres intuition, mens andre konsekvent vælger forkert? Hvordan kan vi vide noget – inden vi ved, at vi ved det? Og hvorfor er de bedste beslutninger ofte umulige at forklare?Kultur-ikonet Malcolm Gladwell udforsker i Blink det gådefulde øjeblik, hvor vi når til en erkendelse. Han sammenfatter ny forskning i psykologi, sociologi og økonomi og leverer underholdende indsigt i fænomener som biljagter, antikke statuer, krigsspil, lægesjusk, morsesignaler, Tom Hanks, tomatsovs og speed dating. Resultatet er en fascinerende og tankevækkende brugsanvisning i, hvordan vi skærper vores evne til at tage rigtige beslutninger og bliver bedre til at erkende – på et øjeblik.
Hvor mange timer tager det at blive dygtig? Hvad skal der til for at få succes? Kan man være for klog? Og hvordan kan en fødselsdato ændre dit liv?Afvigerne er de mennesker, der som Bill Gates og The Beatles hæver sig over andre og opnår evig berømmelse og succes. De er dygtige, ingen tvivl om det, men hvorfor er de dygtige? spørger Malcolm Gladwell og giver en række svar, der river tæppet væk under alle vores forestillinger om intelligens, uddannelse og medfødte evner.AFVIGERNE afslører de overraskende hemmeligheder bag succes og undervejs leverer Malcolm Galdwell underholdende indsigt i forskellige emner som flyulykker, rismarker, slægtsfejder, ishockey og jødiske advokater.
For 3000 år siden på en slagmark i det gamle Palæstina fældede en hyrdedreng en mægtig kriger med en sten og en slynge – og siden da har navnene David og Goliat været synonyme med kampe mellem underdogs og giganter. I DAVID & GOLIAT udfordrer Malcolm Gladwell den måde, hvorpå vi tænker på forhindringer og ulemper: Når vi bliver diskrimineret imod eller lever med handicaps, når vi mister en forælder eller går på en middelmådig skole.Gladwell begynder sin bog med den rigtige historie om, hvad der skete dengang for mange år siden mellem kæmpen og hyrdedrengen. Derfra udforsker DAVID & GOLIAT Nordirlands problemer, tankegangen hos kræftforskere og borgerrettighedsforkæmpere, dynamikken i velfungerende og kaotiske klasseværelser og meget mere – alt sammen for at vise, at meget af alt det, der er smukt og betydningsfuldt i verden, kommer af modgang og lidelse. DAVID & GOLIAT trækker på historie, videnskab, psykologi og fortællinger om bemærkelsesværdige skæbner samt på Malcolm Gladwells uforlignelige evne til at skabe sammenhænge, som vi andre overser.
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