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Every man can have multiple orgasms - and can directly improve his lovemaking skills - just by learning some simple physical techniques. This new edition of our Bestseller shows how...
Ny seksuallære der vil indvie - navnligt de mandlige læsere - i kunsten at adskille ejakulation og orgasme. Bogen søger at lære læserne, hvordan både kvinden og manden med enkle greb og teknikker kan opnå større velvære - både fysisk og psykisk - og opnå større nydelser i seksuallivet. En af de vigtigste teknikker i bogen er den, hvormed manden lærer at tilbageholde ejakulation og alligevel opnå orgasme - ja, mange orgasmer. Herved kan mænd - ligesom kvinder - blive multiorgastiske og opnå større sundhed og balance i livet. Rigt illustreret.
HEALTH Our sexual organs play a major role in our physical and emotional health. Many emotional traumas and stresses are stored in the pelvic region in the form of tension in the muscles, ligaments, and tendons and imbalances in the meridians and organs, resulting in an accumulation of toxins and energetic knots and tangles. Freeing the jing chi of the sexual organs--a powerful source of healing energy--Karsai Nei Tsang helps to resolve physical and emotional blockages in the pelvic area through massage, meridian clearing, and detoxification. Illustrating complete sexual organ massages for women and for men, this book guides you through the techniques of Karsai Nei Tsang--including necessary detox preparations and the underlying Chi Nei Tsang principles--and shows you how to release knots and tight muscles (including the hip, buttock, and thigh muscles), unravel nerve and lymphatic tangles, dissolve toxins and sediments, and increase blood flow to the pelvic area. Addressing common problems associated with our sexual organs, this practice can be used to treat impotency, frequent and difficult urination, painful menstruation, ovarian cysts, menopause symptoms, painful intercourse, and low libido. It is also effective in alleviating back pain and sciatica, improving the body's alignment, strengthening the pelvic floor, balancing the hormones, and increasing general vitality. MANTAK CHIA, world-famous Inner Alchemy and Qi Gong master, founded the Universal Healing Tao System in 1979. He has taught and certified tens of thousands of students and instructors from all over the world. The director of the Tao Garden Health Spa and Resort in northern Thailand, he is the author of 40 books, including Sexual Reflexology and the bestselling The Multi-Orgasmic Man.
Moves reflexology beyond the realm of foot massage and into the realm of sexuality.
Forvandling af stress til vitalitet af Mantak Chia. Inden for konventionel medicin - og livsforståelse - er der ingen gode udsigter, når diagnosen siger udbrændthed og stress. Anderledes forholder det sig for Mantak Chia, der i Danmark især er kendt for sine bøger om seksuel energi.I "Forvandling af stress til vitalitet" beskriver og gennemgår Chia de årtusind gamle taoistiske teknikker, hvormed enhver kan forvandle stress og negative følelser til vitalitet og styrke: Med 'det indre smil' skabes kontakt til de indre organer. Og mulighed for heling og helbredelse. Med 'de seks helbredende lyde' finder man vej ind i kroppen og frigør opdæmmet energi, hvorved de indre organer renses, og der skabes mulighed for re-vitalisering.Hugo Hørlych Karlsen og Petra Vestergaard har redigeret og skrevet forord.
Exercises to deactivate emotional triggers, transform negative emotions into positive ones, and heal from PTSD, depression, anxiety, and addiction
Hvert sekund døgnet rundt producerer vores krop energi. Seksuel energi. Denne energi og vitalitet er livets puls. Livsglæde og et godt helbred hænger sammen med god sex, ja, med elskov.I ”Mænds seksuelle puls” får det stærke køn enkle angivelser på, hvordan kroppens energiressourcer kan bruges til at forøge den seksuelle nydelse og på et dybere plan føre til et bedre helbred. Enkelt og alligevel nuanceret og med megen humor beskrives, hvordan mænd kan forøge og udvide deres evne til at få orgasme og bruge disse nydelser og den øgede seksuelle energi som et grundlag for glæde og vitalitet.En central pointe er, at orgasme og ejakulation er to forskellige - to adskilte - ting, hvad der kan være grundlag for uanede muligheder. Bogen henvender sig både til hetero- og homoseksuelle, både til mænd med og uden en partner - og til ung som gammel, da det beskrives, hvordan den seksuelle energi kan øges med årene.”Mænds seksuelle puls” er resultatet af mødet mellem Østens visdom og Vestens videnskab og af mødet mellem de to køn. Mantak Chia er taoistisk mester, hans indsigter suppleres med en kinesisk kvindes og en kvindelig, vestlig læges bidrag.Mantak Chia underviser i taoistisk medicin og seksualitet og har sammen med Maneewan Chia udgivet talrige bøger. Chia er stifter af Universal Tao Center, hvis hovedkvarter ligger i Thailand.Douglas Abrams Arava er redaktør og skribent. Han har studeret taoistisk seksualitet i mange år. Hans kone Rachel Carlton Arava har også bidraget til bogen.
A detailed guide to restoring the eight foundational areas of health
A fully illustrated guide to the most advanced Kan and Li practice to birth the immortal spirit body and unite with the Tao.
A fully illustrated guide to abdominal massage for improved cardiovascular health, organ detoxification, and enhanced vital energy.
A guide to Taoist exercises to return to the Wu Wei state of mind and create the immortal spirit body.
A guide to the internal martial arts exercises of short-form Wu-Style Tai Chi.
In Simple Chi Kung, Taoist master Mantak Chia distills thousands of Chi Kung practices into one simple daily routine perfect for beginners and ideal as a warm-up to more advanced practices.
An introduction to the ancient Kung Fu practice designed to unify physical, mental, and spiritual health.
HEALTH / TAOISM Cosmic Fusion is an advanced level of Inner Alchemy that teaches how to bring the physical body into balance with the energy body--a necessary prerequisite for the formation of the universal body, the pearl of compassion that is one with Original Creation and the Universal Tao. Cosmic Fusion works with the expression of the eight pakua (bagwa) of Chinese cosmology, through which all creation is divided and given form, its nature, and definition. Cosmic Fusion exercises establish the spiritual body firmly in the lower abdomen, where Chi energy is gathered and distributed to all parts of the physical body. The fully illustrated exercises in this book also show how to collect and channel the greater energies of the stars and planets. By "fusing" all these different energies together, a harmonious whole is created, a unity of what is above and below. As heavenly and earthly forces are brought into balance, the life perfectly suited to the practitioner manifests, allowing the spirit body to prepare to move into worlds beyond--and back. A student of several Taoist masters, MANTAK CHIA founded the Universal Healing Tao System in 1979 and has taught and certified tens of thousands of students and instructors from all over the world. He is the director of the Tao Garden Integrative Medicine Health Spa and Resort training center in northern Thailand and is the author of twenty-six books, including Energy Balance through the Tao and The Inner Structure of Tai Chi.
A guide to the practice of Inner Alchemy, which allows you to control the energies of your inner universe to better connect with energies of the outer universe.
Golden Elixir Chi Kung contains twelve postures that develop and utilize the healing power of saliva, long considered by Taoists as a key component for optimum health. Taoists believe that this Golden Elixir is a physical healing agent, and also a major transformative agent in preparing for higher spiritual work.
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