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Books by Martin Heidegger

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    by Martin Heidegger

    Et filosofisk hovedværk i det 20. århundrede. Om kernen i det at eksistere, hvor det vigtigste element er tiden. Om hvordan der i vores oplevelse af tiden er indbygget en fremtidighed, dvs. hvert nu peger mod sin egen fremtid

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    - World, Finitude, Solitude
    by Martin Heidegger

    A crucial work for understanding a major turning point in Heidegger's thought.

  • by Martin Heidegger

    Few philosophers have had more influence on the shape of western philosophy after 1900 than Martin Heidegger. This title offers a full range of this profound and controversial thinker's writings, including: "The Origin of the Work of Art"; "The introduction to Being and Time"; "What Is Metaphysics?"; and, "The End of Philosophy".

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    by Martin Heidegger

    Reconstructs Martin Heidegger's lecture course at the University of Marburg in the winter semester of 1924-25, which was devoted to an interpretation of Plato and Aristotle. This volume approaches Plato through Aristotle.

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    by Martin Heidegger

    A new translation of Heidegger's monumental work

  • by Martin Heidegger

    The two treatises The Overcoming of Metaphysics (1938/39) and The Essence of Nihilism (1946-1948) do not belong together temporally or formally, but they are brought together in this volume because they both treat a common thesis from the standpoint of different questions - namely, that nihilism is the essence of metaphysics in relation to the history of being.The overcoming of metaphysics is, for Heidegger, the decisive historical moment in which metaphysics is experienced as the history of the abandonment by being and overcome at the same time. The abandonment of beings by being reveals itself in the final and most extreme intensification of metaphysics as the "unconditioned predominance of manipulation." Manipulation means here the all-dominating producibility of beings.The Essence of Nihilism is linked to the idea of overcoming. This text deals with the attempt to elucidate the essence of nihilism through Nietzsche's words "God is dead." The killing of God springs from the will to power as the most extreme form of manipulation. The being of beings is grasped here as the positing of values emanating from the will to power. In this positing of being as value, it becomes clear that being itself remained unthought in metaphysics. Therefore, metaphysics as such is nihilism proper.These key works by Heidegger, now available in English for the first time, will be of great interest to students and scholars of philosophy and to anyone interested in Heidegger's thought.

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    by Martin Heidegger

    Tænkningens for-gængereMidt i verdensnattensmørke må nogen blandt de dødelige vove at se ud i afgrunden og erfare det, viendnu ikke har sprog for. Det er det, digterne gør. Digtning skaber perspektivforskydninger,giver os en chance for med en nyfunden klarhed at se alt det, der er, i sinhelhed. Heidegger mente selv kun at tænke én tanke: nemlig hvordan alt detværende i sin væren viser sig. Netop poesien frigør sproget fra den dagligdagsinstrumentelle brug, så det kan tale om, hvordan det værende er. For ”sprogeter værens hus”.“Hvorfor digtere itrange tider?” er det spøgende spørgsmål, der indleder Martin Heideggersforelæsning fra 1946, holdt i anledning af 20-årsdagen for Rainer Maria Rilkesdød – og skrevet i skyggen af anden verdenskrig. Især tre spørgsmål optagerMartin Heidegger i hans sene filosofi: Hvad vil det sige at eksistere påjorden, hvad er teknologi, og hvad skal vi med digtere? I Hvorfor digtere?viser de tre spørgsmål sig at være tæt forbundne. Hvorfor digtere? er en del af bogserien AFTRYK, der samler korte ogvedkommende filosofiske tekster med væsentlig virkningshistorie. Kasper NeferOlsen har skrevet indledning og oversat denne tekst, der er relevant for alle,der interesserer sig for kunstfilosofi, teknologikritik og eksistenstænkning.Martin Heidegger (1889-1976) indtager en fremtrædende position i det tyvendeårhundredes filosofi, særligt inden for fænomenologi, som han bragte i berøringmed hermeneutik og eksistenstænkning. Heidegger var optaget af spørgsmål omværen, tid, menneskets kastethed og frihed. Hans hovedværk er Væren og tid,der afsøger værensspørgsmålets mening i det konkrete, levede liv. Senere iforfatterskabet fortsætter denne søgen i dialog med historien, kunsten ogteknologien, og i nærværende tekst er det forholdet mellem liv, sprog, tænkningog digtning, der er i centrum.

  • by Martin Heidegger

    Originally published: Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann, 2010.

  • - A New Interpretation of Schelling's Philosophical Investigations into the Essence of Human Freedom and Matters
    by Martin Heidegger

  • by Martin Heidegger

    Discourse on Thinking questions that must occur to us the moment we manage to see a familiar situation in unfamiliar light.

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    by Martin Heidegger

    Sproget og Ordet samler fire foredrag af den tyske filosof Martin Heidegger (1889-1976). De fire teksters tidsmæssige samhørighed dækker over en dyb tematisk sammenhæng, som denne samling gør særligt tydelig.For en overfladisk betragtning handler de to om poesi, de to andre om arkitekturens grundbegreb; ved nærmere eftersyn handler de alle fire om det samme: hvorledes det moderne menneske kan genvinde en autentisk forståelsesramme for sin jordiske tilværelse.Heidegger peger på digterne – Hölderlin, George, Trakl – kun for at nå frem til en ny artikulation af begreber som ”rum” og ”verden”. Bogen henvender sig til et bredt felt indenfor humaniora, filosofi og arkitektur.Sproget og Ordet udkom første gang i 2000. Bogen genudgives nu i Hans Reitzels Forlags serie Klassikere.

  • by Martin Heidegger

    ΓÇ£On the day of German Labor, on the day of the Community of the People, the Rector of Freiburg University, Dr. Marin Heidegger, made his official entry into the National Socialist Party.ΓÇ¥ And so begins one of the most controversial philosophical texts available today. Heidegger, a German Nationalist and proud Nazi, thoroughly examines the history, the philosophy, and the rise to power of the Nazi movement in Germany. Martin HeideggerΓÇÖs distinguished Italian colleague, Professor Benedetto Croce, said of his German contemporary, ΓÇ£This man dishonors philosophy and that is an evil for politics too.ΓÇ¥ CroceΓÇÖs severe rebuke was not singular at the time when Hitlerism was rampant over Europe. It is true that among the almost one thousand professional philosophers of Germany and Austria only very few actively opposed National Socialism. On the other hand, no one degraded his historic profession in the manner Heidegger did, by becoming a spokesman for National Socialism and attempting to mold his theories into one pattern with Hitlerism. HeideggerΓÇÖs contribution to the growth and development of National Socialism was immense. In this small anthology Dr. Runes endeavors to point to the utter confusion Heidegger created by drawing, for political and social application of his own existentialism metaphysics, upon the decadent and repulsive brutalization of Hitlerism. Martin Heidegger was a philosopher most known for his contributions to German phenomenological and existential thought. Heidegger was born in rural Messkirch in 1889 to Catholic parents. While studying philosophy and mathematics at Albert-Ludwig University in Freiburg, Heidegger became the assistant for philosopher Edmund Husserl. Influenced by Husserl, Kierkegaard, and Nietzsche, Heidegger wrote extensively on the quality of Being, including his opus Being and Time. He served as professor of philosophy at Albert-Ludwig University and taught there during the war. In 1933, Heidegger joined the National Socialist German WorkerΓÇÖs (or Nazi) Party and expressed his support for Hitler in several articles and speeches. After the war, his support for the Nazi party came under attack, and he was tried as a sympathizer. He was able to return to Albert-Ludwig University, however, and taught there until he retired. Heidegger continued to lecture and write until his death 1973.

  • by Martin Heidegger
    £10.49 - 16.49

  • by Kenneth Haynes & Martin Heidegger

    This is the first English translation to bring together the texts originally published under the title Holzwege as the unified totality which Heidegger intended. It will be an invaluable resource for all students of Heidegger, whether they work in philosophy, literary theory, religious studies, or intellectual history.

  • by Martin Heidegger

    Readings of Germany's leading Romantic poet by Germany's foremost 20th-century philosopher

  • by Martin Heidegger

    With an introduction by Manfred Stassen, this collection of articles by Martin Heidegger covers many topics over many years. They cover his anti-semitism, his relationship with Nazism, his work on phenomenology and essays on his groundbreaking notions of Being.

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    - Initiation into Phenomenological Research
    by Martin Heidegger

    As an early articulation of Heidegger's thought, this book will be an indispensable resource for scholars and students.

  • by Martin Heidegger
    £21.49 - 38.49

  • by Martin Heidegger

    First published in German in 1984 as volume 45 of Martin Heidegger's collected works, this book is the first English translation of a lecture course he presented at the University of Freiburg in 1937-1938. Heidegger's task here is to reassert the question of the essence of truth, not as a "e;problem"e; or as a matter of "e;logic,"e; but precisely as a genuine philosophical question, in fact the one basic question of philosophy. Thus, this course is about the essence of truth and the essence of philosophy. On both sides Heidegger draws extensively upon the ancient Greeks, on their understanding of truth as aletheia and their determination of the beginning of philosophy as the disposition of wonder. In addition, these lectures were presented at the time that Heidegger was composing his second magnum opus, Beitrage zur Philosophie, and provide the single best introduction to that complex and crucial text.

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