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Books by Mayne Reid

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    by Mayne Reid

    Numa paisagem marítima tropical, sob um céu de azul brilhante, um barco está em alto mar. Apesar dessa paisagem paradisíaca, a embarcação está rodeada por toda parte por monstros assustadores. Dentro desse barco se encontram sete formas humanas: uma morta e seis vivas... Qual é o mistério que une esses náufragos?Thomas Mayne Reid (1818-1883) foi um escritor irlandês que viveu muitos anos nos Estados Unidos. Muitos dos seus romances descrevem a vida americana e abordam a política colonial estadunidense de sua época. Famoso por suas histórias de faroeste, ele também escreveu aventuras em paisagens de outros continentes. "The White Chief" (1855) e "The Headless Horseman" (1865) são suas obras mais populares.

  • Save 19%
    by Mayne Reid

    Both Cassisus Calhoun and Maurice Gerald would love to marry Louise Poindexter. Louise, however, is preoccupied by the murder of her brother, and marriage is the last thing on her mind. All signs suggest that the assassin of Henry Poindexter is none other than Maurice Gerald, and as if this was not enough for Louise to contend with, a horse with a headless rider is seen visiting the Poindexter plantations.‘The Headless Horseman’ is a novel written by Mayne Reid, based upon south Texas folklore and Reid’s own adventures in the United States.Thomas Mayne Reid (1818 - 1883) was an Irish-American writer. He spent many years in the United States and fought in the American-Mexican war, an experience that inspired much of his work. Most of his novels focus upon American life, colonial policy, slave labour and the lives and treatment of American Indians. In fact, he is regarded as one of the first novelists to write about the ‘Wild West’, and his adventure novels are often described as akin to those written by Robert Louis Stevenson. Amongst his most famous novels are ‘The White Chief’ and ‘The Headless Horseman’, and the latter was adapted to screen in 1972.

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    by Mayne Reid

    Eletaan 1800-lukua Texasissa. Louise Poindexter on kaunis nuori nainen, jolla on kaksi ihailijaa - seka Cassius Calhoun etta Maurice Gerald haaveilevat saavansa Louisen omakseen. Kun Louisen veli Henry Poindexter tapetaan, tilanne mutkistuu. Kuka on Henryn murhan takana? Onko Louisen kosijoilla jotain tekemista Henryn kuoleman kanssa?Niin kuin Henryn kuolema ei itsessaan olisi tarpeeksi, Poindexterien plantaaseilla alkaa vierailla mystinen vieras - hevosella ratsastava mies, jolla ei ole paata."e;Aavikon ritari"e; on ensimmainen osa Mayne Reidin hyytavaan klassikkoromaaniin, joka julkaistiin alun perin vuonna 1865. Seuraavat osat ovat "e;Paaton ratsastaja"e; seka "e;Lakeuden laki"e;.Kirjailija Mayne Reid johdattaa lukijan 1800-luvun Texasiin ja sen plantaaseille, jossa kulkee paaton ratsumies. Paattoman ratsumiehen legenda tunnetaan monissa kansanperinteissa ympari maailman - ja legenda on innoittanut Reidin lisaksi monia muitakin taiteilijoita.

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    by Mayne Reid

    Meksikon keskiosissa San Ildefonson kaupungissa asuu koyhan perheen vesa Karlos. Han metsastaa biisoneja perheelleen ja on alueen parhaita jousiampujia ja ratsastajia.Onneaan etsiva Karlos osallistuu paikalliseen turnaukseen ja voittaa kaupungin halutuimman morsianehdokkaan Katrionan sydamen. Eras Katrionan itselleen haluava varakas upseeri kiehuu mustasukkaisuudesta eika pysty paastamaan irti rakkautensa kohteesta. Karlos putoaa juonitteluiden ja mustasukkaisuuden verkkoon. Siita pyristely johdattaa hanet hanen elamansa suurimpaan seikkailuun...-

  • Save 23%
    by Mayne Reid

    Amerikkalaisen rangers-joukon kapteeni lahtee takaa-ajoon. Kesken hurjan laukan kapteeni ampuu eraan meksikolaisnaisen hevosen, Lolan. Naisella on hevosia riittamiin, mutta kaunis Lola oli hanen rakkaimpansa. Sen tilalle voisi hankkia vain taysin ainutlaatuisen elaimen - valkoisen hevosen, jota nainen on jo katsellut.Ja kun amerikkalainen kapteeni huomaa rakastuneensa tahan meksikolaiseen kaunottareen, tietaa han mita tehda. Alkaa maaratietoinen metsastysretki - retki naisen sydameen.-

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    by Mayne Reid

    Mississipin varrella Point Coupeessa asuu metsastaja ja luonnontutkija, eversti Landi. Han ja hanen kolme poikaansa asuvat talossa, jossa asuu myos Landin apulainen, ranskalainen Hugot.Kolme poikaa, Basil, Lucien ja Francis, ovat keskenaan taysin erilaisia. Poikia kuitenkin yhdistaa heidan kasvuymparistonsa yksinhuoltajaisan hoivissa keskella Mississipin luontoa.Eraana paivana eversti saa kirjeen prinssilta. Prinssi antaa hanelle tehtavan, jonka tayttamisessa pojat auttavat mita innokkaimmin. Alkaa jokivarsiseikkailu, jota pojat eivat tule koskaan unohtamaan!-

  • Save 19%
    by Mayne Reid

    Eletaan 1800-lukua Texasissa. Louise Poindexter on kaunis nuori nainen, jolla on kaksi ihailijaa - seka Cassius Calhoun etta Maurice Gerald haaveilevat saavansa Louisen omakseen. Kun Louisen veli Henry Poindexter tapetaan, tilanne mutkistuu. Kuka on Henryn murhan takana? Onko Louisen kosijoilla jotain tekemista Henryn kuoleman kanssa?Niin kuin Henryn kuolema ei itsessaan olisi tarpeeksi, Poindexterien plantaaseilla alkaa vierailla mystinen vieras - hevosella ratsastava mies, jolla ei ole paata."e;Paaton ratsastaja"e; on toinen osa Mayne Reidin hyytavaan klassikkoromaaniin, joka julkaistiin alun perin vuonna 1865. Edellinen osa on "e;Aavikon ritari"e; ja seuraava "e;Lakeuden laki"e;.Kirjailija Mayne Reid johdattaa lukijan 1800-luvun Texasiin ja sen plantaaseille, jossa kulkee paaton ratsumies. Paattoman ratsumiehen legenda tunnetaan monissa kansanperinteissa ympari maailman - ja legenda on innoittanut Reidin lisaksi monia muitakin taiteilijoita.

  • Save 19%
    by Mayne Reid

    Eletaan 1800-lukua Texasissa. Louise Poindexter on kaunis nuori nainen, jolla on kaksi ihailijaa - seka Cassius Calhoun etta Maurice Gerald haaveilevat saavansa Louisen omakseen. Kun Louisen veli Henry Poindexter tapetaan, tilanne mutkistuu. Kuka on Henryn murhan takana? Onko Louisen kosijoilla jotain tekemista Henryn kuoleman kanssa?Niin kuin Henryn kuolema ei itsessaan olisi tarpeeksi, Poindexterien plantaaseilla alkaa vierailla mystinen vieras - hevosella ratsastava mies, jolla ei ole paata."e;Lakeuden laki"e; on paatososa Mayne Reidin hyytavaan klassikkoromaaniin vuodelta 1865. Edelliset osat ovat "e;Aavikon ritari"e; ja "e;Paaton ratsastaja"e;.Kirjailija Mayne Reid johdattaa lukijan 1800-luvun Texasiin ja sen plantaaseille, jossa kulkee paaton ratsumies. Paattoman ratsumiehen legenda tunnetaan monissa kansanperinteissa ympari maailman - ja legenda on innoittanut Reidin lisaksi monia muitakin taiteilijoita.

  • - Horror Classic
    by Mayne Reid

    The story takes place in Texas soon after the War with Mexico. Louise Poindexter, a beautiful newcomer, is courted by two men - the arrogant and vindictive Cassius Calhoun and the dashing but poor mustanger Maurice Gerald. Calhoun plots to eliminate his rival when tragedy strikes: Louise's brother, the young Henry Poindexter, is murdered. All clues point to Maurice Gerald as the assassin. At the same time a headless rider is spotted in the environs of the Poindexter plantation.

  • Save 20%
    by Mayne Reid

    A large ship carrying slaves has ended up in distress. Sailor Ben Brace has managed to build a small raft – and together with a young boy called William they are trying to survive in the harsh conditions at sea. Will they make it to shore? Or will they die because of the lack of drinking water and food?‘The Ocean Waifs: A Story of Adventure on Land and Sea’ is an exciting adventure novel written by Mayne Reid.Mayne Reid (1818–1883) was an Irish writer, who spent many years in the United States. He is best known for his adventure novels such as ‘The White Chief’ and ‘The Headless Horseman’. Many of his novels take place in the US; Reid is regarded as one of the first writers to write about the Wild West.

  • - A Voyage Among The Tree-Tops
    by Mayne Reid

    Afloat In The Forest: A Voyage Among The Tree-TopsThis book is a result of an effort made by us towards making a contribution to the preservation and repair of original classic literature.In an attempt to preserve, improve and recreate the original content, we have worked towards:1. Type-setting & Reformatting: The complete work has been re-designed via professional layout, formatting and type-setting tools to re-create the same edition with rich typography, graphics, high quality images, and table elements, giving our readers the feel of holding a 'fresh and newly' reprinted and/or revised edition, as opposed to other scanned & printed (Optical Character Recognition - OCR) reproductions.2. Correction of imperfections: As the work was re-created from the scratch, therefore, it was vetted to rectify certain conventional norms with regard to typographical mistakes, hyphenations, punctuations, blurred images, missing content/pages, and/or other related subject matters, upon our consideration. Every attempt was made to rectify the imperfections related to omitted constructs in the original edition via other references. However, a few of such imperfections which could not be rectified due to intentional\unintentional omission of content in the original edition, were inherited and preserved from the original work to maintain the authenticity and construct, relevant to the work.We believe that this work holds historical, cultural and/or intellectual importance in the literary works community, therefore despite the oddities, we accounted the work for print as a part of our continuing effort towards preservation of literary work and our contribution towards the development of the society as a whole, driven by our beliefs. We are grateful to our readers for putting their faith in us and accepting our imperfections with regard to preservation of the historical content. HAPPY READING!

  • - Being a Popular Description of Singular Races of Man
    by Mayne Reid

  • by Mayne Reid

  • by Mayne Reid

  • - A marriage among the mountains
    by Mayne Reid

  • - A romance
    by Mayne Reid

  • - Or, Adventures in Southern Mexico
    by Mayne Reid

  • - Zweiter Band
    by Mayne Reid

  • - Vol. 1
    by Mayne Reid

  • - Vol. 1
    by Mayne Reid

  • by Mayne Reid
    £30.49 - 31.49

  • by Mayne Reid

  • - Ein Roman
    by Mayne Reid

  • - Roman
    by Mayne Reid

  • - The Grand Bear Hunt
    by Mayne Reid

  • - Or Adventures Among the Himalaya Mountains
    by Mayne Reid

  • by Edmond Morin, Harrison Weir & Mayne Reid
    £30.49 - 31.99

  • - A Thrilling Tale of Adventure and Romance in Northern Mexico
    by Mayne Reid

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