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Books by Michael

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    - Kærlighed og swingerliv
    by Michael & Lund Ditte

    Beslutningen var taget, men vi var stadig vildt nervøse, så vi sad i bilen og stirrede på døren ind til klubben i noget, der føltes som en evighed, mens vi prøvede at tage os sammen. Vi pjattede og grinede lidt af os selv og hele situationen, mens vi beroligede hinanden med, at det jo nok var fuldstændigt normale mennesker lige som os selv, der var derinde i det hemmelige halvmørke bag døren.Til sidst blev vi enige om, at det nok ikke var så farligt at gå indenfor i varmen, for vi behøvede jo ikke ”lave noget”, og vi kunne bare gå igen, hvis vi af en eller anden grund ændrede mening og hellere ville hjem til fantasiernes trygge univers igen.I Kunsten at dele hinanden løfter de to forfattere sløret for en ellers hermetisk lukket verden, hvor kun singler og par, der har valgt swingerlivet som et ekstra krydderi på tilværelsen, har adgang. Og de to forfattere fortæller om et ægteskab, hvor respekt og fortrolighed rangerer højt – og hvor ærlighed og tolerance danner et inderligt fundament for at kunne udleve sine seksuelle fantasier – noget alle slags parforhold kan drage nytte af, også selvom de ikke er åbne for at invitere andre med ind i soveværelsets tosomhed.“Denne bog har været en fornøjelse at læse, og jeg kan anbefale den til alle, der interesser sig for den menneskelige kærlighed og seksualitet – uanset om man selv ønsker at swinge eller ej. For bogen giver også et sjældent indblik i nogle menneskers hudløse betragtninger om dem selv i deres kærlighed og seksualitet. Jeg tror, denne bog kommer til at betyde rigtig meget for rigtigt mange.”Uddrag af forordet af Cecilie Lolk Tommerup, sexolog, parterapeut, forfatter og jordemoder

  • Save 20%
    by Michael & Kluger

  • - Ersttrimesterscreening
    by Andreas Hagen & Michael Entezami

    The book series "e;Gynecological Pocket Books"e; presents highly relevant current topics from gynecological practice in a concise and easy-to-remember manner. Numerous case examples are presented, accompanied by high-quality, case-typical images. Key information is separately highlighted in easy-to-remember phrases and makes the series a valuable advisor and popular companion for gynecologists during their day-to-day work.

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    by Michael & Sage

    A new survey of Severus reign with particular emphasis on the military aspects.

  • by Michael & Margaret A Smith

  • by Michael & ALL GERBER

    What the world needs now is an all-star print humor magazine in trade paperback format. Bystander #17 features contributors from Late Night with David Letterman, The Simpsons, The New Yorker, MAD, SPY and National Lampoon, as well as illustrations and cartoons from Mike Sacks, Emily Flake, Rick Geary, Mike Reiss and 60 others. Full-color, large format (8.5x11) and 80 pages, The American Bystander #17 is the cure for whatever ails you. (Unless it's scurvy. That requires vitamin C.)

  • - A Framework for Raising Healthy Children
    by Michael & PH D Redivo

    Raise Healthy, Responsible, Well-Adjusted Kids Who Thrive in Your Household AND in the Real WorldDitch the Drama, Disrespect, and Back TalkMany of today's kids are glued to their screens, focus on what they want to do versus what they need to do, and lack motivation. This causes unnecessary drama, conflict, and emotionally charged power struggles. Yet, despite a number of available tools, many parents are more stressed and frustrated than ever before.Values Grounded Parenting: A Framework for Raising Healthy Children is your ultimate road map to gaining your children's respect and raising them to behave responsibly. The secret is to create and follow a custom parenting model that will improve your relationship with your child, whether they are age 4, 12, or 16.With activities, real-world examples, and practical strategies, this thoughtful guide will teach you how to:¿ Identify the positive values that define your behavior as a family and build up your children's self-esteem. ¿ Create a family culture that is rooted in positive values-values that teach your children to behave responsibly and respectfully.¿ Effectively redirect negative behavior without the power struggles, drama, and back talk.¿ Discipline your children in positive and firm ways that teach values grounded lessons without the shame and blame.¿ End the battles over what your kids want to do versus what they need to do.¿ Use conflict productively to promote learning and growth in your children.¿ Grow trust and positive intimacy in your relationship with your children.A psychologist and parent, Dr. Michael Redivo shares more than 25 years of clinical experience in helping thousands of parents successfully raise responsible and well-adjusted kids. His real-life examples prove that any family can improve their relationships and enjoy a brighter future.

  • - Volume 21 Number 1 2020
    by Michael & Simonson

  • by Michael & PhD Dealy

    Welcome to a story that takes place on a zigzag path through the snowdrifts of December. It is a reflection on topics ranging from baseball to the challenges that life presents. Observe a wondrous journey of a boy and his dad meeting wind and ice and snow with a certain determination that does not necessarily take them to their goal in mind but helps them find their way to Christmas. A story book for all ages.

  • - And Other Nightmares
    by Michael & Rene Dube

  • - Volume 1
    by Michael & PhD (Reader in Pharmacology King S College London Rayne Institute St Thomas) Walker

    In the year AD 1492, North American was already a populated wilderness, abundant in natural resources sought by foreign conquerors. They were known as explorers. Wealthy societies were already developed by educated Indian tribes with knowledge of navigation, weather patterns, and astronomical cycles.One of the most exciting explorers (Christopher Columbus) was a man that attributed his motivation to God and wrote about it in the Book of Prophecy. Secular historians distorted or deleted many of the astonishing insights disclosed in his journals. Kingdom Road Volume 1 unlocks the mystery of ancient maps used by Christopher Columbus to reach the shores of North America. His journey may have been an effort to rediscover long lost treasures collected by King Solomon.Spreading the kernels of rebellion, Christopher Columbus and a small band of travelers known as Conquistadors triggered an all-out rebellion that erupts across the world and the continent of North America. During the search for treasures, this book reveals an untold story of wars that raged across the continents, between indigenous tribes and an ancient race of beings called "giants" or "Nephilim."

  • by Michael

    Commentaries on Aristotle's writings have been produced since the 2nd century AD. This edition contains Greek commentaries on his work from the 3rd to the 8th centuries AD by, among others, Alexander of Aphrodiensias, Themistios, Joh. Philoponus, Simplicius in Greek.

  • - California Blacklisted Latina
    by Michael, III, Carlos, et al.

    This work is the second in a series of studies illuminating important, yet overlooked and forgotten Latino Civil Rights activists. Each study is unique and a standalone presentation of an individual and the times in which that individual lived. Each study is neither a biography nor monograph, but an introduction to that activist and the situations in which the individual was required to function.The reader may well be advised to view each work as an introduction to the life and times of the individual. Additionally, no person is an isolated life. Each of us is part of an interlocking association of friends, acquaintances, and unfortunately enemies as well. Thus, many other players interact with each of our main characters to some extent, great or small, and for good or evil. Some of these other players will tend to appear in their various roles in more than one of the works in this series, and more than one may become the main character in one of these works.This work has such juxtaposition with the first book in our proposed series. The first book focuses on the life of Bert Corona, a blacklisted Hispanic civil rights activist. In that book, a work focused primarily upon Bert Corona, another character appears in a discussion of the Sleepy Lagoon Murder Case. This financial wizard was Josefina Fierro, the main character in this study. Thus, various characters, both protagonists and antagonists, appear in these various roles, large and small, much as a series of books might have interlocking characters fulfilling major or minor roles as the series develops. However, these characters have the added worth of being real human beings living their lives in a period that brought about our own world of the present.Thus, this series of studies has as a main goal, to address these individuals and their activities with the available source material. If there is no other value to them, may the value of "Let every voice be heard" constitute the motivation for their existence. However, I believe that the overwhelming percentage of readers will find the material fascinating and informative. Additionally, I believe that the history presented is sound and served to expand the knowledge base of the lives and times examined. As always, I wish each one of you a smashing good read and intellectual illumination.Michael J. Lynch III, Ph.D. Associate Professor of History and Geography University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff

  • by Michael, Keylana Henderson & II Cheeseborough

    Enter at your own desire and hunger for the darkest, grittiest, rawest, poetry in its form. Birthed from the imagination of two authors from separate walks of life.

  • by M D Michael Weisberg
    £15.99 - 20.99

  • by Michael & PhD (Reader in Pharmacology King S College London Rayne Institute St Thomas) Walker

    Here are 45 compositions by Robert de Visée from the 17th Century transcribed for the baritone ukulele, Renaissance guitar, low G ukelele, and many other four course instruments. Of course, they may all be played on the guitar.

  • - Random Ruminations For Every Day of the Year
    by Michael & OCSO Casey

    Balaam's Donkey is a series of daily reflections based on the homilies preached by Cistercian monk Michael Casey over his fifty years of priesthood. What remained of the original homilies was a large box full of index cards with a few talking points on each. From there, Casey has re-created the homilies and recast them into short reflections, arranged randomly for every day of the year. The range of topics discussed is broad and the approach taken differs with each reflection, most of them colored with a touch of Casey's whimsy and good humor.

  • by Michael J Snow
    £13.49 - 20.49

  • - Compositions Transcribed for Baritone Ukulele and Other Four Course Instruments
    by Michael & PhD (Reader in Pharmacology King S College London Rayne Institute St Thomas) Walker

    Here are 60 compositions from the 16th Century transcribed for the baritone ukulele, Renaissance guitar, low G ukelele and many other four course instruments. Of course, they may all be played on the guitar.

  • - Practical Guidance for Mechanical Engineers
    by Michael & PhD Rivkin

    Tens of thousands of mechanical engineers are engaged in the design, building, upgrading, and optimization of various material handling facilities.The peculiarity of material handling is that there are numerous technical solutions to any problem. The engineers personal selection of the optimal solution is as critical as the technical component.Michael Rivkin, Ph.D., draws on his decades of experience in design, construction, upgrading, optimization, troubleshooting, and maintenance throughout the world, to highlight topics such as: physical principles of various material handling systems; considerations in selecting technically efficient and environmentally friendly equipment; best practices in upgrading and optimizing existing bulk material handling facilities; strategies to select proper equipment in the early phases of a new project. Filled with graphs, charts, and case studies, the book also includes bulleted summaries to help mechanical engineers without a special background in material handling find optimal solutions to everyday problems.

  • - Ministerialburokratie Und Judenpolitik in Ns-Deutschland Und Vichy-Frankreich. Ein Vergleich
    by Michael & Dr (University of Glasgow) Mayer

  • - Justin'S Journey
    by Michael & PhD (Reader in Pharmacology King S College London Rayne Institute St Thomas) Walker

    Giving Christianity a bad name is a tale of a young mans journey into finding the truth about the real agenda's of modern churches. It despels myths and deception from spiritual leaders, who are pushing their own brand to make the Bible fit their desired outcome. This books also gives facts based on research, and some personal opinions by the author about Christianity in general. This book is designed to open your mind and look at all the evidence to formulate your own conclusion.

  • - A Path to Freedom from Addiction
    by Michael & MD McGee

    Are you ready to join the ranks of the addiction-free?This #1 best-selling and multi-award-winning guide is what you've been waiting for.With his new 12-step program, Harvard-trained Dr Michael McGee has helped hundreds of patients in their full recovery.Start reading this award winning book now and: completely transform your life from suffering to joy; fully heal the wounds that drove you to addiction; drastically improve your relationships; live longer and be healthier; feel and look better; improve your financial situation; discover a deep sense of peace and happiness never before available to you. Dr McGee's one-of-a-kind guide based on 30 years of experience in enabling addiction recovery has been awarded the Readers' Favorite five-star seal of excellence, the Readers' Favorite book award, the Living Now book award and has been featured on ABC, NBC and Fox. Grab your copy now to take the first step on your journey to an addiction-free life!

  • by Michael & PhD (Reader in Pharmacology King S College London Rayne Institute St Thomas) Walker

  • by Michael, Anne Gordon & PhD (Senior Lecturer in Law at Liverpool Law School University of Liverpool) Gordon

  • - Lessons I've Learned on My Personal Journey with Stress
    by Michael & MA Levin

    You may think, with this book's title, it's about being calm and cool in the face of pressure. It's actually quite the opposite and more literal. My body actually stopped sweating. This was one of a variety of unusual health issues I faced, partially or wholly brought on by stress. And I had to learn how to get my body to sweat again naturally as no pill or prescription was going to help me. My solution to this and other issues were going to come from within. With people becoming more aware about stress and its incredible health impacts, many of us have found that we can pay a hefty price if we ignore or don't acknowledge it. And I believe it frequently goes undiagnosed in the medical community. This book is about my journey, one I think many of you can relate to. This is not about what I've overcome. It's about what I've learned in the hope it can help others. In this book I will share you with my journey and the key lessons I've learned along the way.

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