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Books by Michael Dobbs

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    - Kennedy, Khrushchev and Castro on the Brink of Nuclear War
    by Michael Dobbs

    October 27, 1962, a day dubbed Black Saturday in the Kennedy White House. Dobbs's thrilling narrative features a cast of characters - including Soviet veterans never before interviewed by a western writer - with unique stories to tell, witnesses to one of the greatest mobilizations of men and equipment since the Second World War.

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    by Michael Dobbs

    A brilliant novel about one of the giants of 20th-century history, set at the close of World War Two, from the author of the No. 1 bestseller House of Cards (inspiration for the Netflix series).

  • by Michael Dobbs

    Harry Jones braces himself for a tense, exhilarating race against time in Michael Dobbs' superb new thriller

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    by Michael Dobbs

    Newly elected Prime Minister Francis Urquhart takes on the new King, in the controversial No 1 bestselling second volume in the Francis Urquhart trilogy - now reissued in a new cover. After scheming his way to power in 'House of Cards', Francis Urquhart made a triumphant return in 'To Play the King' - a Sunday Times No 1 bestseller that became a hugely successful BBC TV series, with Ian Richardson resuming his award-winning role as Francis Urquhart. Its highly controversial and uncannily topical storyline - in which the role of the monarchy in modern Britain comes under scrutiny as Prime Minister Francis Urquhart threatens to expose Royal secrets when his plans are blocked by the idealistic new King - coincided with a huge increase in public interest in the future of the Royal Family following a series of Royal scandals.

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    by Michael Dobbs

    Francis Urquhart's eventful career as Prime Minister comes to a spectacular end in the final volume in the Francis Urquhart trilogy - now reissued in a new cover. He schemed his way to power in 'House of Cards' and had a memorable battle of wills with the new king in 'To Play the King'. Now Francis Urquhart is about to take his place in the record books as the longest-serving Prime Minister this century. Yet it seems the public is tiring of him at last, and the movement to force him from power is growing. But Urquhart is not yet ready to be driven from office. If the public demand new blood, that is precisely what he will give them... Francis Urquhart goes out in a blaze of glory in this final volume in the irresistible story of the most memorable politician of the decade.

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    - FDR, Stalin, Churchill, and Truman - from World War to Cold War
    by Michael Dobbs

    When FDR, Winston Churchill and Josef Stalin gathered outside the Crimean city of Yalta in February 1945, they had Hitler's armies on the run, and victory was just a matter of time. Their mission was to forge the decisions that would shape the postwar world, and above all to divide up Europe between Soviet and Western influence.

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    by Michael Dobbs

    A brilliantly incisive and witty novel of power and ambition in Westminster, from the author of the No. 1 bestseller that inspired the hit Netflix series House of Cards.

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    by Michael Dobbs

    The acclaimed political thriller that first introduced the unforgettable Francis Urquhart MP and launched Michael Dobbs' No 1 bestselling career - now reissued in a new cover. Michael Dobbs' entertaining tale of skulduggery and intrigue within the Palace of Westminster has been a huge hit with the public. Its scheming hero, Chief Whip Francis Urquhart, who uses fair means and foul to become Prime Minister, is one of the best-known characters of the last decade - the politician we all love to hate. Acclaimed for its authenticity and insights into a secret world - the result of many years working behind the scenes for the Conservative Party - it became a highly popular, award-winning BBC TV series, with Francis Urquhart memorably portrayed by Ian Richardson, and was followed by two further sequels, 'To Play the King' and 'The Final Cut', which also became top-rating TV series.

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    by Michael Dobbs

    ”Om Sovjetunionens fald af Michael DobbsKommunismens fald er et af det 20. århundredes største dramaer. Michael Dobbs var som korrespondent øjenvidne til de ekstraordinære begivenheder, der førte til kommunismens endelige sammenbrud.Fra Titos begravelse til den polske fagforening Solidaritets fødsel, fra tragedien på Den Himmelske Freds Plads til det ikoniske billede af Boris Jeltsin på en tank i det centrale Moskva.Dobbs så det hele og mødte næsten alle de vigtigste aktører, Mikhail Gorbatjov, Lech Wałęsa, Václav Havel og Andrej Sakharov. På sin vagt oplevede han elektrikere blive til præsidenter, dissidenter til statsministre, gamle marxister til nationalister og spioner til stenrige internationale erhvervsfolk.Dobbs’ bog er baseret på hans egen oplevelse af de skelsættende begivenheder og på tidligere hemmeligholdte dokumenter samt flere hundrede interviews.”Sovjetunionens fald” er indlæst af Thomas Gulstad i 2016 for Lytteratur hos AV Forlaget

  • - Den kolde krigs slutspil
    by Michael Dobbs

    Den 25. december 2016 er det 25 år siden, at Mikhail Gorbatjov i en tv-transmitteret tale opløste Sovjetunionen. I SOVJETUNIONENS FALD fortæller Michael Dobbs hele historien om den kolde krigs endelige ophør. Som korrespondent for Washington Post i Moskva, Warszawa, og Jugoslavien i det sidste årti af det sovjetiske imperium, havde Michael Dobbs plads på første række, da de ekstraordinære begivenheder, der førte til kommunismens endelige sammenbrud, udspillede sig. Fra Titos begravelse til fødslen af ​​Solidaritet i Gdansk skibsværft, fra tragedien i Himmelske Freds Plads til Boris Jeltsin stående på en tank i centrum af Moskva, Dobbs så det hele og mødte næsten alle de vigtigste aktører, herunder Mikhail Gorbatjov, Lech Walesa, Vaclav Havel og Andrej Sakharov. På sin vagt oplevede han dramatikere og elektrikere blive til præsidenter, dissidenter til statsministre, gamle marxister til nationalister og spioner til stenrige internationale erhvervsfolk. Dobbs bog er baseret på hans egen oplevelse af de skelsættende begivenheder, men også på tidligere hemmeligholdte dokumenter og hundredvis af interviews. Han viser bl.a., hvordan Gorbatjov i unionens sidste dage forsøgte at puste nyt liv i det kommunistiske system, men endte med udløse dens sammenbrud.

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