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Books by Michel Foucault

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    - The Birth of the Prison
    by Michel Foucault

    Foucault shows the development of the Western system of prisons, police organizations, administrative and legal hierarchies for social control - and the growth of disciplinary society as a whole.

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    - The Essential Works of Michel Foucault 1954-1984
    by Michel Foucault

    Covers the topics Foucault helped make the core agenda of Western political culture - medicine, prisons, psychiatry, government and sexuality - emphasising Foucault's practical concern with discrimination, coercion and exclusion in human society.

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    - The Will to Knowledge
    by Michel Foucault

    Here, one of France's greatest intellectuals explores the evolving social, economic and political forces that have shaped our attitudes to sex. Foucault describes how we are in the process of making a science of sex which is devoted to the analysis of desire rather than the increase of pleasure.

  • by Michel Foucault
    £16.49 - 83.49

    In this classic account of madness, Michel Foucault shows once and for all why he is one of the most distinguished European philosophers since the end of World War II.

  • by Michel Foucault
    £16.49 - 83.49

    Michel Foucault was part of a glittering generation of thinkers, one which included Sartre, de Beauvoir and Deleuze. Arguable his finest work, this classic is a challenging but fantastically rewarding introduction to his ideas.

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    - Subjectivity and Truth: Essential Works of Michel Foucault 1954-1984
    by Michel Foucault

    Collecting the writings and interviews of Michel Foucault outside his published monographs, this work contains Foucault's summaries of the highly influential courses he taught at the College de France from 1970 to 1982, as well as engaging and unusally candid interviews and Foucault's key writings on ethics.

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    - Essential Works of Foucault 1954-1984
    by Michel Foucault

    Presents a collection of Michel Foucault's articles, interviews and seminars. This work focuses primarily upon the philosophy, literature and other works of the imagination which have informed Foucault's particular engagement with ethics and power and includes Foucault's arresting commentaries on the work of de Sade, Rousseau, Marx, and Nietzsche.

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    - Confessions of the Flesh
    by Michel Foucault
    £10.99 - 18.99

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    - The Care of the Self
    by Michel Foucault

    Written by a sociologist and historian of ideas whose works include "Madness and Civilization", "The Archaeology of Knowledge", "The Birth of the Clinic" and "Discipline and Punish".

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    - The Use of Pleasure
    by Michel Foucault

    Offers an account of the emergence of Christianity from the Ancient World. Foucault describes the stranger byways of Greek medicine (with its advice on the healthiest season for sex and exercise and diet), the permitted ways of courting young boys, and the economists' ideas about the role of women.

  • by Michel Foucault

    This volume collects a series of lectures given by the renowned French thinker Michel Foucault late in his career. The book is composed of two parts: a talk, Parrēsia, delivered at the University of Grenoble in 1982, and a series of lectures entitled "Discourse and Truth," given at the University of California, Berkeley in 1983, which appears here for the first time in its full and correct form. Together, they provide an unprecedented account of Foucault's reading of the Greek concept of parrēsia, often translated as "truth-telling" or "frank speech." The lectures trace the transformation of this concept across Greek, Roman, and early Christian thought, from its origins in pre-Socratic Greece to its role as a central element of the relationship between teacher and student. In mapping the concept's history, Foucault's concern is not to advocate for free speech; rather, his aim is to explore the moral and political position one must occupy in order to take the risk to speak truthfully. These lectures--carefully edited and including notes and introductory material to fully illuminate Foucault's insights--are a major addition to Foucault's English language corpus.

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    by Michel Foucault

    Denne bogs udgangspunkt er de Magritte-billeder, hvori tegningen af en pibe og sætningen ”Dette er ikke en pibe” indgår.Michel Foucault (1926-1984) gennemgår de forskellige tolkninger af det konceptuelle sammenstød mellem tegningen af piben og teksten for at påvise, at maleriets rolle med især Magritte, men også Klee og Kandinsky, har ændret sig.Magritte undgår det fundament af bekræftelse, som ligheden i det klassiske maleri hviler på, ved at sætte den tro kopi og de verbale tegn i spil – i et rum uden afgrænsninger. Tingene kan ikke ligne hinanden. Enten er de tro kopier eller også er de det ikke. For som Magritte formulerer det i sit brev til Foucault, er det kun tanken, der kan ligne, nemlig ved at blive det, den ser, hører eller kender.Dette er ikke en pibe udkom første gang på dansk i 1998 og genudgives nu i Hans Reitzels Forlags serie Klassikere.

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    - The 1964 Clermont-Ferrand and 1969 Vincennes Lectures
    by Michel Foucault
    £18.99 - 56.49

    Michel Foucault's interest in the history of sexuality began as early as the 1960s, when he taught two courses on the subject. These lectures offer crucial insight into the development of Foucault's thought yet have remained unpublished until recently. This book presents Foucault's lectures on sexuality for the first time in English.

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    by Michel Foucault

    Talens forfatning er den tiltrædelsesforelæsning, som Michel Foucault holdt på Collège de France den 2. december 1970. Forelæsningen i bogform blev første gang udgivet på dansk i 1980. I forbindelse med denne nyudgivelse, der er blevet til i samarbejde med oversætteren Søren Gosvig Olesen, er den tidligere oversættelse og noteapparatet gennemgået kritisk og revideret på en række punkter. Hovedteksten er suppleret med to mindre tekster. Det drejer sig for det første om Foucaults forelæsningsrapport Résumé des cours (Viljen til viden) fra Collège de France (1971), hvor han kort redegør for, hvordan det program han præsenterer i sin tiltrædelsesforelæsning, vil blive videreført i de følgende forelæsninger. Desuden drejer det sig om hans lille, men meget læste artikel ”Nietzsche, genealogien, historien”, som uddyber de ting, Foucault i sin forelæsning siger om genealogien som den nye forskningsstrategi. Endelig afrundes udgivelsen med en samtale, hvor oversætteren taler med Foucault om hans baggrund og forhold til samtiden. Introduktion og oversættelse fra fransk efter L'ordre du discours og La volonté de savoir af Søren Gosvig Olesen. Michel Foucault (1926-1984), fransk idéhistoriker, filosof og psykolog; professor ved Collège de France fra 1970-1984.

  • - Writings from Michel Foucault and the Prisons Information Group (1970-1980)
    by Michel Foucault & Prisons Information Group
    £27.49 - 99.49

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    - An Introduction to Foucault's Thought
    by Michel Foucault

    Offers an introduction to Foucault's thought.

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    by Michel Foucault

    Galskaben er, hvad vi gør den til. I dag klassificerer vi galskab som en ”sygdom”, der skal diagnosticeres og behandles af psykiatere og psykologer. I middelalderens samfund accepterede man de gale som en del af dagliglivet. Først fra omkring 1650 – da orden og struktur kom øverst på dagsordenen – blev de gale isoleret og spærret ind sammen med invalide, fattige, libertinere, folk med kønssygdomme og andre uønskede elementer, der afveg fra eller ”forstyrrede” fornuftens, moralens og samfundets orden. Foucault viser, hvordan de gale individers ekslusion modsvares af en vidensproduktion, der udelukker fornuften i alle dens former og manifestationer. Den psykiatriske beskrivelse af sindslidelserne er, skriver Foucault, forbundet med magten, hvis mål det er at korrigere og normalisere efter den rationelle fornufts rettesnor. Ved at isolere de gale kan de blive objekt for en egentlig psykologi, der hævder at befri eller kurere de gale, men i lige så høj grad er med til at fastholde nogle rigide forestillinger om normalitet og patologi. Sindssygdom og psykologi kan læses som en kort, kondenseret udgave af Foucaults disputats Galskabens historie i den klassiske periode fra 1961. Bogen blev brugt som antipsykiatrisk kampskrift i 1960erne og 70erne, men er i dag lige så aktuel som en analyse af magt og viden i moderne samfund. Sindssygdom og psykologi er oversat fra Maladie mentale et psychologie af Esbern Krause-Jensen. Oversættelsen udkom første gang på dansk i 1972. Denne nye, let reviderede udgave er forsynet med nyskrevet forord ved Jens Erik Kristensen, lektor i idéhistorie, Aarhus Universitet. MICHEL FOUCAULT (1926-1984), professor i idéhistorie ved Collège de France, hører til blandt de seneste årtiers mest indflydelsesrige tænkere. Han er forfatter til en lang række artikler og bøger, deriblandt Ordene og tingene, Seksualitetens historie og Klinikkens fødsel.

  • - The Function of Avowal in Justice
    by Michel Foucault

    Three years before his death, Michel Foucault delivered a series of lectures at the Catholic University of Louvain. These lectures provide the missing link between Foucault's early work on madness, delinquency, and sexuality and his later explorations of subjectivity in Greek and Roman antiquity. This book presents these lectures.

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    by Michel Foucault

    Arrogant, brillant, provokerende, oprørende, men aldrig kedelig er nogle af de ord pressen igennem årene har taget i brug, når den har omtalt Klinikkens fødsel. Her foreligger bogen i en oversættelse og med introduktion af Henning Silberbrandt.Foucaults udgangspunkt er den kendsgerning, at medicinen undergår en afgørende forandring i det attende århundrede. For første gang i historien bliver det muligt at beskrive medicinsk viden med den samme præcision, som tidligere kun tilhørte matematikken. Kroppen bliver et objekt, der kan kortlægges. Sygdom bliver genstand for klassifikation. Og lægerne begynder at beskrive fænomener, som i århundreder har befundet sig på tærsklen til det synlige, og det der var muligt at udtrykke.I Klinikkens fødsel giver filosoffen og den intellektuelle historiker et billede af denne dramatiske forandring i den medicinske viden. Michel Foucault viser i hvor høj grad, det vi betragter som ren videnskab også er et produkt af sociale og kulturelle holdninger – i dette tilfælde af den stemning, der herskede under den franske revolution. Hans bog kaster et nyt lys over oprindelsen til vores nuværende opfattelse af sundhed og sygdom, liv og død.Bogen genudgives nu i Hans Reitzels Forlags serie Klassikere og udkom første gang på dansk i 2000.

  • by Michel Foucault

  • by Michel Foucault

  • - Lectures at Dartmouth College, 1980
    by Michel Foucault

    "Originally published as L'origine de l'hermaeneutique de soi: confaerences prononcaees aa Dartmouth College, 1980. Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, Paris, 2013."

  • by Michel Foucault

    His death, on June 25th, 1984, tempts us to detect the philosophical testament in these lectures, especially in view of the prominence they give to the themes of life and death.

  • by Michel Foucault
    £12.49 - 18.99

    Speech Begins after Death is a transcript of critic Claude Bonnefoy's interview with Michel Foucault in which he reflects on his approach to the written word throughout his life, from his school days to his discovery of the pleasure of writing. Never before published in English, this is one of Foucault's most personal statements about his life and writing.

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    - Maurice Blanchot: The Thought from Outside and Michel Foucault as I Imagine Him
    by Michel Foucault

  • by Michel Foucault

    First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

  • - On Literature
    by Michel Foucault
    £16.49 - 22.49

    This book brings together previously unpublishedtranscripts of oral presentations in which Michel Foucault speaks at lengthabout literature and its links to some of his principal themes: madness,language and criticism, and truth and desire.

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    by Michel Foucault

    What does it mean to write "This is not a pipe" across a bluntly literal painting of a pipe? By exploring the nuances and ambiguities of Magritte's visual critique of language, the author finds the painter less removed than previously thought from the pioneers of modern abstraction.

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