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Books by Mons Kallentoft

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    by Markus Lutteman & Mons Kallentoft
    £10.99 - 13.49

    Kriminelle bander har overtaget forstaden Stallhagen. Metroen er brændt ned, og ambulancer og politi kører ikke længere ind i området. Men da en video af en ung mishandlet kvinde, der er blevet efterladt for at dø, kommer i omløb på de sociale medier, kræver offentligheden handling. Helt alene begiver kriminalinspektør Zack Herry sig ind i forstaden for at finde frem til kvinden, inden det er for sent. Men mørke kræfter arbejder i det skjulte for at sætte ham på hans livs prøvelse. Heroine er fjerde, selvstændige bind i den kritikerroste Herkules-serie af forfatterparret Mons Kallentoft og Markus Lutteman. Kallentofts finkalibrerede sprog og Luttemans sans for skarptskårne historier og høj fart sætter scenen for denne serie, der hyldes verden over.

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    by Markus Lutteman & Mons Kallentoft
    £7.99 - 6.99

    En optagelse af en skrækslagen indespærret dreng når den unge kriminalinspektør ved Stockholms politi, Zack Herry. Som en mørk, løveagtig skygge bevæger kidnapperen sig rundt i baggrunden, og over hans hoved tæller et ur ubønhørligt ned. Zack forstår, at der venter drengen en frygtelig skæbne, hvis ikke de når ham i tide. Men han kæmper samtidig en indædt kamp mod sine indre dæmoner, og båndet til kollegaen Deniz slides dag for dag tyndere, mens Zack aldrig har været tættere på at se døden i øjnene. LEON er et selvstændigt andet bind i den kritikerroste Herkules-serie af forfatterparret Mons Kallentoft og Markus Lutteman. Om forfatterne: Serien er produkt af samarbejdet mellem Mons Kallentoft og Markus Lutteman. Kallentoft har et stort forfatterskab bag sig med over 2,5 millioner solgte bøger verden over. Lutteman er journalist og forfatter med en række stærke nonfictiontitler i bagagen. Kallentofts finkallibrerede sprog og Luttemans sans for skarpt skårne historier og høj fart sætter scenen for første bog i en hitserie.

  • Save 22%
    by Markus Lutteman & Mons Kallentoft
    £7.99 - 6.99

    Synet der møder betjentene er surrealistisk. En gruppe rige unge har udført hvad der ligner et hedonistisk ritual, og det er endt i et blodbad. Er der en massemorder på spil? Er det et kollektivt selvmord? En dødskult? Da endnu en gruppe unge findes døde, er politiet stadig på bar bund, og kriminalinspektør Zack Herry, hvis liv for første gang i lang tid er på ret køl, tilknyttes sagen. De blodige omstændigheder hjemsøger ham, og Zack er overbevist om, at han kan løse gåden om de unges død, hvis bare han kan finde kilden til de små, lyserøde piller med Bambi på, der triller rundt som et spor mellem de to sager. Bambi er tredje, fritstående bind i Herkulesserien af Mons Kallentoft og Markus Lutteman, som har solgt over 200.000 bøger i hjemlandet Sverige.

  • by Markus Lutteman & Mons Kallentoft

    Eine explosive Mischung aus actiongeladener Hochspannung und Schwedenkrimi.Auf einem alten Fabrikgelände in Stockholm wird die Leiche eines elfjährigen Jungen entdeckt. Festgebunden auf einem Schornstein. Niemand kann sich erklären, wie das Kind dorthin gekommen ist, doch dann spüren Zack und seine Partnerin Deniz einen wichtigen Zeugen auf. Ein alter Mann hat beobachtet, wie Ismail aus dem Asylbewerberheim geflohen ist, in dem er untergebracht war. Die Spur führt zu einem Mann namens Lejonet, der Löwe, der unter falscher Identität in Schweden lebt. Deniz und Zack sind sich sicher, dass er an der Entführung mehrerer Kinder beteiligt ist. Als sie bei seiner Wohnung ankommen, eröffnet jemand das Feuer. Die Jagd hat begonnen...»Der skandinavische Thriller hat einen neuen Helden: Zack Herry. Ein cooler Mix aus Lisbeth Salander und Harry Hole.« - Le Monde, Frankreich

  • by Markus Lutteman & Mons Kallentoft

    Ein spektakulär temporeicher Thriller.Zack Herry hat eine glänzende Karriere bei der Stockholmer Polizei hingelegt. Als Mitglied einer Sonderkommission jagt der junge Polizist die Kriminellen der Unterwelt. Nachts zeigt sich jedoch seine dunkle Seite. Zack hängt in Clubs ab und konsumiert unkontrolliert Kokain. Während ihm die internen Ermittler auf den Fersen sind, versucht er herauszufinden, warum vier thailändische Frauen in einem Massagesalon hingerichtet wurden. Handelten die Mörder aus blindem Frauenhass oder steckt ein rassistisches Motiv dahinter? Doch woher stammen die brutalen Bisswunden am Körper einer der Frauen?»Der skandinavische Thriller hat einen neuen Helden: Zack Herry. Ein cooler Mix aus Lisbeth Salander und Harry Hole.« - Le Monde, Frankreich

  • by Markus Lutteman & Mons Kallentoft

    Spannung pur aus Schweden.Zack Herry wird zu einem Tatort auf einer Insel im Schärengarten gerufen. Als er dort eintrifft, erwartet ihn das pure Grauen. Sechs Jugendliche wurden nach einer ausgelassenen Party tot aufgefunden. Alle haben Schnittwunden, zahlreiche Körperteile sind verstümmelt. Bis auf die Wunden ist keine Fremdeinwirkung feststellbar. Handelt es sich womöglich um einen Massenselbstmord? Die Blutuntersuchung zeigt, dass alle Jugendlichen zum Todeszeitpunkt ein hoch dosiertes Schmerzmittel und einen weiteren Wirkstoff im Körper hatten...»Der skandinavische Thriller hat einen neuen Helden: Zack Herry. Ein cooler Mix aus Lisbeth Salander und Harry Hole.« - Le Monde, Frankreich

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    - The new novel from the Swedish crime-writing phenomenon
    by Mons Kallentoft

    The next dark mystery featuring the Link ping's best detective, Malin Fors, from the bestselling author Mons Kallentoft.In the early hours of the morning, the naked body of a young man is discovered in a ditch next to Go ta Kanal. The cause of death is mysterious; the body bears no visible traces of violence.The man is soon identified as Peder Akerlund, a former Swedish politician, excluded from his party for racism but since reformed. Then sixteen-year-old Nadja Lundin is reported missing, possibly abducted, the same evening, and there are signs that suggest the two cases might be connected.But what do the victims have in common? And why were they chosen? Gradually, Malin Fors realises that they are dealing with someone who is playing a game with them, who speaks through murders and who will not be silenced. What is he or she trying to say? Desperate to fine Nadja alive, the team race against the clock to find an answer before it's too late...Praise for the Malin Fors series:'One of the best-realised female heroines I've read by a male writer.' Guardian'Kallentoft's books have been called beautiful, exquisite and original. I can see why.' Literary Review'This is a worthy successor to Larsson's Millennium trilogy.' Booklist Starred Review

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    by Mons Kallentoft

    Link ping's top detective, Malin Fors, is about to take on a case that's a little too close for comfort. Her daughter has just discovered a dead body. It is that of a 79-year-old resident at the nursing home where she works. He's been hung by his own alarm cord.At first it looks like a cut and dry suicide. But when the autopsy suggests foul play, Malin probes deeper and uncovers rumours about the home's mismanagement its greedy millionaire owner. Was it a mercy killing, or was someone trying to silence the victim?Who could possibly benefit from the death of an elderly man? Only someone with a lot to gain - or a lot to lose...

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    by Mons Kallentoft

    A married couple is found dead in their jacuzzi. Their adopted five-year-old daughter has vanished. Inspector Malin Fors, the troubled but brilliant star of the Linkoping police force, is put in charge of the case.But this is a haunting mystery where the borders have been blurred: those between the living and the dead, between good and evil.Malin is only too aware of her own tendencies towards obsession and addiction. As the investigation takes a darker turn, forcing Malin to confront her own demons, will she hold out long enough to find the killer - and the missing girl - before it's too late?

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    by Mons Kallentoft

    It's early May when a young family out on a forest walk stumble upon a heavily mutliated body. The female corpse is in eerily good condition, and signs of torture are all too visible.Inspector Malin Fors immediately draws parallels between this case and that of Maria Murvall, the young woman who was found raped and brutally beaten in the forest several years ago. Maria has been living as a mute in the local psychiatric hospital ever since the attack, and Malin is haunted by her inability to help her. In the course of her investigation, Malin meets with a psychologist who tells her about another similar case, and suddenly Maria appears to be a small piece of a much bigger puzzle. But what is it that is so terrible it can't be put into words? Malin is determined to find out the truth, no matter where it might take her.

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    - Malin Fors 4
    by Mons Kallentoft

    The Swedish town of Link ping is bathed in Spring sunshine. The trees are blossoming and families are having breakfast at outdoor tables in the main square.Then a deafening explosion rips through the air.Broken glass and tulip petals cover the cobblestones, and two little girls, twin sisters, are killed while their mother is left fighting for her life.Detective Inspector Malin Fors has just attended her own mother's funeral when she is summoned to the devastating scene. But, although Malin is plagued with questions about her past and the secrets her mother never revealed, she must once again bury her own pain if she is to find Tuva and Mira Viger 's killer before he strikes again.

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    - Malin Fors 3
    by Mons Kallentoft

    It is Autumn in Link ping and the heavens have opened, but not even these biblical rains can wash away the blood of crimes past and present.Then the brutally-stabbed body of self-made Internet billionaire Jerry Petersson is discovered floating facedown in the moat surrounding his home, the imposing Skogs Castle.Malin Fors, the brilliant but flawed star of the Link ping police force, is already struggling to keep her life together following the recent murder attempt on her teenage daughter, Tove. Now, as the Petersson case forces Malin to delve deep into Link ping's history and her own family's past, the secrets she uncovers threaten to drown her, too . . .AUTUMN KILLING is the third book in the internationally bestselling Malin Fors series of Swedish crime novels featuring a brilliant and complex heroine to rival Sarah Lund of The Killing and Saga Nor n of The Bridge.

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    - Malin Fors 2
    by Mons Kallentoft

    As the temperature in Sweden reaches a record-breaking 45 degrees, forest fires break out. All those who have failed to escape Linkoping for the summer take shelter indoors, shocked and paralysed by the heat.However, when a teenage girl is discovered naked and bleeding in the local park, it is clear that the raging heat is not the only plague affecting the town.Then a second girl is found dead.Alarmed by the fact that the victims are the same age as her daughter, Tove, detective Malin Fors will work round-the-clock to capture the perpetrator. But as every lead comes to nothing, it is as though the oppressive heat is clogging up the wheels of her investigation. And time is not on Malin's side . . .

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    by Mons Kallentoft

    'An investigation consists of a mass of voices, the sort you can hear, and the sort you can't. You have to listen to the soundless voices, Malin. That's where the truth is hidden.'Early one morning in the coldest winter in Swedish memory, police detective Malin Fors is called away from the warm flat she shares with her teenage daughter. The naked body of a man has been found hanging from a tree on the deserted, frozen plain outside the town of Link ping.From the outset Malin is confronted with a host of unanswered questions: Who is the dead man? How did he end up in a tree? And where did the strange wounds on his body come from?Malin and her team must search for the truth in a community that seems determined to keep its secrets, and follow in the frigid wake of a killer to the darkest corners of the human heart.

  • Save 22%
    by Mons Kallentoft & Markus Lutteman
    £7.99 - 6.99

    Fire burmesiske kvinder fra en stockholmsk massageklinik findes brutalt myrdet, og en femte læsses svært såret af foran Söder sygehus. Efter hendes skader at dømme er hun blevet angrebet af hunde.Kriminalinspektør Zack Herry er en kompliceret antihelt med en dunkel fortid. Med den udødeliges mod vil han rydde op i Stockholms kriminelle underverden, men han hjemsøges af minderne fra en fjern fortid. Om natten forsøger at han at undslippe sine dæmoner ved at opsøge klubmiljøet og tage coke med de mennesker, han burde sætte bag lås og slå. Med politiets interne efterforskere i hælene forsøger Zack at forstå de kræfter, der ligger bag massageklubmordene. Handler det om had til kvinder, racisme eller menneskehandel? Det eneste Zack ved med sikkerhed er, at flere kvinder vil miste livet, hvis ikke han finder morderen i tide.ZACK er første bind i Kallentoft og Luttemans Herkulesserie, fritbaseret på den græske myte om Herkules' tolv arbejder. Serien spås en stor fremtid, og svenske Bookmark har indsolgt 50.000 eks. til svenskeboghandlere.Om forfatterne: Serien er produkt af samarbejdet mellem Mons Kallentoft og Markus Lutteman. Kallentoft har et stort forfatterskab bag sig med over 2,5 millioner solgte bøger verden over. Lutteman er journalist og forfatter med en række stærke nonfictiontitler i bagagen. Kallentofts finkallibrerede sprog og Luttemans sans for skarpt skårne historier og høj fart sætter scenen for første bog i en hitserie.

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