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***Special anniversary edition, with a new introduction from Peter James***He almost took your life. Now his is in your hands...When Leanne, a homeless young girl, is murdered beside a canal in North London, the police are certain that known oddball Michael Doll is the killer.Psychologist Kit Quinn, assisting the investigation, has her own reasons to despise Doll - but she soon realises that the case is more complicated than the investigators suspect.Because Kit has found a link to another death. Which means they might have a serial killer on their hands...'The writing has that rare ability to reach out from the page into your soul, grip your heartstrings, and not let go of them until the very end.' Peter James
Blue Monday is the thrilling first novel in Nicci French's top-ten bestselling killer new series introducing psychotherapist Frieda Klein***Monday: five-year-old Matthew Faraday is abducted. His face is splashed across newspaper front pages. His parents and the police are desperate. Can anyone help find their little boy before it is too late?Psychotherapist Frieda Klein just might know something. One of her patients describes dreams of seizing a boy who is the spitting image of Matthew. Convinced at first the police will dismiss her fears out of hand, Frieda reluctantly finds herself drawn into the heart of the case. A previous abduction, from twenty years ago, suggests a new lead - one that only Frieda, an expert on the minds of disturbed individuals, can uncover.Struggling to make sense of this terrifying investigation, Frieda will face her darkest fears in the hunt for a clever and brutal killer . . . Praise for Nicci French:'Nicci French's sophisticated, compassionate and gripping crime novels stand head and shoulders above the competition. No one understands human psychological frailty better. No one writes better about grief, love, fear or emotional damage. Not many books are as insightful as they are addictive; Nicci French's are' Sophie Hannah 'A brilliantly crafted new crime series' Daily Mirror 'Terrific. The writing is pacy, the jaw-dropping twists are plentiful' Short List'One of French's hardest-to-put-down novels' Sunday Express'French is undeniably at the top of British psychological suspense writing, expert in the unguessable twist, supremely skilled at ratcheting up the tension' Observer'A nerve-jangling and addictive read' Daily Express
For Frieda Klein the days get longer, the cases darker . . .Psychotherapist Frieda Klein thought she was done with the police. But once more DCI Karlsson is knocking at her door.A man's decomposed body has been found in the flat of Michelle Doyce, a woman trapped in a world of strange mental disorder. The police don't know who it is, how he got there or what happened - and Michelle can't tell them. But Karlsson hopes Frieda can get access to the truths buried beneath her confusion.Painstakingly, Frieda uncovers a possible identity for the corpse: Robert Poole, a jack of all trades and master conman. But the deeper Frieda and Karlsson dig into Poole's past, the more of his victims they encounter - and the more motives they find for murder. Meanwhile, violent ghosts from Frieda's own past are returning to threaten her.Unable to discover quite who is telling the truth and who is lying, they know they are getting closer to a killer. But whoever murdered Poole is determined to stay free - and anyone that gets too close will meet the same fate. A gritty heroine, a gruesome crime and a terrifying hunt for a psychotic killer, Tuesday's Gone is not to be missed by fans of psychological thrillers. Praise for Nicci French:'Nicci French's sophisticated, compassionate and gripping crime novels stand head and shoulders above the competition. No one understands human psychological frailty better. No one writes better about grief, love, fear or emotional damage. Not many books are as insightful as they are addictive; Nicci French's are.' Sophie Hannah'Nicci French knows just how to play on our worst fears' Daily Mail
Abbie Devereaux vågner i mørket. Hun er bundet på hænder og fødder og har en hætte over hovedet. Hun ved ikke, hvor hun er, eller hvordan hun er kommet derhen. En mand taler til hende og giver hende mad. Han lover at holde hende i live et stykke tid endnu, men siger, at til sidst vil han slå hende ihjel – ligesom han har gjort med alle de andre.Som tiden går, og presset øges, må Abbie stille sig selv spørgsmålet: Er der en forbindelse mellem det liv, hun havde, og stemmen i mørket?Nicci French er pseudonym for det engelske forfatter- og ægtepar Nicci Gerrard (f. 1958) og Sean French (f. 1959). Sammen har de udgivet en lang række populære krimier og spændingsromaner, som er blevet oversat til flere fremmedsprog.
Es ist heiß in diesem Sommer in London, ungewöhnlich heiß, und die Stadt heizt sich täglich mehr auf. Der Jahrhundertsommer, am Anfang freudig begrüßt, wird langsam zur Qual. Nur einer genießt die Hitze: Er beobachtet die Körper der Frauen. Heimlich. Er riecht sie, er prägt sie sich ein, er ergötzt sich an ihrer schweißnassen Haut ... Dann terrorisiert und schließlich tötet er sie. Die Polizei setzt alles daran, ihn zu überführen, doch der "Sommermörder" ist immer etwas schneller als sie – bis er an Nadia gerät. Dieses eine Mal hat er seine Macht überschätzt.
Frieda Klein ist abgetaucht, nicht einmal die engsten Freunde kennen ihren Unterschlupf. Nur eine junge Frau gibt nicht auf: die Studentin Lola Hayes, die sich ausgerechnet die umstrittene Psychologin und ihre spektakulären Fälle als Arbeitsthema ausgesucht hat. Lola wird fündig, aber sie riskiert ihr Leben. Denn Friedas alter Widersacher Dean Reeves ist den beiden Frauen unbarmherzig auf der Spur. Bald erschüttert eine Mordserie die Londoner Öffentlichkeit. Die Polizei tappt im Dunkeln, Frieda und Lola sind auf einer atemlosen Odyssee. Doch Frieda spürt, das Finale – Leben oder Tod – steht bevor. Ausgerechnet am ersten November ist es soweit.
Frieda Kleins Ex-Lebensgefährte Sandy wird ermordet in der Themse aufgefunden. An seinem Handgelenk befindet sich ein Patientenarmband mit ihrem Namen. Frieda ist tief getroffen und gerät noch dazu bald ins Visier der Polizei. Doch bevor es zur Anklage kommt, hat Frieda Klein sich abgesetzt und ermittelt auf eigene Faust ... Ein psychologischer Thriller, der Frieda in dunkle Lebenswelten führt und sie von ihrer verletzlichsten Seite zeigt.
Frieda Kleins Ex-Lebensgefährte Sandy wird ermordet in der Themse aufgefunden. An seinem Handgelenk befindet sich ein Patientenarmband mit ihrem Namen. Frieda ist tief getroffen und gerät noch dazu bald ins Visier der Polizei. Doch bevor es zur Anklage kommt, hat Frieda Klein sich abgesetzt und ermittelt auf eigene Faust ... Ein psychologischer Thriller, der Frieda in dunkle Lebenswelten führt und sie von ihrer verletzlichsten Seite zeigt.
Frieda Klein kann nach den Aufregungen der Vergangenheit endlich aufatmen, glaubt sie. Doch schon bald holt eine offene Schuld sie ein – und wider Willen wird sie in den Fall Hannah Docherty verwickelt. Diese soll im Mai 2001 ihre Familie ermordet haben. Seitdem fristet sie ihr Leben in einer psychiatrischen Klinik. Schon bald ist Frieda von Hannahs Unschuld überzeugt und setzt alles daran, den Fall neu aufzurollen. Doch sie hat noch andere Sorgen – Dean Reeve, ihr Feind, aber gleichzeitig auch obskurer Beschützer, ist anscheinend wieder aufgetaucht.
In dem gemütlichen Haus von Psychoanalytikerin Frieda Klein wird die Leiche eines Privatdetektivs gefunden. War Friedas Erzfeind und obskurer Beschützer Dean Reeve der Mörder? Dann überschlagen sich die Ereignisse: Jemand trachtet Frieda nach dem Leben, doch zuvor versucht er sie einzuschüchtern. Ihre Nichte Chloe, Freund Jack, Reuben und Josefs kleiner Sohn – sie alle werden Opfer von Anschlägen. Die Polizei tappt im Dunkeln, aber Frieda ist bald klar, dass die Verbrechen nicht Reeves Handschrift tragen. Doch wer ist der Unbekannte, der ihm nacheifert und alle bedroht, die Frieda liebt ...
Blå mandag er det første og overrumplende bind i en ny spændingsserie med psykoterapeuten Frieda Klein i hovedrollen. Hun har etableret sig med egen klinik og har en særlig evne til at hjælpe sine klienter godt videre i livet. Hun har en kæreste, og omkring hende møder vi en række gennemgående karakterer: mentoren Reuben, praktikanten Jack, ukraineren Josef, hendes brors ekskone og deres datter. Og i de første bøger også kriminalinspektør Malcolm Karlsson og hans team.En lille dreng er sporløst forsvundet, og London står på den anden ende. I 1987 forsvandt en lille pige ud af det blå og blev aldring fundet. Er det et tilfælde, at der er så mange lighedspunkter mellem de to sager trods den lange tidsafstand. Frieda Klein og kriminalinspektør Malcolm Karlsson sætter alt ind på at rede trådene ud.
Den værste tirsdag er bind to i serien om den indsigtsfulde og dygtige psykoterapeut, Frieda Klein, der har en gådefuld fortid, og som tackler sine egne traumer ved at gå lange ture, når hun ikke kan sove. Hun har en kæreste, og omkring hende møder vi en række gennemgående karakterer: mentoren Reuben, praktikanten Jack, ukraineren Josef, hendes brors ekskone og deres datter. Og ikke mindst kriminalinspektør Malcolm Karlsson og hans team.En sosu-assistent er på hjemmebesøg og opdager, at hendes klient, en kvinde med en svær mental sygdom, serverer eftermiddagste for et nøgent lig i en sofa. Der er intet, der kan afsløre den døde mands identitel, så Karlsson kontakter Frieda trods modvilje på stationen for få hende til at hjælpe med udredningen. Frieda opklarer, at liget er Robert Poole, en plattenslager af guds nåde. Men hun kan ikke ryste den tanke af sig, at fortiden ikke er færdig med hende endnu. Myrdede en eller anden Poole for at lokke Frieda ind i opklaringen? Og hvis, er Frieda så det næste offer?
Hun hører en bekymrende historie, men hun vil ikke involvere politiet. Hun vil selv finde sandheden …Den ondeste onsdag er bind tre i en hæsblæsende serie om psykoterapeuten Frieda Klein, som med en sjette sans både hjælper sine klienter og politiet. Frieda er egentlig psykiater, men har etableret sig som psykoterapeut med egen klinik. Hun har en særlig evne til at hjælpe sine klienter videre i livet. Hun har en kæreste, og omkring hende møder vi en række gennemgående karakterer: mentoren Reuben, praktikanten Jack, ukraineren Josef, hendes brors ekskone og hans datter.Det var bare en tilfældig bemærkning fra en mulig klient. Men for psykoterapeuten Frieda Klein fik den alarmklokkerne til at ringe. Ordenes betydning plager hende, og hun ved, at det er tvingende nødvendigt, at hun finder ud af mere. Jagten trækker hende ind i en sort verden fuld af unge forsvundne kvinder og med en seriemorder så udspekuleret og subtil, at politiet endnu ikke er klar over hans forbrydelser. Lidt efter lidt kommer Frieda tættere på den tavse gerningsmand, hvis faste beslutning om på af forblive usynlig modsvares af Friedas desperate kamp for at finde ham. Og forblive i live.
The first standalone psychological suspense novel from Nicci French in 10 years - a major publishing event
Nicci French's darkest most shocking thriller yet, Saturday Requiem is the stand-alone sixth instalment of the Frieda Klein series, about a young girl accused of murdering her familyThirteen years ago eighteen-year-old Hannah Docherty was arrested for the brutal murder of her family. It was an open-shut case and Hannah's been incarcerated in a secure hospital ever since. When psychotherapist Frieda Klein is asked to meet Hannah and give her assessment of her, she reluctantly agrees. What she finds horrifies her. And Frieda is haunted by the thought that Hannah might be as much of a victim as her family; that something wasn't right all those years ago.And as Hannah's case takes hold of her, Frieda soon begins to realize that she's up against someone who'll go to any lengths to protect themself.'Nicci French's sophisticated, compassionate and gripping crime novels stand head and shoulders above the competition' Sophie Hannah 'French leads the field' Sunday Express'Brilliantly crafted . . . masterly control of suspense' Daily Mirror 'Tense, frightening, gripping' Easy Living 'Dark, nerve-tingling and addictive' Daily Express
Rich in intrigue, intensity and atmosphere, Friday on my Mind is classic Nicci French - a dark, gripping and sophisticated masterclass in psychological suspense in which nothing is quite what it seems . . .When a bloated corpse is found floating in the River Thames the police can at least sure that identifying the victim will be straightforward. Around the dead man's wrist is a hospital band. On it are the words Dr F. Klein . . .But psychotherapist Frieda Klein is very much alive. And, after evidence linking her to the murder is discovered, she becomes the prime suspect.Unable to convince the police of her innocence, Frieda is forced to make a bold decision in order to piece together the terrible truth before it's too late either for her or for those she loves.Praise for Nicci French:'Nicci French's sophisticated, compassionate and gripping crime novels stand head and shoulders above the competition' Sophie Hannah 'French leads the field' Sunday Express'Brilliantly crafted . . . masterly control of suspense' Daily Mirror 'Tense, frightening, gripping' Easy Living 'Dark, nerve-tingling and addictive' Daily Express
The Safe House is a scintillating psychological thriller by the Sunday Times Top Ten bestselling author, Nicci French 'Nicci French's sophisticated, compassionate and gripping crime novels stand head and shoulders above the competition' Sophie Hannah *** You open your home and your heart to a victim. But your house is anything but safe . . . Samantha Laschen is a doctor specialising in post-traumatic stress disorder. She's moved to the coast to escape her problems and to be alone with her young daughter. But now the police want her to take in Fiona Mackenzie, a girl whose parents have been savagely murdered. Yet by allowing Fiona in, Sam is exposing herself - and her daughter - to risks she couldn't possibly have imagined . . .***Praise for Nicci French: 'French leads the field' Sunday Express 'Brilliantly crafted . . . masterly control of suspense' Daily Mirror 'Tense, frightening, gripping' Easy Living 'Dark, nerve-tingling and addictive' Daily Express'Gripping, chilling, moving' Observer
Killing Me Softly, by the acclaimed and Sunday Times bestselling author Nicci French, is a terrifying journey into the heart of obsession . . . 'Nicci French's sophisticated, compassionate and gripping crime novels stand head and shoulders above the competition' Sophie Hannah *** You have everything. But you give it up for an affair. You're in passionate love. And grave danger... Alice Loudon couldn't resist abandoning her old, safe life for a wild affair. And in Adam Tallis, a rugged mountaineer with a murky past, she finds a man who can teach her things about herself that she never even suspected. But sexual obsession has its dark side - and so does Adam. Soon both are threatening all that Alice has left. First her sanity. Then her life.*** Praise for Nicci French: 'French leads the field' Sunday Express'Brilliantly crafted . . . masterly control of suspense' Daily Mirror 'Tense, frightening, gripping' Easy Living 'Dark, nerve-tingling and addictive' Daily Express
Waiting For Wednesday by Nicci French is the thrilling third novel in the highly acclaimed Frieda Klein series.Ruth Lennox, beloved mother of three, is found by her daughter in a pool of her own blood. Who would want to murder an ordinary housewife? And why?Psychotherapist Frieda Klein finds she has an unusually personal connection with DCI Karlsson's latest case. She is no longer working with him in an official capacity, but when her niece befriends Ruth Lennox's son, Ted, she finds herself in the awkward position of confidante to both Karlsson and Ted.When it emerges that Ruth was leading a secret life, her family closes ranks and Karlsson finds he needs Frieda's help more than ever before.But Frieda is distracted. Having survived an attack on her life, she is struggling to stay in control and when a patient's chance remark rings an alarm bell, she finds herself chasing down a path that seems to lead to a serial killer who has long escaped detection. Or is it merely a symptom of her own increasingly fragile mind?Because, as Frieda knows, every step closer to a killer is one more step into a darkness from which there may be no return . . .Praise for Nicci French:'Nicci French's sophisticated, compassionate and gripping crime novels stand head and shoulders above the competition. No one understands human psychological frailty better. No one writes better about grief, love, fear or emotional damage. Not many books are as insightful as they are addictive; Nicci French's are.' Sophie Hannah'Brilliantly crafted' Daily Mirror'Full of dark psychology and tension ... nerve-tingling and addictive' Daily Express'Magnificent' Evening Standard
Thursday's Child by Nicci French is the fourth novel in the bestselling Frieda Klein series, following Blue Monday, Tuesday's Gone and Waiting for Wednesday.Two crimes, generations apart . . .Twenty years ago teenager Frieda Klein was brutally attacked in her own home. No one believed her - not the police, not her mother, not her friends. She left town, trained as a psychologist and never went back.Now an old classmate has shown up. She wants help with her daughter, who claims to have been attacked at home. An attack eerily similar to the one on Frieda. No one else believes the girl's story. Now - with a school reunion in the offing - Frieda returns to the darkness she fled. To the small town which refused to help her and which hides a terrible secret. Because someone at the reunion knows what happened.And they'll stop at nothing to prevent Frieda discovering the truth . . .Praise for the Frieda Klein series:'Nicci French's sophisticated, compassionate and gripping crime novels stand head and shoulders above the competition' Sophie Hannah'Expert in the unguessable twist, supremely skilled at ratcheting up the tension' Easy Living'French leads the field' Sunday Express'Brilliantly crafted . . . masterly control of suspense' Daily Mirror'Magnificent' Evening Standard 'A nerve-jangling and addictive read' Daily Express
Complicit is a gripping psychological thriller by the highly acclaimed and Top Ten bestselling author, Nicci FrenchWho is more deadly?An enemy? A friend?Or a lover?Bonnie Graham is in her friend's flat. She is alone, except for the dead body lying in a pool of blood. What happened? What will she do? And is any or all of it her fault?Bonnie is a music teacher who has spent a long, hot summer in London rehearsing with a band. It was supposed to be fun, but the tricky knots of the band's friendships unravel with each passing day. What was meant to be a summer of happiness, music and love turns deadly as lovers betray, passions turn homicidal and friendship itself becomes a crime.Someone in the band must be a killer. Is it Bonnie? And if not - who is it?Praise for Nicci French:'Relentlessly addictive . . . Friendship and betrayal has never been so deadly' Mirror'A gripping crime mystery, an accomplished thriller' Woman'Exerts a vice-like grip' Daily Telegraph'Reels in readers from the start' Independent
What to Do When Someone Dies is another ingenious thriller from the best-loved, bestselling author, Nicci FrenchEllie Faulkner's world has been destroyed. Her husband Greg died in a car crash - and he wasn't alone. In the passenger seat was the body of Milena Livingstone - a woman Ellie's never heard of.But Ellie refuses to leap to the obvious conclusion, despite the whispers and suspicions of those around her. Maybe it's the grief, but Ellie has to find out who this woman was - and prove Greg wasn't having an affair.And soon she is chillingly certain their deaths were no accident. Are Ellie's accusations of murder her way of avoiding the truth about her marriage? Or does an even more sinister discovery await her?Praise for Nicci French:'Relentlessly enjoyable and gripping from the first page to the last' Evening Standard'You'll be totally gripped until a very unexpected twist knocks you for six' Cosmopolitan'You'll be hooked from the first page. A compulsive page-turner' Daily Express
Until It's Over is a riveting psychological thriller from the Top Ten bestselling author, Nicci FrenchDEAD. UNLUCKY.Cycle courier Astrid Bell is bad luck - for other people. First Astrid's neighbour Peggy accidentally knocks her off her bike - and not long after is found bludgeoned to death in an alley. Then a few days later, Astrid is asked to pick up a package - only to find the client slashed to pieces in the hall of her own home.For the police it's more than coincidence. For Astrid and her six housemates it's just the beginning of a nightmare - the growing suspicion that the worst is yet to come.Because if it's true that bad luck comes in threes - who will be next to die?Praise for Nicci French:'Reads like lightning' Observer'Another nail-biting thriller' Daily Express'A taut, sexy and compulsive read' Elle'Taut and menacing . . . excellent' Guardian
Land of the Living is the intensely frightening audiobook from master thriller writers Nicci French. read by the actress Saskia Reeves. You wake in the dark, gagged and bound. A man visits you, feeds you. And tells you that he will kill you - just like all the rest. Abbie Devereaux doesnt know where she is or how she got there. Shes so terrified she can barely remember her own name - and shes sure of just one thing: that she will survive this nightmare. But even if she does make it back to the land of the living, Abbie knows that hell still be out there, looking for her. And next time, there may be no escape ...
Losing You is a nail-biter of a thriller from the bestselling author, Nicci FrenchThe clock is ticking - and the search hasn't even begun . . .Nina Landry has given up city life for the isolated community of Sandling Island, lying off the bleak east coast of England. At night the wind howls. Sometimes they are cut off by the incoming tide. For Nina though it is home. It is safe.But when Nina's teenage daughter Charlie fails to return from a sleepover on the day they're due to go on holiday, the island becomes a different place altogether. A place of secrets and suspicions. Where no one - friends, neighbours or the police - believes Nina's instinctive fear that her daughter is in terrible danger. Alone, she undergoes a frantic search for Charlie. And as day turns to night, she begins to doubt not just whether they'll leave the island for their holiday - but whether they will ever leave it again.Praise for Nicci French:'Nicci French's sophisticated, compassionate and gripping crime novels stand head and shoulders above the competition. No one understands human psychological frailty better. No one writes better about grief, love, fear or emotional damage. Not many books are as insightful as they are addictive; Nicci French's are,' Sophie Hannah 'You live through every nail-biting minute' Guardian'A brilliantly crafted new crime series' Daily Mirror 'Terrific. The writing is pacy, the jaw-dropping twists are plentiful' Short List'One of French's hardest-to-put-down novels' Sunday Express 'French is undeniably at the top of British psychological suspense writing, expert in the unguessable twist, supremely skilled at ratcheting up the tension' Observer 'A nerve-jangling and addictive read' Daily Express
***Special anniversary edition, with a new introduction by Sophie Hannah***You remember an idyllic childhood. But your memory is deceitful. And possibly deadly . . .When a skeleton is unearthed in the Martellos' garden, Jane Martello is shocked to learn it's that of her childhood friend, Natalie, who went missing twenty-five years before. Jane is encouraged by her therapist to recover what really took place when she was a child - and what happened to Natalie.But as Jane learns the truth about her past, is she putting her own future at terrible risk? "e;A perfect blend of emotional honesty and plot-related trickery"e; Sophie Hannah"e;The Memory Game was the book that made me want to write a psychological thriller"e; Laura Marshall, no.1 bestselling author of Friend Request.
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